Contract With The Billionaire


After the issue that happened at the orphanage, I was resting in my room when my phone beeped. I checked my phone and checked the message.

“I have some news for you, your IVF treatment was not done. You were fooled by your husband.” This message had been driving Mia crazy.

She received a message from an unknown number this morning, and at first she was confused, but later, it scared her. Who the hell sent it? And how did the person know about all this?

No one knows about their son, or her, for that matter. Is this some kind of trap?

She was terrified, and informing Alex about it is the only thing she could come up with, or she could go to the hospital to confirm it.

She looked at Bryan, who was busy playing, and her heart clenched. Shutting her eyes shut, she calmed herself before she came to a conclusion.

She is going to the hospital.

So she got ready and left with Bryan to find her answers.

She is so sure it was all fake and it might be to destroy Alex’s image, but she wouldn’t allow that, not in her watch.

As she reached the hospital, she looked for the doctor who had done the treatment and was asked to wait for twenty minutes.

“Mrs. Ian, you can go in.” one of the nurses informed her.

With a shaky breath, she got up and moved towards the cabin as Bryan continued playing with her hair.

As she entered inside, the doctor looked up, and instantly his face went pale.

“Mrs. Ian?” He gulped, remembering her case clearly, because not every day someone threatens you to fake an IVF treatment.

“Hello, doctor, you might not remember me, but I was one of your patients a few months ago.

“My IVF results had been negative, if you recall.” Mia said, as she looked closely at his expressions, and he seemed nervous and scared all of a sudden.

It made her suspicious.

“UhI I’m sorry, but I can’t remember. Do you have any specific reason for visiting?” The doctor asked, he desperately wanted her to leave, one because his reputation was at stake, and two because her husband is scary and crazy, and he clearly didn’t want to get involved with the same man again.

“I know you’re hiding something about my case. So you better tell me what it is, or I’ll have to get it in another way.” She warned him, but the truth was, she had no other way. She was just bluffing, but it worked as he started sweating profusely.Exclusive content from NôvelDrama.Org.

“Stop please!” he urged, holding his head.

“Your husband has already threatened me. Now it’s you. What have I done to both of you? I shouldn’t have taken your case in the first place.” The doctor said , regretting every bit of it, but she sat there frozen. Even when Bryan tried to gain her attention, she couldn’t even look at him.

‘Your husband has already threatened me.’ These words kept ringing in her ears, and she found it difficult to breathe.

She hugged Bryan closer to her, who giggled innocently.

“Why did he threaten you?” She mustered up the courage to ask him, but she didn’t know if she could hear the answer.

He sighed, defeated, and looked straight at her. “Mr. Ian asked me to give him a 100% guarantee that after the procedure, the result would come out positive, which was not possible, and I couldn’t do that. So,” he paused, and Mia could only hold her breath before he continued.

“He threatened me, saying that either I give him the guarantee or he’ll destroy my career and this hospital. I panicked and asked him what he wanted, and he asked me not to plant the embryos inside you. And so I did.” He completed, and Mia felt numb.

She painfully gulped the lump in her throat before she opened her mouth.

“So you mean I didn’t go through the IVF procedure?” Her voice was barely audible, and she felt like she would crumble at any moment, but the only thing that kept her was those tiny hands that kept playing with her necklace.

“I’m sorry.” Was the only thing he could say. He felt guilty, but he wasn’t at fault either. He was threatened, and how could he risk his career, which he built after so many years of hard work?

Mia nodded and got up. Bryan babbled in her arms, but she couldn’t register anything.

The world around her seemed to disappear, as the pain in her chest kept increasing. She didn’t know how or when she reached home.

She didn’t know when she kept Bryan down, and he started playing with his toys. All she could remember was the betrayal she received from her husband.

The one for whom she was falling. The one whom she had started to trust. She entered the bathroom and stood under the shower, letting her tears out.

She wanted to scream and cry out loud, but she couldn’t. With Bryan outside, she would scare him.

So she silently cried under the shower with her hand tightly pressed against her mouth as she sober, the pain didn’t lessen. It was suffocating her.

Thirty minutes later, when she walked out fully drenched, her eyes fell on her son, who was happily chewing on his toy. She smiled painfully as she crouched down and caressed his face.

She was so glad he was a child, as he looked up and gave her a toothless smile despite her dishevelled state.

Her throat clogged, and tears poured out despite her trying to control herself.

“I’m sorry, baby. I’m sorry. Mama loves you the most.” She whispered in a broken voice, as she leaned down and kissed his forehead.

