Holding on to you

Chapter 66: How it all began

Killian’s P. OV

Keeping her safe has always been my number one priority, from the moment I first laid eyes on her all I wanted to do was keep her, and protect her from this f**ked up world.

I made you sure that no harm befell her even when she was unaware of my existence, and I will continue to protect her with every breath that I take. I don’t know what it is about her, but there’s just something in those big blue eyes of her that brought out my protective streak.

Flashback age 13

I watched my dad as he drowned himself in the bottle, it was his fifth bottle of malt whisky. I knew that it wouldn’t be long before he came to find me, and hiding wasn’t an option, he’d just punish me double for it. My next best bet was leaving the house before he realises that there’s no more whisky.

However, I couldn’t leave Kinsley all alone with the bastard, he’d just take his anger out on her, and I’d be damn if I let him hurt her like that!

Just as he reached for the last bottle, I decided to make my escape. Moving as quietly as possible, I dashed through the living room, making sure not to make any noise. I was just about to leave the house when a small voice stopped me.

“Where are you going, Killi?”

I quickly turned around and put my finger to my lips, signalling to Kinsley to be quiet. She nodded her head and together we both walked out of the house. When we were outside I turned to her and gave her an angry, annoyed look.

“I told you to stop f**king calling me that!”

Instead of being scared of my temper, she squared her shoulders and pushed her nose up at me. It has always been that way with us, it doesn’t matter how angry or upset I am, Kinsley never showed any fear.

“You can’t make me!”

My temper was rising, but I didn’t have time to deal with her, I had to get away before my father figure out that I’m missing. Grabbing Kinsley by the hand, I pulled her none too gently along with me, but she never complained.

We were almost out of the gate when one of the guards stopped us, “Going somewhere important, kid?”

Kinsley grabbed my hand tighter, moving behind me slightly. Hearing Mark call me kid fuelled the anger that I was desperately trying to keep at bay.

“I’m not a f**king kid, asshole, and where I go is none of your business!”

Mark didn’t even flinch, he just folded his arms and gave me a look that said, he’d kick my ass if I made one more step towards the gate.

“You are a f**king kid, you little shit for brain, and you can’t leave unless I say so, so I’m making it my business.”

I was more than ready to try and kick his ass, even though I knew that I’d lose, but it would be better than letting my dad find me. I pushed Kinsley more behind me and face off with my father’s top bodyguard.

“Hey Mark, aren’t you gonna be late for your kid’s game?”

Someone called out to him, but instead of answering them, he did something I never expected.

“If you wanna escape your father for a few hours, come watch the game with me.”

I was going to tell him to go fuck himself, but he turned on his heel and walked away. I contemplated not following him, but the moment I heard my father voice yelling my name, I grabbed my sister’s hand and practically ran after Mark.

He smirked when he saw us but never said anything else. Kinsley and I got into the back of the car, and the drive to wherever we were going was done in silence.

When Mark pulled up in front of the school, at first I was confused, but then I remember my dad saying something about him having a kid that goes to my high school.

We exited the car, never saying a word to each other. Kinsley was stuck to my side, I could tell that she was afraid of Mark, because to her, looked like a scary giant covered in tattoos.

As we got closer to the field at the back of the school, we could hear people cheering and yelling. Walking in silence, we made our way over to the bleachers and found some empty seats.

Not long after taking my seat and feeling bored out of my f**king mind, I hear a soft giggle that caught my ear. I turned to see where it came from and almost fell off of my seat.

She was beautiful, but not an extravagant beauty, she was beautiful in an extraordinary kind of way. Her mass of flowing fiery red hair was all I could look at.

One of the guys playing on the field scored a goal and she jumped up, cheering him on. I watched mesmerised, but then I started to feel envious of all those around her. I watched the easy way she smiled and talked with them, and I frowned. The simple act of her pushing her fly away hair out of her face pissed me off, I wanted to be the one to touch her hair.

Whilst everyone else was focused on the game, I was watching her, and the more I watched, the more I knew that I was going to one day make her mine… whether she liked it or not!

As the game ended, she turned and whispered something to her parents who nodded their heads. With a brilliant smile on her face, she got up and started running across the field. Her hair was flowing in the wind, she looked like an angel, so innocent and full of life. I started to smile just looking at her, but that was wiped away when a kid sitting in the bottom row stuck his foot out and tripped her.

