Dance With Me (Silent Whisper’s)


‘I am totally completely eye popping seriously groundbreaking passionately deliciously in love with you, I remember the first day I ever looking into your eyes and felt my entire world flip.’

Philly gave a wicked laugh at that thought.

“And after forcing her to come with me, you can kill everybody in here.” Philly added.

Footsteps were heard heading towards the room. The Ninja’s quickly blend with the darkness, becoming one with it.

A knock was heard.

“Philip are you okay?” Kate voice was heard behind the close door.

“Yes ma’am.” Philly replied.

“Okay, I thought I heard voices in there.” Kate said.

“Only me ma’am.” Philly said opening the door a little. “There is no one here.”

“Alright then, good night Philip.” She added and left for her room.

Closing the door firmly behind him he turned and saw his Ninja’s back to where they had stood before. “Let’s call it a night my comrades, tomorrow is our day.”

Nodding their head, they left through the window as quickly as they had came.

Philly called Leo who picked it immediately as if he was expecting his call.

“Have you find out who that guy is?”

“Not yet master, though I have some clue, but I want to be very sure its him.” Leo answered.

“Good, keep me informed.” Philly said and end up the call.

He smiled to himself, before the end of tomorrow Nora will become his.



“That’s no problem, you are Paul and Philip.” David said.

Paul smiled and excused himself, he left to make a call.

Paul put a call across to his father who picked at the fourth ring.

“Hello son, where have you been?” Robert Mirror demanded immediatly as soon as he picked the call.

“No where father, I have been moving all over the place looking for answers.” Paul replied.

“Answers for what son?” Robert asked confusedly.

“We have a lot to discuss father but not on phone. I will come early in the morning so that we can discuss.”

“Okay son, I will be expecting you. Take care.”

“You too father.”

He ended the call and went back to the sitting room.

“The rooms upstairs are vacant, you can choose any one of them.” Paul told them. “I will be outside, thinking.” He told them and went outside.

Going their separate rooms, David called his father.

“Where have you been David, I thought you were coming back today, what happened?” Mark asked immediatly.

“Dad, am sorry for not calling you earlier even when Paul told me to call you. I decided to call…” He got interrupted by his father.

“Did you say Paul? As in Paul Mirror?”

“Yes dad.”

“Have I not warned you to stay away from him… from his family? Paul is a Mafia that kills without any thoughts, he is not human.”

“Dad, Paul saved my life from two assassin’s today, so you should be greatful to him. If he wasn’t there, your only son would have been dead.”


“Yes, but I am okay, am with Paul so don’t worry, I am save.”

“Okay, tell Paul how thankful I am.”

“I will tell him dad. I just call for you to know am okay.”

“Okay son, good night, see you soon.”



Paul met his father in the sitting room.

“What do you want to discuss with me son?” Robert asked when Paul sit down facing him.

“I talked to doctor Fey yesterday.”

“So? Are you ill?.”

“No, I am perfectly okay Dad, he told me a lot of things. One, I am not really Paul Mirror, right dad?”

“What has come over you son, are you sure you’re alright?”

“Dad, there is no need for you to pretend, doctor Fey spill everything, and I mean everything. I just want to thank you for saving me, if you didn’t, I won’t be here talking to you, for that I forgive you.” Paul told him and stood up to leave. “I have something important that I want to take care of first, I will come back when everything is settled.” With that, he left without looking back.



Mary, James and Lora alight from the car Kate had sent to pick them up at the airport.

The maids welcomed them and took whatever that was with them inside the house.

One of the maids took their visitors to the sitting room and gesture for them to sit down with her hand. Mary and James quickly sit down.

“I hope this sofa are neat.” Lora said to the maid.

“Yes madam.” Jolie responded.

“Good.” Lora said and sit down elegantly crossing her legs. “Get me a bottle of chilled champagne with a glass cup.” She added. “And don’t delay me.”

Lora looked beautiful in her dress, the dress covers just one of her shoulders, leaves the other uncovered and flows down into a simple round neckline. It’s a tight fit which gives the dress a relaxed, yet graceful look. Her arms have been covered only halfway down. The sleeves broaden towards the bottom and playfully accentuate her skin. Her makeup added more to her beauty.

Jolie nodded her head and left.

“Lora, we are not In Casala and she is one of our maids, be mindful of how you talk to her.” James said to her.

“Oh dad please, this is my grandma house, and I can do whatsoever I want to do with the maids.”

Jolie soon returned and place the designer tray on the glass table, opened it and poured the champagne into the glass and gave it to Lora.

“You can go now.” Lora ordered with a wave of her hand at Jolie.

Kate came out and welcomed them warmly. She went over to meet Lora who stood up to hug her briefly.From NôvelDrama.Org.

“Lora, its been ages we last saw, look at how grown-up you have become.” Kate said and they both laughed. “I do buy your tracks, your music are always awesome.”

“Where is Nora, I thought she will come down with you since she’s you know….. blind.” Lora said sitting back.

“Lora! Mind your language.” Mary said.

Flipping her hair back dramatically she looked at her mother. “But it is true, she’s blind.”

Kate smiled at that but didn’t say anything, she brought out her phone and dialed a number which was pick immediately. “Nora dear, they are here.” Kate said and hang up the call. “She is coming.” She told them.

“Mom how have you been?” James asked.

“Well as you can see, I am fine.” Kate answered.

“We heard that Ora is Nora, is that true?” James asked his mother.

“Who ever that gave you that information is absolutely right, she is indeed Ora.” Kate confirmed to her son.

“Wow, I would never have taught in a million years that Nora is Ora the ballet dancer.” James said with a smile.

