Kidnapped By The Vampire Prince


He stared at me, blinking his eyes. “Wait… You believed me?”

My face flushed. “You weren’t kidding?”

“You’re a funny human,” he complimented with a grin. “You remind me of Fiona when…” He trailed off, looking uncomfortable. “I guess I found the place to start.”

“Please do,” I insisted, leaning closer to him.

“Fiona was studying to become a doctor when I met her,” he started, turning his head to look at the ceiling. “You know that, right?”

I nodded, but then realized he wasn’t looking at me and said, “yep.”

“Well the day I met her was one of those rare days off, like today, where I didn’t have to do anything dealing with royalty. Vince and I decided to leave the manor and go clubbing.”

My brows furrowed together. “Clubbing?”

A smile crossed his face. “We’re still young… in body and heart.”

“Did you hook up with Fiona at a club?” I joked, nudging him in the side.

“Not exactly.”


The smile slipped of his face. “I don’t know if you’ll believe me or not, but Vince used to get into a lot of trouble when we went out.”

“No!” I gasped sarcastically.

Solemnly, Sebastian nodded his head. “He would have got away with it too, if it wasn’t for that meddling Fiona.”


“Vince got into this really serious fight one night. It wasn’t fair to the other guy- when pairing a vampire against of a human, there’s not even the slightest chance a human can win. He nearly killed the guy. Luckily for both of them, Fiona was there to stop the bleeding.”

I nodded. “What does that have to do with you though?”

“Well, being the gentleman I am, I offered to buy the kind, young woman who saved that guy’s life a drink.”

“You erased her memory of helping the human, right?” I guessed, figuring Fiona would have told the cops if she found someone beaten half to death in an ally way.”

He smiled slyly. “Maybe.”

“I thought so.”

“Anyway, one drink turned into four and the alcohol began to takes its affect on both of us.”

I stared at him with wide eyes. “Alcohol affects vampires?”


“Don’t tell me you accidentally killed her when you were drunk…”

He shook his head. “No, no. Of course not.”


“But I did the one thing a vampire royalty is not allowed to do under any circumstance.”

I cocked my head to the side. “What’s that?”

“Sleeping with a human.”

“You slept with her?”

An embarrassed look crossed his face. “I was drunk…”

“What happened after that? Did she find out you were a vampire? How did she survive that? Oh my god! Did she get pregnant? Can humans become pregnant with a vampire baby? Oh! Did you accidentally-”

Sebastian covered my mouth with his hand. “Slow down. No she didn’t find out I was a vampire, no she didn’t get pregnant- vampires can’t get humans pregnant, and no, I didn’t accidentally kill her from panicking the morning after.”

Pulling his hand from my mouth, I looked at him in surprise. “How’d you know I was going to say that?”

“Just a feeling.”

“Well what happened then? How’d you… er, kill her?”

He grinned at my impatience. “I didn’t kill her right away. We started seeing each other.”

“You guys were involved romantically?” I questioned. That made sense. The reason why they acted so strange around each other now.

He nodded. “For about a year.”

“Were you guys… in love?”

He stayed silent for a minute. “Yes, I suppose you could say that,” he admitted quietly.

“What happened?” I asked, lowering my voice to match his.

“Somehow my family found out about us. One day everything was perfectly fine, the next day, Vince was in a shitload of trouble. Our parents made him take the blame, saying it was him who was in the relationship with the human.”

“What about Fiona?”

“This was before we changed the laws,” Sebastian warned me. “There was no law saying you couldn’t kill a human…”

My heart skipped a beat. “Don’t tell me…”

“Fiona was going to be killed because of me,” he said, confirming my thoughts. “She did absolutely nothing, but still gained a death sentence. Meanwhile Vince was banned from ever having the chance to become King- he was too troublesome. So not only did Vince hate me from that moment on, Fiona was going to die and it was all my fault.”

“What did you do?”

He smiled sadly. “The only thing I could do.”

“Kill her yourself?”

“No,” he responded, shaking his head. “I was going to runaway with her. I thought it’d be romantic- and it was the only way of keeping her safe.” He clenched his jaw.


He laughed without humor. “It was no good. I couldn’t do that to Vince.”

My eyebrows furrowed together. “To Vincent?”