“I’m sorry.” She muttered.

Alex returned home a little earlier because he couldn’t concentrate and felt uneasy. He didn’t know why he was feeling so restless, but he knew he needed to go home.

When he entered, the house seemed strangely quiet, and he wondered where Mia and Bryan were.

Frowning, he walked towards their room and smiled as he found Bryan sleeping in his crib.

He looked so cute as he slept, and Alex could watch him for hours.

He quickly kissed his forehead and searched for Mia, but he did find her in the room. Much to his disappointment, she wasn’t even on the terrace, in the kitchen, or in the whole penthouse.

Where is she?

Alex pulled out his phone and called her, but he heard a vibrating sound, which made him turn. He found her phone lying on the side table, and that is when his eyes fell on the papers that kept going along with it.

It was a letter.

His heart thudded violently in his chest as he bent down and picked it up.

‘I am leaving, Alex.

Our deal had ended long ago, and I should’ve left at that instant, but my greed for my son’s love didn’t let me. Now that you have your son, your heir, and you’ve already completed your part of the deal, I should leave. Don’t try to find me, because you’ll only be able to find those who want to be found. I hope we never meet again.’ he crushed the paper, as his jaw clenched in anger.

How the fuck can she leave? Who the fuck gave her permission? He was scared because the reason for her sudden departure was still unknown to him.

Just when he was about to throw his phone in anger, he stopped as his eyes fell on his sleeping son. His heart clenched, and he feared that he might wake up and look for his mother.

Taking a deep breath, he tried to calm himself before his usual cold look overtook his features. He dialled a number and walked out of the room.

“Chloe, has Mia visited you?” He asked as soon as she answered the call.

“Uh, no? She’s not at home.” She asked, confused, but he had already hung up. She cursed and glared at the phone before throwing it on the bed.

Alex then dialled George’s number, which was answered in the second ring.

“Go to Mia’s orphanage and check if she’s there. Now.” he ordered him, and George immediately muttered a ‘yes, sir’ before he cut the call.

“Fuck! I swear, Mia, if I don’t find you until tomorrow morning, then I won’t ever let you near Bryan.” He muttered angrily to himself, as gritted his teeth.

A minute later, he got a call, and thinking it was George, he answered it immediately without looking at the name.

“Is she there?”

“What’s wrong, Alex? Where is Mia?” He heard a very serious mark voice, as he cursed loudly.

Mark and Chloe arrived at Alex’s mansion, as Mark stared at Alex, who sat across from him, whereas Chloe sat there with a worried look on her face.

“Where is she?” Mark repeated it, and it snapped Alex’s control. He glared at him, but it didn’t bother him.

“I don’t fucking know.” Alex gritted out, and earned a sharp look from his best friend.

“Then who the fuck knows? Aren’t you supposed to know where your wife is?” Mark snapped, and Alex looked ready to punch him.

“Don’t test my patience right now, Mark.” Alex sneered back, and Chloe was worried they would start a physical fight at any moment.

“Of course, your patience is very important right now.” Mark scoffed, and before Alex could do anything, his phone rang.

It was George.

Ignoring Mark, he got up, answered the call, and moved away.

“Is she there?” He questioned, as he waited for Mark’s reply.

“She’s not here, sir.” George replied apologetically. His grip on the phone tightened to the point where his knuckles turned white.

Looking at his face, Mark was sure something was not right.

“She’s not at the orphanage.” He uttered it, and Chloe’s eyes widened in fear.

Mark clenched his jaw before he pushed past him and marched into his room.. He was cautious enough to not wake Bryan, but he did find the clue he was looking for, “the letter”.

Mark’s blood boiled in anger as he clutched the paper tightly and stormed out, straight towards the person who was the sole reason for the problem.

Roughly turning him around, Mark threw the paper on his face before he asked.

“What is this? What the fuck is this, Alexander Ian? What did you do?” Mark asked, his patience was running low, and he was close to yelling on top of his voice, but only kept it low for Bryan.

Chloe picked up the paper, going through the lines as her eyes teared up. What is her best friend going through? Why wasn’t she there when she needed her?

“I don’t know. I fucking know. I don’t know.” Alex replied in equal anger, but somehow he was more frustrated because he didn’t know the damn reason for her disappearance.

Running his hand through his already messy hair, Alex sat down on the couch with his phone in his hand.

He opened it to find something but froze when his eyes landed on the message.

She knows.

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