The sound of heel was heard from the staircase, everyone turned to look at who was coming.

Everyone except Kate was flabbergasted when they saw Nora. What even put them in more shock and left their mouths wide open was when they saw her coming down the stairs without any help.

She was dressed simply with a red long gown that brought out all her curves, beside her was Philly who was equally dress with a simple T-shirt and short. He had woken up to hear of their visit and wasn’t happy, their coming here wasn’t among his plans, but that won’t stop him from carrying out his plan.

Lora had to clean her eyes twice to be sure what she was seeing was real.

Nora went over to where Kate was and sat beside her. Craig who just came in went to sit down on the empty sofa together with Philly.

“She can see? But how?” Mary asked the question on their minds.

“Well the universe decided to return what they took from her.” Kate answered her.

“I am here, why do you want to see me?” Nora demanded.

“Is that how to talk to your parents you haven’t heard from for years.” James stated.

“Excuse me James, whose parents are you talking about? The ones who rejected me when I needed them the most or the ones who stood by me all through my trials? The only person who I can call my mother is my grandma who was with me all through the years.”

“We are really sorry Nora.” James apologize.

“Sorry? Did you just say sorry? Sorry can not bring back the years I spent without you guys, sorry can not bring back what you took away from me. You lied to the whole world that I was dead, well go and tell your dead daughter who died a long time ago that sorry of yours because I, who is Ora is not your daughter.”

“You have the right to be angry at us Nora, but please all we ask, is a second chance from you.”

“That chance was lost long ago when you both tossed me one side of the lane and carried on with my twin….” Nora got interrupted by the doorbell.

Craig stood up and went to check who’s there, opening it and stepping in was Paul Mirror.


David, Eric and Paul entered Paul’s private jet.

Arriving at Floda, they decided to take a taxi to Ora’s residence.

They paid the taxi man once he dropped them off the gate of Kate’s and drove off.

They knocked on it.

“Look guys, you won’t follow me In. The reasons are, whoever that is pretending to be Philip did not know I have Eric and you, so you will both stay in the compound, once you noticed any strange movement, David, alert me.” Paul had told them before the gate was open. The gateman recognized David and opened the gate for them to enter.

Paul went to ring the doorbell as David and Eric went to sit down with the gateman.


Nora left all she was saying when she saw who had entered, Lora too was equally surprised. As Nora stood up her heart raced, like a runaway train, going faster and faster. She forget everything around her and focused only on Paul who also has been staring at her, it looks like they were both in a trance.

Lora had stood up at the same time with Nora. Lora quickly walk over to where Paul is.

“Darling you didn’t tell me you were coming.” Lora said sweetly as she opens her hand to hug Paul.

The look Paul sent in her way halted her steps immediately, she quickly brought down her hands and went back to her sit really embarrassed.

She was only feeling embarrassed because Nora had witness what happened, in fact everyone in here.

His eyes slowly swept the sitting room and rested on Philly who is staring at him dangerously. Paul knew immediatly this guy was the one Eric had talked about, the Ninja master. He send a smirked directly to him before returning his gaze back to Nora.

If truly he was Philip, Nora would feel the pull between them. Looking at her brought back the image of her dancing with the guy, but this time around, he saw his face.

“Good morning everyone, sorry if I am interrupting this meeting but I need to speak with Ora, please it’s urgent.” Paul said still looking at Nora.

“Grandma, please exuse me.” Nora didn’t know when she said that, but she found herself walking towards him.

The way his eyes roamed slowly all over her body gladdens her heart. She made sure she twisted her waist. She was in love with this stranger that took away her heart the first time she had opened her eyes at the hospital. Once she reached him, they continue staring at each other which enraged Philly. If looks could kill, this guy looking at his Nora like that would be buried 12 feet down with his body dismembered.

Grabbing one of her hand, he took her outside.

Nora sit down on the sofa which she had sat on years ago when Philip had confessed his feelings.

“Let me start by saying you look beautiful in that dress.”

Nora blush at the complement. “Thanks.”

“Ora, I know your name is Nora, this might sound stupid but I just found out I am Philip.”

Nora laughed at that.

“I know you won’t believe me, I also haven’t gotten my lost memories back, but you remembered my cooking you said reminded you of Philip, David also said that when I cooked for him. Who ever is that with you claiming to be Philip isn’t, because I am Philip.”

“You are confusing yourself Paul, how can you be Philip when you are Paul Mirror.” Nora said.

“Yes I am Paul Mirror, and I am also Philip. They changed my face to him. See this.” Paul said and raised up his shirt a little bit which revealed his ugly scars. “I got it from the plane which crashed in Valten.”

“I am now confused, he also has scars too Paul, which means one of you is lying.”

“What can I do to make you believe that I am truly Philip?”

Nora brought out the necklace she always wore that hung around her neck. “Do you know the meaning of this necklace?”

Paul looked at it and something clicked in his head. “Is that not the symbol of Mamaquilla?”

Shocked to her bone Nora nodded her head.

“Who ever that wore it has the blessings of the goddess of love. I think…. I think…” A image suddenly came up in his head. “I think I gave it to you after we had dance, the day I saw you danced for the first time in your room.”

Nora had no doubt now, this handsome guy that had stolen her heart is truly Philip.

Philip her true love who is standing before her now has a different face.


Philly was so livid in anger, he has the urge to break something…. probably that stranger who just came and took Nora away, and to top it all, Kate didn’t say a word.

He quickly excused himself to his room to think of how to get rid of this sudden new threat.

This new stupid handsome stranger has to die.

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