His Promise: The Mafia’s Babies

Chapter 127

Chapter 127

Chapter 127

Serena, stay awake.

That was all I could think of throughout the entire meeting. It was all for me, so I was supposed to pay attention, but I could only think about my daughter.

I didn’t want to take a crying baby to a meeting, so I left her with my mom-but I missed her, and I was going insane. Was this how Christian felt? Was this what I had put him through?

“So what do you want, Serena?” I heard Dario’s voice in my ear. My eyes widened as I looked at everyone around the table. I was so unprofessional.

Would I be like one of those celebrities who pretended to care about charities?

Maybe school was the best option after all. I couldn’t sit still, and I could not interact with everyone. Christian knew it all along. Why was I even thinking about him?

Snap out of it. I told myself as I took a deep breath. “You’re in full control, come on-tell us what do you care about the most?” Dario chuckled while I mouthed a quick thank you.

Any other person would’ve been bothered by me, but not Dario. Behind all of that hatred for Christian, he was a nice guy who just wanted to help others. He didn’t push me around. He didn’t yell at me-he understood that it was all very new to me and offered his help. “My main goal is to start with the children in this neighborhood. I want them to be able to do whatever they want to do without having to worry about any support or money, so they don’t end up like me…” I spoke.

I wished for no one to end up like me. From a high school failure to a college dropout and it all started because of one thing, it all started because I never got the money or the opportunities to do as I pleased. Giving me away was already bad enough, but leaving me without a dime?

It didn’t matter whatever Beau said. The truth was that he never had it any worse than I did. At least Beau had a roof over his head while I had to deal with tons of family’s and worry about when they would kick me out again. He had Vince and Luis. I had no one.

Beau was so selfish.

I mentally gasped at my weird thoughts and took a breath. I was starting to sound a lot like Matteo. He was my twin brother. It was not alright to think about him that way.

“I like your idea. It’s a smart thing to use your own struggles with this sob story!” One of the men spoke while Dario immediately reached for my hand. If he thought I was planning on beating up this random man, then he was absolutely right.

My life was not a game. It was real, and so was the suffering. It wasn’t a sob story. It was all real.

I looked down at Dario’s hand and smiled at his kind gesture. I didn’t have to tell him I was pissed. He could sense it. He was good at observing others and noticed things really quickly.

“Don’t worry. This is just what those people are like.” Dario told me after the meeting was over. I thought people like them were supposed to be good people, but they weren’t. “They’re really nice if you’ll give them a chance, smart with the brains but a bit stupid with words.”

“Well, I have neither, so I’ll manage.” I sighed. The house was empty, and it was just the two of us-but it was fine by me. I wasn’t scared of him, and I didn’t felt threatened by him.

“I guess it’s time for me to leave then.” I spoke as I got up from the chair, but before I could take another step. Dario wrapped his arm around my wrist. “Please don’t. let me make you lunch.”

“Lunch”” Browned my eyebrows. I wanted to get back to Siena, but the idea of food sounded really lovely and was exactly what I needed “Yes I make the best bargers

“Then I’m staying 1 love burgers” I chuckled. Dario grabbed my hand and pulled me to the sofa. “Good Just sit down and make yourself at home”

After some time. Dario was finished and handed me a plate Christian used to make me burgers.

“This is really good!” I spoke with my mouth full “I told you I was good” Dario smiled. He leaned forward to wipe my mouth, and my mind went back to Christian. He used to do this for me all the time

Why did it feel like I was cheating? Dario and I weren’t even together but just being in his presence made me feel like a cheater “So, where did you learn this?”

Dario sighed and lowered his head. Did I ask the wrong question?

“My dad Dario spoke. “My dad taught me how to cook when I was younger.”

“Mauro taught you that?” I asked, surprised. From what I remembered, his dad didn’t really seem like a World Class chef. “Yes” Dario chuckled. “Anyway, I’m glad you like it, and if you let me. I would like to do this for you more often”

“Deal” 1 agreed. “We work together anyway, so you might as well make me even more burgers.”

