Hiding the Alpha’s Heir

Chapter 28: To Melt Him

“Lord Verlice is satisfied with your work so here is your bonus for that,” Madam Ibanez said as she scoffed bitterly, bestowing me with the small brown envelope.

My face brightened up as I nodded. “Thank you, madam!” I said, feeling delighted. I even bowed my head before her. Then I returned to my workstation.

“Someone is smiling brightly today.” I smiled sheepishly when Niscia teased.

“Someone also received a bonus today,” I teased back.

I got to know that she finished the dress Desmond asked her to do. Somehow it made me feel bitter because it meant that Desmond was supposed to give it to someone. That woman was so lucky…

“Shall we go out then? Take Sander with you.” She nudged me as we took a five-minute break.

“I have plans for today. Unfortunately. We can go out on this day off if you like.” It was fortunate that we had the same day of having a day off on this recent schedule.

Our day offs shuffled every two weeks. I was so glad that finally, Niscia and I had the same day that we had to take our day off.

“Good idea!” she exclaimed and hugged my side. “It shall be my first time after several years of working with…” she paused and whispered. “… that bitch.” I cackled at her words. “We can have a picnic, hmm?”

I nodded my head. “Yes, yes. Let’s prepare some meal that is good for a picnic,” I said. It was a good thing I learned to cook now unlike before when I was a terrible cook.

I studied harder when I escaped from Desmond. It was a good thing I worked on it which I improved throughout these years.

Then Sander learned everything from me. I admitted that he was way better than I was.

After our shift at work, I happily went to the market to purchase some ingredients. I made it certain that I would cook the meal Sander hasn’t tasted yet. I hummed a song while I was walking on the pavement. Then I came to a halt when I saw a familiar man, who was wearing a trench coat and a hat, that made my heart jump out of my ribcage who was near to the alley which I needed to go to because my flat was near there.

I immediately looked away and turned around to go to another route. I was cussing on my mind when I did not bring the incantation jewelry I had with me. That would be supposed to hide my scent from Desmond.

I wasn’t using it since Desmond couldn’t come here near where I was living.

But how come he was on the street where I was living? Did he know where I was living? Did he meet Sander?

“Shit…” This couldn’t be… I must hide.

As I turned to another alley, my heart jumped when I came to meet Desmond which made my eyes widen in surprise.

“Hello to you, too, seraphim.”

I stepped backward, horrified. “W-What…” My chest rose up and down as I turned my head to see where he was standing earlier. He was gone right there. I did not even notice that he used another route and used his wolf speed to block the route where I was going.

And his scent… I couldn’t smell his scent as my mate. Was he… using incantation jewelry perhaps?

“W-What are you doing here, Desmond?” I asked nervously when he walked in my direction having a sinful smirk smothered on his lips.

“I came to see you,” he said, shrugging. “It has been three days and I missed you already. Don’t you miss me, hmm?” He looked at the grocery I purchased. “Are we filling up some stocks today?” He arched his eyebrow.

My breath was shaky right at this moment. I must calm down before he could hear my heart beating so fast. “Go away. I am in a hurry right now.” I was thankful that I got to speak fluently.

I slowly stepped back and didn’t want to answer his questions. Though his first question had suddenly made my stomach somersaulted. Unfortunately, my wolf couldn’t feel Desmond’s presence as our mate because his scent was hidden.

“I found where you are living.”

I halted from walking and inhaled sharply. I turned my head to see Desmond having a furtive smile on his lips.

I could have sworn that my face had gone in color when he said that. If he found where I was living, does this mean he already knew about the existence of our son?

No way… He must not find out about that. But what if he knew already?

Should I take a fight or flight?

“I am just jesting,” he said, chuckling.

“What?” I parroted. Was he… telling the truth? “T-Then why are you here?” I asked after I comprehend what he said.

I stepped backward when he leaned forward. “Well, business as usual, seraphim. You know that I work with His Majesty, Alpha King Azarius, right?”

Even though I couldn’t smell his scent as my mate, I could smell his male perfume that reached my nostrils and it was so alluring. With just his perfume, it could make me go insane without fail.

I leaned backward when I couldn’t handle how alluring he smelled right now. Desmond noticed it so he leaned more.

“C-Can you not?!” I raised my tone and decided to stay away from him.

He smiled sheepishly and tucked his hands into his pockets. “So, where do you live, seraphim? Care to let me see it?”

I forced a smile. “No,” I answered immediately. “Leave now and I cannot let you bring you to my flat.”

“Why? Are you living with another man?”

I almost inhaled sharply when his face darkened. I felt like I was hyperventilating right now if he kept insisting he wanted to visit my flat.

He would find out about Sander!

“N-No…” I lied and gulped. “I-I mean I have a roommate and my roommate doesn’t want any guests.” Shit… Would Desmond ever believe me if my heart was racing this fast right now? He could tell, right? He was a werewolf, too, so he knew the fast beating of my heart.

“And your roommate is a he?” He growled possessively. He hastily walked in my direction and roughly grabbed my arm.

“Halt!” I panicked when he looked angry right now. “It is a she, Desmond. I-I will invite you tomorrow and ask her to see if she will agree today.”

