Lick it And Slip it in

Chapter 14

Chapter 14

Layla’s pov

Arching my brow up, I asked her. “Can I help you?”

Her glare turns nastier, not that I expected anything less. Her hands go to her hips, her pink nails nearly blinding my eye.

Tiffany stiffens beside me.

“Are you that obsessed with me cousin?” She snarls, eyes flashing as she bends a little.

Her breasts nearly spilling out of her sports bra. It was clearly too small for her.

I look at her blankly, blinked and then turned my attention back to my bottle before taking another sip. I was ignoring her completely and she clearly didn’t appreciate it.

1. 1. Did. Not. Care. The. Slightest.

“You are, aren’t you, you bitch!” She screeched.

I winced by how her voice nearly pierced my eardrums. God, someone needed to put a muzzle on that girl.

Seeing that she didn’t seem to want to move her gaze away from me anytime soon, I sighed and gave her the attention she desperately needed. “What the hell are you talking about Karen?”

Her eyes narrowed and I winced inwardly by how long and creepy her fake lashes were. I’m surprised she hadn’t sweat it out from the run. Must’ve glued it pretty securely on there.

“Tyler! I’m talking about Tyler! You want everything I have you whore. You want my life, my family and now my boyfriend!” She screeched and the vein in her neck pulsed out.

Any louder and she might just manage to burst it.

I wanted to correct her and say that as of now she and Tyler were supposedly broken up, but I bit my tongue and just decided to roll my eyes.

She didn’t like that and bent lower until we were nearly at eye level. “You listen and you listen well. Stay away from my man. He’s mine got it?”

Looking at her boredly and not at all fazed by her threat, I just uttered. “Are you done now?”

Everywhere is so silent that even though I spoke lowly, it sounds pretty loud so everyone managed to hear. They were feasting on this, I could tell.

Karen’s upper lip curl into a sneer, her eyes blazing with anger and frustration. She never liked when I swept her threats to the side or ignored her jabs completely. She always loved the attention and this time it was no different.

“You’re nothing but the daughter of a crackhead. You might just turn like her if you’re not too careful.” She sneered, turning her nose up in a snobbish way.

Now those words. They drew my attention. Not only did they draw my attention but also my fury.

No one knew about my mother’s problems with drugs, no one. Except for her sister who so happens to be Karen’s mother.

Not that she’s ever come to visit my mother, not after my dad left. After that, it seems like everyone followed in his footsteps and left mom and I to fend for ourselves.

“Watch it.” I snapped, feeling fury run through my veins. I could take anything she sends at me, but not this.

My family was a sore subject for me, one I’d rather not discuss during school where they were many eyes and ears around.

I knew Karen wanted attention but surely she could see that she was going a bit too far.

” Leave her alone Karen.” Tiffany manages to murmur behind me. She didn’t like confrontation much and would rather

avoid it. I’m surprised she managed to get out a few words, which I appreciated. Karen’s narrowed eyes flick over to her and her sneer turned sour. “And who is this, your bodyguard? Looks like a damn weasel to me.” She snorts, clearly the question was directed at me.

Tiffany squirms on the bench, stiffening even more and could very well be mistaken as a pole.

Seeing her uncomfortable with the attention pushed onto her, I rise to my feet swiftly which caused Karen to take a staggering step back in surprise.

I was never taller than her, and never someone to retaliate with my fist. But she was pushing it and I was quickly getting a raving temper.

But I clenched my hands into fists at my sides, plastering them to my body as though it would help me from the sudden itch to sock her right on the nose.

I took a step forward and could see Karen’s eyes shift unsurely. She didn’t know if to take a step back or straighten her spine to pretend like she had a backbone.

I suppose she figured out what to do when she crossed her arms under her breasts and glared down at me.

Not the least bit fazed, I only leaned forward until she alone would be able to hear my whisper.

“Since you’re so quick to spit out my family’s business, you wouldn’t mind if I dare to say yours, now would you? Because Karen, you and I both know your life is anything but perfect.” I whispered coldly. Content is property © NôvelDrama.Org.

Her eyes left mine to look around the room. Her gaze wavered and she looked nervous suddenly. “Don’t tempt me.” |.. sneered lowly.

I was not an attention seeker like Karen and neither as shallow as her. I wouldn’t spew out her family secrets no matter how easily she could say mine. I wasn’t a bitch.

But I can still threaten her as easily as she tried to threaten me.

The fire in her eyes quickly diminishes, her shoulders nearly sagging as she looks at me like a deer caught in headlights.

I had never threatened her before about her family secrets no matter how nasty she had been in the past with her words. But a girl could only take so much until she finally snaps.

And that girl was me.

With a huff, Karen just snaps. “Just stay away from him.” Moving away from me, she purposely flips her bleached hair over her shoulder, the long tresses brushing against my face.

I bit into my cheek and watch her walk away, her stance now very unbothered clearly opposite to how she was a mere second ago.

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Rolling my eyes I sat back down on the bench, the noise around the room growing back loudly as there was no longer a show for them to feast their eyes on.

“Maybe we should rethink our plan” Tiffany whispered, leaning forward so her lips were near my ear.

I knew what she was referring to and I did think about it. But then Karen turns around, her lips moving as she spoke to another girl. Her eyes bore into mine with a nasty glare.

I shook my head, moving my gaze away. “No, I’m still going to go with it.”

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