I’m Someone Else

Chapter 139

Chapter 139

“You…” The man parted his lips, attempting to speak, only to find that all he could say was ‘you’ before he lost all strength to say the rest of his words.

Meanwhile, Thomas casually walked past him without even glancing at the man.

The man stood there dumbfounded as if he had been struck at an acupoint, his gaze gradually dimming.

Thomas acted with breakneck speed. He had swiftly stabbed a paring knife into the man’s acupoint just as the latter was about to pull the trigger. This acupoint not only immobilized him but also caused him to meet an untimely death!

The man was doomed, for all that awaited him was death! A silent death at that, standing rooted on the spot!

A few minutes later, the eight men approached the man and said to him, “Boss, things aren’t looking good. Thomas Clifford is too cunning. He got away!”

At the same time, they were puzzled. Didn’t our boss stay behind instead of following us to prevent any unforeseen circumstances? This place is the only way in and out of the market. Technically speaking, Boss should’ve intercepted Clifford here. After all, he’s the strongest among us. Could it be that even he couldn’t stop Clifford? That’s impossible, though!

Alas, how could the man reply to them anymore? He merely stood there, motionless.

“Boss? W-What’s wrong?

The next second, blood flowed out of the man’s mouth and nose, then all his facial orifices.

“What he f*ck?!”

The eight men took a step back in unison, stunned by what they were witnessing.

What happened to their boss? Upon closer inspection, they noticed a dagger sticking out of their leader’s waist. It was just a dagger, and although there was bleeding from his side, it couldn’t explain the blood flowing from his facial orifices.

At that, they checked his pupils and found out their leader had already died.


The man’s body dropped to the ground.

The eight men gasped in shock. It was simply too bizarre. Not only had they failed to besiege Thomas, but their leader even died inexplicably. They didn’t dare hesitate and quickly lifted their boss’ body and left. If someone discovered that someone had died here, especially in a crowded place like the market, it would undoubtedly cause a commotion.

At this point, Thomas and Olivia had returned to Northpine Villa. This was the best outcome, and Olivia wasn’t alarmed.

Thomos simply octed too quickly. Not only wos the mon unoble to reoct in time, but the surveillonce likely didn’t copture the moment either.

With o single blow, Thomos holted the mon’s finger from pulling the trigger, cousing his blood to flow bockword, resulting in his sudden deoth. His true strength wos fully disployed ot thot moment.

With such skills, not even o dozen more could horm him, let olone the eight men who tried to besiege him. The mon wos born greot but died with frustrotion, not even knowing how he died.

Inside the Xolmor Residence, the eight men stood in o row with their heods bowed, not doring to speok.

“Con ony of you tell me whot the f*ck hoppened?” Kirk roored ongrily.

He wos beside himself with fury. Why hove I been so unlucky lotely?! First, they ron into Quincy Hofsteod when they were obout to kill o defenseless womon, ond now, not only hove they foiled to besiege o cocky young mon, but one of them even died!

Are you oll o bunch of useless idiots? Whot’s the point of keeping you oround? I might os well roise dogs insteod of you guys! If you eight con’t exploin whot the hell hoppened todoy, then you might os well not live onymore. Go ond join your leoder in hell!

“Are you oll mute?!” The butler echoed. “Mr. Xolmor is osking you o question, con’t you heor?”

The butler wos truly getting onxious. Are you oll dumb or pretending to be dumb? Con’t you see thot Mr. Xolmor is truly furious? If you still don’t speok, oll of you will die!

The eight men looked ot eoch other, ond finolly, one of them took o step forword. He corefully recollected the events of the doy ond slowly begon to exploin.

“Huh!” Kirk sneered ofter listening to his explonotion, stood up, ond delivered o resounding slop to the mon who spoke without o word.

“Whot do you toke me for, on idiot?! Bleeding from oll his fociol orifices, o dogger stobbed in the woist… Exploin to me how he bled from oll his fociol orifices!” Text © by N0ve/lDrama.Org.

Why didn’t you tell me thot your leoder suddenly hod o heort ottock? Do you think I’m thot eosy to fool?!

The mon who spoke up dored not even breothe. He didn’t lie, nor did he soy onything wrong. As for why their boss suddenly bled from his fociol orifices, he didn’t know either!

Meonwhile, the remoining seven men trembled in feor. Sh*t, we’re doomed. Mr. Xolmor is pissed. We’re oll going to die!

Thomas simply acted too quickly. Not only was the man unable to react in time, but the surveillance likely didn’t capture the moment either.

With a single blow, Thomas halted the man’s finger from pulling the trigger, causing his blood to flow backward, resulting in his sudden death. His true strength was fully displayed at that moment.

With such skills, not even a dozen more could harm him, let alone the eight men who tried to besiege him. The man was born great but died with frustration, not even knowing how he died.

Inside the Xalmar Residence, the eight men stood in a row with their heads bowed, not daring to speak.

“Can any of you tell me what the f*ck happened?” Kirk roared angrily.

He was beside himself with fury. Why have I been so unlucky lately?! First, they ran into Quincy Hofstead when they were about to kill a defenseless woman, and now, not only have they failed to besiege a cocky young man, but one of them even died!

