King Alejandro: The Return Of Her Cold-Hearted Alpha

Chapter 81

Chapter 81

81. Together


“Please baby.” I pleaded looking at Alejandro, who was glaring at the wine-red satin pyjama bottoms I was holding out to him. “Fuck no.” He growled, reminding me of a child refusing to do what they were told. “Alejandro…” I pouted putting on my most sultry pleading face. “No is a no.” He said, turning away from me. I huffed in exaggerated annoyance, rolling my eyes. It was evening now, and we had gotten back about two hours ago after having fallen asleep near the lake after a few hours of sex. I could still feel the aftereffect on my body. My core ached and so did my ass. There was not an inch of my body that Alejandro had left untouched. We had returned and showered, then I båd arranged the trays for our family 2night with the goodies I had baked that morning whilst Alejandro had left to collect some things. I was now trying to force Alejandro to wear the matching pyjamas I had ordered. It had been Kataleya’s idea for our little movie night, and although she had initially chosen powder blue, I wasn’t sure Alejandro or Dante would even have considered them. “Don’t be silly, it was Kat’s idea.” I tried again, knowing it may have some impact. He frowned, turning back with a pair of sweatpants in his hands. ”I don’t wear fucking silk.” He growled. I tilted my head, trying not to burst into laughter at how amusing this was. He stood there in his fitted black boxers, several chains around his neck and his wet hair brushed back with one falling teasingly over his forehead glaring at the fabric of subject. I stepped closer to him, batting my . lashes. “But I really wanted to see how you look in satin… It has the ability to shape things ever so nicely…” I whispered seductively, letting my gaze fall to the front of his boxers. He raised an eyebrow. “I don’t need fucking satin to look like I have a dick, it’s pretty noticeable no matter what I wear.” He replied cockily, making me sigh. “Fine, don’t wear them then. I guess I’ll just tell Kataleya that even though we spent an hour trying to choose what colour you’d like, you still don’t want to wear them.” I said dropping the bottoms onto the drawer. It was only bottoms; the top wouldn’t have fit him anyway. It had been such a mission even finding anything that would fit him with his height, and this had been the most suitable colour. “Kia.” He growled. But I didn’t reply, simply dropping my towel

as I slipped on my lace panties with a matching black bra. I heard him mutter a swear as I bent down and slipped on my own wine-red pyjama bottoms, before putting the top on. I was about to button it up when Alejandro stepped up behind me and grabbed my breasts from behind, giving them a squeeze. “You’re fucking annoying.” He growled, kissing my neck. I tried not to sigh in pleasure as I suppressed a smile and raised an eyebrow. I pulled away and turned towards him. “How? I just said fine.” I said innocently, as I buttoned my top up, leaving the top three open which gave him a very appealing view of my breasts. “You’re playing reverse psychology and shit on me.” He growled. ST “How? I just said it’s fine, I’ll tell Kat you didn’t want to.” I replied innocently as his eyes flashed. My poor sexy, angry, hot king.

Fine, I’ll wear the fucking things.” He said glaring at the pyjama bottoms, and if his eyes could destroy things by simply looking at them, those pyjamas would have been a pile of ash by now. ! I bit back a laugh and ran my fingers down his muscled arın, “Satin or not, nothing will make you lose your masculinity, don’t worry,” I replied, kissing his shoulder since I couldn’t really reach his lips as I was barefoot. He narrowed his eyes before looking at me. “The things I fucking do for you girls.” “Everything we could ever dream of.” I whispered. “Yeah, I know what you did by playing fucking innocent and emotionally trying to blackmail me. In case you think you won this; I chose to agree.” He replied coldly as I left the room unable to hold back my laughter. “Of course, my sexy beast.”

As long as you listen, I don’t mind you thinking you won. Smiling, I looked over at the huge bed in my room. We had already arranged the trays of treats on the edge of the bed, consisting of a chocolate and fruit dipping platter, a variety of sweets, and baked goodies that included brownies, blondies, red velvet cookies, and cupcakes. On the bedside table was a selection of iced drinks. Dante was already sitting in his matching pyjamas in the centre of the bed whilst browsing through the selection of movies. Kataleya and Skyla weren’t here yet, so I decided to go get them. “Did Dad agree?” He asked, making me smile as I walked to the door.. I gave him a small nod and he smirked. “Obviously,” I whispered. “I can fucking hear you two.” Alejandro called. www. I laughed leaving the bedroom and almost knocked into Skyla, who was standing there with her hair neatly braided after her shower as she held a black

kitten with sharp green eyes. A kitten that suited her very well. 3 “Me and Malevolent are ready.” 4 She held it up to my face, showing off the silk ribbon around its neck, making me step back as the kitty hissed. Alejandro had felt bad for Skyla and apparently had chosen this kitten for her yesterday, he had gotten one of the men to collect it. Skyla had been beyond happy, although I do think she didn’t deserve it right now, but with everything going on I think we all just needed to relax and ease up a little. “Malevolent. That’s a nice name.’ I smiled. “Oh it is, she’s very evil, aren’t you my little kitty-cat?”

