His Baby’s Mama


Camila’s POV

“Good morning Ms. Davis! Good morning daddy!” Ethan happily greeted us while he tried to hop unto the bed and I helped him up then frown when I remembered that Ethan wasn’t in bed this morning when I woke up.

“Where were you?” Asked Damon and I at the same time.

“Bianca took me for a walk” Ethan responded then surprisingly, Damon and I turned to Bianca and spoke at the same time.

“Why didn’t you inform us that you’re taking Ethan?” Bianca was about to reply but Ethan beat him to it

“Bianca said that you two needed some alone time” My face instantly heat up again as the place dropped into a sudden silence that left me red like a tomato.

“Umm” I began, breaking the silence but not knowing what to say next but luckily Bianca spoke, making me sigh in relief.

“Why don’t we eat breakfast?” He asked and I nodded my head before hopping off the bed then took Ethan down afterwards and we started to walk towards the door but Ethan suddenly stopped, turning around to look at his dad, who was stil on the bed.

“Aren’t you coming dad?” Ethan asked, tilting his head as usual, waiting for his father reply and Damon opened his mouth to answer but Bianca beat him to it.

“I believe your father have already eaten” he said with a smirk and I started choking on air, knowing exactly what he meant. However Ethan frowned in confusion and opened his mouth to talk.

“Really? What did you eat?” He questioned again and once again, Bianca spoke, not giving Damon a chance to speak.

“Ms. Davis” he whispered loud enough for me to hear and I guess Damon too heard since he had a look of shock on his face.

“Bianca!” I shouted his name a litle louder then hit him on his arms and he only rolled his eyes then the same stupid smirk appeared in his face again.

“What?” He asked oh so innocently as ir he said nothing wrong and I send him a glare before looking down at Ethan who still had a confused expression on his face.

“He ate Ms. Davis?” Ethan asked frowning in confusion then looked at me and opened his mouth to speak.

“Ms. Davis is here though. How did dad eat her–”

“Nothing” I blurted out, cutting Eithan off then continued.

“Uh Ler’s eat!” I then turned to Damon, feeling so embarrassed, wanting to bury myself in a hole

“Are you coming?”

“I’lI be down in a few minutes” he responded and I nodded my head before I took ahold of Ethan’s hands and quickly took him out of the bedroom with Bianca following from behind and I mentally cussed at him for saying those stuff.

“Come on, give me a kiss!” Marcus begged Bianca and he rolled his eyes at him before placing a small kiss on his cheeks that made Marcus pout. It was in the afternoon and Marcus had just returned from work. We were all sitting in the living room, playing some board game since all of us were feeling bored, except for Damon. He was busily taking calls and working quietly at the next corner of the room.

Damon and I have hardly spoke to each other and I like it just like this. I didn’t want to talk to him anyways. I was too nervous to even speak to him. And Bianca couldn’t stop teasing me too! It’s so annoying! He keeps saying shit and keeps taking Ethan somewhere, leaving Damon and I alone for hours and I hated him for that! Ugh !! But no matter what happened, we won’t talk. Well .. Damon would day a few things and I would only nod my head then got up and began doing some work so he’l leave me alone. I know he must have notice too and I kinda felt bad for ignoring him but yall can’t blame me. I’m nervous and scared that something else might happen or that I’ll only embarrass myself more. So yeah, I wasn’t gonna talk to Damon. No matter-

“Camila?” A voice interrupted my thoughts and I gulp, slowly turning around to see Damon standing behind me.

“Uh y-yes?”

“Can I talk to you for a second?” He asked and I gulp again before nodding my head then turned to Ethan.

“I’ll be back, okay?” I said to Ethan and he nodded his head before he went back to playing his game with Marcus and Bianca and I got up before following Damon to the other side of the room.

“Yes?” I asked. I wanted him to say whatever he has to say to quickly so we can get done with this and I can get away from him.

“Have a seat first” he said, patting the space next to him and I gulp for the third time before sitting next to him and scoot over, creating some distance between us.


“Um I want to talk about Ethan” he began and I nodded my head then gesture for his to continue.

“Well I know Ethan wants to be around you a lot cause he really misses you but you know he can’t keep moving back and forth, right? It’s just… too much”

“Well, I can come to your house instead. Like I always use to do be”I said with a shrug and he sigh before running his fingers through his hair.

“Yeah but you know Ethan won’t want you to leave, right?” He asked and it was my turn to sigh. Right. Ethan will think I’m leaving again and he won’t want me to leave.

