Forbidden Mate: Awakening

Chapter 30

Alarms were ringing around me.

The escape was found out, and all hell broke loose in the grove. The others quickly jumped into action, their frantic footsteps bouncing off the ground as they they tried to track down Ethan.

I couldn’t decide if I should choose my friendship with Jaxon or prioritize the safety of the pack. Should I expose Jaxon’s involvement in the escape? Or should I stay dumb about it, not knowing what kind of trouble it could cause? I had to figure out the reasons behind his actions first.

Jax? Helping a vampire? How did that even make sense? Am I really sure I saw right?

As the pack members spread out, determined to capture the vampire, I found myself at a crossroads facing a difficult decision. I couldn’t ignore the fact that Jaxon had put our pack at risk, but I also couldn’t shake the feeling that there was more to his actions than I knew.

So, I decided to just keep my mouth shut and wait to see how things played out. I figured I’d only spill the beans about Jaxon if it was absolutely necessary. It was a pretty risky move, putting my trust and loyalty on the line. But, honestly, I had this gut feeling that Jaxon was hiding something huge from me and everyone else. This didn’t sit well with me.

As the alarm kept blaring, making a ton of noise, I got ready for whatever would happen next.

I had already ran through the tunnel back to the ground floor. Amidst the chaos, my gaze shifted to Jaxon, who now hurriedly blended in with the other pack members, hiding his actions behind a mask of innocence.

I couldn’t stop the worry that consumed me. It was the fear that Adrian’s life was in danger. For some reason, I felt he was a target – a punching bag for this brewing war, even though I wasn’t sure myself what had led him to our grove and if that could be a contributing factor to his people’s retaliation now.

The pack hunters, led by my father’s obsession to infiltrate the vampire clan, were stepping into dangerous territory. War…. I hated that word but it kept echoing in my head.

Wanting to express my concerns and seek guidance, I approached my mother, hoping she would understand and reassure me. But as soon as I spoke, her expression turned serious, and she warned me sternly.This text is © NôvelDrama/.Org.

“Lily, don’t interfere in your father’s affairs,” she cautioned firmly. “He believes he’s doing what’s necessary to protect us all.”

“But Mom,” I pleaded, “can’t you see? The grove is at risk. Chasing after the vampire will just be giving them what they want. Maybe it’s all a set-up, a trap. Can you remember what he said?”

“And how could you possibly know that?” She eyed me.

“I just read between the lines. He said his people are planning something and his only mission here was to pass the message across. Maybe he lingered around the boarders so he could be purposely caught by us.. maybe…”

“Oh Lily, that’s enough of your maybes and enough of everything else you have to say.” She held a hand to my face, signifying I should stop talking.

“You don’t even want to hear me out… you know what I’m saying makes sense.”

Her eyebrows furrowed as she turned to me, “It doesn’t matter. Lily, your father knows what he’s doing,” she replied, with caution and dismissal in her tone. “He’s always been wise and careful in his decisions. We have to trust him to protect and lead us in the right way.”

But what if this way isn’t the right one? I wanted to say but knew better not to.

Frustration built up inside me, and my worries grew heavier. How could she dismiss my fears and contemplations so easily? Didn’t she realize the potential danger that lurked in the shadows? What if I was actually right and they’re leading us straight into an attack or something worse?

Before she could leave, another question popped into my head, as unrelated as it was – it came to my attention all of a sudden and I felt the need to ask.

Summoning my courage, I continued, dead set on finding out the truth.

“Mom, wait.”

“What is it again, Lily?” She sounded tired.

“I just have one more thing to tell you, I mean ask.”

“And what could that be?”

“Remember…” I started of with caution, “that time you and dad traveled months ago and I was placed in charge…”. Her stare got more intense, “I was looking for a key in father’s room and-”

“What were you doing in your father’s room?” She questioned impatiently.

“Looking for a key to the back gate because some guards wanted to get some barrels.” The lie came out easily and I was grateful.


“I snooped around more.. I know, Mom, punish me later, but I saw something.”

My mother’s calm demeanor shattered, replaced by a flicker of alarm in her eyes.

“What did you find, Lily?” she asked, her voice tinged with worry.

Taking a deep breath, I shared what I had found-the journal, notes, and detailed plans that painted a vivid picture of my father’s relentless pursuit for something of supposedly great power. As I blabbered on, I could see the seriousness sinking in on her face.

My mother listened intently, her eyes darting around, showing her internal struggle. But just as fast as she got all worked up, she pulled herself together and put on a calm face, hiding her worries.

“Lily, what you found wasn’t meant for you to see,” she said with a strained voice. “There are things beyond our understanding and control. It’s best to let your father handle them.”

Her words hit me hard, making me feel isolated and unheard. It seemed like my worries didn’t matter.

“Mother, don’t you think what the vampire said was hinting at what father was looking for? He said they had the key to our destruction… couldn’t the key be -”

“Curiosity in itself is productive but when it is incautious and stupid like the one you have now, it will only result in mishap and segregation. If you do not want your father to punish you severely for trespassing into his space, then better wipe that memory of you seeing anything from your brain and be a good, obedient and quiet girl. Is that clear, Lily?” Her tone had become commanding.

Defeated, I nodded, “Yes, mother.”

Accepting the fact that I was on my own in this battle, I watched as she left to perform her duties. My mother’s dismissal solidified the distance between us, and I realized I had to find my own way, independent of my family’s expectations. I couldn’t rely on my mother or father to get the answers I wanted or to heed any of my speculations. I had to take matters into my own hands.


A meeting was held right after the search party was sent out.

I stood beside Sarah, trying to calm my pulsating nerves. Adrian was singled out, no doubt because of his foreign background, to be questioned by my father. At this point, I was convinced father just hated him for so many reasons.

He was standing directly in front of him.

My heart raced as I watched my father question Adrian. My father’s intense gaze at Adrian was filled with only suspicion and authority.

“Did you have any hand to play in the vampire’s escape?”

“No, I didn’t, sir.” Adrian reiterated.

“If you lie, you know your punishment. Tell the truth now.”

“That is the truth, sir. I didn’t help the vampire to escape.”

“Is that so? I saw the way you both exchanged glances when he was first brought here.” Oh no. I knew I had caught father looking, “It seems you both have crossed paths before, as enemy or as ally…”

The room buzzed with murmurs.

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