Gina, And Her Triplet Alphas

Chapter 61

Third-person narrative.

The warriors who had captured Derrick were busy rejoicing while he was dragged along a narrow path until Derrick had accidentally fallen off a very high cliff.

Derrick was okay, but he was badly bruised.

But when he noticed that warriors were flashing lights everywhere in an attempt to find him, he decided to remain still, until they leave.

Quiet convinced that there was no way Derrick would have survived such a great fall, the warriors headed back to their pack

As soon as they left, Derrick struggled with getting on his feet. He soon noticed that he had a fracture, as one bone was sticking out of his leg.

He growled out in pain while thinking of what to do. Likewise, he knew the cliff he had just fallen from was freaking high and that there was no way help was going to come to him, at least not that high.

And staying out there would only expose him to vicious rogues who were known to roam those areas.

He struggled to sit up; he was in so much pain, but at the same time, his body was slowly giving way to the sleep potion still in his body.

And as soon as his eyes closed, Lucia appeared in front of him.

“You have done well; it’s time to clean you up,” she said to him while she tended to his wounds and magically healed him.

When she was done, she used her powers to provide a shield for him to keep him protected from all protectors.

When she was done, she moved away from him and disappeared.


“Dad, what is it?” Gwen questioned as she hastily answered her phone, which had been ringing nonstop.

She had been so caught up thinking of what to do since Denver came to wake up Derrick and take him out.

She wasn’t so sure if Denver believed her story or not, as her continued stay in the palace would depend solely on whether her story was bought by Denver and his brothers or not.

“Where are you?” Her father questioned her in a panic state.

She could tell that her father was either running or walking fast from the tone of his voice.

She guessed it must be because there was an invasion and that her father was among the warriors fighting.

“I am fine; what is it?” She questioned, keeping her voice as normal as possible because she didn’t want her dad to notice she was freaking out.

I heard Mara has been captured, her father said.

“Yes, she was in my room when Denver caught her,” she admitted.

“Omg, did he do anything to you?” her father questioned.

“No, I told them I didn’t know she was a witch,” she said.

“Good, Where is she now?” her father injuries.

“I don’t know, probably in the dungeon,” she replied.

“You need to get out of that palace this minute and try to meet me up at the pack border; I will be waiting for you there.” Her father said to her.

“Why, where are we going?” she questioned, suddenly scared at the urgency in her father’s voice.

“We don’t have time for this time, just pick up your things and leave. I have a few guards waiting for you outside the palace out of the security reach,” he said.

“Dad, I am sorry I can’t leave with you; I am pregnant,” she said, heartbreaking with her words.

“Pregnant? I don’t understand, for whom?” her father questions.

“It’s Derrick,” she lied.

She just couldn’t bring herself to admit to her dad that she was carrying Samuel’s child.

“What?” her father said, surprised and confused at the same time.

“How did this happen? Is he aware?” he questioned.

From his voice, one could tell that he was thrown off guard by what Gwen had just told him.

“No, Dad, I intend to tell him in the morning,” she said, cleaning off the tears that had gathered in her eyes.

“But, that won’t be possible; Derrick has been captured, and I can’t say for sure whether he is still alive, or not,” he said to her.

“What? Dad, no, you have to bring him back, please; he is the father of my baby, she said, crying profusely.

I am sorry Gwen, I wish you told me earlier, I heard he fell over a huge high cliff that could have killed him,”

“No Dad, please tell me it is not the truth,” Gwen sobbed over the phone.

“I wish I could, Now I want you to leave that palace before they come to find you,” he said to her.

She sobbed hard as her heart broke at the thought that she might have finally lost her place as the Luna to be. She knew that with Derrick dead, her only chance at being the Luna had been tarnished.

And honestly, rising the baby alone was not an adventure she was willing to embark on either.

“Gwen, darling, you have to pick the things you need and leave that palace this minute. I am certain that they are going to find out that I was the one who betrayed the pack anytime soon, and they will do everything possible to get back at me. Don’t worry, we will figure out what to do with the baby, but now I need to leave there. I don’t want to f*****g lose you, so get up and get out of there right now,” he said to her after listening to her sob.

“Okay, I will just pick up my jewelry and meet you up,” she said, cleaning the tears off her cheeks.

“Good girl, I am waiting for you, my darling,” he said before switching off the line.

