Fated to Them (book 1+2)

Chapter 43

Chapter 43

Read Fated to Them by Jessica Hall Chapter 43 – “Where is Maya?” Taylor asks, sniffling.

“Before school care” I tell her. Eli walks into the kitchen making coffee. When Taylor looked at him

watching him closely, I didn’t understand the fear I saw on her face.

“They aren’t human Addie” She whispers to me. I know they heard her but they didn’t acknowledge

what she said. Instead Cyrus sits at the table and Eli hands him a coffee.

“I know that Taylor” I tell her and she looks at me shocked, I was more shocked as to how she knew

they weren’t human. I look at Cyrus and he shrugs his shoulders, uncaring of her knowing.

“How do you know?” I ask her and she shakes her head.

“They haven’t changed, they are still the same from when dad was alive, I thought I recognised them, I

wasn’t sure before but I am now” She says and Cyrus looks at her. An indecipherable expression on

his face. Eli places a cup in front of both of us and I see him glare at my sister. I pick up mine when

Taylor snatches it from me and sniffs the cup. I take it from her.

“What are you doing?” I ask her and she looks at Eli. He growls and she flinches before shaking her


“Can I speak to you, privately” she whispers before her eyes dart to my neck, she flicks my hair from

shoulder staring at my mark, her hands going to her mouth. I am suddenly hit with Eli’s anger making

me look at him.

“We haven’t got time for this, we need to go to work. Cyrus do whatever it is you’re going to do” Eli

says waving his hand and Taylor gets up from her seat, a panicked expression on her face as she

looks to Cyrus. He pulls his chair out about to walk around the table toward her.

“Wait!” I tell them wanting to know what my sister wants to talk to me about. Eli walks to the other side

of the table blocking my sister from running. I jump to my feet in panic when I feel his anger rushing

over me.

“Addie what’s going on?” Taylor asks clutching onto my back and using me as a shield.

“Wait Cyrus just let me calm her down” I tell him but he ignores me reaching for her. I slap his hand

away, stopping him from grabbing her. Eli growls making goosebumps rise on my skin. The sound so

menacing Taylor freaks out grabbing a lamp from the hall stand and brandishing it as a weapon.

“Taylor calm down” I tell her turning to face her but her eyes dart to all three of us frantically.

“Addie you don’t understand, you can’t be with them” She says. Eli reaches for her and she swings the

lamp barely missing him.

“Taylor calm down Cyrus is just going to help you”

“Help me, help me Addie? I don’t need help especially from the likes of them” She screams, swinging

the lamp again but this time Eli grabs it, ripping it from her hands and placing it on the bench behind

him. He advances on her and I step in his way blocking him from her.

“Move Addelyn” He snaps at me.

“No just let me explain to her”

“Explain what?” Taylor shrieks just as Cyrus grabs her, wrapping his arms around her shoulders, she

shrieks and starts struggling. Kicking her legs and trying to fight him off.

I grab her face, trying to calm her instead I get kicked in the stomach knocking me back and onto the


“He is just going to help, help so you can be a better mother to Maya, Taylor” I tell her getting up off the


“I’ll be good Addie, I will be good I promise” She cries. Struggling against Cyrus. She throws her head

back, the back of her head connecting with his face. He grunts at the impact before Taylor screams as

his grip becomes tighter and I see her face turning purple as she struggles to breathe as he crushes

her chest in his arms.

“Let her go your f*****g k*****g her” I scream at him trying to pry his arms away from her when suddenly

Eli grabs my waist ripping me away from her.

“Deal with her” Eli screams at him and I watch horrified as he starts dragging my sister from the room

while she screams for me. I thrash in Eli’s arms trying to help her, the panicked look on her face

breaking my heart. Eli rips me into the hallway toward the living room.

“Addie enough he won’t hurt her” Eli snaps at me.

“He already is, just let me calm her,” I scream at him turning in his arms and pushing on his chest. Eli

trips over the coffee table as we c***h to the floor, he pivots and I land on top of him. I sit up, about to

make a dash for my sister when Eli grips my ankle, ripping me back to the ground. A terrifying noise

leaving him making me scream as I am jerked back to him by my foot, I start kicking trying to get away

from him as I watch petrified as his canines protrude and his eyes turn a demonic black, neverending

pools of darkness and I can see emy scared expression mirrored in his eyes as he pushes between my

legs pinning my arms to the floor.

“Stop Addie,” He growls as I thrash trying to escape him.

“Let me go, Eli. Let me f*****g go” I scream tears rolling down my face and into my hairline.

“Addie stop we had an argreement, he helps her and you come with us, he is doing what he promised

now f*****g stop struggling” Eli yells at me before slamming me down on the carpet, his grip on my

arms tightening painfully.

“It’s done,” Cyrus says, making me look up and I see him looking down at us, his arms folded across

his chest an annoyed expression on his face. Eli lets me up sitting back on his knees and releasing me.

I scramble to my feet racing toward the kitchen when I see my sister sitting at the table staring off

vacantly at the wall.

“Taylor?” I ask before rushing to her side. She looked at me, her face lighting up like it was the first time

she had seen me today.

“Ada,” She says before standing and hugging me. I pull back holding her at arm’s length looking at her.

“Are you okay?” I ask her and she looks at me like I have grown two heads.

“Of course I am, why wouldn’t I be” I look to Cyrus as he walks in leaning on the bench watching us. Eli

walks in behind him and I glare at him.

“What did you want to tell me?” I asked her trying to get some reaction out of her. She seemed fine but

something was off, she almost seemed happy, something I haven’t seen on her face in years. Her

brows furrowed in confusion.

“I hmm. oh right. Cyrus said he can get me a job where you work” She says and I look at him and he


“No you were going to tell me something about them, something about seeing them” I tell her and she

shakes her head.

“No, I don’t know what you are talking about, what time do I pick up Maya?” She asks. I let her go,

stepping back. Looking at Cyrus confused.

“What did you say to her?” I ask as she walks off up to her old room. She stops on the stairs looking

down over the bannister.

“Ada, can I borrow your clothes?” She asks. I look up at her.

“yes of course just help yourself” I tell her, confused by the complete personality change. Cyrus waits

for her to be out of sight before answering. Property © of NôvelDrama.Org.

“I erased all memories of her using d***s, I erased Ethan, so I will probably have to erase him from your

mothers thoughts too” He says, talking to himself.

“Wait, my mother? My sister has no memory of the last four years of her life and no memory of Ethan at

all, she grew up with him” I tell him, finding it hard to believe he could just erase a huge part of her life

like it was nothing.

“You wanted your sister fixed, I fixed her. Now get ready for work” He says, turning on his heel and

walking up the stairs.


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