Holding on to you

Chapter 54: We’re all family here

When he got over his surprise at seeing me there, he turned to look at Killian, who for the first time in his life, looked thrown.

“Killer, what is the meaning of this, is this one of your father’s attempts to get me to enter into that preposterous deal he mentioned to me a few months ago?”

The fact that my uncle knew who Killian was and he looked like he was definitely involved in some really shady business should have come as a surprise to me, but for some weird reason it didn’t bother me as much as it should.

My uncle looked very angry, and his men must have picked up on it as well because suddenly they had their guns out, and Mik and the guys that came with them pulled out their weapons as well.

However, that seemed to anger Killian, he looked around and assessed the situation but whatever deduction he came to must not have been a good one because it was the second time I’ve ever seen fear in Killian’s eyes.

He turned to his guys, “Put the guns down now, because if one of you idiots make a mistake and fire, they will fire and in case it has slipped your mind, LILLY COULD GET HURT!”

They lowered their guys but Killian still looked weary, he turned back to address my uncle.

“Look, Big Joe, I don’t have any idea what deal you and my father discussed, and thrust me when I tell you that I’m not here on his behalf, so could you please tell your men to lower their guns before someone gets hurt unnecessarily.”

My uncle nodded his head at his men and they lowered their gun, Killian’s only show of relief was the slump in his shoulders.

“Give her back to me.”

It was then it occurred to me that I hadn’t moved from my uncle’s side. However, when I tried to my uncle stopped me.

“What the hell are you doing with my niece, and how the hell did your father find her? Lilith and Marco have been in hiding for years, so if you have her that must mean that you have the rest of my family.”

I started to shake my head, I wanted him to know that he had it all wrong but, Killian cast me a look that told me to trust no one and keep my mouth shut.

“Look, I didn’t know she was your niece, Lilly and I went to the same school together, that where we met.”

Uncle Joey snorted, “So, you’re trying to tell me that you had no idea who my niece really is?”


My uncle gave him a sceptic look, “I’m not buying it son, but let’s say for argument sake that I do believe you, now that you’ve gained this information, what do you intend to do with it?”

Killian’s eyes locked with mine and something passed between us. I don’t know what exactly it was but I just knew that he was trying to tell me something. His eyes never left me as he answered my uncle.

“Even if I wanted to, there’s nothing I can do with that knowledge now. So, if you’ve finished interrogating me, can you give her back to me now?”

Although his voice was calm and his words were spoken softly, I could tell from the twitching at his temple that he was beyond pissed off. However, my uncle wasn’t ready to hand his only niece over to the enemy.

“So, let me get this straight, you expect me to believe that now you know that she is the daughter of the people who killed your mother that you’re okay with going back to just being friends?”

Mik snorted, and said under his breath, “Friends my ass.”

But Killian never answered uncle Joey, instead, he gave me a look that begged me to understand. I was confused, what did he want me to understand? I wanted to ask him, but he turned back to face my uncle. His shoulders were squared like he was getting ready for an attack and he had an unapologetic, determined glint in his eyes.

“Lilly and I aren’t friends.”

The only other person I’ve ever seen moved with the speed my uncle did was Killian. I screamed when I saw uncle Joey pulled and gun and rest it against Killian’s head, and I tried to move in between them, but Mik took that chance to pull me to his side.

My uncle was so angry that he didn’t even notice that I wasn’t by his side anymore.

“Are you sleeping with my niece as well, Killer?”

The “as well” bit didn’t escape me, and I stopped fighting Mik and stared at Killian, waiting for him to answer, but he never did.

My uncle pressed the gun harder against his head and pull back the hammer on the gun.

“I asked you a question, son, are you f**king my niece as well?!”

Killian looked him right in the eyes and answered, “Yes.”

Mik cursed under his breath, “The dude is going to get us all killed.”

I was so confused and I didn’t know what was going on, Mik’s hold on me loosen, so I quickly moved away from him and yelled, “Would somebody please tell me what the hell is going on?!”

“Red, stay out of this, baby.”

