Forbidden Seduction [ Forbidden Obsession]

One Night 19

What is it?’ Roth asked her, his attention caught by the movement of her hand.

‘You’re heavy, Roth, you’re hurting me,’ Elena told him, not entirely truthfully, as she tried to bury herself in the night’s cloaking shadows, but it was too late and she could see from the sudden narrowing of his gaze as it followed

the action of her hand that he realised, as she had just done herself, that her wretched T-shirt had ridden up far enough to expose the lower curve of her breasts.

The last thing, the very last thing she wanted was for Roth to study her body in any way at all, so why… why, the moment his gaze fell to her breasts, did they suddenly decide to react to his presence by swelling and firming, her nipples

sensually flaunting peaks of explicit womanhood?NôvelDrama.Org (C) content.

‘You’re not wearing a bra…’

‘Thank you, Roth, but I am already aware of that fact,’ Elena snapped at him through gritted teeth, her face hot with colour as she tried to reach the edge of her T-shirt to tug it down. But before she could do so Roth forestalled her, his

own fingers curling round the thin white fabric.

Elena was in no doubt that Roth did intend to pull it down to cover her breasts. She could read his intentions quite plainly in his eyes. So how on earth what happened next did happen she was at a complete loss to know.

She moved, and so did Roth’s hand. Elena froze tensely as she felt his knuckles brush the underside of her breasts; immediately she made an awkward lunging movement away from his touch, forgetting that Roth had hold of the edge of her T-shirt. As she moved Roth tugged and then Elena tugged back and Roth let go.

She wasn’t sure which of them it was that made the small hissing sound, expelling their breath as her T-shirt, Lycra added to the cotton to ensure its smooth neat fit, reacted automatically to their tugging action and shot upwards,

fully exposing her naked breasts elena heard Roth curse and then saw him go very still; motionless herself,

She waited. The sensation of Roth’s hand gently cupping her naked breast made her close her eyes in self-defence as she tried to stem the rapture that flooded through her. It wasn’t just what he was doing, it was the fact that she had

once longed for him to touch her, to hold her like this so very, very much, and it was as though all that long-ago feeling and all that long-ago need had suddenly risen up inside her.

‘Roth…’ She heard herself whisper his name, but the hands she put out to him were there to hold him, not to push him away, and as she felt him lower himself slowly against her again the shudder that ran through her was one of desire and not rejection.

Very slowly and gently his fingertips stroked her breasts, shaping them, exploring them. The night air felt velvet soft and sensual against them but nowhere near as soft nor as sensual as Roth’s hands. Carefully he caressed her and she could see the fierce gleam in his eyes as he looked briefly into hers and then he was bending his head towards her, kissing her with a fierce, passionate intensity that left her totally defenceless. Helplessly she opened her mouth to the hungry demand of his, making a tiny soft keening sound deep in her throat as she responded and matched his passion. There was something earthy, primitive, inevitable and unstoppable about what was happening. A soft breeze whispered through the trees bordering the gravel and hypersensitively Elena heard it, felt its warmth against her skin. The rough cloth of Roth’s shirt teased her breasts, making her ache for the feel of his hands against them again. His hands… his mouth… She heard him groan, his fingers biting into her skin as he drew her close, so close that she could feel the hard, aroused pulse of his body. Instinctively her own rose up as though seeking even closer contact with him. His mouth burned hotly against her throat as he kissed it, his head moving lower and lower still until she could feel its demanding heat

against her breast. Elena whispered in need, arching up towards him, almost sobbing in relief as his mouth finally closed over her nipple, caressing it gently, his tongue laving it and then flicking erotically against it before he started to suck on it with a rhythmic urgency that echoed the pulsing heat of his arousal.

Once, long ago, she had dreamt of Roth wanting her like this, needing her like this, all aching, fierce, demanding male passion. Tiny shock waves of desire were flooding sensuously through her, she wanted him so badly; eagerly she drew him closer and then froze as somewhere in the woods a fox screamed noisily to the moon.

Roth too tensed, lifting his mouth from her body as he turned his head in the direction of the noise. Suddenly, abruptly, protected no longer by the heat of his passion nor the

warmth of his body, Elena’s realised what she was doing. The gravel of the drive which previously she had not even noticed pressed sharply into her skin, and her face flushed with mortification as she realised how she must look, how she must seem to Roth, so pathetically eager for his kisses, for him, that she…

‘Don’t touch me,’ she warned him shakily as she yanked down her top and struggled to her feet. ‘I feel sorry for your… for Vicky… if all it takes to make you unfaithful to her is…’

‘You?’ Ran supplied tersely for her.

Elena’s flush deepened, pain filling her body as she turned away from him so that he wouldn’t see how much he was hurting her.

‘We both know that what just happened had nothing to do with… That it wasn’t me… I could have been anyone. My body could have been anyone’s. You were…’ ‘So turned on by the sight of your semi-naked breasts that I couldn’t resist seeing if they felt and tasted as good as they looked,’ Ran told her softly. ‘You forget, elena… I’ve seen them before, and not just seen them but-‘

‘Stop it, stop it,’ Elena begged him, instinctively placing her hands over her ears to blot out the sound of his taunting words. That was the last thing she wanted to be reminded about now… the very last… Tears blurred her vision.

Frantically she blinked them away; she wasn’t going to let Roth see her crying… No way…

Shakily she made her way towards the Discovery whilst Roth watched her broodingly. What the hell could he say to her? She had every right to be furiously angry with him. That gibe about Vicky had been uncalled for, though. Vicky wasn’t his love… he didn’t have a love… There was no relationship, no commitment in his life… unlike her.

Did she respond to Michael the same way she had to him, with that aching, intoxicating blend of female need and almost out-of-control hunger?

Roth closed his eyes as he heard elena start the engine of her car. He had made his fair share of mistakes in his life and had his due portion of regrets, but there was nothing he regretted more than… He swallowed and looked out into the darkness. He hadn’t needed what had happened tonight to tell him that there was unfinished business between him and Elen

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