Holding on to you

Chapter 59: When the law comes a knocking

“Why are you acting so jumpy?”

I stared at Jessy who was looking like any minute she was going to run. I didn’t understand what her problem was. From the moment she arrived at my place she was acting nervous, and when I asked Mik why she was acting that way, he just shrugged his shoulders and said, “She going through some stuff.”

At first, I was upset, she’s my best friend if she was “going through some stuff” I should be the one who’s there for her. However, I knew I couldn’t be mad at her for not confiding in me because I wasn’t forthcoming when I first got myself involved with Killian.

“I’m not jumpy, I just don’t like being here.”

By here, she meant my old house, the house I grew up in. After the horrible meeting with my parents, I just felt the need to visit the place where I was most happy.

After Killian and my parents sorted out all the details for taking down JD, Killian left me at home for a few days, just saying that he had a few people that he needed to see before the takedown.

On top of that, he gave me an American express centurion card and told me to used it if anything was to happen to him. I didn’t want to accept it, but he forced me to. However, I just through it in my bag and promised myself never to use it, because nothing was going to happen to him.

I somehow convinced him to take Kinsley with him wherever he was going, I could see that that made her happy and I was glad. That little break down she had that day when my parents were over, was because she thought that she was losing her brother.

For a long time, it has only been the two of them, but then I came along and his interest shifted to me completely. She just wanted to make sure that there was still a place in her brother’s life for her.

Killian decided to take Mik with him since Kinsley was tagging along, so Mik dropped Jessy off to stay with me because he didn’t want to leave her unprotected for too long, and like I said, she’s been behaving weird.

I was about to question her more but her phone rang and she excused herself to answer it. I thought that it was Mik, so it didn’t really bother me that she didn’t want me to hear. However, when mine rang just minutes after hers and I answered it, I knew that something was up with her.


“Where are you, baby?”

I calmed myself down so that I’d be able to tell the lie that I was about to tell, I needed it to be as believable as possible, cause Killian can always tell when I’m lying.

“I’m at home, are you on your way?”

If he said yes, I was surely gonna die. These just no way I’d make it back home before he got there.

“No, I’m not on my way home. Mik wants to know if Jessy is still with you.”

I frowned and looked in the direction Jessy went.

“Yes she is, does he want to talk to her?”

“No, we’ll see you guys when we get there, be safe Lilly, I’ve got to go now.”

After he hung up I went in search of Jessy, I found her standing in the kitchen whispering to someone on her phone.

“No, please, it’s just for today then I’ll do it.”

She looked up and saw me then she quickly ended the call and tried to mask her nervousness with a fake smile.

“Jessy, who was that, what’s going on?”

“No one, it’s just my parents being my parents.”

The doorbell rung which caused a relief look on her face, I wanted to ignore it and asked her to give me some answers, but the person that was ringing the door really wanted it opened.

“Aren’t you going to get that, it could be the pizza guy?”

I gave her one last look then grabbed my purse and went to answer the door. However, the person at the other end of the door wasn’t the pizza guy, but two police officers.

“Hello there, I’m officer Alans and this here is officer Jacobs, were looking for a Lilly Mae Black, do you have anyone by that name living here?”

The older officer was the one asking the questions, while the younger one just tried his best to look tough. I didn’t know why they were at my old house, or how they even found me, but I wanted to find out.

“Yes, I’m Lilly Mae Black, is there any specific reason that you’re looking for me, officer?”

He looked taken aback by my conformation, I guess he wasn’t expecting someone so young. His eyes roamed over me in a non-sexual way, taking in my high ponytail, plaid shirt, and fluffy slippers. Technically it was summer, but I’m a person who’s always cold so I tend to wear my fluffy slippers all year round.

“Ma’am, are you married to a Mr Killian Black?”

“Yes,” I answered, knowing that whatever brought the officers to my old house definitely had something to do with Killian.

“Ma’am, we’re sorry to interrupt you, but there’s been a string of killings in the downtown areas, and an eye witness put your husband at the scene of the crime.”

I almost curse, but I held myself in check, I don’t know what they expected to find out from me. But I was about to show them that the only person that could put the fear of God into me was my husband.

“That’s impossible, Killian would never be mixed up in something so terrible. Your eye witness is wrong, officer, besides Killian, has been with me all weekend.”

The older officer looked sceptical, I could see that it would take a lot of good acting to convince him that Killian was with me all weekend.

“Do you have anyone who can corroborate your claims, Mrs Black.”

I smiled sweetly at him. Prepare to be blown away Angelina Jolie, Lilly is about to take the spotlight.

“Yes of course I do, my two best friends would be more than happy to vouch for my husband’s whereabouts. We all spend the weekend here, relaxing and letting off a bit of steam.”

The younger officer, Jacobs, was eating out of my palm, but Alans was still looking like he didn’t buy my story. I gave him my best innocent look, hoping to win him over.

“Ma’am, would it be ok if we come in, possible have a chat with your husband?”

Now that caught me off guard because I had no idea where Killian was, and he sure as hell would freak if he knew that I wasn’t at home where he left me. I didn’t know what to do, so I decided my best bet was to stall them for as long as possible.

“Actually officers, my husband is resting and I wouldn’t like to wake him. If you can come back tomorrow that would be ideal.”

The words were barely out of my mouth before I felt a hand on my lower back. I tried not to be too startled but I saw that officer Alans caught on to it.

“It’s ok, Lilly, I’ll take it from here, baby.”

I turned and smiled at him, all the while wondering which part of the underworld he crawled out from?

I swallowed the lump in my throat because the look in his eyes promised punishment for disobeying his orders. I might have been scared, but I didn’t let it bother me like I used to.

I smiled sweetly at the officers and moved away from the door to let Killian deal with them. When I got back into the kitchen it was to find Jessy and Mik making out. They didn’t stop, so I walked past them and went to the fridge to grab a bottle of water.

I watched them as I drank and counted down how long it would take them to move their session to the bedroom. As if on cue, Mik broke away and grab Jessy’s hand, pulling her in the direction of the stairs. Jessy was giggling, she seemed much happier and I pushed my earlier concerns off as her just missing Mik.

A few minutes after, Killian came strolling into the kitchen with a box of pizza in his hands.

“Is everything ok with the police?”

He took his time resting the box on the counter, and I felt myself start to get nervous.NôvelDrama.Org © 2024.

“Yes, why are you not at home where I left you?”

I shifted, holding on to my bottle of water like it could somehow shield me from Killian’s wraths.

“I, um… I… it’s just that, I, um… you see, my parents… the house… um, sorry?”

Yep, that’s my explanation, I string of unintelligible words that not even the best English major could decipher. I’m so screwed.

When he took a step closer to me, I expected him to do what he would normally do in a situation like that, which is let his cruel and domineering sideshow. However, what he did was kissed me tenderly on the lips.

“F**k, baby, I’ve missed you.”

I didn’t know what to say and I didn’t want to ruin the moment, so I kept my mouth shut. He held me and started putting butterfly kisses all over my face, and before you know it, we were making out hot and heavy.

In between kisses, he asked, “Is your old room still the same?”

I nodded my head and he took my hand and start to leave the kitchen, but I stopped him.

“Wait, what about the pizza, aren’t you hungry?”

His eyes heated up and he smirked at me, “Red, the only thing I’m going to be eating tonight is you.” With that said we carried on up to my bedroom.

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