Forbidden Mate: Awakening

Chapter 59

The dry leaves of the oak trees blew by the empty canals. The atmosphere was chiller than usual. All the members of the grove and pack gathered together to say their final goodbyes to Rex, their respected and beloved Alpha.

As everyone in the main pack commuted in sadness, the air felt heavy with grief, and the only sounds were the soft movement of leaves and occasional sniffling from people crying.

Tyler was there too, but he looked very resolute and calm, which was unusual for him in that situation. He lost his mom 3 years prior, and he was unable to stop crying when her burial rights were being performed.NôvelDrama.Org exclusive content.

Why didn’t he cry now? Is it because he just realized he lost two parents in the span of 4 years?

He couldn’t cry; it was as if he couldn’t believe what had happened, what he had done and couldn’t permit his feelings from being shown to the pack members.

Henry and Rebekah stood next to each other, their faces filled with sadness, as they watched what was happening. They held hands tightly, finding comfort in their shared pain. They looked at Tyler, who stood still and seemed to have no emotions. They were worried and exchanged a look, understanding how much he was grieving.

They noticed how much Tyler was hurting, and they thought his calm appearance showed how heartbroken he was. They felt sad for him because they knew he had a lot to handle, being both a grieving son and the new leader. They looked at each other again and understood that they needed to support Tyler in any way they could.

Audrey also wanted to comfort Tyler because she genuinely cared about him. She walked towards him slowly to show that she understood his pain. But when she got closer, Tyler instinctively moved away. His eyes were filled with anger from his grief. He couldn’t handle any of her intentions at that moment, so he turned away.

The ceremony to bury Alpha Rex happened with everyone showing respect and sadness. They honored his life and what he had done. The members of the pack were united in their sorrow and shared memories of their leader. Henry and Rebekah stood together, silently praying for Tyler’s strength, knowing that he had a difficult journey ahead of him.

Lily’s parents and the elders approached Tyler when they saw what was happening. They understood how much pain he was in and the difficulties he was facing.

Rebekah spoke gently to Tyler, “Tyler, we know you’re hurting. We want to be there for you and help you through this tough time.”

Tyler, sounding upset and frustrated, finally said something since he got there, “I don’t want your sympathy or help. My dad is gone, and everything has changed. Just leave me alone!”

Henry reached out to the grieving son, speaking calmly but firmly. “Tyler, we’re not here to feel sorry for you, but to remind you that you’re not alone. We’re a community, a family, and we’ll support each other through the darkest times.”

Tyler went to his room to be alone and find comfort in the familiar space. Inside his room, he couldn’t control his emotions and became increasingly upset.

Away from the grieving pack, Tyler’s pain burst out uncontrollably. He expressed his anger by hitting things in the room and breaking objects that held memories of his father. Tears streamed down his face, and he cried out in agony, releasing all the weight of his heartache. He felt overwhelmed by his sorrow and the deep sense of loss, which left him feeling broken and shattered.

In his room, Tyler felt false comfort in being alone, trying to escape from overwhelming feelings that threatened to overpower him. He felt very sad and had a jumbled mix of memories and regrets in his mind.

“I killed my father…” he said to himself in ragged breaths. “I killed my father…” he repeated and threw a glass vase to the door, shattering it into pieces around the room.

The pain of losing another parent had deeply affected him, but the guilt of knowing he caused this second death left him feeling empty and unable to overcome the pain.

The sound of Tyler’s cries reached the ears of Lily’s parents and the elders. They felt a deep empathy for the young leader-in-training. They understood how much Tyler had lost and the heavy responsibility now on his shoulders. They gathered a distance outside his door, speaking quietly and exchanging worried looks. They knew he needed space to work through his strong emotions.

Lily’s mom spoke gently, “He’s in pain, just like all of us. He needs to find a way to let it out.”

The elders nodded and understood. They knew this was an important moment for Tyler, a moment that would shape his future as a leader. They felt how deeply he was hurting and realized the weight of his new responsibility.

“We should give him space to mourn,” suggested one elder wisely. “When you experience a great loss, emotions can be overwhelming. He has to find his own path to healing.”

Henry, showing understanding, said, “But we should also be there for him. Let him know that he’s not alone in his pain, that we’re here to support him.”

