Dangerous Billionaire

Chap 90

Chapter 90

Meet you

David, who could not sleep immediately, came to Elsa’s room. He saw her room that was still open and still heard the conversation from there. He was pretty sure his sister hadn’t slept yet.

“Elsa,” David called and made the two women in the room look at the source of the sound.

“Yeah,” Elsa answered, she was ending the phone call.

“Are you busy?” He hoped he could talk to his sister tonight when he couldn’t sleep well.

“Sure,” she tried to cheer up. “You can rest now. I want to go with David, ” she asked the waiter.

“Yes, miss,” the maids said.

The maids went out of the room. The maids immediately went into their own room, while Elsa walked into the family room to his brother.

“Where were you?” Elsa asked, opening the conversation while sitting next to her brother.

“I just came home from work. Grandpa and Daniel are resting, your room lights are still on so I don’t think you are not sleeping yet.” David looked at Elsa, looking at her carefully. Their difference in age with Elsa’s is 7 years. Elsa was about to turn 18 and he was about to turn 25.

“Yeah, I have slept after school. So I can’t sleep yet now, ” she said.

“Maybe Daniel and grandfather didn’t tell you, but I’ll tell you Elsa.” David could feel that for almost two weeks Elsa was living with them. The girl was not entirely smiling happily, as she once saw when Elsa lived with Lexi.

“What about you? I think so far, Daniel always told me a lot of things. He also began to teach me the management of the company, ” she said.

David looked down and once again he convinced himself this was the right move. Nothing would happen even though Elsa knew that the man who used to be her husband was in Singapore and was looking for her whereabouts.

“Lexi came to Singapore, he was looking for you! You know, you can see her as long as Grandpa and Daniel don’t find out. If they both find out, I don’t know what will happen to Lexi!” he said he was afraid that someone would hear their conversation.

“I really want to see Lexi tomorrow, in the last hour of my class. Daniel hadn’t come to see me yet. I’m sure no one will ever find out. Although I still have to meet him for a while. I have a lot of questions to ask. I tried to forget it but still couldn’t because there was something I had to confirm first!” Elsa told him. For a moment she felt relieved, among her three family members, one of them could still understand her, if she had ever deeply fallen love for Lexi Ricardo.

“My advice is you have to be careful because there are some people who are always watching you, Elsa, do it very carefully. If you can meet in college, so that the guards can not get access to enter.” David told her a little secret about his grandfather’s things. Even if someone enters the college area, there must be no more than one person.

“Yes, Brother. I understand!” she replied. “Do you want hot tea or coffee?” Elsa offered .

“No, I don’t want to drink. Let’s take a break now. You have to go to college tomorrow anyway. I also have to work,” he said.

“Okay, good night!”

“Good night.”

They both went into their own rooms.

In the room Elsa stared at her phone screen that she had immediately turned off. Lexi must still be waiting for her call or dozens of messages had already read in the inbox. However, Elsa decided not to activate her phone’s internet data.

She spread a blanket to cover his body, she was trying to close her eyes and thinking Lexi in her mind. There was a sense of loss, but how else could there be sacrificed for a desire.

That warm hug, Elsa really missed it. However, there was nothing else to do. If it’s not fate, it just has to be done. Yes, she used to have feelings for Lexi. If that man really loves her, Lexi would definitely fight for her.

Tonight, Jessica could sleep with a fluffy smile on her lips. Tomorrow she would meet the man she longed for.

* * *

Since Beryl left for college, Lexi had been preparing everything. Yes there were black jeans with a black T-shirt and also a black hat. He also used fake blonde hair to make his look long-haired. And there were boxy glasses that would complete the disguise this time.

Around nine o’clock, Lexi was able to enter the college area with Beryl’s help. This morning a had bribed some people at security on Lexi’s orders.

Later, Lexi pretended to be reading a book in the garden under a tree by occasionally keeping his eyes on his phone screen.

It felt like time was running very slowly, waiting for twelve o’clock in the afternoon, the hour Beryl had promised. Yes, it was his own fault that he came at nine in the morning because he could not wait to meet his wife.

Lexi took a bottle of mineral water. He sipped water in it to reduce his thirst. Then, he stared ahead where Jessica and Beryl were walking towards him.

His heart was pounding. It had never been pounding like this before. Joy, sorrow, and sadness filled his heart. However, distrust predominates more. Finally he met his wife who had been away from his home for almost two weeks. He couldn’t believe Jessica still wanted to see him.