The kitten meowed and I stepped aside allowing the duo inside. I walked towards the girl’s room, just as Kataleya stepped out with Claire. Like always, she held her teddy in her arms. Her hair was braided as well, and she was in her matching pyjamas. I smiled at them both. “Thank you, Claire. “Nothing to thank me for, Luna. Would you like me to tuck them into bed later?” “No, I think we’re having a family sleepover today.” I said, making Kataleya’s eyes light up.

“Really, Mama?!” “Really,” I said, taking her hand and leading her back to mine and Alejandro’s bedroom. We had all just gotten comfortable on the bed as Dante glared at the kitten who was purring against Skyla’s arm. “Aww, Malevolent is such a good bad kitty …..” She cooed as Alejandro stepped out of the adjoining room, phone in hand and a frown on his face, My heart skipped a beat. He could deny it all he wanted, but he looked pretty sexy in those satin pyjama bottoms… Even that was an understatement, he looked too good his tatted body on full display with his piercings and those drool-worthy abs. I could see the black band of his designer boxers and every step he took made my attention fall to his package. Oh goddess… I could worship him day and night… My mouth felt dry and I licked my lips, swallowing hard. My core throbbed and I was about to look away when his eyes snapped to mine, making my heart thump.

‘Keep eye fucking me Amore Mio and movie night will be over faster than you can say ‘fuck me now’.’ I smiled slightly, as much as I’d love that, this movie night was something I was not going to risk. ‘Noted, my sexy beast.’ I replied with amusement as Kataleya settled next to me on the bed. “Not wanting to dig into the treats just yet?” I asked her, as the other two already were Alejandro sat down on her other side, making the bed dip slightly, planting a kiss on Kataleya’s forehead before, leaning over and kissing my lips. “So what are we watching?” He asked, leaning back against the headboard and picking up a can of Coca-Cola for himself. “This movie,” I said as Dante went back to the movie we had on pause from the start. It was a new kid’s movie and one that I was sure we would all enjoy. “A kid’s show.” Dante said dropping onto his stomach. The kitten climbed off Sky, coming toward us and making Kataleya giggle. “Daddy, I named the kitty Malevolent.” Skyla said as she helped herself to some chocolates. “That’s a weird name.” Alejandro replied as Kataleya stroked it. “It isn’t, I asked Claire to help me find a name that is similar to Maleficent.” Skyla skated. “And this one is purrrrfect!” “It is.” The movie began, we chatted and joked as we watched it. It felt good to have everything back to normal again. : “So why didn’t you ask if you had a gift? Since I got Sky the cat.” Alejandro was now saying to Kataleya, who was resting her head on his chest as she watched the movie. She looked up at him curiously. “Did Daddy get me something too?” She whispered. “Yeah… It isn’t much but I thought you’d like it.” He leaned over, taking something from the top drawer next to the bed as I watched them, smiling. He grabbed a little pale pink box and opening it took out a golden locket, making me smile, as Kataleya smiled softly. “For me?” He opened the heart pendant and held it out to her. I could see there were two tiny images already inside. “Yeah, see you get to put two pictures in it. I put us in there already, I look weird as fuck though.” He said making me smile as I watched him. She giggled taking the necklace. “No Daddy, you look very handsome.” She said, her smile fading as she looked at the other image. “This…” Enrique. “You can remove it when you want, but…. you don’t need to always carry Kiké around… I thought this shit might be better? Like when you go to school.” S. Her eyes pooled with tears, and I struggled to keep my own back as she flung her arms around Alejandro’s neck, kissing his cheek. “Thank you, Daddy.” She whispered as he wiped her tears away. I looked away, trying not to get emotional. Whether anyone wanted it or not, Enrique was someone she

wouldn’t ‘forget for a while, and until she was ready to move on we would support her in any way possible. Alejandro leaned over, pulling me into his arms too. “So not fair, how dare you have a family hug without me, Malevolent and the red-eyed cockroach!?” Sky said as she launched herself on top of Alejandro.” Oof! Daddy, you knocked the breath from me, why are you such a rock!” , “You jumped on me, remember?” He said wrapping his arm around her and kissing her cheek as Malevolent meowed, wanting to escape the family hug. “Oi roach, wanna join?” Alejandro asked Dante making Skyla cackle. Dante turned, raising an eyebrow. “Oh I didn’t realize she was talking about me, I thought Skyla meant you.” Dante said haughtily, with a small smirk. I smiled as Skyla and Alejandro frowned at him.

