Daddies Brat

Chapter 94

Tomas’ jacket cuff pulls up a fraction exposing familiar deep-colored ink swirls like a dirty little secret hidden away beneath all that expensive clothing. Our last time together hits me head-on and all the lonely nights in between pepper my aching heart.

Piper’s words come back in a whisper. You miss them, don’t you?

I do.

I hold in tears. I can’t show them an ounce of weakness. They’ll use it against me and I’ll never be free of them. Or worse, I won’t let them go a second time.

God, I must look like a fool to him just standing here like an idiot feeling up his arms.

I try to right myself and pull away but both men tighten their holds on my waist.

“I need to get back to the party,” I try weakly. “My mother and father are expecting me and none of you should be here.”

“We’ve spoken with him already. He’ll need to speak with you. You’re right.”

That’s Maksym. A hard grunt and a curious expression pass over his handsome face. Like he has a secret. He moves to stand behind me and I feel like I’m trapped on all sides. Probably because I am. They have a way of making me feel pinned in with no escape. I’m not entirely sure how to translate the way my body fills with anticipation and heat snakes through me. On second thought, that’s not true. When in bed it makes me feel powerful and wanted. Like the center of their universe. But that’s all makebelieve. Out here in the real world where my fantasies hold no sway over real life, it makes me feel out of control and alone, surprisingly. Like what I want doesn’t matter.

I’ve carried being an infallible Cambridge my whole life. Living up to the name is a twenty-four-hour-a-day job and one I’m failing at the moment. If my mother discovers me tucked away with three Russian Bratva with reputations everyone in this city knows about, she’ll disown me.

“But your father can wait.”

Maksym. He’s been observant up until now. He strokes a thumb over the plumpness of my bottom lip.

“You don’t know my father. Waiting is not his strong suit.” I try to push past them, but my efforts are pointless. “Are you going to hold me here all night like some freaking captive?”

Humor, or what I think passes for it with this man, brightens Maksym’s face, forcing away the dark somberness from moments before. A softness crinkles the areas around his eyes making him look rugged and sweet at the same time. And then he speaks and all that falls away and I see the real predator.

“You seemed to like being our captive in the past. Has that changed?”

The side of my dress moves and a hand swipes over my bare folds. Right there in the middle of my parents’ gala, Maksym cups my pussy.

And suddenly I’m faced with choices. Stop them or roll with it.

Oh my god, this is happening. And no one can stop it. Not even me. But do I want to?

Shock forces my mouth closed so my body takes over and speaks for me. My nipples press against the confines of my dress and I forget why I don’t want these men here. I forget why I walked away, in the first place.

I gasp, but the sound is swallowed by Tomas’ mouth on mine.

“Move your foot out a little, that’s it,” Maksym growls low next to my ear. When I do as he instructs thick fingers spread my folds to find instant honey dripping from my core.This content belongs to Nô/velDra/ma.Org .

“Mmm, look what I found.” Maksym draws his finger out and leans in to press a kiss over the edge of my bare shoulder before dragging his wet finger along my bottom lip.

“Suck it clean, krasotka.”

“Wait, this is…”

“Aren’t you hungry?” He tips my chin upward and his dark eyes turn to bottomless pits I eagerly want to lose myself in. “Don’t worry, I’ll go back for more for myself. I want to share first.”

I don’t think my face can turn any redder. “Maksym, this can’t…” I hiss and glance up sharply, scared someone will discover us any second. With my luck, it would be one of my mother’s luncheon friends who clutches her pearls like they will protect her against the sins of others. Or my father’s partners looking for a quiet place to discuss business.

I can’t breathe suddenly.

“You were given instructions to suck his finger clean, India. Or do you want to add to your list of offenses? You’ve already earned a nice hard ass fucking when we get you alone.”

In the shadow of Maksym’s massive body, shivers rush over me. My eyes drop to his chest before coming to rest on his again.

“I cannot do this.” Heat pools just beneath the surface of my skin and my heart races faster.

“Then let us help you. For now, this will have to do. But when we have you where there are no eyes on us, you will be ours again. And there won’t be an inch of your body that won’t burn because of us.”

Stefan’s growled threat is anything but passive. I can feel the truth of his words like a promise engraved in stone. Or, what might become my epitaph because my heart is racing so fast I might keel over before long.

“Why? Why are you doing this?”

“Because you are ours and you lied to us.”

My face scrunches with confusion. “Lied?”

My gut clenches for a second. Despite the hard tones my body buzzes and tingles. Having them consume all the air from around me shatters my sanity.

“Did you really think we would not find out about the threats to your life?”

