Daughter-in-law Strikes Harder

A deal to mute

“Do you think Dalton caught on, mother? Because he is going to make us pay for this if he finds out,” Ellen whispered to her mother’s ear immediately as they took the elevator, like Dalton was still somewhere around and would probably hear what she was saying.

“Even if he has, there is no evidence that we did that. You know your brother believes in what he sees, and confirms as truth,” a smug tugged Eleanor’s lips as the elevator door slid close, while Ellen pressed on the number buttons on the wall to indicate the floor they were going up to.

“What did you mean, no evidence? The cameras are still working perfectly, and even those filthy pests that call themselves maids are everywhere. Dalton would end up finding out,” Ellen further stated, as she leaned tiredly against the walls of the elevator. She really hated the costly game they were playing against the real game master.

“Those are the simplest, to keep away from interfering into this. I have it all under control,” she paused for a few seconds, “Have you called Hailey? Where is she now?” Mrs. Eleanor Miller asked her daughter, changing the topic from impending bother that had not even taken place.

Knowing where Hailey whom they had sent on a crazy mission was, would be the next thing to be certain about.

“Where do you even think that witch of a lady is? I have not seen her all day, and she is definitely not in her room either. Do you think she is dead somewhere in the house?” Ellen asked, continuing with the talk that she couldn’t end just yet, because she wasn’t going to allow unfinished matters to disturb her head throughout the party.

Especially for the fact that they would soon have to share the same party space with Dalton pretty soon.

“Can we just talk about Hailey now? There is a high chance that she is not in the party and maybe somewhere around,” Eleanor cut her daughter off from her talks about what she was avoiding, to also get away the tension that was buried deep within her heart.

She was soon going to be meeting her close acquaintance and other elites of her group in the party, and she had to look effortlessly stunning without any sign of stress radiating from her.

“There is no reception in the elevator, mum. Will do that as we get off,” Ellen replied nonchalantly.

She sure was never going to make the mistake of coming together in the same car with her mother to a ball party again, that would require both of them being present due to any kind of event. It was better they just went separate ways, and associate with different persons that they wish to.

Aside from Hailey, she had no other friends that she could have fun with, because of the ego and high class that came with being a member of the Miller family.

As much as she hated to know that it was no longer possible to befriend other wealthy young ladies of her age range, she made her best effort to stand out more than any of them, and also be trendsetter for any new luxurious thing.

No one else amongst the three daughters of the Millers, could pull that off except her. Eva would be busy doing insignificant things by obsessing over the art company like it was her life, while Emma just had no business at all with their extreme high class, and was always all over countries doing something meaningless.

She was actually meant to take a flight to attend their grandfather’s event, but she missed it and had to take the next one which would arrive just after the event.

That would certainly be another point of fight between her and her mother. Only Ellen could put on the perfect show that her mother really loved, without having to do much to accomplish them to perfection.

Being a real bitch at home to everyone alongside a nasty personality, but owning a popular social media page as a scandal-free elite where she was so humble with words.

Being so lonely by having just one friend who was mainly chasing a goal in the family, but acting all classy and giving the off-limits aura to whoever wanted to make friends. It was all just Ellen Miller.

There were so many guests in the party of different ages and classes, as they exchanged pleasantries and drank from glasses of champagne while moving from one association to another.

There were more quite a number of older people than the young elites, who were mostly the ones who were obliged to come to the gathering, or had a goal to reach by attending the event.

The old man who stood out in the gathering was Mr. Mark Miller, who was having few talks with the people he was familiar with, after his speech ended minutes ago. He had not seen any closely related family of his only son, in which he didn’t even mind as he just maintained his usual poise.

He never seemed to give aging its way to an impact in his facial appearance, as he always looked so manly and good looking for his age. Reasons the aged wealthy females without a partner, would not stop wanting to have a close relationship with him. They all look too perfect outwardly.

Ellen, who had gained entry into the last floor through her recognition, walked in together with her mother and Hailey, and separated almost immediately as they made their way into the ball party in different directions.

Her hand grabbed a glass of champagne from the nearest waiter, as she chucked it down her throat immediately to relieve tension.

The young overzealous daughter who didn’t really like talking to her grandfather on a personal note, needed some kind belonging and show off to make them know that he was indeed her grandfather, and that she was a part of a family that was totally unbeatable.

She made her way elegantly towards where he was standing, and gave a modest smile to the expressionless old man.

He was also never the type to joke over food or drinks like other other people did, as his look was always as impassive as ever. Even if he was so serious minded and stern about the right order to things and life, he was far better than Dalton because he knew when to bend his wills if he wished to.

And surely, he was going to taunt his granddaughter in the same way he always did, that would always drive her away so quickly from his sight.

