Dirty Seduction

Chapter 145

He wasn’t expecting that. He looked awkward, staring ahead across the street and not at me.

“I know you were waiting for me,” I told him. “Don’t pretend you weren’t.”

“How could you know that? I could have been waiting for anyone. You’re not normally out of there for ages now anyway.”

“Stop trying to fool me, Jay. I know you were.”

I found I was smiling, remembering all the times we’d spent together. I could read him like a book.

“Whatever, Rosie. I do have other mates you know.”

“I know that, but you were waiting for me. I could tell.”


“You always have a particular scowl when you’re angry at me. Your eyebrows pit, like this.” He turned to me as I pulled a face, and despite his terrible mood he couldn’t help himself. He shook his head, but he was smiling.

“I was going to tell you to fuck off.”

“Again? Wow. Aren’t I lucky.”

“Guess you’re getting immune since the whole of the estate wants you to fuck off right now.”

“Ouch.” I faked a heart wound.

“Yeah, well, true, isn’t it?”

I leant back against the bench, not letting his words get to me.

“They can want me to fuck off if they want to. Maybe I will one day.”

His eyes were piercing. His smirk was a bastard. “Maybe you’ll fuck off in that cute little car of yours. I bet it was fun going away in it.”

Ah, of course. I smirked back at him, still immune.

“It was you, wasn’t it? You’re skilled. You should be an artist.”

“Skilled enough that people know a fucked-up pervert was driving it.”

“Yeah, well. Get another can of spray paint if you want to. Do the other side.”

I got up to leave, but he grabbed my arm, but this time there wasn’t any violence in it.

“Wait a minute, will you?”

I sat back down.

“Fuck,” he said, and put his hands over his face. “Things are so fucked up.”

“With your dad? There’s a surprise.”

“Don’t be a bitch. I’m being serious. Dad’s not coming back now, for real.”

“I didn’t think he was anyway.”Têxt belongs to NôvelDrama.Org.

Jayden dropped his head at that, and I realised he’d had dreams. Of course he had.

“He’s met someone,” he said. “Some stupid bitch from up in Wrexham.”


“Yeah. He went to hang out with some loser mates of his, and met her.”

I wasn’t surprised. I wouldn’t want to even guess how many partners Scottie had had in his life. Largely behind people’s backs. But that wasn’t Jayden’s fault. I felt sorry for him. He’d had as many mothers as I’d had fathers.

“He says she’s different,” Jay said. “But he’s talking bullshit, as per. She’s got four kids, and went to prison for dealing last year. He already says they’re his world and call him Dad.”

“Sounds worse than here.”

“Yeah. And he’s staying there.” He sucked in a breath. “Could have at least picked somewhere posh to go. Might have had a rich stepmother.”

“Maybe.” I paused, then asked. “Does my mum know?”

“Yeah. But she doesn’t give a toss.”

“Really? Who said that?”

“She did, and everyone knows it. She’s seeing Tom Mackley now. The guy from Blackpole.”

“What the Tom Mackley? Are you sure?”

“Yeah, Tom Mackley. Old guy. Daughter called Char who moved to Ronkswood.”

I looked at him, trying to digest it.

“Mum is seeing Tom Mackley?”

“Yes. She’s singing his praises every chance she gets.”

“At the Brewery?”

“Of course at the Brewery. That’s where she is every night, when she’s not at his place.”

My mum had a new boyfriend… and I didn’t know about it. A wave of relief washed over me, to know that Mum was with someone that wasn’t Scottie. But it was still weird. Horrible. I’d had no idea.

I knew Tom Mackley, kind of. Mum was friends with his daughter, Charlee, or used to be. They worked in the same care home when I was still in primary school. I couldn’t help but smile, because Tom was older than Julian. He had to be at least fifty-five. Probably older. He’d been married from eighteen, but his wife passed away a few years ago, which was awful. I remembered Mum going to her funeral. I also remembered how Mum had said life would have been mega different if she’d had people around her like Tom and Debbie growing up, and not her own mum and dad who’d thrown her out like she was nothing.

How ironic. Mum going for a big age gap herself…

Maybe, one day, she’d begin to see the strengths in mine.

“I’m sorry,” I said to Jay, and put my hand on his shoulder. “I know things must be hell for you.”

“So you’re sorry for me now?”

“I’ve always been sorry for you.”

