Hatred With Benefits




Her juices coat my fingers, and her chest rises and falls in rapid beats. Sweats cover her brows and

forehead, and the shadow cast through the window makes the skin glint in the darkness of the car. Her

hair sticks to her cheek and I reach out to tuck it from her face, pressing my lower body against her

core. In this position with her beneath me, I know fucking her once wouldn't be it. Whatever has caused

my sudden obsession with her body from that night, it's something I have to do repeatedly to get over.

"What proposition?" Carson asks, her voice coming out rough and I increase the pressure on her

nipples, basking in the way she pushes barely closer.

"It's obvious another fuck won't cut this, so let's make a deal. A sort of arrangement. "

"No. " She's quick to say and I laugh. "Do you know what I'm about to say?"

"I'm not dumb. And no, I'm not making any fucking deal with you. What in the hell makes you think I

want to sleep with you again?" There she goes. Trying to deny what I know she wants. Trying to deny

what's visible between us, but two can play her game and I'll show Carson exactly that.

"The fact that you just come with my fingers isn't enough?" I raise my brows and she gulps. "The fact

that your wetness is pressing against my cock? And the fact that you're enjoying my hand on your

chest when I've barely started doesn't seem to tell you what this is?" I continue and she purses her lips.

Carson is a stubborn chick, so I know this won't come easy, but it's something she can't escape.

"It's friends with benefits sort of arrangement. " I continue my earlier suggestion and she narrows her

eyes, saying, "We aren't friends. "

"We aren't. " I confirm with a chuckle, sliding my hand down her chest to the spot between her legs.

Her body full-on shudders in response when I give faint rubs to her clit. "Minus the friends part. "

"Let's say I submit to the desire between us. Why should I give in to this proposition of yours when I

could just ignore it?"

"And how much longer do you plan on defying it? We both know I drive you insane with my cock,

Carson. " I throw back, spreading her thighs wider and she gives in without a complaint. I throw her

legs over my shoulder and push my face between her thighs, my hands resting on her inner thighs as I

give a slow swipe of my tongue across her cunt.

"Oh, fuck—" she whimpers above me and I repeat the action. Not sucking. Not biting. Just a slow swipe

across her wetness.

I lift my head to meet her eyes and she's staring at me. "It's easier. You do not need to come out every

night and look for a hook-up to burn your desires. I'm right next door and we fuck when we want to. We

fuck until we grow tired of sleeping with each other, which we both know will be extremely close. " I

watch as the wheels behind her eyes turn and I know she's thinking about it.

An impressive smile climbs on my face when Carson turns back to me and says. "There will be rules. "

Of course, there will be rules. The more we keep from going over that line, the easier it'll be for the both

of us.

"Agreed. " I tell her. "I'm all ears. " I move back to her pussy and sink my teeth into it, earning a moan

from her.

She tries to push back, but I yank her closer and suck on her clit as I listen to her speak. "I— This

doesn't stop the boundaries between— oh God. " She moans in between words when I thrust my

tongue into her pussy. "It doesn't stop the boundaries between us. No prying in each other's business

and that means we have no claim on the other person outside of sex. "

I nod against her pussy as an indication for her to continue, and she speaks again. "This doesn't stop

our relationship with others. "

At those words, I move my face from her cunt, not caring about the irksome face she gives me when I

meet her eyes nor the irritation in her voice as she says. "I was close, you fucking bastard. "

"No double fucking. " I say in a stern voice, ignoring her rants and she cocks her brows. "What are you

talking about?"

"It means you don't get to fuck me and another guy at the same time. It's me and me only until this is

over. If you find someone you'll love to fuck, then this must be off. "

"You're fucking Paige. " She points out and I shake my head. "That was before this. "

"So I can't sleep with another guy because I'm sleeping with you?" She explains again and I nod.

"Kissing is fine, hanging out with others is fine, but no sleeping with them. The same goes for me. "

She hums. "Seems fair. "

"No making a fuss about it when the other person wants out. " I tell her and she shrugs. "Alright with

me. I'll be more than glad to get rid of you. "

I smirk at her. "We both know that's a lie, Carson. "

"Those are the rules. Do you have any addition?" She raises her brows and I lower my mouth to her

cunt again, giving her another tease I know she'll curse me for before lifting my head to say, "The last

rule is no falling in love. "

Carson snorts. "Fall in love? With you? You're the last person I'll fall in love with, Ford. Nothing can

overshadow my hatred for you. "

"You never know, Carson, and that's why it's a rule. I'm quite addicting, so I won't be surprised if you

manage to fall in love with me despite your acclaimed hatred for me. " I tease her, knowing it's far from


"It should be a warning to you. Not me. " She says.

If I would ever fall in love with any woman, Eva Carson wouldn't be on the list. Not even the last on the

list. She wouldn't appear at all. The line between hating Carson and loving her is so far apart and will

never meet, no matter how much she's somehow made fucking her addicting. People tend to mix sex

with love, but it's never been so in my case and it won't start with Carson. My hatred for her is as clear

as my obsession with her pussy is.