Once again Lexi had to be patient and restrained. There were two men who always followed Jessica. They might be both of Mr. Kim’s bodyguards. Lexi gave up his intention to run and hug Jessica. He just sat there staring at her with emotion and almost shed tears. Meeting his own wife could be a difficult thing to do.

To trick the guards, Beryl made Jessica and Lexi shake hands. It was as if they were people who met for the first time.

The three of them sat under the tree. Beryl looked at them, both Jessica and Lexi were misbehaving.

“How much time is left before Daniel picks up Jessica?” Lexi asked. It was impossible for them to just shut up and steal glances. Lexi was eager to hug Jessica and ask many things about her feelings and the fate of his marriage.

“Only thirty minutes,” Beryl said.

“Well, where is the theater room you said yesterday?” Lexi asked without daring to look in the direction of his wife. He was afraid if he immediately embraced her in front of the bodyguards who were secretly following them.

“Lexi, you can come in from that door. Then, Lexi turned right and there is door number two. There was a quiet theater room and no one was there. Please, Lexi come in first. Elsa and I are coming next!” Beryl explained.

Lexi stood up from his seat. He glanced at Jessica who was sitting next to Beryl. His wife was already next to him, but he still couldn’t touch her! That sucked! In Lexi’s heart, he cursed Fredy Kim!

The man stepped his legs wide and fast. He entered the door that Beryl showed him. He walked into the theater without anyone’s know.

Meanwhile outside.

“Are we going through the main door now?” Beryl asked. Jessica looked at the two people watching her from a distance.

“Yes, I will go into the theater room inside there is Ketrin who will pretend to be me. You’re back in class!” Elsa answered.

“Okay!” Beryl stood up first. “Don’t forget the time is only 25 minutes away, before 25 minutes we will go out because your brother will arrive here!” Beryl reminded her. If this failed, he might also be in trouble.

Beryl and Elsa walked towards the main door. Then, they continued the action as they planned.

The door was closed.

Jessica and Lexi were now only about five meters apart. They stared at each other. they slowly approached.

Jessica looked at Lexi with a glassy look. As for Lexi, he began to take off his hat and a wig. He took off his glasses.


Jessica was now just one step ahead of him. Without waiting long, Lexi immediately grabbed his wife’s body into his arms. No words were said, all the longing poured out through his eyes and arms.

A long and tight hug. Before it ended, Jessica unraveled the hug first.

“My husband, you are bad!” she said remembering what Cassandra said to her last time.

“Sorry, I’m sorry for everything I did! I’m sorry, I’m sorry Jess, you want to forgive me and come home with me, right?” Lexi clasped her wife’s hands tightly. He didn’t want to let her go again.

“You’re just pretending, right? Pretending to love me?” Her tears that she had been holding back had finally escaped and soaked his cheeks.

“No, I was pretending at first. But at that moment, when I knew you truly loved me, I couldn’t pretend anymore, Jess, that I truly loved you. So now take me to your family. I’ll explain everything. Ask them to bless our relationship! You want to, right?” Lexi ventured to meet all members of the Kim family, no matter what would happen. He truly loves Jessica, and did not want their blessing to hinder his marriage to Jessica, which was legal according to religion and law.

“Yes, I am sorry. I seem to have too believe in Cassandra’s words. I’m sorry, but I still can’t take you to meet my grandfather and my brothers right now. At least you have to clear your family name, maybe they will open up a new chance for you!” Jessica told him. It’s the best she could do. For Lexi, for that man she loves. Running off with Lexi couldn’t solve anything but will create new problems that will probably increase the distance between them.

“Tomorrow I will prove my family innocence. Wait for me tomorrow, Jess! I will go to your grandfather and will bring proof that my dad was innocent and had nothing to do with your family’s accident!” Lexi was very confident.

Jessica nodded. Then she turned back to Lexi. Honestly, Jessica loves the guy very much. The man who first kissed her. The man who first made her fall in love. Lexi was also the man who took her virginity even though by force.

It didn’t feel like their time was nearly over.

“Take care of your health, don’t forget to eat. I don’t want you to get sick and sick!” Lexi said while wiping tears that had not stopped flowing from the corners of Jessica’s eyes.This material belongs to NôvelDrama.Org.

“You too, you have to prove to my grandpa that your parents were not innocent. After that, I will convince my grandpa that you are the only person who can make me happy,” Jessica said. She took a pink handkerchief and gave it to Lexi.

The door to the theater was opened.

Beryl was standing there. He told Jessica to get out.

“I’m leaving now!”

Lexi hugged her again. He landed a kiss on her forehead before finally Jessica went out of the theater room. Yeah. he could only see the back of that woman walking away.

* * *

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