They all agreed to give Tyler the time and help he needed. They knew that it takes time to heal and that finding peace and personal growth is a deeply individual journey.

As time passed, Tyler’s inner turmoil started to calm down. The night went on, and Tyler’s loud cries gradually turned into tired sobs. He was worn out and emotionally drained. He leaned against the destroyed things in his room. His room was in ruins, showing how deeply sad he had been, but in the midst of the mess, a spark of strength began to show. The sounds of his pain faded away, leaving behind a feeling of emptiness and uncertainty about what would happen next.

When Tyler opened the door and came out of his room, his eyes were puffy from crying and his face showed sadness. Lily’s parents and the elders were there, ready to embrace him, with expressions that showed they understood and they would support him.

“We are here for you, Tyler,” Rebekah whispered, her voice filled with love. “Lean on us when you need to. We are a family bound by both joy and sorrow.”

Tyler, with some tears still in his eyes, nodded, showing that he understood and was thankful. The path ahead was still difficult, but because his pack understood and supported him, he felt a renewed sense of meaning. He would keep his father’s memory alive and lead the pack, knowing that he had others with him on his journey.

Though he entered back into the room, he just wanted to cool his emotions and get a levelled head before joining the elders.

After the noise of Rex’s burial quieted down, Audrey became more worried about Tyler. She knew how much he was suffering and how his whole world seemed to be falling apart. With a caring heart, she went to his door and spoke to him in a gentle voice.

“Tyler, please open the door and let me come in,” Audrey begged. “I know you’re in pain, and I want to be there for you.”

From inside the room, Tyler’s voice could be heard, sounding muffled and full of sadness. “I can’t, Audrey. Not right now. Leave.”

Audrey’s eyebrows furrowed, showing deeper concern. “Tyler, I understand how much you’re hurting, but you don’t have to face it alone. We can support each other during this tough time.”

There was a moment of quiet, and the only sound was Tyler breathing heavily. Then, he spoke with a bitter tone. “Support? That seems very pathetic coming out from someone like you. You betrayed me. You betrayed all of us.”

Audrey felt pained. She did realize the weight of her actions but the way Tyler said it made her look foolish for even coming to comfort him. “Tyler, I never wanted this. I know you hate me now but I only came here to let you know that this will pass away. I’m here for you.”

Tyler let out a pained laugh, “Does that make everything okay? Can you bring my father back? Can you bring my mom back? Can you bring Lily back? Can you undo the pain I’ve caused myself and the one you’ve caused me?”

Feeling more agitated and annoyed that Tyler kept on mentioning Lily and blaming her for everything he was facing now, Audrey’s voice shook as she spoke.

“No, I can’t change the past. But I am trying to support you now, Tyler. Please, let me be there for you. Let me share your burden.”

Tyler’s voice wavered. His anguish was evident in every word. “I trusted you, Audrey. I thought you were different. But now, I can’t trust anyone. Not anymore.”

Audrey’s voice choked with emotion. “Tyler, I know I can’t undo the pain I’ve caused you, but…. Won’t you at least open the door for me? I know you’re hurting now, that’s why I want to be here for you. Please, give me a chance. Please, open the door.”

There was a tense silence between them. The pain they felt made it seem impossible to fix their relationship. Tyler stayed in his room, consumed by anger and sadness.

Outside the room, Audrey was filled with equal sadness, desperation and angry. Tears ran down her face as she realized that the bitter truth was there for her to accept – Tyler never even loved her but had ever only loved Lily and he would blame her for all his problems just because he eavesdropped on one of her conversations with Tiana. Rebuilding the trust she had broken wouldn’t be easy and she wouldn’t even try anymore.

Audrey let out a deep sigh and whispered to herself that she was sure now all her feelings and emotions for Tyler had flown out the window.

“I won’t even try anymore. I’m tired of trying. I sincerely loved you with all my heart, but I’m tired.” She said to herself then faced the door, “Fine! You want me to leave because you hate me so much and think I’m the cause of all your problems? Fine! Just know you will never find another girl who will love you more than I have. Know that!”

Agitatedly, she walked away from the door, leaving Tyler to deal with his grief alone.

Tyler, not even able to hear anything properly at that moment, stood up and opened the door.

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