Come over here.” I said, holding my arm out to him. “This is so mushy.” Dante muttered, but even then he was trying to hide his shy smile “Yeah, it’s weird as shit.” Alejandro agreed despite the small smile on his own lips. “Well, we are a weird family.” Skyla said, not caring that Malevolent was clawing Alejandro’s chest. “Skyla don’t terrify the poor kitten.” I said as Dante joined the hug. Kataleya let out a small laugh, holding her necklace to her chest, along with kiké. I smiled as I hugged them tightly. My perfect family. My eyes met Alejandro’s and we smiled at one another. This was true happiness, having our children safe and happy, by our side “I love you all.” I said softly as we all moved back Love you too!” Skyla and Kataleya said in unison. 1. “Love you too, Mama.” Dante said, looking up at me before he reached over and brushed a strand of my hair back.” I’m sorry for everything you went through.” “It was not your fault.” I said softly, my heart thundering as I remembered how I had tried to stab him. There was just no way that I could ever think of doing that. “You’re still the most amazing woman ever.” Dante said. “Until your mate comes along, then you’ll be fucking running after her.”‘ Alejandro remarked. Dante frowned “If I have a mate.” He murmured, It wasn’t the first time he had said that.” I’m sure the Goddess would not leave you without one.” I said, caressing his face. He shrugged, smirking.

E’s ok either way, mates just make you do whatever they want, and men just listen like puppies.” He said slyly glancing at his dad. » IMMUNE Me and the girls started laughing as Alejandro frowned, displeased. Ooo I need mates! So, I can make them my minions! Skyla exclaimed. “Mate.” Alejandro corrected her. “No no, I need an army!” Skyla stated, making me smile at her innocence and

Alejandro’s annoyance. Dante bit into a cookie as he turned back to the tv. “So tell me what you kids want to be when you’re older.” Alejandro asked them. “Easy. An Alpha.” Skyla stated. “Yeah? What else?! ”You know, I want to be a villain and take control of the world too!” “That’s your dream, but what do you want to become? Like a doctor, a teacher… “I helped. “OH… Now I get it… Hmm, I want to be a cop! So, I can beat people up.” “That’s not what cops do…” Alejandro remarked “But I will.” It was obvious, that our wild princess hadn’t thought about her future yet. I turned to Kataleya, remembering her wanting to be a teacher. “What about you Kat?” I asked softly. She stared down at her lap before she held out the necklace to me. “Will you put it on me?” I nodded and moving her hair, slipped it around her neck. “I want to be a scientist or doctor, someone who can help all werewolves who get hurt to get better… to find a way to help them all, so they can still live completely normal lives.” She whispered, making my heart break for her.

Alejandro frowned, and I hugged her tightly. “That’s a beautiful idea.” I whispered, kissing her forehead. I held her close for a moment before Alejandro nudged Dante with his knee. “And you?” “Me? Who knows…” He said glancing back at us both. “Don’t be so fucking cryptic.” Alejandro frowned. Dante just chuckled. “I actually don’t know what I’ll be in case you think I do. You know I can’t really see my future.” “Hmm well, what do you want to be?” Alejandro asked him. “I want to be strong, so I can protect everyone. I want to be fair, so I don’t do anyone injustice.” Alejandro and I exchanged looks as Dante continued. “I want to be wise, so I can guard justice, and I want to be the best son, so my mama is proud of me.” He finished with a cocky smirk, making Alejandro narrow his eyes. “Aww I am already so proud of you, baby. ” I said, so proud of his words. “Mama’s boy.” Alejandro growled as Skyla and Kataleya laughed Jealous?” Dante taunted. “Na, just fucking know how Rayhan felt.” Alejandro muttered, making me shake my head. Dante smirked, he had told me he was taking a step back from his childish crush and how he would try to stop annoying Rayhan when it came to Delsanra at least. MINIM “So didn’t Dante and I get a present?” “Didn’t I give you anything earlier?’ Alejandro replied with a cocky smirk making me blush. “What did you give Mama?? Skyla asked. “Flowers.” I lied quickly.From NôvelDrama.Org.

Flowers?’ Alejandro remarked through the link mockingly. I poked my eyes out at him warningly, but he just smirked and gave me a wink. “I got a new scooter.” Dante smirked.” The one I wanted a few months ago.” “Perfect.” I said trying to avoid Alejandro’s gaze. The movie soon came to an end, we all got into the bed with the girls on either side of me and Alejandro next to Kataleya, with Dante on his other side. We discussed where to go for a holiday and when we would go, they were all excited and so was I. Malevolent was also asleep at the edge of the bed near Skyla’s feet. The kids soon fell asleep and Alejandro took my hand, kissing it softly as he looked at me from over Kataleya’s head full of hair. “Thank you.” He said quietly. “Hmm?” I said, closing my eyes as he çaressed my jaw. Relishing in the sparks. Thanks for fucking giving me a life I never could have imagined ever having or hoping for.” He said quietly, 1 My eyes opened and even in the dark, I could see his glowing eyes. My heart pounded as I leaned over, smiling when he cupped my face and claimed my lips in a soft kiss. ‘And thank you for being you, I am the luckiest woman to have you in my life and our kids are the luckiest to have you as their papa.” I whispered through the link as we broke apart. He kissed my forehead, his stubble prickling me slightly, and I smiled softly. My mate. “I love you.” I whispered. “Love you fucking more.” We settled back, Alejandro’s hand on my stomach as we too fell asleep with all our pups by our side..

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