Falling In Love With The Billionaire Twins


The dim light of the room filtered through the curtains, casting a soft, muted glow on the surroundings. I lay in bed, wrapped in the embrace of the covers, my body feeling like an anchor that had been tethered down by sickness. The past few days had been a relentless battle against an unseen adversary, an illness that had taken hold of me and refused to let go.

The heaviness in my limbs was matched only by the relentless ache that throbbed through my body. It was as if every muscle had declared its rebellion, protesting against the turmoil that raged within. The room seemed to sway gently as waves of dizziness washed over me, leaving me feeling disoriented and weak.

Nausea was a constant companion, an unwelcome guest that refused to leave. The mere thought of food sent waves of queasiness rippling through my stomach. The past few days had been a brutal cycle of eating a morsel, only to see it come back up minutes later. Each time, my body seemed to echo my desperation, as if it too longed for relief from this relentless torment.

As I lay there, eyes closed, I felt the bed shift slightly, a sign that someone had entered the room. A gentle hand touched my forehead, cool and comforting against my feverish skin. It was Ace, his touch soothing and reassuring. “How are you feeling?” he asked, his voice laced with concern.This text is © NôvelDrama/.Org.

I managed a weak smile, my throat too sore to form words. Instead, I gave a slight nod, hoping he could see in my eyes the gratitude I felt for his presence. Beside him, Alex stood with a glass of water and a bowl, ready to offer support in whatever form I needed.

“Here, take small sips,” Alex said gently, helping me prop myself up with pillows. The water was a lifeline, soothing my parched throat and momentarily quelling the persistent nausea. As I laid back down, I could feel their presence like a shield against the storm that raged within me.

Days like these had a way of breaking down walls, revealing the depth of care that existed within the bonds of our relationship. Ace and Alex were a united front, each taking on a role that suited their strengths, all in an effort to nurse me back to health. It was a reminder that love was as much about being present during the joyous moments as it was about standing by during the trying times.

In the midst of my discomfort, they were my anchors. They seemed to anticipate my needs before I could voice them, a silent understanding that had been forged through years of companionship. Alex handed me a piece of toast, a small offering that held the promise of sustenance without the threat of immediate rejection.

“Try taking small bites,” Ace suggested softly, his hand resting on my shoulder, a gesture that conveyed support without overwhelming me. It was a slow, laborious process, but with their encouragement, I managed to keep the food down. The toast felt like an accomplishment, a small victory in a battle that was far from over.

As the day progressed, Ace and Alex took turns by my side, offering comfort and companionship. They adjusted the room’s lighting to ease the strain on my sensitive eyes and read to me in hushed tones, their voices a soothing balm against the backdrop of discomfort. They brought a humidifier to ease my breathing and positioned the bed in a way that would minimize my nausea.

The mere act of moving felt like a monumental task, but their presence provided a sense of purpose. They were my lifeline, my connection to the world beyond the confines of the room. When I felt overwhelmed by the sickness, they were there to hold my hand and remind me that I wasn’t facing it alone.

As night descended, Ace and Alex made sure I was comfortable, tucking me in with an extra blanket and adjusting the room’s temperature. They sat on either side of the bed, their presence a source of solace in the darkness. Their fingers intertwined with mine, creating a network of support that extended beyond words.

“Rest now,” Ace murmured, his voice a gentle lullaby that echoed in my ears. “We’re right here with you.”

And as I closed my eyes, I could feel the weight of their care enveloping me, wrapping me in a cocoon of love and tenderness.

The night was quiet and still, the moonlight casting an ethereal glow through the bedroom window.

As I lay in bed, trying to calm my thoughts, I felt a strange sensation-a chill that seemed to crawl up my spine. The room felt colder, and a shiver ran down my body. Slowly, I realized that I was no longer alone. My eyes widened as I saw her, the old woman, standing at the foot of my bed.

The frail silhouette was illuminated by a soft, eerie light. Her eyes held a wisdom that seemed to span centuries, and her gaze seemed to pierce through my very soul. In that moment, I could almost hear the distant whispers of the wind and the rustling of leaves, as if she carried the secrets of nature itself.

“I have seen the threads of fate,” she whispered, her voice a haunting melody that resonated in the air. “Tragedy… it follows you like a shadow.”

Fear gripped me, but I mustered the courage to speak, my voice quivering. “Who are you? What do you want?”

She didn’t answer immediately. Instead, she reached out her withered hand, her fingers curling slightly before gently pressing against my stomach. A jolt of panic surged through me, my heart racing like a trapped bird. I was frozen, unable to comprehend the significance of her touch.

The room seemed to spin, and the chill in the air intensified. The sensation of her touch remained, as if imprinted upon my skin. I wanted to scream, to escape this eerie encounter, but my voice caught in my throat. I watched her, wide-eyed and helpless.

And then it happened-a scream tore through the silence, escaping my lips in a rush of terror. The sound seemed to shatter the stillness, echoing in the room like a desperate plea for help. My hands flew to my mouth, the realization of what had just occurred hitting me like a tidal wave. I had screamed, unable to contain the fear that had consumed me.

Almost immediately, the bedroom door swung open, and Ace and Alex rushed in, their expressions a mix of concern and confusion. Their presence was a lifeline, a connection to reality that I desperately needed. They scanned the room, their eyes searching for the source of the distress.

“What happened? Are you okay?” Ace’s voice was laced with worry as he approached the bed.

I struggled to find my voice, my heart still racing from the encounter with the old woman’s touch. “I… I saw her again. The old woman from the park. She touched me.”

Alex’s brows furrowed, his concern deepening. “The same woman? The one who said ‘tragedy’?”

I nodded, my breath still uneven. The room felt charged with tension, the events of the past few moments creating an atmosphere of unease.

Ace’s gaze shifted from me to the foot of the bed, where the old woman had stood. “There’s no one here,” he said softly, his voice a reassuring anchor in the midst of my fear.

I blinked, confused. Had it all been a figment of my imagination? The sensation of her touch, the haunting words-it had felt so real. Yet, as I glanced around the room, there was no sign of the mysterious woman.

Alex gently touched my arm, his touch grounding me in the present. “It was just a dream,” he said softly. “You’re safe.”

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