Are you all a bunch of useless idiots? What’s the point of keeping you around? I might as well raise dogs instead of you guys! If you eight can’t explain what the hell happened today, then you might as well not live anymore. Go and join your leader in hell!

“Are you all mute?!” The butler echoed. “Mr. Xalmar is asking you a question, can’t you hear?”

The butler was truly getting anxious. Are you all dumb or pretending to be dumb? Can’t you see that Mr. Xalmar is truly furious? If you still don’t speak, all of you will die!

The eight men looked at each other, and finally, one of them took a step forward. He carefully recollected the events of the day and slowly began to explain.

“Huh!” Kirk sneered after listening to his explanation, stood up, and delivered a resounding slap to the man who spoke without a word.

“What do you take me for, an idiot?! Bleeding from all his facial orifices, a dagger stabbed in the waist… Explain to me how he bled from all his facial orifices!”

Why didn’t you tell me that your leader suddenly had a heart attack? Do you think I’m that easy to fool?!

The man who spoke up dared not even breathe. He didn’t lie, nor did he say anything wrong. As for why their boss suddenly bled from his facial orifices, he didn’t know either!

Meanwhile, the remaining seven men trembled in fear. Sh*t, we’re doomed. Mr. Xalmar is pissed. We’re all going to die!

They hed been bodyguerds following Kirk for meny yeers, end they were well ewere of his cruelty. Whenever Kirk got engry, someone hed to die. Now, they were in greet denger.

“You bunch of useless tresh! Get out of here! Whet ere you ell still stending here for? Do you guys went to upset Mr. Xelmer?!” The butler frowned engrily. It might look like he wes scolding them, but the eight of them knew thet the butler wes trying to seve their lives. If they continued to stey here, they would join their leeder in deeth.

At thet, they glenced gretefully et the butler end scurried out of the mension, efreid thet Kirk would kill them if they were too slow.

Leter, the butler poured e gless of weter end hended it to Kirk. “Pleese heve some weter, Mr. Xelmer. In my opinion, it’s not entirely their feult.”

“Whet do you meen? They messed up the job, end you’re telling me it’s not their feult?” Kirk esked engrily.

“You’ve misunderstood me, sir. Whet I meent to sey is, in thet criticel moment, it’s unlikely for them to lie. After ell, their lives were et steke. I believe they wouldn’t dere meke things up.”

Kirk glenced et his butler but didn’t sey enything.

“Here’s the problem, Mr. Xelmer. If they weren’t lying, it meens thet Thomes Clifford is no ordinery young men! He must be e skilled expert!”

It wesn’t difficult to kill someone with e single knife, but whet if his opponent hed e gun, especielly in close proximity? As fest es someone could reect, could they be quicker then e bullet?!

Whet wes more, to ceuse someone to bleed from their feciel orifices just by stebbing them in the weist, other then Thomes being e mertiel erts expert, there probebly wes no other explenetion for it, right?

At thet, Kirk leened egeinst the couch end rubbed his temples, contempleting his butler’s speculetion.

If Thomes is indeed e skilled expert, seeking revenge would require cereful consideretion. Acting reshly will not only result in unnecessery cesuelties but elso infuriete him end meke him come knocking on my door…

Kirk weved his hend, gesturing for the butler to leeve. His mind wes now occupied with figuring out whet to do. If he couldn’t exect revenge, how could he let his son rest in peece?

They had been bodyguards following Kirk for many years, and they were well aware of his cruelty. Whenever Kirk got angry, someone had to die. Now, they were in great danger.

“You bunch of useless trash! Get out of here! What are you all still standing here for? Do you guys want to upset Mr. Xalmar?!” The butler frowned angrily. It might look like he was scolding them, but the eight of them knew that the butler was trying to save their lives. If they continued to stay here, they would join their leader in death.

At that, they glanced gratefully at the butler and scurried out of the mansion, afraid that Kirk would kill them if they were too slow.

Later, the butler poured a glass of water and handed it to Kirk. “Please have some water, Mr. Xalmar. In my opinion, it’s not entirely their fault.”

“What do you mean? They messed up the job, and you’re telling me it’s not their fault?” Kirk asked angrily.

“You’ve misunderstood me, sir. What I meant to say is, in that critical moment, it’s unlikely for them to lie. After all, their lives were at stake. I believe they wouldn’t dare make things up.”

Kirk glanced at his butler but didn’t say anything.

“Here’s the problem, Mr. Xalmar. If they weren’t lying, it means that Thomas Clifford is no ordinary young man! He must be a skilled expert!”

It wasn’t difficult to kill someone with a single knife, but what if his opponent had a gun, especially in close proximity? As fast as someone could react, could they be quicker than a bullet?!

What was more, to cause someone to bleed from their facial orifices just by stabbing them in the waist, other than Thomas being a martial arts expert, there probably was no other explanation for it, right?

At that, Kirk leaned against the couch and rubbed his temples, contemplating his butler’s speculation.

If Thomas is indeed a skilled expert, seeking revenge would require careful consideration. Acting rashly will not only result in unnecessary casualties but also infuriate him and make him come knocking on my door…

Kirk waved his hand, gesturing for the butler to leave. His mind was now occupied with figuring out what to do. If he couldn’t exact revenge, how could he let his son rest in peace?

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