She stumbled forward, falling and hurting herself in the process. Before I knew it, I was moving toward her. She looked at the kid who tripped her, but he just pointed at her and laughed along with his friends. I felt my blood ran cold, but I never let it showed as I bend to help her to her feet.

When I was met with the full force of her big blue eyes, I felt myself stumbled a bit, like I was knocked over by an invisible force. The smile she gave me melted my heart just a little, but the tears that she was trying her hardest not to let fall made me want to kill the f**ker who caused it. I was so angry, I felt like her tears, her smile as well as her laugh all belong to me.

She wiped a runaway tear with the back of her hand, and with her smile still in place, she continued on her way.

When I turned back around, the idiot that caused my red hair siren to cry was walking away with his friends, laughing, like he didn’t just offend me.

I checked to make sure that Kinsley was safe, which she was. She was sitting on the bleachers talking to a little girl her age, and Mark was awkwardly talking to his son.

Walking behind the stupid f**k, I watched as he waved goodbye to his friends and followed him into the restroom. He looked up when he saw and nodded, not knowing that he was about to meet his end.

With rage and anger boiling inside of me, I grabbed him by the hair and smashed his face against the wall. He looked at me confused, blood pouring down his face. I never gave him a chance to talk as I continued to hit his face against the wall when I was satisfied, I let him fall to the floor.

He was barely conscious; his eyes were almost swollen shut. I smirked, looking at him feeling my anger subside just a bit, but as I turned to walked a sad pair of blue eyes popped up in my head and my anger returned ten-fold.

Turning back to the kid that was desperately trying to get off the floor, I pushed him back down with my foot. However, because he was half in and half out of the cubical, I grabbed the door and slammed it on his feet causing him to scream.

When I walked out of there, I was almost certain that he’d never be able to use his feet again.

Mark and Kinsley were waiting for me by the car, Kinsley ran to me, grabbing hold of my hand and Mark gave me a suspicious look, glancing behind me to the restroom then back at me again. However, I ignored him and opened the door so that Kinsley could get in.

Just as I was about to get in, I saw a mass of red curls blowing in the wind, then I heard her musical laugh. She was walking with her family, laughing at something her brother said. I stood there and watched as she got into her parents’ car and drove off, all the while thinking that red is my favourite colour.

Flashback age 16

“Bro, this is f**ked up, all you ever seem to do is follow her around like some f**king derange stalker.”

I shoot Mik a look that said he should shut the f**k up! He raised his hands in surrender but still chuckled. I didn’t have time for him, today’s Red’s birthday, and she and her friends decided that going to the party of a senior was a good idea.

Looking at what she chose to wear, made me want to drag her out and lock her up in my bedroom. For three years, all I thought about when I saw her was stealing her and keeping her for myself. The things I wanted to do to her, was not anything a sixteen-year-old should be thinking about.

The little skimpy black dress showed more skin than I was comfortable with, it hugged her body, leaving nothing to the imagination, and the bold smokey eye makeup, made her look older than she was, which I guess is what she was going for.

Her blonde friend was right by her side, along with the guy that seemed to follow behind them. I watched her movement for over an hour, she laughed and talked with her friend and drank every red cup that was handed to her. I saw a few older guys looking her way when she started to dance, slowly swaying her hips to the music even though it was a fast song.

She looked so hypnotising that even I was unable to take my eyes away from her. One of the guys said something to his friend then made his way on the dance floor, over to her.

The moment his hands touched her hips, I stepped away from the wall that I was leaning against that started to move towards them. I didn’t get very far before Mik stepped into my path. I scrawled at him, but he stood his ground, folding his arms in front of him.

“Get the f**k out of my way Miquel!”

He raised a brow at my outburst, but still stayed right where he was.

“I can’t let you go over there and kill that guy just because he touched a girl that doesn’t even know you exist.”

From behind him, I could see the way he now had her body flush against his, and she was so drunk and unaware of the danger that she was in. I looked back at Mik and narrowed my eyes.

“If you don’t move, you’ll be the first one I kill.”

I knew he heard the truth in my voice, but like always he ignored me. I manage to push him out of the way and stalk over to Red and the dead f**ker. He dipped his head to kiss her on the neck, but before his lips could make contact, I ripped him away from her, flinging him to the side.