I glared at him, “Don’t tell me what to do Killian, I deserve to know what is going on and what uncle Joey meant by as well.”

Neither my uncle nor Killian answered me as they were too caught up in their standoff, it was Mik who answered me, saying just one word.


That pissed me off, not because he somehow slept with my cousin, but because it just seems like everywhere we go their always a girl that Killian has slept with.

I grunted and threw my hands up in the air, “Unbelievable!”

I was tempted to take the gun from my uncle and shoot him myself, I started calling myself all kind of stupid, I loved him so much and I didn’t even know why anymore. While I was having an internal battle with myself, Mik stepped forward to defuse the battle going on between my uncle and my husband.

“Big Joe, how long have you known Killian? You better than anyone knows what kind of guy he is, so, trust me when I tell you that you have nothing to worry about.”

Uncle Joey wasn’t budging, so Mik tried again. “Look, I’ll prove it to you, lower your gun and just watch, and you’ll see that you have nothing to worry about.”

Uncle Joey looked like he wasn’t going to move, but after a few seconds, he lowered his gun and moved back.

“This better be good, son.”

I released the breath that I was holding and thanked Mik, but I didn’t wait for him to reply, I just ran over to Killian who pulled me to him and buried his head in my hair.

The way he was breathing me in made me forgive him for everything. I loved him, and what and who he did before I came along shouldn’t matter to me. I hugged him back with the same intenseness, but for some reason, Killian hands that he had around me were not steady, they were shaking slightly.

I pulled back from him and looked him in his eyes, “What’s wrong?” I asked curiously.

However, his answer was to kiss me, it was one of the most passionate kisses I’ve ever experienced. When he pulled back, we were both breathing hard.

“Are you ok, baby?”

I nodded my head, “Yeah, are you?”

He palmed my face and rest his head against mine, closing his eyes for a bit, he sighed then opened them again.

“Now that you’re in my arms, I am.” He sighed again, “God, Red, you’re going to be the death of me one day.”

“Well, I’ll be damn.”

We both turned to face my uncle who was looking at us like what he was witnessing was a miracle.

“I never thought I’d see the day when Killian Black would become pussy whipped, but suffice to say, I will be making a phone call to my sister to find out how the hell they let their baby girl date a Black.”

I smiled at my uncle, but it was timid, I wasn’t sure if it was a good time to tell him that Killian and I were not dating.

“Now that you’ve satisfied yourself with what’s going on in my personal life, can we get down to business, or are you withdrawing the offer?”

Uncle Joey slapped his hands on his overly large stomach, which caused it to roll in a very unattractive way.

“Now why would I do that, business is business, and any money is good money. However, before we talk shop, let me just ask what your intentions are with my niece?”Content © copyrighted by NôvelDrama.Org.

Killian sighed next to me, “From the moment I saw her I intended to marry her.”

“And is that still your intention?” My uncle pushed.

“It was the day when I married her and I intend to remain that way until death do us part. Now, is that all?”

Uncle Joey spat the drink out of his mouth that he was drinking, and just stared at us. He looked down at the rings on my fingers then back at us again.

“Well, f**k my dead mother as she rolls in her grave.”

My eyes widen and Mik starting chuckling behind me.

“Well, I guess there’s not much left to say on that matter, let get down to signing these papers and closing this deal. You know I always wanted you in the family, granted it, I wanted it to be my daughter, but my niece is just the same.”

After that whole stressful ordeal, uncle Joey and Killian talked and talked about different business ventures, then they talked about what improvements they’d like to make to club Midnight. Killian suggested that the club should be cloaked in darkness, with only neon flashing lights to illuminate it, and also there should be three separate parts to the club. A part for the strippers to put on their show, a part that is just a normal club, and a part that is reserved for more intimate parties.

Listening to Killian talk made me realised what and who he really is and that for the most part, he was not a good person. But what surprised me more, was knowing that my mother’s brother whom I knew from birth was just as bad as the guy I was in love with.

That’s when it hit me, no matter how hard my parents tried to take me and my brothers out of their life of crime, it was bound to catch us anyway.

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