Bring around Dario felt so comfortable, but there was always that little piece of me that couldn’t forget about what he had done to Christian. It was true that Christian gave him a black eye, but I was too angry to see the full truth. It was a known fact that Christian didn’t like to hurt people intentionally, so something must’ve snapped in him that day

“Can I ask you something?” I asked. “Why do you hate Christian that much?”

“W-what?” Dario stuttered “I’m sorry, it’s because you confuse me.” I clarified. It wasn’t my intention to bring down the mood, but I was curious as to why.

He probably didn’t expect me to ask that question, and neither did 1-but I wanted to get along with the both of them. “Do you think I hate Christian? What makes you say that?”

Was he serious?

“Let me think.” I played along with his game. “You told me he cheated on me with his assistant, you cringe whenever I mention him, he punched you, and you didn’t hit him back because you probably wanted to make him look bad, you told me how he feels about the Alfonzo’s, and you’re desperately trying to help


“And yet you trust me,” Dario spoke. He had a point. He was not forcing me to work with him or to be here. “Yes, and yet I trust you.”

“Serena, I’m helping you because I genuinely like you. I like your energy, and it feels nice being with you, yes I hate Christian, but that’s between him and me.”

“Well, he’s still Siena’s father, and I really like you as a friend, and I like us working together-but if you mess with him, you mess with me,” I told him: One day ago. I wouldn’t care, but now that Christian and I were friends, I did not want to see him hurt. “Are we clear?”

“Very clear.” Dario sighed. “I like the way you stick up for him. You’re amazing.”

“Yes, I know.”

“So, how are things at home?” Dario asked. The whole point of me being here was so I did not have to talk about my home situation. “Not good.” I sighed. “It sometimes feels like everyone actually hates each other. I mean, my own twin brother hates me so…”

“Is it because of the Isobel thing?” Dario asked while I nodded my head. From the video to Isobel, it seemed like the Alfonzo’s were the talk in town. The only thing Beau and I caused since we’d been here was trouble. “Yes, mainly because of that.”

“That’s sad,” Dario spoke. “I’m really sorry. If only I could help….”

“It’s my family issue, not yours-so it’s okay.” I reassured him. The situation was hopeless and definitely strained the family. Beau was so different from all of us, and he had been like that from the beginning. He didn’t want to have dinner with us. He didn’t want to go anywhere with us-he did not interact with our siblings, which made me feel bad. “Sometimes, I think my brother is only holding on for me. He didn’t even hurt Christian because I asked him to. I don’t want to be happy if Beau is not happy Text © owned by NôvelDrama.Org.

“What do you mean?” Dario asked, startled. “Is he depressed?”

“I obviously can’t diagnose anyone,” I spoke. “But as I told you at the hospital, the only time he smiled wast when he was with Isobel. He doesn’t even smile like that with me, and I don’t want my family to take away that happiness.”

“I had no idea.” Dario sighed. “Serena, I am so sorry-

“I told you it’s okay, you can’t do anything about it, and it’s not your fault,” I spoke. “But still, you must be having a hard time, and I don’t like that. I like you better when you smile.”

“I am smiling.” I sighed. There was nothing for me to smile about, but I didn’t want to ruin everyone’s day with my personal issues. “I should go. I really miss Siena.”

“Of course, you should bring her the next time-I don’t mind having her around,” Dario smiled. That was really nice of him, but no one was waiting for a loud baby and a poopy diaper.

“Can I give you a hug?” Dario asked and opened his arms. “Sure, why not.” I smiled as I pulled him in a friendly hug. There was nothing. No flushed cheeks, no beating heart-nothing. That was good, right?

“I’ll text you,” Dario greeted me before I left. I couldn’t wait to get back home, and all I wanted was to hold. my daughter. I still couldn’t believe that I tried to remove that happiness from Christian only because he hurt me. That was stupid and immature from my side.

I was so desperate for a family, and now that I had one, it was not as I expected. This was not what I wanted for Siena, so I was determined to make it work.

“Siena!” I called out as I entered the house. She couldn’t talk yet, she couldn’t even crawl-she couldn’t really do much, but I was okay with it. Holding her in my arms and being able to give her love was more than enough.

I heard loud giggles in the kitchen and immediately made my way over. “Mom, what’s so funny? Why is she laughing?” I asked. The word, mom, used to be so bothersome.