He righted himself and looked ready to fight, but when he saw that it was me, fear-filled his eyes and he bolted. I looked at him, disgusted at him wimpy behaviour.

Red was so induced by the alcohol that she wasn’t even aware that the guy was no longer touching her. Her incredible body still swayed to the music, she was like a fallen angel, tempting the devil with her luscious body.

I wanted to move away, to go back in my corner and protect her from afar like I always do, but because I was so close to her, I just couldn’t move without touching her once.

My hands found their way to her waist and I almost lost myself at how right it felt holding her. She turned in my arms, a beautiful smile on her face, but her eyes were glazed over and her pupils were dilated, she was clearly drunk.

“Hi,” she slurred, “wanna dance?”

I pulled her body flat against me, the need to take her and run surfaced and I fought really hard not to do exactly that. She wasn’t ready, what I had planned for her, she wasn’t quite ready for that yet, but I knew that someday she will be.

“No, but I really wanna kiss you.”

Her smile got even more brilliant, as she leant against me.

“Really, I’ve never been kissed before.”

Her smile was gone and in its place, was a frown, she bit the corner of her lips and looked away as if she was worried. But then her bright blue eyes were back on me again.

“Is it gonna hurt?”

I couldn’t help it, I laughed, not a forced laugh that I normally do to make people think that I’m not some f**ked up psycho, but a genuine laugh.

Sweeping the hair away from her face, I caress her face with the back of my hand. She closed her eyes and sighed, leaning into my touch.

“No, it’s not going to hurt, but it will be painful for me to pull away after I’ve kissed you.”

She blushed and reverted to biting her lips, a nervous gleam in her eyes, but after a while, she pushed her face up toward mine and got on her tiptoe.

“OK, kiss me.”

I chuckled again, I much as I wanted to claim her lips, I wanted it to be more private than in a house full of drunk idiots. So, without thinking about what I was doing, I grabbed her hand and started to lead her out of the house and to my car.

All the while she just followed in silence, never complaining or even asking where I was taking her. As we got to my car, I backed her up against it. She bit her lips again, looking around and realising that we were the only ones in the parking lot.

She started fidgeting with the hem of her dress, looking everywhere but my eyes. I tilted her chin up and forced her to look at me, that nervous gleam was back in her eyes, but I could tell that she wasn’t afraid.

Wanting to make sure that she knew I wasn’t going to hurt her, or do anything that she didn’t want, I smiled at her, easing the tension just a little.

“I’m going to kiss you now, okay?”

She nodded her head and I slowly took her lips with mine. She was still, not moving as I explore the outer parts of her mouth, but when I tugged at her bottom lips for her to open, she gave in and allow me access.

I tasted the alcohol as well her own natural flavour, which for some reason tasted like strawberry. Her hands found their way into my hair, and I deepened the kiss, groaning at how incredible it felt, how incredible she felt.

The kiss confirmed what I already knew, she was mine, my perfect match. As she began to move her lips against mine, I lost control, causing the kiss to be more forceful.

My hand found its way under her dress and into her panties, but as my fingers made contact with her, she gasped, breaking the kiss. It took all of my self-control to pull away, I knew that she wasn’t ready for me.

Slowing removing my hand from her underwear, I took a step back to put some distance between us. I knew that I wouldn’t be able to stop if I touch her again.

She gazed up at me, breathing hard. Her lips were swollen, pouted and very much red, almost the same colour as her hair. I thought that she would be upset that I took the kiss too far, but all she did was smiled.

“That was amazing, can we do it again?”

I laughed, what was it about her that made me feel happy, in all the years of my f**ked up life, just the thought of her could bring a smile to my face.

“We sure can…” I paused, “I’m gonna assume that since you’re never kissed anyone before me that you’ve never been with a guy, right?”

A deep blush was on her cheeks, but she still nodded her head. I released a breath that I didn’t even know that I was holding. Somehow, I knew that if she had said yes she has been with a guy before, I would have killed the bastard!

I took a step closer to her, looking her right in the eyes, wanting her to see my desire for her.

“I really wanna kiss you, but I’m afraid that if I do, I’ll end up f**king you.”

My hands were in her hair, “Is that what you want, Red… do you want me to f**k you?”

Her eyes were wide, and I thought she would slap me and run away but she bit her lips, considering it. After a while, she answered, “I don’t know, is it gonna hurt?”

