His Promise: The Mafia’s Babies

Chapter 51

Chapter 51

“So where is it actually that we’re headed?” I asked Christian after he had almost dragged me in the car.“I will show you why you can’t trust anyone.” He said and tightened his grip around the steering wheel. Wgoing on seemed to be really bothering him.

All I could think of were my parents who I wanted to meet and Beau, who I had not told Christian about, to ask him about my parents— and the last thing I wanted was a lecture about how I could not trust anyBeau.

Unlike with Vince, I had seen the look in his eyes and that was not the look of a liar, but the look of a brobeen looking for his sister.

“Gio, I’m there within a few minutes.” I heard Christian speak and focused on the conversation he was haphone with his brother. Since when did those two become buddy-buddy?

“Okay, I’m already there— I’ll wait in the car.” He spoke, but it did not sound like the Gio I knew. The tonwas different, for once he sounded like an actual human being.

“I brought Serena with me, to teach her a lesson.” He said and looked over at me while I sat in silence, whad happened. “Christian, are you insane— she’s pregnant!” C0ntent © 2024 (N/ô)velDrama.Org.

It was shocking to me that Gio had even acknowledged my pregnancy, and worried for me— but I did noto focus on that, because all I could do was wonder what the hell was going on.

“Serena is a strong person, she’ll manage.” He sighed. I felt my cheeks heat up at his unexpected complito hide my blush, now was not the time to blush.

We had arrived at a large mansion, and Christian parked the car— while Gio made his way over to us. “DI asked Christian, but he shook his head. “No, I need you to come with me and see what kind of shit

you into— since you don’t ever want to listen to me and are so curious about everything.” He spoke and stepcould open the door for me.

“Come on.”

“Huh?” I asked confused, at his sudden request. “Christian, I understand where you’re coming from— buthis is such a good idea.” Gio looked at me while I didn’t know how fast to look away. Seeing him still mauncomfortable.

“Serena, come on— nothing will happen.” Christian smiled and stuck out his hand while I accepted it. “Ifsighed.

“Are you sure we shouldn’t tell dad about this?” Gio asked, but Christian shook his head. “Absolutely nothim. We will take care of this ourselves…as brothers.”

I wondered what they were talking about, but decided to keep my mouth shut and to see for myself, as CI should.

The door was opened and we walked in while Christian held my hand even tighter and led me to a roombasement. “Oh my god,” I whispered when I saw Enzo tied up in a chair and half-beaten up.

“Late to the family reunion,” Luca spoke and cleaned his bloody hands with a cloth, and was with Johnnystanding right next to him. Enzo did not have the same kind smile on his face or the energy he always hafirst time since I had known him, all I could see through his eyes was hatred.

What the hell was going on?

“Christian, you brought her here…inside?” Johnny asked and gave me a doubtful look. It was obvious thawant me here, and after seeing the state Enzo was in— I understood it very well.

“Yes, grab her a chair— matter of fact, I will grab one for all of us!” Christian laughed as if he was out of hgrabbed a folding chair for everyone. He pulled open the chairs and sat them down for us, right in front “Everyone sit, Serena come and sit!” He spoke. He didn’t seem like himself, so instead of testing him— I and sat down while I tried to look anywhere but Enzo’s face.

“This will be a nice conversation between you, me, Gio— cousin Johnny, cousin Luca— and my baby whohow you like that?” Christian plumped down on the chair.

Baby he tried to kill?

“So now that everyone is here, you can start by telling me why my own blood has betrayed me,” Christiafirst time, I looked up and was confused about what he meant.

“Why is Isobel not tied to a chair?” Enzo spoke in a dull tone. “That is because!” Christian yelled out and collar. He took a deep breath and released him.

Isobel tied to a chair?

“You are my brother…how could you?” Christian stepped back. All I wanted was for someone to tell me won. “Where’s dad? Does he care for me so little that he isn’t even here to face his son who betrayed himand looked around.

“He isn’t here because I fucking spared you!” Christian spoke back in his face. It was quiet for a second bgrinned and shrugged his shoulders. “Why would you betray me like that? Serena? The baby? Why wouldthe truth and how did you even found out?” Christian attacked him with questions.

For the first time, it was obvious to me what was going on. Enzo and Isobel were the rats. This is what Chnot trusting everyone— and this is why he wanted me to see this.

The first Lamberti who had stuck out his hand to me was the one to stab me in the back. I felt tears threamy eyes but tried to remain strong when I saw the look Johnny gave me. I didn’t need anyone’s pity, I newake-up call— I needed this.

