His Witchy Mate

He Still Cares

I couldn’t help but feel puzzled by his statement. “What do you mean?” I asked, my expression surely betraying my confusion. My gaze accidentally drifted over him, and I couldn’t help but notice that he seemed particularly well-groomed today. The fact that he was shirtless only added to my internal confusion, and I felt my cheeks flush with embarrassment.

“Easy, Alicia. It’s broad daylight,” Lucian’s amused chuckle broke through my thoughts. “Go get dressed for the picnic, and I’ll do the same.”

Embarrassment flooded my cheeks, and I managed a curt nod before turning around to make my exit. As I walked away, I could sense the weight of his gaze on me, and I couldn’t help but wonder if he was deliberately enjoying my flustered state. I needed to focus and not let his presence throw me off balance.

Back in my room, I searched through my belongings to find something suitable for the occasion. I settled on a pink dress with delicate floral prints, something casual yet appropriate for a beach picnic. After getting dressed and tying my hair into a bun, I deemed myself ready and stepped out of my room.

To my surprise, three cars were already waiting, the engine humming softly, ready to transport us to the picnic destination. Lucian and Ena were already seated inside one car while Bryan was standing outside one of the cars. He smiled at me.

A faint chuckle escaped me as I approached him, struck by the thought that I, a mere palace maid, was being chauffeured around like some sort of royal procession. I could practically imagine Ena’s icy glare from there, and I sighed inwardly. The prospect of developing a camaraderie with Ena seemed increasingly unlikely.

I quickened my pace, joining Bryan inside the car. As I took my seat, the journey to wherever our beach picnic was to take place began. The others seemed comfortable in each other’s company, while I felt like an outsider trying to find my place. But as the scenery rolled by, I decided to make the most of this day. After all, despite the unusual circumstances, it wasn’t every day I got to experience a picnic with a Lycan and a mysterious man like Bryan. Who knew what kind of adventures awaited me on this unexpected outing?

The car ride came to an end as we reached the beach, and we all got off, ready to set up for the picnic. Bryan and Ena began working on putting up the tent while Lucian and I started arranging the dishes and side dishes for the meal.

“Hey, Alicia,” Bryan’s voice broke through the rhythmic sounds of setting up.

I glanced towards Lucian for a moment, my actions faltering as our eyes met. When I noticed Lucian watching us, I felt a rush of unease, but I managed to offer Bryan a smile.

“Hey,” I replied, trying to sound casual.

Bryan’s unexpected question caught me off guard, and my heart raced for a moment. “How did you and Lucian meet? You know, the whole werewolf and witches clash thing. Not that I care much, besides, I’m also a werewolf. And, well, it’s pretty obvious that I have a thing for you,” he added with a playful wink.Owned by NôvelDrama.Org.

I kept my gaze steady, allowing his words to sink in before responding. It was clear that he was attempting to tease or provoke some reaction from Lucian, though his mention of having a “thing” for me made me feel a twinge of surprise. Before I could answer, he threw another comment my way.

“Since you have a thing for me, as you said, why don’t we talk about when this crush of yours started instead of focusing on someone who’s not even here now?” I retorted, my smile sweet but challenging.

I could sense Lucian’s tension from the corner of my eye, and a mischievous thought crossed my mind. The relationship between the three of us seemed to be shifting and amusing me in unexpected ways. “This could get interesting,” I mused silently.

But then, in a surprising turn, I decided to push the boundary a bit further. Clutching my right leg with a fake expression of pain, I let out a fake cry. Bryan rushed to my side, concern etched on his face, and helped me sit down. Within moments, Lucian was by my side, pushing Bryan aside and offering his support. I noted Ena’s disdainful expression, her folded arms and scowl clearly expressing her disapproval.

“Are you hurt?” Lucian’s voice held genuine concern as he looked at me, his proximity evoking a mix of emotions in me.

For a moment, guilt tugged at me. It seemed I might have taken the prank too far. But as I gazed into Lucian’s eyes, my resolve wavered. The situation had intensified beyond my expectations, and I found myself caught in a web of tangled emotions and unexpected interactions. I couldn’t deny that there was a complexity to Lucian that I had yet to fully grasp, and my own feelings were becoming increasingly entangled in this intricate dance.

I couldn’t back down now, not with everyone’s eyes on me, expecting a continuation of the act. So, I decided to maintain the charade, even if it was getting a bit out of hand. I knew I was taking a risk, but the amusement and tension in the air were too tempting to resist.

“I felt a sharp sting. It hurt a lot,” I added, my voice carrying the note of pain as I groaned dramatically.

Ena’s snort of indifference didn’t surprise me. She was quick to dismiss my antics, her attention clearly shifting away. She retreated to the bus, leaving Bryan to look at me in awe, his eyes wide with a mix of concern and fascination.

Determined to ease the situation, I sat up and leaned onto Lucian’s arm, my expression shifting to one of relief. “I’m feeling a little better now, Lycan. I’m sure it wasn’t anything serious.”

Lucian’s visible relief mirrored the tension that seemed to be dissipating. “Just make sure to go for a check-up when we’re back at the palace,” he advised, his tone tinged with genuine concern.

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