Gwen was so sad as she quickly looked around her room while deciding what she wanted.

After packing a few of her belongings into a bag, she headed out of the palace, and at the palace gate, she was stopped by the palace guards forming because it was too dangerous.

But she assured the guards that her father had sent some of his guards to get her, and not thinking much of it, the guards let her go.

Meanwhile, Gina and Devon were on their way back to the palace after Denver told them that Derrick had been kidnapped.

Even though Gina was still mad at Derrick due to the state he was in when he saw him with Gwen, she couldn’t help but feel bad that he was captured.

She had decided that she would have to put her emotions aside until they rescued Derrick.

Her mind flashed back to the man she had just killed, and even though this would be her first time killing someone, she surprisingly did not feel any iota of guilt.

The truth was, she would have killed him over and over again if she had the opportunity. She was so sick and tired of other pack warriors using poor, weak omegas like herself to show off.

Even though most of the rival pack warriors had left the pack, the effect of their cruelty lingered in the voices of women weeping by their stained husbands, and children begging their mothers to wake up.

Gina felt she had enough and was not going to let anyone take undue advantage of the omegas anymore

Before long, they arrived at the palace and went searching for Denver. They found him beating the living daylights out of one of the rival pack warriors that had been captured.

From a distance, one could tell that Denver had lost his mind as he was seen punching the man nonstop until he was stopped by some of his men, who felt he was going to kill the warrior before getting information from him.

Devon tried to prevent Gina from going any closer, but she pushed his hand away and walked slowly closer to where Denver was.

“Where did they take him to?” Denver questioned him as his knotted fist forcefully made contact with the warrior’s chin, resulting in the man spitting out four broken teeth from his mouth.

The man growled as more b***d gushed out of his mouth; it was such a messy sight for Gina to behold, but she was not about to look away either.

With one of her mates missing, she was not bothered about who went down.

As soon as she was close enough, Denver caught her scent and hesitated a little to look at her.

He knew very well that she would be hurting badly because one of her mates was missing, and he felt he had disappointed her.

She noticed his hesitation, and she slowly walked toward him to stand right in front of him.

She looked at Denver to see that he was not looking like the Denver she was used to. He looked entirely different; his eyes were darkened with rage, and his hard-fisted hand was dripping b***d.

“It’s not your fault, and we are going to bring him home together,” she softly said to him.

Her voice and scent seemed to calm him as little as he returned his cold gaze to the badly beaten warrior on the ground.

The man’s face was swollen and bloody red, with b***d dripping from his mouth and nostrils.

Gina knew her presence was restraining Denver from doing what he knew how to do best, so her eyes subconsciously found a piece of wood lying carelessly on the floor.

She walked towards the piece of wood and carried it. With her eyes fixed on Denver, she handed him the piece of wood. Sgevafrer nodded her head as a sign of approval for him to get the information he needed from the man at all costs.

Denver was about to strike the warrior with the piece of wood when the man spoke.

“Please don’t kill me; please, I will tell you what I know,” he said, growling and breathing heavily.

“We were asked to attack your pack after our alpha got a call from one of your pack members,” he added.

Everyone present at the scene is surprised to hear that a pack member was responsible for the invasion.This belongs to NôvelDrama.Org.

“Who?” Denver questioned.

“I have no idea; I have never met the man, but I was told that he is someone significant in your pack. And that his main purpose for wanting to overthrow the alpha king is because he thinks the alpha king has become weak,” The warrior kept spurring.

Denver exchanged looks with Gina and his brother, and only one person was on their minds.

Lucas Amel.

“My brother, where do you think they have taken him?” Denver interrogated.

“I don’t have any idea, but I will guess that he should be held in our royal dungeon back in our pack. Please, I have told you everything now; just let me go; I would rather not die, please,” he pleaded.

Denver looked over his shoulder to stare at his mate as if seeking her final permission.

Gina didn’t even think twice about what she needed to do; it felt just right to see the motherfucker dead.

“Kill him,” Gina said coldly to him, and one heavy strike from the wood was enough to kill and splatter the warrior’s brain all over the wall and floor.

Denver dropped the wood on the floor and ordered his men to clean up the mess.

Their first instinct was to go and check on Gwen, but on getting to her room, they found she wasn’t there, and neither were some of her belongings.

That, in a way, confirmed their suspicion.

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