I smiled, “Only for a little while, but then it gets much better.”

She bit her lips again, looked away as if deep in thought then her eyes were back on me again, that nervous gleam still in her eyes.

“I don’t like pain, but you wouldn’t hurt me, would you?”

She had so much trust in her eyes that I felt like a bastard because all I wanted to do was hurt her. However, instead of answering her, I took her lips again. unlocking my car, I guide us both into the backseat.

I lay her down and position myself between her thighs, my lips devoured hers, causing her to moan. I knew that I wasn’t going to have sex with her, but I couldn’t help but touch her.

My hand once again found their way into her panties, but this time, instead of pulling away, she spread her legs wider for me. I don’t know how long we stayed like that, but it wasn’t until Mik knocked on the window that I pulled away.

My fingers were still inside of her, moving slowly, circling her most sensitive spot. Her back arched, and she fisted her hands in my shirt, a look of pure ecstasy on her face, and I captured her screams with my lips, kissing her as she came down from her fifth orgasm of the night.

Her hands fell limp to her side, and she closed her eyes, a satisfied smile on her face. Mik knocked again, and I reluctantly pulled away from her. making sure that she was fully covered, I exited the car with a frown on my face.

“What the f**k do you want?!”

He ignored my bad attitude and signal to the car, “Have you gotten her out of your system, or do you need another two hours to f**k her some more?”

“I wasn’t f**king her, but even if I was it none of your business.”

He gave me a look that said he didn’t believe shit that was coming out of my mouth, but I didn’t care what the hell he believed.

“What, so for two f**king hours you’ve just been braiding each other’s hair?”

I decided that it was in his best interest that I ignored his question and find out why he was really here.

“What the f**k do you want?” I repeat my earlier question.

Catching my drift, he dropped the subject and gestured towards the house, which was now emptying out.

“Your girl’s two friends are looking for her, I suggest you deposit her in the back of the guy’s car so that when they find her they’d think that she was there along.”

Mik might be an idiot, but he did have a point, only thing was, I didn’t want to let her go. However, knowing that there was no way around it, I opened the car and found her curled up sleeping peacefully. Scooping her up in my arms, I easily located her friend’s car and waited till Mik picked the lock; then I gently placed her on the backseat, taking one of the jackets that were left on the seat to cover her up.

I stared at her for a bit before moving off. Mik followed me, he didn’t say anything or commented on my weird behaviour. We got into my car and waited until her friends came out. They saw her lying on the backseat and the worried look that was on their faces disappeared and relaxed into a relieved one.

Watching as they drove off, it felt like they took my life with them.

Flashback age 18

I hate this f**king club, but it’s the only place that I can come to get her off my mind. Jasmine saw me at the bar and sashayed her way over to me, I felt myself get hard just looking at her.

She stepped between my open legs, pressing her body against mine. Her breasts were almost spilling out of the much too small dress.

“Hey baby, you didn’t show up last night, I was waiting for you.”

She pouted, trying to look innocent, but it was lost on her. I fingered her long red hair, wishing that it was the vixen that was constantly on my mind. Her blue eyes filled with lust, and she ground her body against mine.

When I first stepped foot into the club, it was just to get myself drunk and forget about a certain redhead that tempted me with her every move. The more I saw her with that idiot of a boyfriend, the more I felt like kidnapping her and keeping her for myself.

Ever since that night of her fifteen birthday, I almost grab her on numerous occasions, but each time Mik had stepped in and stopped me. However, one day it got really bad, I watched her as she kissed that weak f**ker with lips that were only meant for me.

I watched them in the back of his truck and it pissed me off that she was letting him touch her, and she looked about ready to have sex with him. Without thinking about what I was doing, I pulled my knife from my jacket and walked over to the car, but like always, Mik chose that moment to show up and stop me. So, to blow off some steam and drink myself to death, I went to the club.

I was halfway through getting piss faced drunk when I saw Jasmine, she was working the tablets. Her body was gorgeous and the outfit just magnified it, but it was her red hair that got me, and when I finally caught her eyes I swore.From NôvelDrama.Org.

She didn’t look anything like Red, but she was close enough and it wasn’t long before I had her in the back f**king her whilst wishing that she was someone else.

“I’m here now, and Billy said it’s ok for you to take a break.”

She looked at Billy behind the bar and he nodded his head in confirmation. She turned back to me, her flirtatious smile in place, playing with the tip of my hair.