“I went through dad files,” Enzo spoke as if it was not a big deal. “So what? You saw the truth about Sereto tell our number one enemy instead of keeping your mouth shut?” Gio who had held himself back asketime.

“For once in my life— I just wanted Christian to lose. Isn’t that also what you want? Huh? Tell him!” Enzowith pleading eyes. Gio had a conflicted look on his face and tried to ignore Christian who was also waitianswer. “Enzo, Christian is our little brother, we fought, ignored each other promised each other to neveragain— but you two are the only brothers I have and I would never betray any of you. What’s wrong wit“We’re not betraying him! We are closing an opportunity by getting rid of that baby, who cares if the bahated squirrel right!” He spoke enthusiastically. The moment he looked at me with a grin on his face I mochair and put my hand over my stomach.

He was completely twisted. This was not the Enzo I knew.

“No offense to you squirrel, you’re a really nice girl but you’re not that important!” He told me.

“Just because I don’t like her does not mean I want her dead. What the hell is wrong with you? She’s histried to talk some sense into him.

“It’s fake! It’s all fake! Come on Christian, tell him!” Enzo yelled out and tried to get up from the chair. “Wfake belly?” Luca asked while everyone ignored him.

“Not the belly, the engagement you idiot. Just shut up!” Johnny whispered. Just like Gio, also Luca did noengagement part was fake.

“So? Fake or not, that still doesn’t give you the right to betray Christian. You do know that Fabio is goingright?”

“Who cares!” Enzo yelled out and started screaming while Christian stepped back in horror. “What is livinin this family, kill me right now! Do it! Do it!” He yelled out.

I let out a gasp when I saw Christian pull out a gun and point it at his brother. So this was who he was?

Everyone including Enzo went quiet and did not move an inch, while Christian was shaking with anger.

“Isobel, she has always been insecure so I wasn’t really that surprised after all…but you?” Christian sighedever done to you for you to treat me like this!” He yelled out. I looked from Gio to Johnny, waiting for oninterfere but they didn’t.

“You exist!” Enzo yelled out. “My life, Gio’s life— it was perfect until you came along! Dad and grandpa ahave not even looked at me or Gio since the day you were born, you’re a piece of mold, a piece of shit! Istand you— I could never stand you!” Enzo yelled out while Christian cocked the gun.

I sat frozen in my seat and my mind wasn’t working. What did I get myself into? Was he really going to s

“Yes, kill me! I have been holding this back, hid everything by acting cheerful but I can’t take this any lonsuffocating me, please just kill me, if you’re going to stay alive and ruin everyone’s life like you always haEnzo yelled out and wobbled, trying to free himself from the chair.

Christian dropped the gun and lunged at Enzo before he grabbed him by his neck. “You will get over youwill forget any of this ever happened— I have not mentioned your name to dad and it will remain like thaget yourself together!” Christian spat in his face and threw back Enzo’s head.

“If you don’t want dad to get a fucking stroke because of your disgusting behavior you will forget any ofhappened!” He spoke before he turned around to grab my hand and pulled me from the chair. “Deal wittold Gio who nodded his head.

“I hate you!” Enzo yelled over and over again until we had left the basement. After living with Christian fotime I knew that it would be for the best to not talk in this situation and quietly followed him as he droveAfter we had arrived home he had stormed back inside and for the first time did not even open the doorHe was hurt, broken— and I did not know how to fix it.

Not only Isobel who he had considered his best friend had betrayed him but also Enzo who he had alwayhighly off. The same Enzo who he had called his favorite sibling meanwhile Vince did not have a choice aalso on the verge of betraying him.

All I wanted was to take away his pain, but I couldn’t.

I ran upstairs when I heard him slam his office door— and ignored Emmanuella who had asked what wascould hear were the sounds of things flying around and shattered glass, but instead of leaving, I leaned aAfter what had felt like minutes it went quiet I had gathered all of my courage and opened the door to hThe same office which had always been perfectly clean had papers and stuff all scattered over. My eyes laChristian who leaned against the wall on the floor and had tears streaming down his face.

When my eyes saw his bloody hands I did not hesitate and ran over to him with a napkin in my hands.

You will never see me cry.

Those were the words he had once spoken to me, and I had believed those words.

This was how broken he was.

I softly grabbed his hand and cleaned it for him while tears continued to stream down his face.

“You’re okay now.” I wrapped my arms around him out of instinct and had expected him to pull away, bume instead and let me comfort him. “Enzo is right, all I do is ruin people’s life.” He spoke completely em“Enzo does not know what he is talking about, meeting you and getting to know you— and the baby…arthat ever happened in my life.” I pulled him closer and let him rest his head in the crook of my neck.

“Christian, I love you.”

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