Crazy Sex Adventures(Erotica)

Fucked Up Family:>Ep56

Last time: the Campbells took some pills that lead to an ongoing, full-on family orgy. They saw a team of doctors and, afterwards, the family felt like they were finally getting better. They weren’t. Everyone was still fucking, just lying about what was going on. Finally, right when they were about to go back to their jobs and lives, the Campbell parents caught their kids pleasuring each other on the living room floor. Everything came out. The family couldn’t keep hiding in the house, but they couldn’t stop having sex with each other, either. The Campbells agreed that they would all move forward with their lives but with a new rule: no more secrets.


Austin leaned against the brick, back wall of the restaurant and took a deep drag of his cigarette. The 19-year-old blond boy rarely smoked, but after a service like that one, he needed the nicotine to calm his nerves.

It was still summer, but the night had risen cold, and Austin hugged his arms to himself. He was standing by the dumpsters, but all he could smell was the grease of the kitchen and the tang of clean air. Austin had been told before he looked good with a cigarette in his hand. He wasn’t sure that was a compliment.

The dishwasher and one of the line cooks stood in the back with him, also smoking. No one had the strength to speak. The rush had started right at five and hadn’t slowed till after midnight. Busy was one thing, but that night had been particularly chaotic: nothing worked right, nothing went right. Everyone felt as burnt as the smokes they were holding.

Austin was used to feeling this way, worn down to the nub, but it was the first time in a long time that it also came with a sense of pride. It had all started a few weeks before with a family camping trip, supposedly a chance to relax. They’d taken some energy pills — those stupid, cursed pills — and it had given them all more than a little boost. First, he was unable to stop pissing. Then he couldn’t stop fucking. And the only person around to fuck was his older sister. His Mom.

Long after the pills had probably worn off, the family was still having sex. And rather than feel bad about everything he was doing, something new happened. Something way worse: Austin discovered he was enjoying it.

It wasn’t just the fucking. But, yes, the fucking. Feeling his Mom shudder as he made her cum. Filling his sister with his seed. Knowing what each looked like as they reached that most intimate moment of pleasure. So, it was definitely the fucking.

But there was also this incredible closeness. This amazing intimacy. Austin had always seen sex as a goal, but now he’d come to appreciate it as a means. His desire for his mother, so illicit, evolved into a deep emotional connection, beyond what he’d ever imagined. His feelings for Lexi — before, he’d hated her so much. Now he’d kill for her. Die for her. And that was wonderful. Horribly, terrifyingly (completely illegally) wonderful.

Austin knew he’d changed in ways he could never understand, let alone explain. Fortunately, he’d never have to. He was never telling anyone outside the family what had happened.

“Hey, great service tonight.”

Austin looked over and saw Chef Paul standing next to him. The older man rested his hand on Austin’s shoulder, affectionately.

“Sure didn’t feel like it,” Austin said.From NôvelDrama.Org.

“Nothing will ever be perfect,” Chef Paul said, “Things will fall apart, always. It’s how you respond to the chaos that makes the difference. Today, you reacted well. It says a lot about you and your future in this business.”

Austin smiled and his mentor smiled back. When his cigarette was down to nothing, Austin packed up his things and headed out. He drove back to his apartment, grinning goofily the whole way.

It was late when he got home, and his roommates were fast asleep. The apartment was dark, and Austin left it that way. Most times, he came home hungry. That night, the only thing he wanted was to lie down and die. Austin went into his bedroom. He didn’t even bother to get undressed. Just flopped on the bed and shut his eyes.

It had been a good day. A good week, really. He was back in the apartment. Back at work. Life was finally moving forward. As much as Austin adored everything that had happened with his family, he couldn’t deny that it was destroying him, too. This was hard, but it was better. Safer. Life would never be the same, he knew, but at least he would be living the way he was supposed to.

Austin checked his phone before going to sleep. There was one text, sent a few hours before.

Lexi: Miss you.

Austin texted back without thinking. Miss you too.

He fell asleep, dreaming about his older sister’s incredible body and all the things he’d like to do with her.

Lexi woke up in her old high school bedroom back home. It was still so disorienting to be there sometimes. She felt like she’d time travelled. Or was maybe still dreaming. Why was she back here? Remembering what had happened all over again was a mix of misery and joy. That was the real mindfuck of it. Lexi hated herself for what she’d done, but she also despised the idea of stopping.

Lexi didn’t want to be the weird incest pervert girl who fucked her brother, her father, her mother, her sister, plus a couple random college siblings by the lake that one time… Just listing it out made her feel ashamed.

But it also left her strangely satisfied. Because Lexi also very much did want to be the girl who had this awesome man in her life (aka, her brother) and a great relationship with her parents and siblings. It made her feel weirdly complete in a way she’d never known was possible. At least not since she was in high school and she had a serious boyfriend and a great best friend. And everyone called her Alexis.

Lexi rolled out of bed and checked her phone. She had a text back from her brother.

Austin: Miss you, too

A lot of good things (shockingly) had come out of the horror of that camping trip, but the best one was Lexi’s relationship with her brother. Before, they couldn’t be in the same area code without arguing. Now they were best friends. And lovers. Lexi was way more than OK with that. Those three little words he’d texted? They set her heart to soaring, enough to carry her the rest of the day.

Lexi got up and showered, making sure to trim back her pubic hair, which had already started growing back in. It was important to her to stay bald down there. It was a symbol of the promise she’d made to herself. About who she was and who she was going to be.


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