“Wasn’t quite what I was imagining when I sprayed your car with a dick.”

“I’m sure I can forgive you.”

“I hope the prick you’re with doesn’t.”

“I think you’d be surprised. He’s not quite like you think he is.”


It was the same kind of crap as always, but I didn’t flare up, or walk away. I just sat there with him. It took him a few minutes to break the silence.

“I don’t know why you haven’t fucked off yet.”

“Because I care about you.”

“Despite the fact I hate your boyfriend and sprayed your car?”

“And threatened to kill me?” I added. “Yep.”

He laughed a sad laugh. “Thanks.”

“You’re welcome.”

“Sorry I told you about your mum, if you didn’t know.”

“That’s ok. I’m glad you did. Tom’s nice.”

“Yeah, he seems it. Better than my dad.”

I pushed my glasses up my nose to get them straight, and looked at him fresh.

“Wow, that’s quite something.”

“It’s true, though. We all know it. I just didn’t want to believe it.”

“You still don’t, I’m sure.”

“Nah, but there’s only so long you can lie to yourself before you know it’s bollocks, isn’t there?”

“I’m sorry, Jay.”

I saw him choke tears back, kicking at a stone on the ground. “Your mum isn’t a piece of shit, though, so I hope you make up with her. She deserves it.”

So did I. It hit me then, how Mum was moving on. I just wished I could be a part of it.

“You should go now,” Jay said. “I’m sure you’ve got sick prick waiting for you.”

“Sick prick? That’s got a ring to it.”

“Maybe I’ll spray that on his car next.”

“Would have matched the dick on the bonnet pretty well.”

He smirked. “Yeah.” He rubbed his eyes and took a breath. “Seriously, Rosie, I’m alright now. Just go. I’m heading over to Mum’s soon. She’s cooking dinner.”

“Is she doing her onion mashed potato special?”

“Sure is.”

“Best get to it, then.”

I knew his mum would be waiting with open arms.

I hugged him before I went, wishing I was heading over to my mum’s for dinner.

Again, maybe one day.

I almost cried when I walked past the front door, holding back the tears as I took the banister rail for the next floor, but I couldn’t do it. I had to try. I took a breath and walked back there. Pausing outside, daring to hope.

Please. I was holding my breath as I waited, pulse thumping as I knocked. Please. I hoped there wouldn’t be screaming, or crying, just a chance to talk. Just one little chance.


I knocked again, listened out for her, pressing my ear to the door.


I didn’t know what I’d say, just something. Anything.


But she didn’t answer.

I knocked louder. “Mum? It’s me.”

I knew she wasn’t at work. It wasn’t her shift time yet.

“Mum! It’s me!”

Still no answer.

I put my ear back to the door and there was silence. No sound of the TV, or her talking, or anything. Just quiet. So maybe she wasn’t in. I called up a message on my phone, and saw she was online. I dared to type.

I saw Jayden. He said about Tom. I’m really happy for you. I’d love to meet him one day.

I hoped for the typing icon, but nothing. She went offline.

Fuck it.

I paused at the top of the stairs before I went back home to Julian. I didn’t want him to see me crying all over again, but it didn’t make any difference. He still saw the tear marks when I stepped inside.

“Hey, sweetheart.”

His arms were so warm.

“Mum’s got someone. A guy called Tom. He’s nice.”

“That’s good. I’m very glad for her.”

“Me too. I just wish she’d told me herself.”

“Who told you?”


“Ah.” He stroked my cheek. “Maybe she will tell you herself one day soon. Who knows? Fate can be very kind.”

I grinned. “Yeah, sometimes. It brought me you.”

He held me tight, rocked me, soothed me. Made sure I was stable on my feet, and had let out the hurt.

“Fate’s very, very kind,” I said, when I’d gathered myself.

“And so are you. You’re an angel.”


“On that note, take a seat, please,” he said, and gestured to the laptop on the table.

“For the scene?” I managed to laugh. “Not sure I’m feeling all that horny right now.”

He laughed back. “No, no, I wouldn’t expect so, but this isn’t a dirty scene, don’t worry. It’s something rather different.”


He had a strange look on his face. A beautiful one. Majestic, and loving. And nervous. Weirdly nervous. Something was going on.

“Sit down and take a look, please,” he said, and I did.

He followed me, and called up a document. One I hadn’t seen before.

The Girl Downstairs the header said.

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