Crazy Sex Adventures(Erotica)

Fucked Up Family: Ep80

Lexi turned the treadmill up on high and ran. No TV, no music, just the pumping pressure of legs on moving land. Most days now, Lexi went outside to run. She preferred the fresh air and it was nice to enjoy the warm weather while she could. Most of all, running on the treadmill was boring. Miles seemed to drag on with nothing for her to look at but bad television or a concrete wall.

But when Lexi felt like punishing herself, there was no better place to be than that basement. She upped the velocity again. Sweat ran in rivulets down her body. Her legs throbbed. She would not let herself slow down.

Lexi tried to pretend she didn’t understand why she was so upset. She told herself that she was fine, that she was stressed for no reason at all. But deep-down Lexi knew exactly what was bothering her: she was jealous.

It was all so stupid. Lexi was the one who’d encouraged Austin and Molly to fuck in the first place. How could she be mad that they did it again? Besides, she’d shared Austin plenty of times already, it’s not like he wasn’t sleeping with their Mom every chance he got. Nor was Lexi any more loyal, what with her trips to the library and their Dad’s den. Her and Austin were a lot of things: siblings, lovers, each other’s greatest supporters. But exclusive? Please.

All the rationality in the world didn’t matter: Lexi was jealous so Lexi was jealous. She’d tried to be casual about it when she caught them in the shower. Her eyes were naturally green, but she hoped her envy didn’t show through the frosted glass. She’d held her sister afterward, warm and loving, secretly hating the blonde girl. Which only made Lexi feel worse about feeling so bad.

So, she got on the treadmill and ran to fucking daylight. But the pain stayed right on her trail. All Lexi could think about was a way to get balance. She could let Austin fuck her in the ass, that would certainly even things up. But she’d always be second to her baby sister in that and besides, she knew Austin would see right through it. Also, Lexi had less than zero interest in anal. Just touching her asshole, grazing it, during sex was enough to shut her down.

Could she do something with Mom? Lexi knew Molly feared Christine and, honestly, she could see why. Their mother was tough on all of them, but she seemed to have a special distaste set aside for her youngest daughter. It wasn’t something that Lexi ever understood. Christine loved all three of them, obviously. Clearly. But maybe she didn’t like Molly so much?

Anyway, it seemed like a nice idea in theory but how that worked in practice was less clear. What was she going to do, tell on Molly to their mother? It was a waste.

No, there was only one real option here. It wasn’t rational. It wasn’t going to hurt Molly, really. But Lexi knew doing it would make herself feel better. She shut off the treadmill, slapping it hard for good measure. Then she went upstairs to go take a shower and get dressed. It was time to go to war.


It wasn’t a particularly long drive, especially at midday when the traffic was low. Lexi felt the anticipation of it in her chest. Excitement and guilt. Thrill and worry. At least the roads were clear enough to let her concentrate on other things.

Once Lexi had settled on the idea, it seemed to make so much sense. After the lake, Lexi’s relationships with her family had all changed. She gained a loving relationship with her brother and a new closeness with her sister. Lexi found that she even got on with her mother in a way she never had before. But everything with her father was… Fine? Everything was fine.

They’d had sex a few times and it was good. But it wasn’t the passion with Austin or the playfulness with Molly or the catharsis with Christine. Lexi loved her father, but she wasn’t a Daddy’s girl and didn’t intend on becoming one. How did fucking her father, a taboo on about twenty different levels, become rote?

Lexi assumed, once again, it was the Molly thing. James loved Lexi. Of course he did. But he loved Molly. Maybe a few years ago that would have hurt Lexi’s feelings, to find out her father felt that way. Lord knew, it had clearly broken Christine in some basic way to find out her husband preferred the fruit of their loins. But for Lexi it was more like discovering that she was out of bread. It was problematic, frustrating, but easily solved.

So no, Lexi didn’t usually obsess about the sex with James and she didn’t crave it like crazy. Except, on this one occasion. As she drove to his office, her decision made, Lexi found she really was yearning for some Daddy dick.

She drove to James’ office, parked in the visitor’s garage, and marched up to the lobby. The place was impressive — a massive atrium made mostly of marble, brightly lit, with huge windows. Several posters hung on the walls, all espousing the philosophy of helping others instead of earning money. Like printing a philosophy on 11 x 17 foam core ever made it true.

Lexi found the security desk and an older, obese guard called upstairs. A young woman answered. She sounded flustered.

“OK, hang on,” Lexi heard the woman say over the phone. There was more back and forth between the woman and the guard. Lexi did her best to stare at the blank wall.

“You’re good,” the security guard said, and handed Lexi a small temporary badge. It said, ‘Alexis Campbell’ on it. Fucking hell.

The woman on the other end of the phone, her father’s assistant, was waiting for Lexi when the elevator opened to James’ floor. She had pixie-short blonde hair and was quite cute with a taut little body. Though you could hardly tell by how she was buried under her clothes. The assistant had on some sort of women’s business suit, but it looked at least a couple sizes too large for her.

The woman, already looking harried, appeared surprised when Lexi introduced herself.

“I was expecting the other one,” the woman said.

“You mean Molly?” Lexi asked, “She’s my younger sister. We don’t look very much alike do we?”This is from NôvelDrama.Org.

“Not at all,” the woman agreed. She introduced herself as Melanie, then led Lexi through a sea of desks, back towards James’ office. As they went, the young assistant kept glancing back at Lexi. A few months ago, Lexi would have taken this to mean that Melanie thought Lexi was strange looking — tall and gangly. Or, she would have assumed that Melanie was comparing Lexi to her younger sister, or her Mom.

But now Lexi had seen this enough times now to recognize it right away: Melanie was into her. She flashed the tiny blonde a flirty smile when she looked back.

“Is my Dad busy?” Lexi said, “I didn’t exactly call ahead to let him know I was coming.”

“That seems to be a running thing with your family,” Melanie said.

“Oh really?”

“Yes, the other one.”


“Yes, she’s come by unannounced a few times in the last couple weeks.”

“That must be so frustrating for my father,” Lexi said, trying not to giggle. They got to the corner office, but Melanie stopped at her desk. It wasn’t even a cube — just a sad little laptop on a tiny desk with an old, beat up desk chair. The only decorations were a few pictures of Melanie with an older couple who had to be her parents. No boyfriend pics, Lexi noticed.

“Actually, before you go in, I wanted to ask you about something,” Melanie said, “Have you noticed anything, um, odd between your sister and your Dad?”

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