Crash Into Me


John was relocated to a hotel, the management increased the security around him. He was going to be moved around from hotel to hotel until further assessment of the situation. The situation caused a real mess for his production. Sandy stayed with Andrea, three security guards were assigned to her by Lucas. They were not to leave her out of sight until further notice from Lucas. Lucas : How are you holding up?

Sandy: I’m okay … the whole thing is a mess, though

Lucas : I’m working on it, I have people tracking him down as we speak

Sandy: Thanks for your help, Lucas, I really appreciate it

Lucas : (Sighed) … how’s John?

Sandy: (Exhaled deeply) … pissed … like really pissed

Lucas : That’s understandable … does he know about …

Sandy: (Silent) … he knows you’re helping me, that’s why he’s so pissed, but he doesn’t know about …This belongs to NôvelDrama.Org.

Lucas : Okay

Sandy: About that … Lucas, I don’t want you to get the wrong idea, I was drunk and …

Lucas : It’s fine, Sandy, we can pretend it never happened

Sandy: (Exhaled) … I love him, I haven’t told him that yet, but I do …

Lucas : (Silent) … I know you do

Sandy: I’m sorry, it’s just … it’s been hard

Lucas : I just want you to be okay

Sandy: I know … thank you

Lucas: Sure … I’ll call you later As soon as she hung up, her phone rang again, it was John. John : Hey

Sandy: Hi

John : What are you doing?

Sandy: Nothing

John : (Laid down on the bed) I wish we can do nothing together

Sandy: Me too

John : I have a three day break and I’m stuck here in a hotel … by myself … with nothing to do … I feel like I’m going to cry

Sandy: (Laughed softly)

John : Are you laughing at me? This is all your fault, you know? It’s not even noon, I’m going out of my mind, I kept checking out the balcony looking for ways to escape those bodyguards outside my room … jeez …

Sandy: (Sighed) Me too

John : What are we going to do about it?

Sandy: (Laughed) What do you have in mind?

John : We’ll just plot several plans and see which ones works best … we have all day, right? I’m not settling for this arrangement, it’s ridiculous. I feel like a minor being grounded for something I didn’t do. They ended up talking on the phone for hours, laughing and giggling, teasing each other while plotting an escape. They finally figured out a way to go around it, and John took his motorbike the next day and picked her up for a two day escape to the suburbs. Everyone was hassled by it, but they didn’t care. They spent two days away, they talked, made each other laugh, and made love like the rest of the world didn’t matter. They never had anything better than that, just two people who couldn’t get enough of each other. She loved listening to him when he told her about his work. She admired his passion, and how much he loved what he did. His smile, the twinkle in his eyes, the glow on his face, the way his hair fell naturally and how his beard enhanced his gorgeous face. She was smitten. They sat on the bed facing each other, legs tangled. She held him close, put her head on his chest. She loved the way it felt. She was overwhelmed with emotions, tears started running down her face. With every minute passed by, she was closer to the end of the best thing she ever had. She loved it when they were alone, when the world didn’t have its grip on their lives. But reality was always lurking in the corner, waiting for the next turn. He was going to be done with his filming, and the whole thing will be over. “Hey … what’s wrong?” John felt the warmth of her tears on his chest, they were in the middle of a casual conversation. She smiled and wiped her tears, “Nothing … I’m just so happy to be here with you.” John wasn’t convinced, “Are you okay?” She nodded, and hugged him again, “Just let me hold you close … I love the way you feel.” She put her head back on his chest, listened to his heart beat. He kissed the top of her head. He didn’t want to ruin the moment, he felt her that time, he felt the love she didn’t dare say. “Can I ask you something?” John broke the silence. She nodded. “This new arrangement … not seeing you … can we still sneak out and meet somewhere … whenever we can?” She let go of the embrace, “I think that’s the idea.” “Will you promise me something?” She nodded. “It would kill me not being able to see you, and knowing that you’re out there somewhere with Lucas … while I …” She smiled and touched his lips with her index finger, “Will it make you feel better about the arrangement?” He kissed her finger, “Yeah.” “I won’t be seeing Lucas … not if it bothers you that much,” she said. “It’s you, John, I want you … not Lucas,” she added. She finally gave it to him, the reassurance he’d been waiting for so long. He kissed her, and made love to her, again.

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