That was the time he stopped. But he looked at me with scrutinizing amber eyes. It suddenly made me remember he had the same expression as Sander.

“Why not now? I want it now,” Desmond demanded. His hold loosened on my arm. But it made my heart and my stomach somersault when his thumb gently caressed me, sending a wavering sensation to my whole body.

I cupped his face. “Cinnamon…” His eyes widened with the endearment I uttered. “Tomorrow, alright?” I made my tone stern yet soft. It was the same tone when I was trying to convince him but he did not want to believe me because he was too demanding for my good. “Do you get me?” I asked firmly.

I could have sworn Desmond shivered in delight that I was using my firm tone and trying to order him. I knew it pleased him. But… I couldn’t believe he was still the same. He never changed.

He was still the same man I knew.

I could still make his knees wobble right now just by addressing him with my endearment to him.

“Your answer?” I arched my eyebrow while I distracted him by caressing his cheek using my thumb.

I heard him purring. It meant that he was liking it. It did not take long for him to melt as he took my hand to place a sensual kiss on the back of my hand while looking at me with that intense gaze.

“Yes, seraphim. Tomorrow…” he said dreamily.

I bit my lower lip because his answer pleased me. My heart felt overwhelmed because finally… I could make him hypnotize me. If before he was the one who could do that and would use force on me, my approach was a bit commanding yet it could please him just as the way he used the same method on me.

“Good. I shall see you tomorrow. Same place. Here,” I said, sighing in relief when he agreed and did not insist on anything anymore.

Desmond rolled his lips to his mouth and nodded. “Yes, seraphim. I will be right here waiting for you.” He kissed the back of my palm again before he slowly stepped backward and transformed into his wolf form.

I was more relieved now that he ran away in the opposite direction. “Dear me…” I mumbled as I made sure that Desmond was out of my sight.

I used my wolf speed to go to the nearest flower boutique and bought some lavender flowers. Having this, it could hide my scent and would mingle with my surroundings. I was even more alert to my surroundings because I couldn’t be certain if someone from Desmond’s pack would come to see me even though his pack wasn’t located there.

I arrived at the flat and finally could breathe in relief. I was scared at the moment that if Desmond kept insisting on seeing my flat right at this moment, he would do anything to leave me with no choice but to bring him here.

He would see Sander’s things here so as much as possible, I must avoid them meeting each other. He must not know the existence of our son. I was afraid he would take him away from me.

Or perhaps, I could fool him that Sander’s father was from another man.

But I couldn’t fool him. Sander looked exactly like Desmond, except for his hair! Desmond would never believe me with that.

I put down my things and thought for a moment. I must bring Sander away for a while and would take him back as soon as Desmond was not here in this town.

His business under the orders of Alpha King Azarius was to collect taxes in every establishment. I think he still collected them every year or perhaps, quarterly.

Even so, this was not good. There might be a bad opportunity that Desmond could meet my son.

The door swung open and revealed my handsome son. “Mama!” He beamed.

“Sander…” I immediately hugged and kissed his forehead when he ran toward me. “How is your day?” I asked softly as we both settled on the couch.

Sander hugged me and leaned his head on my chest. “I met the neighbors’ kids, Mama. I made new friends.” Then he looked up. “They are kind. We played on the river bank this afternoon.” He looked delighted right now.

“Really? Can I meet them?” I asked. I was surprised that I got to know that he was befriending our neighbors’ kids. I have seen my other neighbors and they looked friendly. They have already seen me with Sander before and welcomed us when we first arrived here.

Halsey and Griffin were the names of Dami and Lola’s kids.

“Hmm!” Sander nodded. “Mama, Lola said that she wants to invite me for dinner tomorrow night. Am I allowed to stay with them?”

I blinked. “She invited you?” Sander nodded. At that moment, an idea clicked inside my head.

If Sander would stay there, there was no chance that Desmond and Sander would meet.

“Can I go and play with them more?” His face looked hopeful.

“Of course, of course, sweetheart.” That was a relief! “I shall fetch you there. Mama will have a visitor tomorrow.”Content property of NôvelDra/ma.Org.

“Visitor?” He tilted his head before I nodded. “Who, Mama?”

How must I say this? His father was going to come here? “Just a friend of mine. He won’t be that long.” I caressed his hair.

“He?” he parroted, creasing his forehead. “A male?” He frowned.

My jaw dropped when I realized what I said. “Um… Yes.” There was no point in lying with him. I couldn’t keep lying to my son. As long as I did not say that it was his father then it should be fine.

I guess…

“He won’t be that long, Sander. We just need to catch up.” Like what kind of catch up, Seraphina? Spend a night with him? I flinched at that moment. I castigated myself for thinking about that.

His frown did not change. “Can I meet him, Mama?” he asked after a moment.

Oh, damn it! Not that kind of question… “You can meet him some other time. For now, shouldn’t you be excited? You have playmates now, eh?”

His contorted face changed into a pleasant one. “Hmm! I will finish studying first then I will play with them!”

“Yes, right, right.” That made me feel relieved. I managed to divert his attention from Desmond being my visitor tomorrow.

Goddamn it, Seraphina! We must be careful not to have Desmond and Sander meet.

I hope everything will be fine tomorrow.

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