Twenty One


I stood transfixed on the spot, my mouth at agape as I stared at the last person I never thought I would ever see again in my life.

The Uber driver looked so stinking rich! And did I mention that he looked so fucking hot!This belongs to NôvelDrama.Org.

Holy shit.

My breathing was stumped and I immediately lost my voice. I was stunned, bewildered, robbed off my speech, amazed… any word or phrase to describe how shocked I was right now..

“Uhm.. Mr.. uhm” I could barely even complete my sentence. I was stuttering and speaking gibberish.

What the fuck is wrong with me?!

I had totally planned out what I’ll say to the uber driver if I ever did meet him again.

I planned on apologising for Stravis’ behaviour, explain to him how long I had searched for him all around the city and how I’m eager for him to meet his son, Jerome.

But now, no matter how much I tried, I couldn’t even get the words to roll out of my mouth.

It seemed I had forgotten how to speak English.

I could only stutter gibberish and incomplete sentences.

I realised that I probably imagined I would still be more financially buoyant than him whenever we crossed paths.

So it made it easier for me to plan out what I would tell him completely.

But now, I had been swayed off my feet and left breathless.

He was nothing like how I imagined him to be.

This wasn’t even how I imagined us to ever meet. I thought we would just bump into each other in a super market or on the road not in a top tier fancy event.

The man gave me a raised brow, a smirk drawing on his lips.

I am very sure this man was able to recognise me. The disparaging smile on his lips said it all.

How could he ever forget the Walters especially with the fact that Stravis literally insulted him when he came searching for his son.

“What are you saying?” He queried, crossing the distance between us and eliminating any space.

My chest heaved repeatedly and my lips trembled.

I took in his appearance, carefully scrutinizing it all. My curious and shocked optics hungrily fed on his style and outfit.

Oh fuck.

His dark hair was sleek, made to cascade over and down to the nape of his neck. A perfect stubble hugged his jaw and an expensive chain hung around his neck.

My eyes left his facial features and wandered down to his outfit. His tuxedo was damn expensive?

How did he even get this type of tuxedo?

The buttons of his tuxedo glistened as the light from the chandeliers deposited all around the hal hit it.

Fuck. This tuxedo will definitely cost a hole in the pocket but I doubted if buying it cost him as much as it would cost a normal average person.

Certainly not.

His leg wore an expensive footwear and various rings decorated his fingers.

He not only looked rich but he smelt rich too. His expensive cologne filled my nostrils and its scent was so alluring.

I could literally lick him.

Heavens! Is this the same uber man I fucked years ago or this is his look alike? Is this a doppelganger or is he the same man that is the father to Jerome?!

My eyes can definitely not be playing tricks with me.

What the hell happened to him over the past two years?

“I thought you were apologising for spilling the wine on me Miss Janis Walter” his husky voice held my name and I felt my knees going jelly in an instant.

“I–I was. Uhm…. sir… I’m…” hell what is wrong with me?! My damn voice is shaky!

Why am I finding it difficult to speak?! I waited for this day for more than two years and now it is finally here.

Yet I’m flopping and stuttering like a child that is learning how to speak.

Couldn’t he recognise me though? His voice carried a hint of irritation in them.

I recognised him so why couldn’t he recongise me?

Did he forget so soon of his child and the woman he slept with?

No. I don’t think he would.

But yet he didn’t address me like as if he recollected me from his past.

“Will you talk?!” He suddenly snapped at me, dragging me out of my deep reveries.

“You’ve been moping at me for such a long time. I thought you were apologising for spilling the wine on me? You just stood there gazing at me like you had seen a phantom” he scoffed, irritated at me.

Fuck. I was totally embarrassing myself.

I opened my mouth to finally pour out my thoughts when the shuffling of feet interrupted us.

We both veered our eyes to catch the approaching figure of a middle aged man who seemed to be coming for him.

“Hello Miss Janis” he greeted with a warm smile.

I waved at him nervously, still so much confused about what was going on.

“Hello” I returned his warm gesture with a smiled and a nervous wave.

“Mr Storms, I have an important message for you” I heard the man mutter underneath his breath to him.

Why did he call him Mr storms? The only Mr storms I’ve heard off is Mr Leo storms, one of America’s richest men in the business world.

He even owned the fifth largest shares in the Lester corporations.

