Falling In Love With The Billionaire Twins


Nicole VargasExclusive © material by Nô(/v)elDrama.Org.

I could hear the sound of people babbling the moment I stepped out of the car. I was still in the driveway and these people were all the way sitting in the patio in the back garden.

That’s how loud they were talking.

“A huge family you have here.” Ethan remarked as he stepped out of the car, looking as handsome as ever in his black button up shirt and blue jeans. I love casual Ethan.

“Huge family? There’s only like thirty people.” I answered laughing.

“Really?” He asked, placing his hand around my waist. “Are you sure? It sounds like a hundred people.”

“Oh come on. Remember when I told you my family is really loud? They are like parrots. Talking non stop.”

Ethan chuckled. “Let’s get this over with then.”

We walked to the front door and before I could knock, the door swung open revealing my mom in a bright blue dress. She always managed to look so elegant and classy. “You made it!” she exclaimed, hugging me tightly. “You never like family dinners, I thought you would come with a last minute excuse for this one too.”

I laughed at how accurate she was. “I would. But then I thought that it would be the perfect way to introduce Ethan to the family.”

My mom looked at Ethan and grinned widely. “I couldn’t wish for a better man for my daughter. Come in. Everyone’s waiting for you.”

We walked towards the back of the house where the patio was. For as long as I can remember we always have family dinner at the patio. It was big enough for thirty people to fit and it was outdoors.

My dad sat at the end of the dinner table and when he saw us coming out of the house he stood up, a big smile plastered on his face. “Everyone this is my future son-in-law, Ethan Gray.” he announced as he pointed at us.

Everyone at the dinner table turned dead silent. For one second.

“Meu Deus!, ele e bonito.”

“When is the wedding?”

“Mmh, Nicole are you pregnant? You are glowing.”

“Shush Alexandria, how can you ask that? Nicole is in love of course she will glow.”

“You snatch a homem bonito. I’m jealous.”

All the women on the table started talking through each other, firing one question after another at us. They were all suppose to be ‘elites’ but at the family dinner all the etiquette they have learned suddenly vanished.

The only thing that they worry about at family dinner is their weight. Most of these women on the table excluding me and my mom chose for salad rather than the juice steak and fries or mac and cheese.

I usually choose mac and cheese and salad to keep dinner balanced. I love my figure and I’m doing anything to keep it like this, but I also don’t like to starve myself.

“Boa noite a todos, I want you to all meet my boyfriend Ethan Gray.” I squeezed Ethan’s hand as I look up to him. I was surprised to see his relaxed facial expression. If I was in his place I think I would have a stroke.

He smiles politely at everyone at the table. “Good evening all, I’m honored to meet all of you.”

“He’s so polite.” Aunty Rafa with the big hoop earrings said from across the table. “I already like you. We like him, don’t we Benito?” She looked at her husband who nodded his head at her.

“Yes we do, darling.”

We sat down at the table as everyone was still chattering on and on. They questioned Ethan what he was doing in New York and what his future plans were. They asked about his family, how we met, and where he went to school.

Ethan answered all the questions as best as he could. Then we had dinner and as I already said even while we were eating the talking didn’t stop. Ethan looked at me and mouthed ‘you were right.’

After dinner we decided to say our goodbyes. Ethan didn’t really show that he had a problem staying around these loud bunch of people that I call family. But I did. My head was spinning from all the questions, stories, and complaints.

“So fast?! Why?” Mom pouted as she hugged me tightly. “I’ll not see you until… when you decide to visit me again or vice versa.”

“You will see me soon mom.” I promised her. “At the opening of my boutique.”

“Oh yeah, please tell me in advance so I can reschedule my appointment and dad his meetings.”

“I will don’t worry.” I turned to my dad who was standing at the doorway with his arms crossed. “Bye dad.”

“Can I have a little chat with Ethan?”

I looked at Ethan who was standing behind me and he just shrugged his shoulders. “Sure.”

“In private.” Dad added as he walked to his office, beckoning Ethan to follow him.

“Dad, please don’t do anything ridiculous.” I yelled at him before he closed the door behind him.

“Let’s go back and join the family again.” Mom suggested as she tugged on my hand.

“I don’t want to go back. They are so loud like… like fifty children combined in one room.” I said as I looked outside through the window. Even from here you could still hear clearly what they were talking about.

Aunt Gina was talking about her trip to Australia (like always at all family dinners) and Uncle Vidal was complaining about how shitty the service was at some airline he flew with last week.

“What can I do?” My mom sighed. “They are all family. My siblings and your dad siblings. And then your cousin Xavi and his fiancee and Penelope and her sister. It’s a big family.”

“It totally is. And they are so loud. Like parrots.”

My mom laughed. “Don’t say that in front of their faces. Are you going to invite them all at your wedding?”

“What wedding?” I asked confused.

“Your wedding. I mean you must have talk about marriage with Ethan right?”

I gave my mom a funny look. “No, besides I feel like we have just started dating yesterday.”

“Don’t be ridiculous. It’s always good to talk about marriage and babies at the earliest as possible.”

“Why?” I asked. I don’t see why it’s important.

“Because then you will know where Ethan stand. What if he never wants to marry or never want kids?”

“Now you are just overthinking, mom.” I shook my head and laugh. “If the time is right things will happen on its own.”

The door of the office opened and Ethan stepped out followed by my dad who patted his shoulder. “Don’t you dare hurt my daughter, Ethan.”

“I will not, Santiago.” Ethan said as he gave my dad a firm handshake.

Santiago huh? First name basis already.

“Shall we go, Nicole?” Ethan asked as he stretched his hand out at me. I placed my hand in his and together we walked outside, followed by my parents.

“You are right, you know.” Ethan whispered in my ear as we neared our car.

“What do you mean?”

“Your family is crazy.” He chuckled. “Your dad especially.”

“What did he say?” I asked as Ethan opened the door for me.

“Nothing. He just showed me his collection.”

I facepalmed myself. Grumbling I fumbled with the seatbelt until Ethan jumped in the drivers seat.

“He didn’t threaten you, did he?”

“No, he didn’t or maybe he was. I don’t know, it didn’t feel like it. I was just taken aback. It’s not everyday I see something like that.”

Of course, it’s not everyday you see a collection of swords.

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