Kidnapped and Rejected The Return of Alpha’s Luna (Janet and Daran)

Chapter 232

Chapter 232

Chapter 232

Westin stood on his spot, frozen.

He didn’t look excited or happy at all. He was purely stunned.

A short moment later, astonishment was replaced by anger.

He snapped his head up and glared at the doctor, gritting, “…What?”

All the doctors and nurses were still basked in this wonderful news, and nobody noticed the strangeness of his tone, “That is right, My King! Princess Janet has been. pregnant for one month right now. In nine more months, this kingdom will have a prince or princess and you will have an heir! Congratulation!”

There was a round of applause.

Everyone cheered.

The doctor said with a big grin, “Do you want me to let the others know about this wonderful news? I bet Princess Belle and Prince Wells will be excited to know that they will be having a niece-”

“SHUT UP!!!” Westin roared abruptly.

People widened their eyes in shock and flinched at his sudden outburst.

…What was going on here?

Why didn’t the King look happy?

The woman he worked so hard to win over was now pregnant with his child. Wasn’t this the best thing in the world?

People were bewildered.

Nobody could fathom what was going on in Westin’s mind.

Westin looked around the room, a ferocious look on his face, “The news does not leave this room. Do you understand?”

“…Y–Yes,” the doctor stuttered.

“If anyone who is not here today finds out about Princess Janet’s pregnancy, I will hang the snitch’s head on a fucking flagpole. DO YOU UNDERSTAND?!”

People nodded, horrified..

Westin huffed a heavy breath, “Where is she?”

“Princess Janet is currently in the emergency room. We gave her some tranquilizers to help her with the pain. She might be asleep right now… This way.”

Westin followed the doctor and got up to a room.

Janet was lying on the bed, asleep. All her wounds had been treated. Yet her face was still very pale.

“When will she wake up?” Westin asked the doctor while still fixing his eyes upon


“Approximately 2-3 hours.”

“Leave us.”

The doctor bowed and exited the room.

Yet Westin turned and found that Clemente was still in the room.

“Why the hell are you still here?” he asked gruffly.

Clemente got down on one knee abruptly.

He raised his head and looked at Westin with excitement gleaming in his eyes, “I want to personally congratulate you again, My King!”

Westin took in a deep breath as though he was trying hard to suppress some very strong emotions, “I told you! There is no need”

“Please let me offer you my congratulations, my king, this is very important to me.” Clemente insisted, “You are like a brother to me, and I can’t tell how happy I am right now. I know that Keavy would be just as thrilled if he were here-”

Westin gritted, “Clemente look-”

“Do you think the child will look like you?” Clemente grinned, “Have you thought about the name? Shall we start preparing nursery and baby’s clothes right away-” “ENOUGH!”

Westin’s furious roar echoed in the hospital room.

Clemente was startled. He looked back at Westin uneasily, “What is wrong my king?”

“Can you just-”

Westin said through gritted teeth, clenching his fists.

-give me a few minutes along with Janet?”

“…Sorry, Of course!”

Clemente hastily turned to leave.

Before he exited the room, he murmured a few more “congratulations” to Westin.

When the door finally closed behind Clemente’s back, Westin directed his gaze upon Janet.

His face darkened.

Bending his back, he leaned close to Janet’s face and whispered into her ears, “Everyone is congratulating me, my love…But none of them know—”

The child was not his..

The love of his life was pregnant with another man’s child.

Daran’s child.

Rage and jealousy….He felt overwhelmed by those strong emotions.

He placed a trembling hand on Janet’s belly.

It had been only one month. Her belly was still flat.

He could hardly tell the child existed.

Slowly, he moved his hand to her skinny neck.

She was still unconscious at the moment. All it took was a hard snap and it would take both the lives of her and that bastard child!


Westin took in a shaky breath and dropped his hand down.

He couldn’t lose Janet.

Pregnant with another man’s child or not, she would have to remain by his side.

That was how much he craved for her….

When Janet slowly woke up from her slumber, she found herself lying on an operation desk.

The light was so bright overhead, temporarily blinding her.

She blocked the light with one hand and murmured in a hoarse voice, “What the hell…Where am I…”

“Princess Janet, you are awake!” A nurse’s face appeared in her vision, “Don’t worry. Just lie perfectly still. The operation will be over in less than an hour-

A chill was sent down Janet’s spine as she snapped, “What operation! I am not sick!”

“We are terminating your pregnancy, Princess Janet,” replied the nurse.


Janet rounded her eyes, horrified. It felt as though a bucket of ice was dumped on her head.

How the hell did they find out about her pregnancy?!

And then she remembered, before she passed out, Westin came dashing into that hidden room, calling her name.

He must have brought her to the hospital and found out about her child.

Genuine fear clouded her mind.


Janet screamed, struggling to get off the operation desk.

“You are not touching my child…No…Get away from me–FUCK OFF!”

Before her feet could touch the ground, 3 to 4 people jumped at her and dragged her back to the operation desk.

With a series of crackling noises, they started chaining her hands and legs to four corners of the desk.

Janet felt her heart was about to race out of her mouth, “Stop! STOP! Why are you doing this? I am warning you-”

“Don’t worry Princess Janet, this is the King’s order,” said one nurse in a reassuring voice. “The King said that he sensed that this child’s aura was not strong enough, so

it was better to perform the termination operation now. Rest assured that you and the King will have another baby very soon, a healthy one next time…”

BULLSHIT! Original content from NôvelDrama.Org.

Aura is not strong her ass!

Westin knew that this was Daran’s child and that was why he wanted the child gone!

That weak aura nonsense was only something he made up to fool the others!

That lying piece of shit!!!

“Where is Westin?” she cried, “Bring him here! I want to see him. NOW!”

A nurse came over with an injector in her hand, “You will see the King right after the

operation. Now I am giving you some anesthetic-”

“NO! FUCK OFF! I am doing this until I see Westin! Get his ass in here!” she screamed.

Although her hands and legs her tied up, she was still struggling with all her might, making it incredibly hard for the nurse to do her job.

“Someone help me hold her still!” the nurse gasped.

Right at this very moment, the operation room’s door flew open.

A tall figure came striding inside.

“Give us a moment,” Westin said deeply.

The nurse wiped the sweat off her forehead and exited the room with the others.

Janet propped herself up on one elbow.

Angry tears were circling in her eyes as she glared at Westin, “You heartless jerk-”

Westin let out a snort.

He placed his hand on her belly, staring down at her with icy cold eyes, “It is not my child. Why should I show it any mercy?”

“It is a human life for Christ’s sake.

“I don’t give a fuck!” he snapped, “Come on, Janet, you really think that I will let you keep that bastard child?!”

Chapter 233

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