"Do we have a deal?" I ask her and she offers one of those taunting smiles of hers. "Just fúcking,

Hating continues. Yes, we have a deal. " And I seal that deal by giving her the orgasm I've kept away

from her.


I thought letting Emerson go down on me again was insane, but there has been no greater insanity

than making that deal with him.

I say it's the spot we were in. It's the small space of his car that made me aware of everywhere his

body is pressed to mine and our heavy breaths in the car. I say it was the place and the time, but

somehow Emerson was right. There's always that desire for him. I'm yet to meet a man who manages

to make me loathe him as much as turn me on like Emerson does, and this deal breaks everything off.

It's a fair one: fuck till you burn out that desire and all that remains is the hate that's always been there.

"I have one last rule. " I stop my steps and twist my body to Emerson who shuts his car door before

angling his head to me.

"This has to remain a secret. " I say in a warning voice and he leans back against his car. "And why's

that, Carson? Afraid the news will get to your daddy?"

"The last thing I want is for people to know I'm involved with you. " My father will lose his cool if he finds

out I'm housing with the son of his rival, not to speak of sleeping with him and I know the same goes for


Emerson finally nods. "Let's keep it that way. "

"Good. " It's the only response I give him before I walk back into the frat house and go in search of my

best friend, pretending I didn't just have my enemy's face in my pussy.

"Hey, you! I was just looking for you. " I turn around to meet bright blue eyes with a gorgeous dimpled


"Oh, hi. " I respond with a smile and he moves closer, bending over my shoulder and bringing his

mouth near my ear as he says, "Want to get out of here? Continue from where we stopped?"

"About that—" I start, and he draws back with furrowed brows. My eyes catch the sight of Emerson

walking in behind him and he meets my gaze, looks between me and Dan, throws me a smirk and walk

away. Fucking bastard.

I look back to Dan and say, "That will be some other time. Sorry to lead you on. "

His face falls for a second, but he's quick to mask it with a smile. A forced smile. "That's alright, but I'll

see you around, yeah?"

"Absolutely. " I assure him and he nods, stepping forward to press his lips to my earlobe before

stepping back and walking away.

I look to where Emerson stands, mumbling something to Paige before turning away.

I find Aliya moulded to a wall with her tongue down Sage's throat. Surprise is the last thing I feel at the

sight of their lower bodies pressed against each other.

Sage must have noticed my presence because Aliya turns back, a smirk pinched to her face as she

meets my eyes.

"Were you looking for me?" She asks and I shake my head. "You weren't hard to find. "

Aliya chuckles and drapes a hand around Sage's waist, moving her to her side. "Did you find someone

to fuck?"

I did in a way? "Maybe. "

She gives me a thumbs up and looks back to Sage, pressing a kiss to her jaw and the girl giggles in

response before she meets my eyes. "You look like you had fun with whoever it was. "

I draw my brows in confusion and she nods to my face. "Your hair. "

"Oh, " I chuckle awkwardly and lift my hand to my hair, smoothing it as best as I can. I blame that on

the car.

"Come on. It won't be fun with just us three. " Sage says and grabs Aliya's wrist, dragging her along. This belongs © NôvelDra/ma.Org.

Aliya looks over her shoulder and gestures for me to follow them and with a sigh, I trail behind my best


Sage leads us to her group of friends and I quietly take the empty seat next to an unfamiliar face,

ignoring the snort redhead gives me.

"How nice of you to have her join us, Sage. " Paige snickers and when I raise my head, she's

positioned on Emerson's laps. The strong urge to speak about that phone call surges through me, but I

ignore it and give her a sweet smile.

"How nice of you to welcome me. " I retort, and a few laughs erupt in the air as Paige clenches her jaw.

"Hey, I'm Leo. " I look away from her to the guy beside me and shake his hand with a sluggish smile on

my face. "Eva. "

"Do you want a drink?" He asks, raising his cup and I dismiss the inquiry with a wave of my hand. "No, I

had that earlier. Thanks for offering, though. "

"The pleasure is completely mine. " He winks and a laugh falls from my lips as he shifts closer to my

end before looking back to his friends.

"We were playing truth or dare before you guys joined us. Anyone wants in?" Jaxon asks from his end.

Sage and Aliya agree while I sink back in my seat, giving a silent shake of my head.

"It will be fun, " Leo whispers beside me.

"Not always. " I tell him, furrowing my brows when he doesn't keep his eyes off me. "What?"

"I just find you interesting. " He chuckles.

"Because I refuse to play a game of truth and dare?"

"Because you don't think it's always fun. " He says before shifting his gaze.

After a lot of truths and dares, Aliya is drunk off her ass, mumbling gibberish next to Sage, who's

equally drunk.