“I’ve got our usual room ready, so, let’s grab a bottle of wine and take this party upstairs.”

Her hand left my hair and travelled to my crotch, grabbing me. The move made me jerk backwards, and without wasting any more time, I grabbed the bottle of red that was already waiting on the bar then made my way to the room.

When we got to the room, I put the bottle on the bedside table then reached for her. She stepped back, waving her finger from side to side, I wasn’t in the mood for her games, so I told her just that.

“I’m just here to f**k you, Jasmine, I don’t have the patience for any of your mind games tonight.”

Her lips pouted as she tried to look said. Deciding that I’ve had enough, I turned to walk out of the room, and find my release elsewhere.

“You’re leaving?”

She sounded genuine surprised. I gave her a hard look, wanted her to see that what we have wasn’t a relationship, but just casual sex.

“I don’t have time for your shit tonight, I came here to get a certain someone out of my head, and your mind games are not helping. So, if you can’t help me, I’ll go find someone else.”

For a minute, she looked hurt, but I didn’t give a f**k. I knew that I’d have to find another outlet to get Red off my mind, soon. I didn’t want Jasmine to think what was going on between could go further than sex.

A knock on the door interrupted us and stopped Jasmine from saying whatever it was that she was going to say.

“Killer, there a petite little redhead out here asking for you, says her name is Lilly. What me to get one of the boys to handle her?”

My body stiffened and came alive at the same time, then I frowned. She wouldn’t be stupid enough to come to a place like this, where almost anything could happen to her? I walked past Jasmine who was frowning at me, I ignored her and threw the door open.

My voice held a hard edge as I spoke, “Where is she?”

Billy didn’t even flinch, he was used to me being a dick and my mood swings were nothing new to him.

“Out front, asking everyone who would listen if they know where you are.”

A twisted smile lit up his face, and he licked his lips suggestively, “Want me to bring her back here and we can all have a party?”

My hand shot out and grabbed his throat, his eyes widen and he looked confused as I threw him up against the wall. Without letting go of him, I brought my face close to him, wanting him to see the seriousness in my eyes.

“You lay a finger on her and I’ll make sure that you are unable to wipe your ass for the rest of your life, got it?”

He nodded vigorously, fearing that I’ll carry out my promise. Dropping him, I made my way back into the club. It was buzzing with drunk overgrown idiots, who left their wives or girlfriends at home to get their dick sucked by a bunch of half-naked whores.

My eyes roamed the club for the girl who has ruled my conscious and unconscious thoughts for five years. It wasn’t long before my eyes landed on her walking in a part of the club that she shouldn’t be going.

Curious to see what else she would do, I stayed in the corner and observed her, but ready to rip the hands-off any f**ker stupid enough to touch her. Every so often, she would stop and talk to someone and they would point her in a different direction than the one she’s been in.

A few of the guys were eyeballing her, but none made any move to approach her, which was their good fortune.

I felt someone next to me, and I turned to see Jasmine looking at Red. She was frowning, and a clear look of jealousy was in her eyes.

“That her, isn’t it? She’s the reason that you visited this club almost every day in eight months.”

I never answered her, instead I stepped away from the wall that I was leaning against and walked over to the bar. Just as I got there, I saw this drunk fool grab her. I was about to intervene, but then she pointed at me and he looked back, horrified. Within seconds he was gone and I standing next to her.

My eyes roamed her body and I got hard just thinking of ripping that sexy as sin little black dress off of her. She gasped, shocked at first but then decided that whatever brought her to a strip club was way more important than my wrath.

I asked her why the f**k she was in a bloody strip club, but as she answered, all I could think about was how easy it would be for me to take her, something that I’ve wanted to do for years.

It wasn’t until she asked for my help and promised to do anything to get it that I realised that maybe I could make it work in my favour. After dragging her out of the club, I tested the idea, and when she agreed I smirked to myself because little did she know, she just made a deal with the devil and the devil doesn’t play fair, he plays for keeps.

Watching her fiddle with the buttons of her dress, shaking with fear, stirred something inside of me. My body responded to her fear, and I liked it too f**king much!

After it seemed like she was never going to take the blasted thing off, I got up from the bed and did what I’ve been fantasised about doing earlier. I took pleasure in ripping the dress off of her and in the way, her eyes widen in shock.