“If I left, everything would be on him. My faults, the kingdom, the wrath from the family… I couldn’t put Fiona over my brother.”


He shook his head. “It was my choice. However, I didn’t want Fiona to die, so my new plan was just to tell her everything and ship her off.”

“How did that go?”

“She completely freaked. She tried running before I could tell her everything, so I tried to stop her but… Well I was panicking too. If she didn’t believe me and if she ran, she was going to be killed. No matter what I said couldn’t convince her so I did the only thing I could do to prove to her I was a vampire.”

“You sucked her blood.”

He nodded. “I was just going to drink enough to make her weak enough so she couldn’t run away, but…”

I stayed quiet, not wanting to prod him anymore. After a few moments of silence he sighed.

“Let’s just say I got carried away.”

My heart sunk. “Is that how you killed her?”

His shoulders sagged. “Yes. But I couldn’t let it end like that. I couldn’t have a death on my shoulders. It was mostly my selfishness that decided made me turn her, but the hope that maybe she could live as a normal vampire and we could be together helped too. So I changed her.” He paused for a second, a ghost of a smile on his face. “She freaked out about it for awhile. It was actually kind of funny. When she got used to the idea of being a vampire, she seemed okay with it. I think she was more happy about the fact we could be together.”

“That’s cute,” I commented, the corners of my lips turning up.

“Yeah, it was,” he agreed. “However, my father had different plans. Technically, changing humans without reason is illegal, so once again I was bringing more problems to the family. My father decided Fiona was going to become part of the family because if anyone found out she was the human I’d, or rather Vincent had been, seeing, she’d still be killed.”

I frowned. “So she became your sister?”

He laughed through his nose. “It’s strange isn’t it? Being in love with your own sister?”

“You’re in love with her again?”

“I was never out,” he admitted, shaking his head. “I don’t want to become King. I’d give anything to run away with Fiona…”

I swallowed nervously. “But you can’t.”

“No. Fiona seems to like it here enough, though. Even if there are those bastards who don’t even spare her a glance,” he added, clenching his fists.

“You said the laws were different back then,” I pointed out. “Is it legal to have a relationship with a human now?”

He shrugged. “It depends. There are plenty of vampires that do, but it’s harder when your royalty. For example, if you and I had a relationship, there would be an uproar. A turned vampire cannot rule the kingdom. You have to be pure blood.”

So there relationship would have never worked out… “I’m sorry,” I apologized, setting my eyes downcast. “That must… For lack of a better word, suck.”

He chuckled. “It does suck, but it’s life.”

“Do you think maybe one day you and Fiona can be together again…?”

Another sad smile crossed his face. “I’m afraid not.”

Instead of saying anything, I threw my arms around him and pulled him into a hug. He returned in, breathing deeply.

“I’m sorry, Sebastian,” I reiterated.

“It’d be easier if she didn’t call me Seb,” he murmured into my shoulder. “It brings back a lot of memories.”

I didn’t respond; I didn’t need to. Quiet settled in again, but this time it was a comfortable one. Sebastian eventually moved away from me, looking a lot more relaxed than before. I smiled at him and he returned it, suddenly looking embarrassed.

“That was a lot to unload…”

“Everyone needs to unload,” I told him with a laugh. “I’m glad you told me. You probably don’t care, but in my opinion, but I feel that you killed Fiona more humanely than whoever else was going to kill her would.”

He laughed again. “That’s very true.” He hesitated a moment before speaking again. “Emily, can I ask you something?”


“Since you’re a human… Would you ever agree to, as you put it, be romantically involved with a vampire?”

My mind blanked at his question. “What?”From NôvelDrama.Org.

“Like for example if Joel or Vincent fell for you…”

“I, um… I don’t know,” I responded quickly, my heart rate increasing. “Why are you asking me?”

He held up his hands. “I’m not insinuating anything. I was just wondering how Fiona might have felt at first.”

I relaxed again, scratching the back of my head. “Well I guess it wouldn’t be a horrible thing. As long as she never found out your true age.”

“That’s good to know,” he replied softly. “But hey. Let’s stop with all this depressing talk. Want to go play video games?”


“I’m probably as good at playing video games as you are.”

I grinned. “Okay, that sounds fine then.”


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