I look around me to see almost half of the people drunk while the others continue to have fun.

I move across the room to get to Aliya and push her off her seat. She giggles when I wrap my hands

around her and take my face in her hands. "Evie! Why do you look so small?"

I shake my face from her grip and clasp her hands in mine while the other remains secured around her

waist. "You're drunk. Come on, I'll get you to your dorm. "

"I'm not drunk. " She argues. "I'm well aware of everything that's going on. Have you seen the other

girl? I had a great time tonight. " She chuckles and spread her arms.

I remind myself to tease her about it when she almost trips over her feet.

"I won't be responsible for whatever happens if you don't hold on tight. " I warn her and she pouts

before wrapping around my neck.

"You're leaving?" Leo asks as I walk past him and I nod.

"Do you need help with her?" He nods toward Aliya and I shake my head, a smile resting on my lips.

"No, I'll be fine. You seem to have a lot more to take care of than I do. " I chuckle, referring to his

friends before moving towards the exit with Aliya dangling off my arm.

"You'll fucking pay for this. " I hiss as I struggle to balance her but she only laughs, throwing her arms

around me.

"You look like you need help, Carson. " I lift my head to see Emerson standing in front of me.

"Help, yes. Your help? Certainly not. "

Emerson laughs and moves Aliya from me. He looks back at me, and say, "I'll save you the trouble and

help you, despite your rotten behaviour. "

"I don't need your help, Ford. " I tell him again and he rolls his eyes before walking away with Aliya in

his arms.

When he's halfway through, he twists his head to me. "You coming?"

I stand still for a few minutes and debate on accepting Emerson's offer which he'll boast of later on or

calling the Uber. To save me the stress, I go with the former and walk towards them.

"Move to the front seat. " Emerson says as he hurls Aliya in the backseat and I shake my head in

refusal. "No, I'll sit with her. "

Without a word, he shuts the door to the backseat and pushes me inside the front seat. He shuts the

door behind me and walks around the car to get in the driver's seat.

"That wasn't so hard, was it?" He smiles as he climbs in. I look to the backseat to make sure Aliya is

fast asleep and unaware of what's going on before turning to Emerson.

"You don't get to fucking push me around. If I want in the backseat, then I want in the backseat. The

fuck is wrong with you?" I snap and Emerson groans, starting the engine and ignoring my rants.

"It's my car. " He says as he drives out of the house.

"One you fucking offered to me. "

"You can move there if you want. " He raises a shoulder and I throw him a glare. "Fuck you. "

Emerson chuckles. "You'll be getting lots of that soon, Carson. You don't have to beg. "

"I'll never beg you for anything. " I snarl and Emerson takes his eyes off the road for a second, dragging

it down my body. His tongue swipes over his lips, the movement so fucking slow and purposeful it

shouldn't be sexual, but Emerson knows what he's doing and I clench my legs at the flush of arousal

that gushes through me.

He lifts his eyes to my face and smirks. "You know, Carson—" he pauses and takes his eyes to the

road before looking back at me. "Sometimes, I think you forget the way I always have you screaming

with my cock, my mouth or fingers between your legs. And I think you forget you'll be doing lots of them

from now on. " I hate the arrogant smirk that remains on his face as he turns away from me. I hate his

fucking Ego and I hate that he has me right where he wants me— my body reacting to the filthy words

that leave his dirty mouth against my better judgement.

"Nice try, Ford but you'll be doing lots of sweating on that. "

His smirk doesn't fade, but he changes the subject. "Who was that guy?"

"What guy?" I cock my brows, angling my head to his sight and his eyes are on the road, his one hand

on the steering wheel while the other lies on his lap.

"Don't act dumb, Carson. " He hisses and it's my turn to smirk. "Nice going on your own words, Ford. "

"Just answer the fucking question. " He says irritably and a small laugh leaves my throat before I say,

"No meddling in each other business. That's the number one rule. "

"Right. " He drums his fingers against the steering wheel. "I'm just watching out for you. "

The sudden change in his tone comes with a change in the air between us and I stare at the side of his

face before looking away with a gulp.

"I don't need you to look out for me. I can take care of myself. " I mumble as I rest my head against the


"You aren't as tough as you think you are, Carson, and I need you around if I will fuck you, so yes, I do

need to watch out for you, Daddy's pet. " Mockery and finality creep into his voice as he speaks and I

want to reach out for the steering wheel and turn it the other way, just to show him fucking him and

agreeing to sleep with him some more doesn't change the littlest of things between us.

"The rules were made for a reason. You break them and we end this before it starts. You get to fuck

me, Ford and that's all you get to fucking do. " When Emerson clenches his jaw in response, I know the

message is well received.

The rest of the drive is in silence and I know we're back to that point where craving each other isn't a

thing. Only bitterness and hostility.

This thing won't last and I'm counting the days before one of us put an end to the madness.

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