I took a step back to assessed what was going to be mine, then without wasting any more time, I grabbed her hand and walked her into the bathroom. Tears flowed from her eyes, but instead of making me feel like a bastard, it turned me the f**k on!

I very quickly helped her out of her bra and panties then took her lips again. I knew that it was her first time, so I wasn’t going to f**k her in the shower, but I did enjoy exploring her body with my hands, and on more than one occasion, I made her cum around my fingers.

What followed the rest of the night, was a whirlwind of the best sex I’ve ever had in my life.

She looked shy and timid when we finally surfaced from the bathroom, a permanent blush stained her cheeks as she kept her eyes downcast. She took the towels I gave her without saying a word, using one to wrap around herself, and the other to dry her hair.

I took another towel and wrapped it around my waist, figuring out that my nakedness was her reason for avoiding looking at me. Making a chore of drying her hair, she took her time to make sure that nothing was left untouched.

After a while, I realised that if I let her, she’d stand there all night drying her hair. Walking over, I gently took the towel out of her hands. She bit the corner of her lips, and looked down, trying to hide her scared nervousness.

I tilted her chin up, “Are you afraid?”

She nodded her head, “Yes.”

“Tell me why.”

She tried to look away, but I wouldn’t let her, holding her face firmly, but not enough to hurt her. She chewed on her lips some more before answering.

“I don’t know, I’ve never done anything like this before… is it going to hurt?”

My lips twitched, remembering that night of her fifteenth birthday. I decided to tell her the same thing I told her that night.

“Only for a little while, but then it gets much better.”

I put my arm around her waist and pulled her close as I said it. She tried to turn her head away again, but I stopped her, forcing her to look at me. Her eyes flickered to my lips, but when I smirked, she quickly looked away, blushing a deep red. I turned her face back to mine again, but this time I wasted no time in claiming her lips.

She didn’t stiffen or try to pull away like I expected her to, instead, she moaned and parted her lips for me. Her lips moved against mine, slowly, taking her time to explore. Her apprehensiveness was cute as well as irritating, I waited five years to get her in my arms, and my patience was wearing thin.

Pulling at the towel that was still wrapped around her body, I let it fall to the ground. She tried to pull away, but I deepened the kiss and led her over to the bed. My mouth never left hers, as I laid her down and positioned myself over her. Hands, that were rested lightly on my chest, hesitantly found their way into my hair.

I broke the kiss, moving from her lips to her neck then lower. My tongue circled her nipple, her sharp intake of breath made me tug a little at it, causing her to arch her back.

She gripped my hair as I entered her slowly, and I watched the reaction on her face. Her eyes were scrunched up very tightly, while she bit her lips to the point of breaking the skin. Her hands left my hair to grab hold of the sheet, which she had a death grip on.

I moved again, slowing, taking my time with her, pausing to give her body time to adjust to the invasion. As I broke the barriers of her virginity, she cried out, nails dug into my flesh. The sound was like music to my ears, a f**king sick thing to enjoy hearing her cry, but it took everything in me not to lose control and f**k her the way I’ve wanted to for years.

She fell asleep with her long red hair spread across my chest, I gently ran my fingers through it. I was about to join her in sleep when my phone rang, I was tempted to ignore it, but I didn’t want the noise to wake her, so I answered.

“What the f**k do you want Mik, and how is that you always know to call me in the most inappropriate times?”

He chuckled, “Just left the club and heard this rather interesting story from Jasmine, apparently, you, the dumb f**k that you are, left the club dragging a very pretty petite little redhead out with you.”

I just grunted into the phone, I should have guessed that Mik would go looking for me and that Jasmine or Billy would tell him about Red.

“What are you getting at, Mik?”

“Tell me you didn’t kidnap Lilly Graham, because if you did, you have to make sure that you keep her, and kill her when you’ve finished living out your f**ked up fantasies. We can’t have you in jail if we’re going to take down your father, so letting her go alive is not an option.”

I heard the underlined message. If I wasn’t willing to take her out, he sure as hell will. I always thought that if there was anyone more f**ked up than me, it’ll be Mik. However, I’d kill him first before I let him harm one strand of perfect red hair on her beautiful head.

“I didn’t kidnap her and would you shut the f**k up, I’m trying not to wake her.”