“So what would you suggest then?” I asked helplessly, hoping that he has a great idea.

“Move in with us”

“What?” I asked. l already heard what he said but I just wanted to hear him say it again so I know I’m hearing right.

“I said move in with us”he repeated and I looked up to his face, a little surprised that he’s asking me to move in with him.

“B-but it’s only because of Ethan” he stammered after clearing his throat and my mind instantly went into making a decision of whether to move in or not. Okay, so if I move in then I’ll get to see him almost every day and things might get a little awkward between us and I really don’t want to he around him BUT this isn’t about me, this is about Ethan so I have to put him in front of me because if I decided not to move in, then Ethan would be sad and I don’t want that to happen to him .. So I’ve made my decision .. I think. Ireally reatly hope I don’t regret this!


“U ..” I began, looking up at Damon who was impatiently waiting for my answer and let out a breath after then opened my mouth to speak again. “.. 0-Kay”

“Great!” Damon said right after I had agree. A bright smile was on is face while his black eyes looked into mine and I frowned at how happy his was. Is he happy cause I’m moving in with them? I guess he saw me frown at him in a confused way became his smile disappeared almost immediately and was replaced with a emotionless expression.

“Then” he began after clearing his throat. “We should leave now since it’s getting late”

“Now?” Like right now? It was getting late, yes but why can’t we wait until tomorrow? I haven’t even packed my suit cause as yet.

“Yes and don’t worry about your suitcase, I’ll send a maid over to pick it up for you but we’re leaving in a few minutes” he said casually looking at me then to the screen of his phone and I sigh , Rubbing my temples.

“Can’t we just stay for the night?”

“No. I have other things to do Ms. Davis so we have to go” Seriously? How am I even suppose to explain this to Bianca?

“.. Okay then” I said then got up and walked back over to where Ethan and the rest were sitting.


“I’lI miss you, Good bye.” I waved at him.

“I’ll miss you too Camila. See you tomorrow morning bright and early on face time” he said with a chuckle then placed a light kiss on my forehead and I smiled at him one last time about to go with Damon.


“Oh for the love of god! Let’s go already!” Damon cut me off, saying in a tone as if he was annoyed by Bianca’s and I actions and I rolled my eyes before giving Bianca one last look then left the room with Damon.

“Are you-”

“F ** k! You seriously had to be so close to him !?” He went off, causing me to flinch and back away. So this is why he’s so angry?

“So? He’s my friend and we were giving each other goodbye hugs and kisses and-”

“I don’t want to know what you two have been doing but I don’t ever want you talking to those two guys again. Don’t even visit them!

“What?!” I asked, not believing what he had just said.

“You heard me! And since you’re back at your job, you will listen and respect me! Don’t whatever the hell I tell you to do !! Don’t even think of f ** king disobeying mel !!” He said in anger.This is property © of NôvelDrama.Org.

I seriously don’t know why he gotta be so harsh to me but I wont take any of his bullshit cause no one controls me, I control myself and he’s really getting me angry. So angry that I couldn’t help it. I just couldn’t keep my mouth shut after what he had say.

“Excuse me but you don’t tell me what to do cause you ain’t my parents and you can’t tell me who to talk to and who not to talk to!” I said out of anger and he let out a chuckle before he spoke.

“Camila, we’re seriously not doing this argument so just shut up and obey me like you always use to do in the past. Don’t give me that bitchy atitude of yours, okay?”

I tried to not say a thing but he got me really really mad and I just had to say something. “You’re the only bitch I see around here Damon and you always keep acting like a d*ck! Are you bipolar or something ?!” I yelled and that only got him angrier. His jaw was clenched and I sware to god, I thought he was gonna hit me by the way he looked but he only opened his mouth and talk.

“You seriously need to learn how to f ** king respect me Camila and Not because you’re the mother of my son means you get to give me that bitchy attitude of yours!” He began in anger”And just to make it clear with you, You don’t get to do whatever you want under my roof. You follow my rules every single day and you’re never visiting these people again!” He yelled, looking at their house in scorn and I lost it.

“F ** k you! I seriously don’t care who the hell you are but just so you know, you will not tell me what to do cause I’ll do WHATEVER the f*ck I want. So you can shove those rules of yours, far up your ass beacause you don’t control me and WHETHER YOU LIKE IT OR NOT, F ** KING DEAL WITH IT !! So you either deal with it or find someone else to do the job and I’m one hundred percent sure that if I leave, Ethan will start crying again, which we both don’t want so deal with it !!” I shrug then looked to him and saw him with a speechless reaction on his face and his anger shinning in his eyes.


