Holding on to you

Chapter 13: Nothing stays hidden forever

I narrowed my eyes at him, I felt my blood start to boil. How could he say such hurtful and hateful things about my parents? It’s one thing to hurt me the way he always does, but to make my parents out to be monsters was unacceptable. I pushed at his chest, the move was unexpected so he stumbled back.

“Shut your lying mouth! How the hell can you say such evil things about my parents?! Not everybody is as hateful as your messed up family. God! I hate you, I hate you so much!!”

I was crying and pounding on his chest, I wanted him to feel the pain I was feeling, but he just stood there and took all of it. He put the gun away, pulling me into his arms. I started fighting him to let me go, but he never did, it wasn’t until I reached for his gun and pointed it at him that he let me go.

I moved away from him, backing up closer to my parents. My hands were shaking, but I was determined to get him out of my life. His face displayed shock and what I thought was hurt, but it was soon gone and in its place was cold indifference.

“Get out, Killian! Get out and leave us the hell alone or I swear to god I will shoot you.”

He took a step closer to me and I looked at him like he was insane. Did he had a death wish or something, normal people move away from the gun not towards it.

“Stop, Killian, I mean it.”

But he kept walking.

“No can do, Red, I’m not leaving this house without you. I’m never leaving you, for better or for worse, in sweetness and in hell, till death do us part. So, you’re gonna have to kill me if you want me out of your life.”

I didn’t know what to do about that, but I knew I wouldn’t shoot him. It was not who I was, I wasn’t a murder. He stepped closer to me until the muzzle of the gun was touching his chest.

He took my hand that was holding the gun and place it over his heart.

“If you’re gonna shoot me, shoot to kill because if I’m alive there’s nowhere on this earth that you can hide that I won’t find you. I will hunt you down until my very last breath, and when I find you I will make you mine again, and if you so much as let another man have what is mine I will torture him to death and enjoy doing it.”

His voice was barely above a whisper, but I felt his words to my soul. A shiver ran through my body and I lowered the gun. Taking it from me, he pulled me into his arms and I went like the coward I was.

“Now, Marco, why don’t you tell your daughter the true? Why don’t you tell her how you and your wife killed my mother? Tell her how you deprive a two-year-old of his mother, leaving him to grow up with a father who despised him for looking like his dead wife, and a whore of a stepmother who thought if she gave my father another son, he’d be inclined to leave everything to him.”

My heart broke when I heard what he said, but I still wanted him to stop his madness about my parents being murders.

“Start f**king talking or I’ll let my father know that the people who murdered the love of his life is alive and not dead as he thought.”

I was about to tell him to stop his nonsense, but my father spoke, stopping me in my tracks.

“You’re not going to do no such thing, son.”

Killian chuckled, “Oh, really, and why is that?”

My father gave him a cynical smile, shocking me and my brothers, who I saw were looking at the entire crazy scene with a confused expression.

“Because your father would come here and kill every last one of us without remorse, and that includes my daughter also…”

At the mention of that, Killian drew me closer to him. His eyes narrowed and kinda looked glazed over. The amount of hatred I saw there put me on edge because it was direct at my father.

“… and from the way you’re holding her, I know that you’d die yourself before you let your father touch her, so no son, I don’t think you’ll be telling your dad anything about us.”

What the hell was my dad saying? He couldn’t possibly be admitting to any of what Killian said?

“Dad, what are you saying?”All content is property © NôvelDrama.Org.

Liam took the thoughts right out of my head. My dad turned and smiled sadly at my brothers and I felt my whole world shifted and my heart sinking.


I said, going weak in Killian’s arms. However, he caught me and held me close.

“It was a long time ago, your father and I are not those people anymore. We’ve changed, changed for you, to give you a better life, the life we never had.”

I was shaking my head violently, I wanted them to stop saying things that were tearing my heart apart.

“What the hell, you killed people! How can you say you’ve changed?”

Max shouted as he looked at our parents like he’s never seen them before. I knew exactly how he felt.

“The is f**ked up, I can’t deal with any more of this bullshit, I’m leaving and I’m taking my brothers and my sister with me. I don’t know who you people are anymore.”

Liam was pissed and rightfully so. I could see my other brothers crying, refusing to look at our parents.

“You can do whatever the hell you want with your brothers, but Red stays with me.”

Liam looked like he was about to protest but I stopped him.

“It’s ok, Liam, I’ll be fine. You’re better off without me, Killian will find me wherever you take me and bring me back.”

He still looked like he wanted to protest, but I manage to pull away from Killian and hugged him.

“I love you, be safe and text me every day.”

He hugged me back, squeezing me.

“I love you too kiddo and don’t for a minute think that I don’t know that you were ears-dropping on our conversation with Brandon. I know why you did what you did, and I’m pissed off that you did it. We’ll discuss this later Lilly Mae Graham.”

He said it so that I was the only one who heard it. I nodded my head letting him know that I understand. I then hugged the rest of my brothers, it felt like someone took a dull knife to my heart. I didn’t want them to let me go and I knew that they didn’t want to either.

After our hugging and crying scene, Killian pulled me back into his arms. It was like he couldn’t do without touching me for more than a few minutes.

“I suggest that wherever you guys go it be far away from here, I know that your parents have kept you hidden for a long time, but just to be safe go where my father and your parents’ enemies can’t find you. Once you get there text Red, I’ll get her a secure line where her phone activities can’t be traced.”

I was surprised that he cared enough to do all of that and I could have seen that my brothers were too, but I also saw that they didn’t trust him.

“Why would you even care what happen to us, man? Like you said, our parents killed your mother, shouldn’t you want us dead just like your father?”

I was wondering the same thing, also, I wanted to know why my parents would kill his mother. God! You live with someone for years thinking you know who they are but then you find out that all of what you thought you knew was just an illusion.

“Don’t confuse what I feel for caring, I could give a f**k what happens to any of you, but Red would be devastated and no one is allowed to hurt her in any way, that pleasure is all mine.”

“What the f**k, man, are you telling me that you intend to hurt my sister?”

Liam looked ready to rip me away from Killian.

“I’m telling you that she’s mine and she’s going to stay mine for the rest of my life and I plan to live a very long life.”

The two men stared at each other for a long time, but whatever Liam saw in Killian’s eyes made him back off.

“Come on,” Liam said to my brothers, “Let’s blow this joint.”

They all headed up the stairs, to their separate room to pack their belongings. Then it was only me, Killian, Kinsley who was still standing in the corner watching with an odd expression on her face, and my parents.

“We’re leaving, Red, I suggest you take anything of importance with you now because we won’t be coming back here anytime soon.”

I nodded my head and started going up to my room to pack what little I had and to say goodbye to a room that I spent eighteen years of my life in. You go about your life every day thinking that nothing bad will ever happen to you, you never stop to consider the fact that one day you might wake up and find that your life has moved on from you. That’s exactly how I felt like my life has moved on from me, or me from it.

I was halfway up the steps when I heard Killian talking to my parents or whoever the hell those people are. I refuse to believe that they are the kind, sweet, loving people who raised me to never hurt anyone if I don’t want to be hurt in the same way.

“I’d suggest that you find someplace else to live because as angry as Red is now, she still loves you and it would kill her if anything happened to you.”

Killian’s sudden carrying attitude was a mystery to me and I intended to find out the reason behind it, I just know that whatever it was, it couldn’t be good.

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