“Carmen?” I laughed, surprised. “Are you the reason why she’s laughing?”

It was still amazing how Carmen and I ended up getting along, while my other brothers’ bond was the complete opposite. It turned out she was the most normal sibling out of all of us.

“I’m really-good with babies. I also didn’t know, but since I’m your new babysitter…”

“I’m so sorry.” I pouted. Sometimes I felt guilty for letting my mom and Carmen watch Siena, and I didn’t even want to ask because I didn’t want to be a bad mom. I couldn’t even take her to a meeting because I was afraid of what might happen, while Christian used to take her everywhere.

“Don’t worry, Siena, tomorrow you’re coming with me.” I smiled as I picked her up. “Where are you going tomorrow?” My mom asked while Carmen gave me a teasing look.

She knew where I was going, but my mom didn’t, and I was not a very good liar. “Nothing special, just shopping.” I lied. I felt terrible for lying, but I really didn’t feel like my family telling me how to live my


“I’ll go with you!” She suggested, but I immediately shook my head. “No, not necessary-I don’t want to bother you!”

“We have that thing tomorrow. Don’t you remember mom?” Carmen helped me out while Lita had a confused look on her face. “That thing?”

“Yes, the daughter treats her mother date.” Carmen nodded her head. Was there even something like that?

“The what?” Lita frowned. “We’ve never had a date like that-”

“We do now.” Carmen smiled. “It’s tomorrow, I have something special planned, so I’m really sorry, but she can’t go with you, Serena.”

“That’s too bad.” I shrugged. I owed Carmen a lot, and she turned out to be the little sister I always wanted. At times I felt terrible that I didn’t get to experience her birth and that she did not have a big sister to rely on. She was always the one helping me out.

“Where is Beau?” I wondered before Carmen burst out laughing. “He’s with the devil. Dad said he’s going to force him to find someone else.”

“That’s not funny. That’s really sad.” I sighed at the thought of poor Beau being alone with Matteo. “It’s not like I don’t agree.” My mom muttered.

“She’s pretty, but what does she have to offer? She got disowned, and she tried to kill you and Siena-”

“Yes and she apologized, and I don’t really appreciate your words, Lita.” I snapped. Just in that split second, the fun thought of having a mom had completely vanished. “It’s the same words the Lamberti’s used to describe me when I got pregnant.”

What does she have to offer?

“I’ve actually never seen you interact with Beau. Is Beau not your son?” I asked. If we didn’t all do a DNA test, I would not have believed that my brother was one of us. Beau’s comments about me having it easy made me sick, but so did Matteo and Lita’s remarks. “I didn’t even finish college. I became a stripper-got pregnant by some guy I barely knew. Beau graduated, he made a name for himself-he also had a hard life, so why can’t you accept him?”

“Siena, it’s time for you to take a nap. Carmen excused herself and grabbed the baby from my hands. “What is this outburst?” Lita asked, shocked. “Is this some kind of attack? Yesterday your dad, today it is


“Lita, my heart hurts, and my head hurts. I can’t handle you, and the Lamberti’s not getting along, and I can’t handle you not accepting Beau because of who he’s dating. We are not living in the Middle Ages. You all have to stop it!”

“No one will ruin this family, not even your brother, and don’t even mention the Lamberti’s in this household ever again!” Lita scoffed as she walked off.

How much more did I even have to deal with?

Being with Christian and being with Dario felt nice. It felt nice to talk without having to worry about saying the wrong thing, just how it felt nice to eat without someone forcing me to close my mouth every second. My parents were so judgmental, and they didn’t even notice.

“I can’t stand you,” I whispered as I stormed off to my room. What was the point of having a family if they were going to be like this?

If this was their reaction to Beau, I could only imagine what their response would be like once I told them about my

deal with Christian. They were terrible, all of them-Matteo, Emilio, Marcello, and perhaps even Beau, Carmen and Luke were the only normal ones, probably because the two of them spent a lot of time together and avoided everyone.

Whatever it was, I did not care and was only sure about one thing.

I would never let this twisted family come between Christian, Siena, and me ever again, especially not


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