Twenty minuets later we pulled up at Damon’s house again and I couldn’t help but gawk at it. I know it’s not the first time I saw it but I keep forgetting how big and beautiful his house actually is.

“This way Ms. Davis!” I heard Ethan spoke, after I had exit the car with coco and admired their house, and I turned to him to see Damon and him waiting for me and I quickly made my way over to them and we entered inside.

“Do you miss it here?” He asked again and I looked down to him and saw his eyes scanning the interior of the house. Ireally wanted to tell him that this house brings back memories. Especially the one where Damon dragged me out But I shrugged it off cause I didn’t want to make anyone sad or make myself sad so I lied, faking a smile.

“Uh.. yeah” Ethan only smiled at me then turned to the front and I followed Damon to Ethan’s room where he lay him on the bed and tuck him inside and then told him a short story. Both Damon and l gave Ethan a good night kiss before he was drowned in sleep and we quietly left his bed room after, making sure not to make any noise that’ll wake him up. And it was only Damon and I now .. I Great!

“Follow me” was all he said before he turned around and began walking down the hall and I ran up to him, following closely from behind so I don’t lose him or get lost. We walked for a few minutes before I Damon came to a halt at one of the hundred plain white doors and I realy thought it was the same room that I had slept in the night I had to sleep over, cause of the storm, but I was left admiring the room inside as soon as Damon opened the door. it was pretty!

One side of the walls were painted black while the other sides were painted white and the bed looked so warm and comfortable with those small cute pillows that flooded it. There were also a few Canva paintings hanging on the walls and a cute wall clock that I really liked. There was also a corner of the room that had a desk and a chair where I can do my studies. Two more plain white doors were also in the room. One having a sign hanging on it that said Bathroom’and the next sign hung on the other door said Closet: One of the doors were slightly open, giving me a peak of what was inside and so far, the bathroom looked beautiful. It was any girl’s dream bedroom!

I didn’t even know I was gasping and gawking as my eyes scanned the beautiful room but I came aware of everything when I felt eyes looking at me and I turned my head to the right to see Damon looking at me then he opened his mouth to talk .

“I hope you like the room. I thought you might like the design and made my work men re-design the room however if you don’t like the style, I can–”

“I like it” I cut him off. I was a little shocked when I heard him say he had his work men re-design this room. Okay also your suitcase will be here by tomorrow, early in the morning but by the time you can changed into any clothes that are in the closet. They might be a little over size or small for you, since I don’t know your size but I hope it’s oka-”

“It is. Thank you” I cut him off again then send a fake smile over to him. I still hate him y’all but I’m thankful that he did this, even though a normal room would also be fine. But he bought me clothes too ?!

“Then I’ll leave you to sleep” was all he said before he turned around and left. No goodbye or no good night but I didn’t care. Letting out an exhausted yawn, I ppaced coco on the bed before I walked into the bathroom and did some more gawking, gasping and admiring every single detail in there before I took a nice shower then exit and entered the closet. It was huge and filled with lots and lots of female clothing. There were dresses, jeans, shorts, leggings, tops, hoodies, sweatpants, bras, undies, sneakers, heels and bags, all in famous brands like gucci, nike, adidas, Jordans, MK and so much more that I couldn’t even pronounce properly. The hell? Why did he buy so many clothes for me?

Frowning in confusing, I pushed those questions aside for now and started looking for something comfortable to wear and I found a hoodie and shorts to wear only for the night. Taking a pair of black undies and bra, I slipped them on before opening a sealed dove deodorant, that I found in the bathroom, and applying it to my underam then slipped the hoodie over my head and stepped into the shorts. However, the shorts were a little big for me while the hoodie literally swallowed my small figure making me appear smaller. I let out a sigh before I walked over to the mirror and looked at how horrible I look hating how I look right now but it was very comfortable to sleep in so I kept it on. Tying my hair in a ponytail, I walked over to the bed and plop down next to Coco, the bed instantly burying my body in its softness and I still couldn’t figure out how every bed that I had slept in, in Damon’s house, were so soft and comfortable.

The AC was just at the right temperature and the thick blanket, that I covered me with, felt so warm. I sigh in satisfaction as my head sinks into the soft, cloud like pillow and I swear, I could never be any more comfortable than I was. Letting out another yawn, I said good night to coco before I was consumed by sleep.

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