I heard Mik swore and mumbled something about me being the death of him one day. It made me smile, Mik has stopped me from getting us both killed on multiple occasions.

“What the f**k do you mean, trying not to wake her? A few hours ago she did even know you existed, and she doesn’t look like the kind of girl that would let a guy f**k her on the first date, so, what the f**k gives?”

Red stir behind me, I was about to slip out of the bed because I didn’t want to wake her, but just as I moved she spoke.


Her voice was so soft, barely above a whisper, but I heard it and I was stunned. At first, I thought that she might be awake, but her eyes were closed, however, her hands were searching the spot that I just vacated.

This confused me, I didn’t expect her to be calling my name in her sleep or even be so attune to know that I was no longer on the bed. Deciding to test her further, I pulled further away, and to my surprise, a frown appeared on her face and she shifted closer, like if she somehow knew that I was close by.

I slipped back under the covers, and the moment her hands made contact with me, she settled down. Her frown was no longer there, and she released a deep satisfied sigh, going right back into her comfortable sleep.


“What the f**k is interesting, and why the f**k won’t you answer my question?”

I rolled my eyes, I forgot that Mik was still on the phone, and to be honest, I wasn’t in the mood to answer any of his questions.

“I’m hanging up now, Mik, I’ve got the most sexiest women in bed with me, so, I’m going to get laid for the second time tonight. Why don’t you piss off, and find a woman to fuck, instead of f**king with my head?”

I hang up before he could even get a word out, I knew that come morning, he’ll find his way over to make sure that Red is here of her own free will, and if not, to make sure that I know that my actions have consequences.

Deciding to not let it bother me, I turn to the redhead, sexy she-devil in my bed and kissed her awake. Her eyes fluttered open, she looked confused and surprised for a while, but then she started blushing a deep red… my favourite colour.

I smiled at her, which she returned then I took her lips and spend the rest of the night stating my claim on her body.

Flashback end

“You’ve been daydreaming for a while, is it about something good?”

Lilly looked up from the laptop that was taking up all of her time lately, her hair was pulled up in a bun and her glasses was perched on her nose, like a sexy school teacher.

“It’s always about something good. Now, are you about finish with your paper, cause this bed is getting pretty lonely without you in it?”

She rolled her eyes laughing, but closed her laptop and joined me in bed.

“You know, this defeats the purpose of me moving into the dorm, I won’t get the full experience if you keep coming over here and distracting me.”

I was already removing my shirt that she was wearing from her body, her bare breast greeted me, and I took one in my mouth, loving her reaction to my touch.

My lips found hers again, but right before I kiss her, she looked at me like I was her everything, and whispered three little words that I never get tired of hearing.

“I love you.”

I smiled at her, brushing the hair out of her face, “I know you do.”

A satisfied look entered her eyes and she smiled back, she knows it’s all I can offer her, and she never gets upset or demanded that I return her feelings.

She fell asleep in my arms after we were finished, I had a paper of my own to finish and I knew that if I stayed with her I’d never get it done. So, I eased myself out of bed and smiled when a cute pout and a frown appeared on her face. Using my hand, I smoothed the frown away and kissed her pouted lips, then I grabbed my stuff and left.

When I got back to my place, the place felt dead and not at all like it used to when Lilly was there. Her scent was everywhere, the little touches she made to the place just stood out more, now that she was not there.

Ignoring my feeling to go bring my girl home, I grab my bag with my books, booted up my laptop and spent the next four hours finishing my paper on Quantum Physics Theory.

My head was pounding like a bitch and I really needed a shower. As much as I love having my girl’s scent on me, I was started to smell like I was dipped in sex and left to marinate for a few days.

After my shower, I decided to call up Dave, Bentley and Sammy to see if they wanted to go down to the spot to play a game of pool. I’d much rather be with my girl, but I was trying to let her enjoy her dorm experience.

When I pull up to the spot the guys were already there, they gave me a strange look when I entered, which I didn’t understand.

“Hey bro, thought you said that it’s going to be just us?”

“I did.”

Sammy looked at Dave and Bentley, a look passed between them that just slightly annoyed me.

“So, you didn’t invite us over here, so that you can spy on your girlfriend and that guy she’s with?”

I almost laugh, because I knew that they couldn’t be talking about Lilly, she’d have to be stupid to ever cheat on me. She knows that I’d kill any guy for even looking at her too wrong.