He liked strong minded and focused people who could withstand backlashes and gossips, and know exactly when and how to get back at people who had dared to mess with them by real actions.

Dalton seemed to be the only one who was far more straight minded than him, and knew more than everything he would have taught him about aspects of life.

And that was also the person he had not seen a few minutes after he arrived at the party, nor had he seen his wife too as time was ticking. His grandson had never had a reason to derail from plans.

“Hi, grandpops. It has been a long time. Would you mind me, get you something to drink?” She offered politely, trying her best move to hold a reasonable conversation with her grandfather. At least once.

“And where is your partner to the ball, Ellen? You are not any younger. If you cannot get the man, then get the company, and quit that act of slave to internet technology that you have indulged in,” he said to her calmly, and watched her mood change instantly to the one that was struggling, to act normal amidst an intense irritation.

Never had he ever been in support of her being an influencer or model, and he wouldn’t seize the chance to talk about it at any chance he got.

If only she had the intellect to tell him what he actually wanted to hear her say, then there would never have been a high level of awkwardness between them everytime.

She needed to possess confidence with words about what she loved doing, in which she really sucked at doing anytime he derided her again. Never had she struck back whenever he said such words to her, like the way Dalton would always do to support his actions even if they were wrong.

Ellen’s clumsy feet quickly found her way out of the space after she forced a smile at Mark Miller, and immediately made her way to get a bottle of whiskey that would make her feel better.

She could vividly hear the people standing around where she was walking through talk about her, and they were mostly people that she had attended high school or college with. They were all in different classes now.

The chauffeur to take Mark Miller back to the airport had arrived, and his secretary went into the party to inform him about that. He had announced his plans to retire from being the CEO of his company, but did not divulge the plans to give up the company to his grandson.

It was only a few months left for him to fulfill his promise, and he might as well make it earlier than promised based on what he sees. He had no choice but to leave the party then.

Everyone was so focused on whom they were meeting or talking to, and had not seen the door open or the people who made their way inside.

The silence that suddenly fell into the room made the sound of clanking heels against the floor audible, and also of the expensive leather shoes that made an impact on the polished floor.

The rhythmic sound of the complementing entry of them, made people turn to look at who they were.From NôvelDrama.Org.

Strolling into the room in a new black tuxedo outfit was no other than Dalton Miller, and beside him was someone whom most of them had not seen before.

She was dressed in a white luxurious lacy dress that was adorned with diamond pearls, and shone so brightly mostly under the chandelier lights that were everywhere, into every part of the huge room.

There were nudged and little talks about whom the lady that he had entered with was, as they made their way closer to the crowd who could not stop glancing and gawking.

Aria looked so gorgeous and extremely beautiful in the dress as she walked on, with her mind only focused on getting freed from the tight grip of Dalton who had insisted that she put her arm into his own, which was arched to his side.

Getting her to dress perfectly for the party was the hardest part, but bringing her to act normally was much harder.

Despite knowing that she was a ticking time bomb who could explode anytime soon, he still wanted his grandfather to see her briefly since he requested to.

He could never even bear for them to hold a conversation together for too long. She had no filter of words or actions in her anymore.

Ellen couldn’t be more than shocked as she stared at her brother’s wife, who had taken the show to the party room without much effort. Everyone including Hailey, Eva, Eleanor and many others who were still conflicted about who she was, could never dispute the fact of her enthralling beauty that filled the entire room.

‘How could they not have seen this other side of her?’

Aria was completely unaware of the astonished looks people had on their face for her, because they all had never seen Dalton bring a lady to any celebration, anniversary or banquet that he attended. She just wanted to be free from her suffocating dress.

Her lips uttered words even before Dalton, who was the grandson, said anything, as soon as they approached Mark Miller’s direction who was evidently ready to leave the party.

“Nice to meet you, granddaddy,” Aria said and smiled at the old man, who was taken aback by the person who had called him that way, and her new demeanor too.

In the past she rarely even talked to him first or stayed around him, and was also never around anytime he visited the mansion by chance.

But she was greeting him first in a cheerful manner, and even called him granddaddy and not sir. Not a lot of people got to see Mark Miller smile so often, but he seemed to have a good one for his granddaughter-in-law. It was amazing.

“So pleased to see your radiant and beautiful self. The Millers must be the perfect place for you,” he humored in the same way she had, thinking it would be a good response for her to give.

And there was Dalton who had not even said hello to his grandfather yet, with his face twitching insignificantly to her reaction regarding his grandfather’s joke.

She could never say anything negative to him, and he had made sure of that before they came to the party. The moment she spoke of anything, it was out for their deal.

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