His Promise: The Mafia’s Babies

Chapter 155

Chapter 155

Chapter 155

“Beau, where’s Christian?”

I returned home with some of my belongings, but I couldn’t find him anywhere.

“He ranted about him not being able to leave the house because of me, and then he just…went to sleep.” Beau shrugged. “He said he needed to find himself some other activity before he would go crazy.”

“He must be having a hard time. That’s so sad.” I sighed. All I wanted was to see him happy again, but it seemed like that would not happen anytime soon. Enzo was gone, and not only his cousin betrayed him but also the uncle he spoke so highly of

“You’ll stay here tomorrow, right?” Beau asked, but I immediately shook my head. “No, Christian needs. me-you know how aggressive he gets when I’m not there to calm him down.”

“Serena,” Beau spoke. “I don’t want you in any danger, and I could never forgive myself if something were to happen to you—”

“It won’t!” I reassured him. I trusted Dario and expected him to do the right thing. I expected him to open the door tomorrow and help out with the vault, and he would do it because he cared for me. He would do it because there was only one way to avoid a bloodbath. We had to get Enzo and Gina out before his uncle returned.

“I’m not going to have this discussion with you because it’s impossible-but please be careful, okay?” Beau pleaded. He had other stuff to worry about, but he always felt the need to protect me. In the beginning, I thought it was cute, mainly because I never had a brother before-but it was slowly starting to get on my


“You should go back to Isobel. She’s pregnant. She also needs you.” I told Beau and grabbed his hand to lead him to the door. “I’ll take care of Christian, and you’ll take care of Isobel. Good plan, right?”

“A-are you kicking me out?” Beau asked, confused. I was glad he could take the hint. “Yes, I’ll take care of him-so you can go now, bye, bye!” I spoke as I pushed Beau out the door.

I waited until he got into the car and drove away until I made my way upstairs to look for Christian. I hadn’t been here in a long time, but it felt good to be home.

My hand carefully reached for the doorknob as I tried not to make a single sound. I walked into the bedroom and noticed it had been completely renovated, just as promised.

A smile grew on my face as I walked closer and stared at Christian, who was asleep. He must’ve been so tired and stressed, but I couldn’t see it at the moment.

“Christian!” I whispered as I sat down on the bed and brushed my fingers through his hair. “Wake up!”

Christian fumbled around and slowly opened his eyes to look at me. “Serena, you’re back?” He smiled as he sat up straight. “How is Siena?”

“Smiling as always,” I told him. “Carmen is bringing her over tomorrow.”

Other than Siena’s safety, there was nothing to worry about. She was different from the two of us.

“Good.” Christian smiled. “You must be hungry. Do you want me to make you something?” Christian offered. I would be lying if I would’ve claimed I wasn’t, but it wasn’t about me right now.

“You’re taking too long to answer. Come on, let’s go!” Christian jumped off the bed and grabbed my hand to pull me towards the kitchen. “Tell me, what do you want to eat?”

“I’m not hungry.” I giggled, but Christian wasn’t buying it and gave me an unimpressed look. “You’re always hungry. Do you want me to make you burgers? You like burgers!”

Once Christian decided on doing something, there was no stopping him. “Fine.” I nodded as I sat down on the counter. “Do whatever you want to do.”

It was clear that he didn’t want to talk about Enzo, not right now, and had forced himself to make the best out of it for today. I felt guilty because he wasn’t aware of my meeting with Dario, but I did it for him. It would make everything easier if Dario worked along tomorrow.

“Are you human? How are you going to sit on the counter where we make food?” Christian chuckled as he collected some ingredients. Judging by his comment, he was slowly turning back to the original Christian.

“You mean you, I can’t cook-remember.” I reminded him. “What can you do? You can’t even boil an egg.” Christian teased me. “It’s a good thing you met me.”

“You’re right.” I agreed. Before we were together, all I used to do was buy takeout because it was the easiest way. “I can’t cook, I can’t clean, I leave all my stuff around-I suck at folding clothes-”

“I’m okay with it,” Christian reassured me. “I’m okay with all of it-and I’ll take care of both Siena.”



“Yeah, right,” I mumbled. “You won’t even be here to take care of us in the future because you’ll be too busy.”

The look on Christian’s face had changed, and he was not even trying to deny it. He made his way over to me instead and pulled me into a tight hug. “S-suddenly?” I spoke, surprised.

“I don’t want you to think of me like that. I will never leave you again.” Christian promised. “I’ll always be here to take care of you, so please don’t say stuff like that.”

His words shocked me, and I did not know what to say, I could’ve only dreamed about hearing stuff like this in the past. “I missed you and your hugs.” I pouted as I stayed glued to him and followed him to the


“I can’t get anything if you won’t let go of me.” Christian laughed. It felt good to hear him laugh, but I knew it would only last for a while. It would only last until his mind would return to Enzo. “I don’t care,” I spoke while Christian pushed me off.

“Do you want to help me?” He asked. He probably saw it as some fun couple activity, but my skills were extremely poor, and I couldn’t even cut vegetables.

“How about you cut these?” Christian asked as he held my worst nightmare in his hands and observed the

the basic-” worried look on my face. “You know how to cut a tomato, right? Tha

“Of course I can!” I snarled back and pulled it from his hands. Christian followed me back to the kitchen. and did his own stuff while I grabbed a knife to cut the tomato. “Don’t cut your finger and be careful!” Christian babied me.

“You know, I really like doing this.” I smiled with a blush on my face. “I like doing stuff like this together, like a normal family.”

I couldn’t wait until Siena was old enough, so we could do all of this with her.