“What the f**k are you talking about?”

Dave pointed to the far end of the room that the ten-pin valley was, and I saw her. Anger, like I’ve never known, consumed me, and I stormed over there. She saw me coming, and the smile that was on her face slipped. Her eyes narrowed, guessing my intention, she rushed towards me.

“Killian, stop, he’s your best friend.”

I moved her to the side, and punched Mik in the face, he never defended himself or, fought back. I was about to hit him again, but Lilly stopped me.

“Stop it, you’re causing a scene and everyone is looking at me like I’m some cheating whore.”

For some reason, that pissed me off more than Mik disappearing without a word. Mik and I both look around the room and frown at all the people that were looking. Dave, Bentley and Sammy were also there, standing, looking like they were sorry for me.

I ignored them and grabbed her hand, “We’re leaving, Lilly.”

She gave Mik an apologetic look, but as I turned to leave, Mik grabbed her other hand, pulling her away from me. I tried my best to contain the anger that was boiling up in me.

“I’m not going to let you take your anger out on her, I swore an oath, to protected her or forfeit my life, and that means from you as well.”

I saw nothing but fire, and I was in danger of killing my only true friend, but Lilly stepped in and calmed me like she always does.

“No one is going to hurt me. But you two need to sort whatever it is that is going on and stop causing a scene!”

A girl I’ve never seen before came sashaying over to us, she looked to me and Mik then to Lilly.

“Damn girl, I leave your ass for five minutes and already you’ve got two smoking hot guys fighting over you.”

Lilly laughed, trying her best to defuse the situation. Mik, being who he is, turned and offered the girl a brilliant smile.

“The name is Miquel, but you can call me Mik.”

The girl took the hand he offered, blushing and fanning herself when he brought it to his lips. I rolled my eyes and chuckled, he could never resist a blonde, even if it’s a black girl.

I looked at Lilly and she smiled at me, mouthing, “I love you.” To which I replied, “I know you do.”

She turned to the girl, and introduced her, “Tami, this is Mik, my brother and this is Killian, my boyfriend. Guys, this is Tami, my roommate.”

Tami’s face light up, “Do you have a girlfriend, Mik?”

He tried his hardest to keep the smile on his face, but I knew that he was thinking about Jessy, and from the look of him, I knew that he didn’t succeed in finding her.

“No, not at the moment, but I’d be willing to open up the position if you’re the one applying.”

She fanned herself again, and winked at him, “I just might be.”

“We need to talk,” I interjected.

Lilly looked worried for a second, but, I reassured her that all we were going to do was talk.

“It’s ok, baby, I promise not to kill him.”

She frowned but nodded her head. Mik hugged her and kissed her cheek, it never bothered me, the relationship he has with her because I knew that it was a brother, sister one.

“I’m leaving again in two weeks; I hope you can forgive for doing what I have to do when I find her.”

She nodded, but her eyes were very sad. I kissed her lips then walked off, leaving her with her roommate.

I did a very quick introduction, introducing Mik to Dave, Bentley and Sammy, then we excused ourselves and went outside to talk in private.

“You look like shit.”

Mik laughed, “Chasing down a feisty blonde who doesn’t want to be found can do that to you.”

I nodded my head, “I take it from your comment to Lilly that you still haven’t found her?”

He grunted out, “No, but I came very close two months ago, but it’s like she knows I’m onto her, so she keeps moving.”

I understood his need to find Jessy, but I knew that his reasons were way off. He thought that he wanted to Kill, but I knew that once he found her, they’d be no way in hell that he’d be able to.

“You’ll find her in time.”

He nodded her head again, “You heard from Kinsley?”

“No, but I know that she and Lilly talk every week, so, I know that she’s safe.”

Mik sighed, running his hand through and spoke, “Look, man, I’m sorry I left the way I did… I just… I had to find her.”

I felt very awkward, dealing with people’s emotions was not my thing, Lilly is the one who is good at that.

“Hey, you don’t need to explain your reasons to me, I’m not a woman, my feelings aren’t hurt.”

Mik chuckled, “Well, that punch back in there says differently.”

“That was for the disrespect, and hurting Lilly by never saying goodbye to her.”

Mik pushed his hands into his pocket, “Yeah, I’m sorry about that too.”

We said nothing more after that because we didn’t need to, we knew that everything was good between us and that was all that mattered.

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