My spine stiffens. “I don’t see how it is any of your business.”

“What did you think would happen when those threats crossed our doorstep? Sit back and watch you be hurt?”

“There is a price for deceit and your father will be the first to pay.”

All three speak one after another and my eyes ping-pong between them until I hear my father mentioned.

“What? Leave my father out of this.” I glance at each of them in turn.

“I am no-”

But I don’t get more than that out before the taste of my arousal coats my tongue.

Maksym edges his finger in and wraps an arm around my waist. He drags me into him and the hardness of his arousal is undeniable.

He groans a sinful sound and despite not wanting this, I wrap my fingers around his thick wrist and suck his finger clean. The second the rough pad of his finger grazes over my tongue my eyes shoot to his. As much as I hate to admit it, I missed seeing the swirling tendrils of lust in his rich, dark eyes.

The edge of my bodice is pulled down and a nipple pops out. Stefan’s lips are around the hard, pink tip and Maksym is right there to catch my rolling head with his perfectly positioned body.

By the time Maksym’s hand returns to torture my clit I’m panting and my chest rattles with the need for more air.

Tomas is of no help other than providing more cover when he leans in and takes my mouth with his. Our tongues clash and roll. Heat flares along my skin. I had no idea I was capable of being so turned on in public.

I’m wet, out of breath and they all know it.

My eyes drift closed and don’t open again until I hear Maksym’s deep voice husk, “God, I missed that. Our girl tastes impossibly sweeter, my brothers.” I turn my gaze to see him licking his fingers clean of my juices and a wicked expression on his face.

I pull back and this time all three let me find my balance without their touch. For a moment anyway. It seems I’m not the only one addicted to the concoctions of lust and desire they’ve stirred to life. I take a couple of steps but that’s about it before Maksym’s hand finds the dip in my back and comes to rest there. For a badass alpha, he’s pretty touchy-feely.

“What? Afraid I’ll run away?” I quip.

“I’d love a good chase if you feel you can get farther than a few steps from us.”

I nearly trip over my heart from how fast it hits the floor from Tomas’ nonetoo-subtle challenge. This man knows how to turn my body from lukewarm to roasting with just a few uttered words.

From beside me, Stefan reaches out to fix a few wayward curls that have slipped over my shoulder and straightens my bodice with a couple of tugs. “Let’s make an appearance, speak with your father and then take our leave.”

“Yes. Good idea.” I nod. “Or we can skip straight to the take your leave bit. I’m good with that too.”

A solid wall of heat keeps me from backing up and walking around the two in front of me.

“We are not leaving without what is ours.”

My heart hammers. “Ours?” I challenge. “I’m not a chew toy. No matter how many punishing orgasms you want to steal from me, I don’t belong to you or anyone else.” I draw a step closer so no one can overhear and ignore Maksym’s hand where it rests on my exposed back just above the globes of my ass. And how possessive and safe it feels. He draws the warm tips of his fingers over the sensitive flesh and damn him, my nipples turn into hard beads on contact. Damn him.

I’m not sure if he is consciously doing it or not, but he begins stroking lazy circles with the pad of his thumb and I’m honestly debating asking him to use both hands. It feels so good.

I’m torn between staying right where I’m and pulling away as a sane, rational-thinking woman should.

Looking back at him, I swallow when he grins and I swear I hear a low, possessive growl.

In his arms, I can’t help but feel protected and that’s when it hits me. Every man, or rather college boy trying to be a man, I’ve ever been remotely interested in dating was just that-a boy. These men are not boys. Arrogant, alpha to the core and so fucking frustrating I constantly want to slap them and then kiss them.

But the truth is the weight on my shoulders having them around me doesn’t feel so unbearable all of a sudden.

With the threats still hanging over my head I’ve been on edge. It would be a lie if I said I didn’t feel safer with them here. These men are every bit the beasts they seem. I know for a fact if anyone were to try and hurt me, they would have a few places readily available to hide the body. What does it say about me that I take comfort in that fact?

All three have neatly combed and parted their dark hair along the side. They look so perfect, good, and clean. Until you pause long enough to look them in the eye.

They have a dark side they’ve never shown me and it reflects in the sharpness of their gazes. The regal poise of their shoulders. They are of money, and have the finest of educations, but the darkness in their eyes and the calluses on their hands tell me they’ve gotten dirty to build their kingdom. Very dirty.

As much as I would love to stay where I am, I manage a couple of side steps and dislodge myself from between them. “If you gentlemen will excuse me, I must tend to my other guests. Do what you must, but it will be without me.”

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