Who wouldn’t know Mr Leo Storms?

He was too fucking rich.

One of my big projects is getting him to partner with my company. I’ve always wanted our companies to work together.

It would boost our prestige and bring us so much profit.

Oh fuck! My eyes widened in an instant.

Could he be Mr Leo storms son?

But it’s rumoured that Mr Leo storms doesn’t have a son. Infact his wife was dead and they had no children–not even a daughter.

He has no known relatives–atleast none that I know off.

People always wondered who would inherit his huge wealth since he had no heir.

Now hearing this man address Him as Mr storms got me having mixed emotions. Infact I was having a roller coaster of emotions just at the thought.

Oh fuck.

“Spill” Mr Storms replied with a blank face.

“Your father recommended you to the owner of the Lester corporations so he would love to see you now” the middle aged man informed him.

Shit! I flew my mouth open and my eyes shone like a doe caught on headlight.

Holy Christ! Jerome’s father is a goddamn billionaire!

How did he even get the opportunity to secure a meeting with the Lester corporations!?

My company has been trying for two fucking years to get a partnership with them but it always ends up in futility.

The Lester corporations was so fucking prestigious and any company that partnered with them grew tremendously.

Why then did he hide his true identity of being a billionaire from me?

Why did he appear as an uber driver when I first met him? Why the fuck did he let Stravis trample over his financial status when he was clearly richer than us?

Nothing was making sense!

“Ok. I left my bag in the car. Go outside and take my bag from the car. Go drop it in the vip room where Mr Lester is. I’ll be there shortly” Mr Storms said.

His voice carried so much authority, one you would not dare to go against.

The middle aged man nodded and quickly walked away, leaving just I and him together again.

He drifted his eyes back to my stunned self and I stared at him with so much confusion webbed over my face.

“Sorry for the brief interruption Miss Janis Walter” he addressed me so formally.

I doubt he could remember me.

I had so much questions running through my mind?

Was this man related to Mr Leo storms? How did he become so rich in just a short period of time?

If he was a freaking billionaire all these while, why then did he hide it from me?

Why did he lead me on into the dark about his real self?

How was he able to secure a private meeting with Mr Lester?

How? Was I dreaming?!

“Can you stop moping at me? Am I that irresistible?” Mr storms gave a charming smile at me that got knots tying up within me.

“Uhm..”I gulped still awe struck by Mr Storms transformation.

“You didn’t offer me a nice apology you know? You only tried flaunting your wealth on my face” Mr Storms slowly spoke, eyes accessing my tensed features.

“W-what?” I gasped, bringing my fingers to my lips.

“Are you deaf?” He snapped at me causing me to jerk.

Why was he being so rude to me? Couldn’t he recognise me?

Was our memory that easy to forget? We spent a passionate night together, was that so easy to forget?

Had my face been totally wiped from his head that he could not even recollect a single feature about me?

“Mr…” I could barely even complete my sentence when he interrupted me.

“I am Mr Jax Storms to you” he sharply intruded my sentence.

“Why are you being so rude and harsh to me?” I spilled the words out before I could even stop myself.

This was definitely not the warm reception I imagined us giving each other when we finally did meet.

He was being so cold, so mean and rude. He had changed in every aspect.

Financially, he seemed even more richer than us; the Walters.

He oozed of so much power and authority right now. His aura had changed but same with his attitude.

The uber driver I knew then seemed very friendly when he spoke to me that fateful night he found me drunk.

He even saved me from getting robbed and carried me to my room.

It seems unbelievable to think that that same man who helped me about two years ago and also laid me down on bed was the same man standing right in front of me.

“Who are you that I should be nice to? Are you a partner of the Lester corporations that I should accord you with respect when I speak? Are you partnered with them?” He retorted back at me.

I was stunned and my body recoiled on hearing what he said and how rudely he spoke.

Oh my God.

Clearly this man doesn’t remember me. Because if he did, he wouldn’t be this mean and hot tempered towards me.

I was tempted time and time again to ask that certain question that had been on mind since I saw him but I didn’t want to seem like I was desperate or something.

But right now; I can’t hold myself back from asking.

“Mr Jax Storms, Can’t you recognise me? I’m Janis Walter. I’m the woman you had a one night stand with years back. Can’t you recall?” I questioned with hiked brows.

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