Her saving Grace

Chapter 11

Chapter 11

Chapter 11

Carson was quiet for a while and he seemed a little uncomfortable. “Um…no.” He said.

“Good. So do you mind going to your class and allow me to go back to mine?” I asked. I walked away

from him before he could say anything else.

I knew that I had lied once again, but I just wanted him to stop interrogating me and that did the trick. I

smiled as I recalled the expression that was on his face. Serves him right! I soon reached my English

class and got back to the lesson.



It was now after lunch and thank God, I was feeling much better. I wasn’t throwing up anymore and the

pain in my stomach had receded.

I stepped into my AP biology with Jasmine and sat at our table. Soon after that, our teacher Mrs.

Freeman walked in.

“Students, since week we were talking about the food based macromolecules. Today, we are going to

do an experiment based on what we have learnt.” Mrs. Freeman said. “So, we are going to be testing

for triglycerides, glucose, starch and proteins. You will be working with partners, so get your gears on

and let’s begin.”

A smile came unto my face as I heard that we will be doing an experiment. I loved doing experiments.

Anytime I learn something new in biology class, I always can’t wait to do the experiment. To actually get

to work with the materials and see the results of my work. I really loved science. I loved everything

about the human body especially, which is why I want to become a medical doctor. I got the gears and

everything I needed from the cabinet in the lab and Jasmine and I started on our experiments.

Jasmine and I were on our last experiments, when someone came and stand over us. Looking up, I

saw that it was Carson.

“What is it now, Carson?” I asked.

“I’m just observing your experiment. How did you get that result? That’s not what we got.” He said,


I looked behind me at his and Jordan’s table to see what they did. I shook my head. “That’s because

you did not add the right solution.” I answered.

“Of course I did.” He stated.

“No. How would you know what to do, if you did not come to class when we were learning about this?” I


“Hey,” Jordan said from behind me. “I always come to class.”

“I’m sure you do. I guess you would consider hanging out at the back of the school, picking up girls,

biology.” I said sarcastically.

Jordan laughed. “Carson, this girl has got jokes. I like her.” He said to Carson.

I roll my eyes at him. “Good luck fixing your experiment.” I said and turn back around. I look at Jasmine

and we both giggled.

After we finished our experiments and written down our results. The teacher indulged us in a This is from NôvelDrama.Org.

discussion. Soon, class ended. Jasmine and I packed up our things and left the class.

Once in the corridor, Jasmine spoke up. “Did I detect something between you and Carson?” She asked

wriggling her eyebrows.

“No. How could you ask such a thing? Carson is a heartless jerk and I definitely don’t want to be added

on his long list of girls he uses and tosses aside.” I said, making up my face in disgust. “And you know I

would never do that.”

Jasmine laughed. “I know, I know. I’m just messing with you.” She said then sighed. “It would be

interesting though.”

“That’s because you find romance in every situation.” I reminded her.

“What can I say? I’m a romantic at heart.” She replied as she turn in a different direction from me,

heading to her class. I smiled and shook my head at her and also head to my class.

On Saturday, I got ready to go to my first day of work at the coffee shop. When I was ready, I went to

my room door and listened for any sound in the house. I didn’t hear any, so I opened my room door

slowly and slipped through.

I heard loud snoring coming from the room down the hall as I walk to the stairs. Allan was still asleep, I

thought to myself. I shook my head and quickly descend the stairs. I opened the front door and head


After walking for fifteen long minutes, I was finally at the coffee shop. I opened the door and went

inside. When Samantha saw me entered, she gave me a friendly smile and pointed in the direction of

the backdoor. I greeted her and walked around the counter.

I entered through the backdoor and head towards the small cubicle, that is Miranda’s office. Miranda

smiled when she saw me.

“Hey Kayla. You are here.” She greeted. She got up from her chair and indicated for me to follow her.

She lead me to a small room which contain lockers. “This is going to be your locker. I already put your

uniform that you would wear inside and an apron. Just put them on and go out there. Samantha will tell

you what to do.”

“Thanks again, Mrs. Jones. I really appreciate you doing this for me.” I said, expressing my gratitude.

“Miranda.” She reminded, then added. “It’s nothing and I know you will do just fine.”

I gave her a smile and she left the room. I changed into the uniform which was a blue top and blue

pleated skirt that stops at the knee. I put the white apron on and head back to the front.

My first day of work went smoothly. I caught on to everything quickly as if I was working there all my

life. The day was busy as a lot of customers came. Riley, Kerry and I took orders, while Samantha and

Miranda got the orders ready.

After a long day of being on my feet, I was exhausted, but I knew it was worth it. It was seven o’clock

before I changed back into my clothes and was ready to leave. My shift had ended at six thirty, but I

had offered to help clean up the cafe. Miranda had said that I didn’t need to do that, but I had insisted.

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