His Sweet Little Mate

His Sweet Little Mate Chapter 158

It was a little after midnight when the storm finally hit the capital city. Lightning slashed the dark clouds as thunder shook the air, while Abby screamed and screamed all night, until she couldn't feel her throat anymore.

It didn't take long for her screams to turn hoarse, which slowly but surely became inaudible, as her body writhed in pure agony, the concoction was really potent and the girl was more than desperate for this bone crushing torment to end. She was deprived of every other sense but pain, the worst part was she feared she would crush her own stomach if she rolled over accidentally. "Alyssa..."

She rasped as she mustered what little energy was left in her as she searched for her maid through blurry eyes, only relaxing when she found the girl scrambling toward her with tears streaming down her own face. Reyna wasn't doing much better either. If anything, she looked like she was in agony watching Abby like this.

"My Queen..." Both her maids hustled to her side and their breath caught in their throats when Abby finally opened her mouth to reveal why she called them over.

"Ho-hold me do- down." Abby wasn't kidding about this, even if she felt her whole body being sliced open under the influence of herbs that strained her muscles and bones, just so this bloody labor could be induced, she wanted nothing but for her baby to be born safely.

Nothing but her baby mattered to her now.

The maids were shocked by her order, because they saw how hard it was for Abby to keep still when pain sliced through her frame.

However, it was Nadia who made that decision for them. "Hold the queen down, or it may complicate the birthing process."

The royal healer was also the first to reclaim her position by Abby's right as she clamped a vice grip around her right wrist as Efrem did the same to her other hand, leaving Alyssa and Reyna to pin her leg's down.

Even with the four of them holding her down, Abby managed to thrash around a lot, but it was still better than falling off the bed, on her heavily pregnant stomach no less.

However, her wheezing through pain wasn't the worst part of the night because, a few minutes later, Alyssa informed her that Alan had something important to let her know.Content © copyrighted by NôvelDrama.Org.

"My Queen..." Alyssa managed to reach her through the haze, but hesitated a bit later.

"Alyssa, whatever it is, just come out with it," Abby gritted out, doubting for a second if she even sounded comprehensible, she sounded coherent enough in her head. Enjoy this chapter for free and stay updated with the latest version on Job n lb.com. Don't miss out, visit it now. The pain she was breathing through was both bone crushing and mind numbing, it was a miracle she could even form full thoughts in her mind.

Probably her expression or the determination that flashed past eyes, but Alyssa started talking again, but Abby felt her vision go dark in the next moment.

"Royal Beta Alan says there has been an attack... the maid rushed out, feeling like she wouldn't be able to repeat herself even if she tried. "At the grand square, and it was the royal warriors again."

Abby wanted to curse but she didn't have enough strength, so she might as well use it on more pressing issues. "Tell him to march there with the soldiers."

She made a quick decision, she knew it was a trap. Even a blind dog could smell it from a mile away. But she couldn't let innocents die for her sake.

Not when she knew how to stop it. "Dax must go too."

She bore down from the pain and urged the two men to leave, before it was too late.

Alan didn't agree at first, he even rushed into the bedroom to deny the order. "It was not safe here. It will only leave you even more vulnerable."

"But we don't have any other choice, Alan. if you two don't go there quickly, the attack may cost us more than we bargained for." Abby was long drenched in her own sweat, still she gritted the words out. Her words left no room for debate.

Being left with no other choice, Alan could only relent. "I'll go check on the situation, you focus on the baby and yourself, Abby." Then he turned to Nadia. "Please make sure both of them make it."

The royal healer nodded solemnly, as the royal beta made his way out of the bedroom.

Once outside, Dax didn't put up much fight even though it was as clear as day he too was reluctant to follow this order. Alan could tell he had a bad feeling about this, just like him, so he could only pat the gamma's shoulder. "Let's rush over and return quickly."

"That's all we can do now." Dax agreed grimly as he quickly gathered more warriors to guard around the king's tower, before departing with Alan.

"What are you doing here?" Just as they set off, someone ran after them and it was Abby's personal guard.

They thought at least Deion would be here to guide the royal warriors, but to their surprise, Deion actually joined them before they could even reach the palace gates. "The Queen wants me to follow you."

That was all that grumpy elite warrior told them before he fell in step with them. Leaving the palace, Alan and Dax couldn't understand what she was thinking.

Of course, Abby was worried. After all, compared to the first time Arthur sent people to kill her, she was in an even more vulnerable state, just like Alan said, to protect herself, let alone her unborn baby.

However, that hateful former king managed to come up with a really good comeback. He targeted innocents, instead coming at her directly.

This was all so f****d up! But like she said, she couldn't be selfish and save herself, when people were being killed for no reason.

And there was nothing she could do apart from hoping Alan and the others would be able to make it back in time, before something really horrible happened.

It was way past midnight now, marking almost twenty hours since her contractions started, as there were barely a couple of hours before the sun hit the horizon and a new day began.

Slowly but surely, light penetrated the dark and illuminated the streets, only a bit though, because the gloomy clouds still hovering low in the sky made it impossible for them to distinguish between the daybreak and long night.

On the other hand, Abby had long started trembling both from cold and pain, as she prayed to whatever gods out there to let her baby be born safely.

"Let him be safe, let him be safe," Abby chanted, though there was no sound to her voice.

And two hours after the light hit the horizon, when it was close to the time she started having contractions yesterday, there was finally one last ear piercing scream that reverberated through the corridors in the king's tower, before the cries of a newborn baby filled the air. After nearly twenty four hours of intense labor, Abby had successfully given birth to her first child. Her child with Micah, her mate, and all kinds of emotions hit her at once.

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