“You do?” Christian chuckled. “Do you know what would make it even better? More children running around!”

“I agree!” I spoke to his surprise. The visit to my old home and hearing about everything he had done made me change my mind. If he really wanted a big family, I was willing to give it to him. “Don’t joke around like that, don’t give me false hope.” Christian laughed.

It was rare for him to want more children, but it was also a cute thing. He really wanted to have more children and still wanted me, even after I told him that Siena would be our last. “The day Siena was born was the happiest day of my life,” Christian confessed. “And I just want to repeat that day over and over again.”

“I told myself that I wasn’t going to show any tears, and I didn’t even think it was possible, but I just couldn’t believe that she was real and that’s she’s mine,”

Whenever he spoke about Siena, he carried a proud smile on his face, and it melted my heart. I was so worried in the past, but there were no words to explain how much he loved her.

“I know,” I smiled. “It’s the same for me, and sometimes I check up on her in the middle of the night, just to make sure I’m not dreaming.”

I was so caught up in my thoughts that I hadn’t even realized I cut myself with the knife until a drop of blood fell down. “Look,” I told Christian, surprised. He dropped everything he was doing and rushed over to take care of me. “I told you to be careful!”

It was just some blood, but to him, it wasn’t, and unfortunately, he was overreacting. “This is why I have to take care of you,” Christian concluded as he put the bandaid on the top of my finger.

“I’m not a baby!” I argued with Christian, who seemed to think otherwise, and ruffled his hand through my hair. “You just sit back and look pretty, and I’ll do the cooking, okay?”

I followed Christian’s orders and stared at him while he prepared the food. Maybe cooking wasn’t cut out for me. “Do you think we still need that counselor?” Christian asked. “We look happy, don’t we?”

Yes, we looked happy, but we weren’t happy.

I didn’t want to ruin the mood, but I also didn’t want to lie to him. “We’re happy for now, but there’s still so much left to discuss,”

It was clear that both of us still struggled with the Gina situation, but neither of us opened up about it because we didn’t want to argue. We let it rest for now, but I knew that it would come back in the future and that it would only be a matter of time because neither one of us moved on.

“You’re not going to let it rest, are you?” Christian smiled as I shook my head. “No, I won’t.”

“Good,” Christian spoke. “I’m willing to do anything to make this work, so if that’s what you necessary.”

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I patiently waited for him to finish and observed the smile on his face. He hated burgers, but he knew I loved them–and that was enough for him. “What is your opinion on frozen burgers?” I teased Christian despite already knowing his opinion.

“Disgusting.” Christian cringed. “It’s extremely flat, and I bet it tastes even worse, right?” He spoke as he turned his head towards me. My cheeks flushed, and I couldn’t look him in the eye because I felt guilty. Frozen food was the only food I used to know. “But if you like it, I also like it.” Christian recovered himself. “I like everything you like.”

“Don’t just agree with everything!” I whined, but that was exactly what I wanted and what I was going for. None of this would’ve happened if I was around instead of his family, who was only good for bad influence.

“What do you like more? My homemade burgers or frozen burgers?” Christian asked as he put down a plate in front of me and sat down on the opposite side. I shrugged my shoulders and grabbed the


to take a bite out of it.

“I think you like this better. You never smack that loud when you eat that fast food crap.” Christian laughed and reached to hold my hand across the table. “I need both hands to eat,” I spoke, but he didn’t plan on letting go anytime soon.

“I love you.” He suddenly spoke. “I broke your heart so many times, but you never betrayed me-and you’re the only person I can really trust. I love you.”

“I know.” I smiled at his kind words. It was good to know he was aware that I was one of the few who worked against him. At the end of the day everyone else had selfish thoughts, but my goal was to protect Christian and Siena.

Christian let go of my hand, so I could eat and wiped my mouth every minute. “You said you’re the one taking care of two babies, but you’re the one who’s a baby.” Christian sighed.

“Speaking of babies,” I muttered. “Do you really think we can trust Luca?”

The calm expression on Christian’s face had dropped. “He was so quick to throw his dad and brother under the bus, so who am I?” Christian spoke. “I need him to save my brother, but I don’t know what to do with him afterward-” Property © of NôvelDrama.Org.

“Keep him close!” I advised Christian. “Keep your enemy close. We can’t trust him, so don’t provoke him.”

Christian listened to my words and paid good attention. “If that’s what you think I should do, then I’ll do that. I trust you.” Christian spoke. “After I succeed in saving Enzo, my uncle will flee town and

disappear. Luca would never hand him over like that and he’ll probably make up a lie-but he doesn’t need to know that I know.”

“You’re right. He doesn’t.” I spoke. The Lamberti’s would’ve disowned Luca. Even though the family was. huge, they did not carried enough brains to think about the consequences. Doing something like that would only anger him even more. “What about Franco, your dad, and all your aunt and uncles? Are you going to tell them?”

“I can’t,” Christian spoke. “I can’t tell them. “It’s clear my uncle has his own agenda, and I don’t want to interfere.”


“I understand.” I agreed. It was my opinion from the start, and I was happy Christian began to open eyes. We had more than enough time to think about what to do with Berto, but our main priority was to save Enzo and Gina.

Berto seemed like a man who had everything planned out, and us saving Enzo and Gina wasn’t part of his plan. It would only get worse if we exposed him to the family.

“You’ll be there with us tomorrow, right?” Christian asked. Even though I had already invited myself over, I was shocked by his invitation. He never asked me to come along with anything and tried to keep me away from these things.

“Of course I will,” I promised. I wasn’t going to let him go his own way anymore. Everyone knew how that worked out. “What made you change your mind?” I wondered.

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