Claiming His Luna

Chapter 16: Business Proposal

Lucian’s POV

“Your Majesty,” Frank called out, breaking me from my reverie as I stood there, lost in the enchanting aroma that surrounded me.

Startled, I blinked behind the protective shield of my shades and turned towards Frank, his concerned expression mirrored in the rearview mirror.

“Do you really think she’s here, Sire?” he asked, his voice laced with doubt yet a glimmer of hope.

I sighed, my uncertainty noticeable. “I don’t know,” I admitted, my voice heavy with longing. The grand gates swung open majestically as we arrived, adorned with the elegant inscription of “MoonStone.”

This mansion, I pondered, was a vast expanse of luxury. Even as we crossed the threshold, the mansion itself remained elusive, its magnificence shrouded by the expanse of the estate. I peered through the window, gazing at the vast garden adorned with a sea of pristine white roses-their emblem.

“Here we are,” Frank announced, his voice filled with a mixture of anticipation and trepidation.

As I emerged from the car, I held my breath, the gravity of the moment weighing heavily upon me. My heart thudded against my chest, threatening to burst through my ribs. Each inhalation carried with it a surge of nerves mingled with the desperate hope that her essence permeated this place.

Summoning every ounce of courage that remained within me, I inhaled deeply. The very air seemed to vibrate with her presence as her intoxicating scent permeated my senses. I could feel the pulsation of my veins coursing through my body, tinged with a subtle hint of redness that threatened to betray my inner turmoil. Thankfully, the shield of my shades concealed my vulnerable state.

Taking yet another breath, I allowed her aroma to consume every fibre of my being. It was a tantalising potion that both soothed and inflamed my restless soul.

“Sire,” Frank’s voice broke the spell, jolting me back to reality. Apparently, I had lingered a tad too long, lost in the captivating allure of her fragrance.

I blinked once, my gaze shifting from behind the protection of my shades. With a composed air, I removed them, revealing eyes that had regained their usual hue. A line of servants stood in an orderly fashion on the front stairs, bowing respectfully as they awaited our arrival.

A woman of distinguished age, appearing to be in her mid-fifties, approached us with a graceful bow. “My Lord,” she addressed me, her voice laced with deference.

“Monsieur Remus awaits your presence inside,” she informed us, taking the lead to guide us through the grand entrance of the mansion.

As we traversed the corridors, I took a moment to survey my surroundings. On my previous visit, I had been too preoccupied to truly appreciate the nuances of the French architecture that adorned this estate. Back then, my mind had been consumed by other matters, and the presence of numerous individuals had distracted me from appreciating the finer details.

Entering the luxury common room, my eyes locked on Lord Remus, who rose to his feet upon catching sight of me. Standing beside him was a woman dressed up in a resplendent blue dress. I studied her intently, a sense of familiarity washing over me, especially when it comes to her beautiful flowing hair, which is a rich shade of honey-brown.This content © Nôv/elDr(a)m/a.Org.

Is it possible that she is the same woman I encountered deep inside the cave? I remember her hair had a captivating wavy texture, but now it flows straight as if it has been magically transformed. I noted that her eyes were not the same emerald green shade I recalled but mirrored the hue of her luscious locks-rich, deep brown. Maybe she chose to wear contact lenses. As I took a deep breath, my senses became more acute, and I noticed a slightly stronger hint of her enchanting fragrance.

“My Lord Lucian,” Lord Remus greeted me with genuine warmth, bowing respectfully.

“Lord Remus,” I reciprocated, offering a polite nod in acknowledgment. His countenance brightened, extending his hand in a gesture of amicability, which I readily accepted.

“And this,” Lord Remus continued, a touch of pride gracing his voice, “is my daughter and heir, Vienna Crescent.”

“My Lord,” she gracefully bowed, her actions emanating a profound sense of respect and elegance.

“My lady,” I replied, gently clasping her hand in mine and bestowing a respectful kiss upon it. A surge of emotions cascaded through me, intensified by the heightened scent emanating from her hand. I studied her intently, a flicker of uncertainty playing in my eyes. Could she truly be the one I encountered in the depths of that mystical cave?

“The pleasure is mine,” she responded, her voice laced with warmth and a hint of intrigue.

A smile danced upon my lips, tinged with a glimmer of hope. Could it be possible? Is she the mate destined for me, the one who bears an uncanny resemblance to the mysterious woman from the cave? The unique features she possesses set her apart from anyone else in this place, leaving me with a growing conviction that she may indeed hold the key to my heart.

Lord Remus interrupted, capturing our attention. “Shall we move to my office?” he proposed, leading us towards the stairs that led to his private room.

“Of course,” I responded, following his lead as anticipation coursed through my veins, heightening my senses. Each step brought me closer to the place suffused with the unmistakable aroma of my potential mate, awakening every fibre of my being.

Frank, ever dutiful, stationed himself outside the office door while we entered the room. It exuded an air of sophistication, adorned in a palette of blacks, whites, and greys, its expansive windows offering a breathtaking view of the sprawling garden beyond.

Lord Remus kindly poured me a glass of bourbon, a gesture of hospitality that I gratefully accepted. Taking a sip, I savoured the comforting warmth of the liquid as it flowed through me, providing a momentary relief from the mounting tension.

“I must admit, I was quite taken aback when my secretary informed me of your business proposal,” Lord Remus began, a touch of curiosity in his voice.

I took another sip, masking my true motives beneath a façade of professional interest.

“Why the astonishment, My Lord? Your reputable company holds a prominent position as one of the foremost and most prosperous in the western region,” I replied smoothly, pretending to be genuinely intrigued. His hearty laughter resonated throughout the room, carrying a feeling of camaraderie.

“You flatter me, Lord Lucian,” he responded with a trace of genuine humility in his voice.

I chuckled lightly, my gaze drawn towards the glass wall that provided a panoramic view of the enchanting garden below. Observing the diligent work of the servants, I allowed a moment of serenity to envelop me.

“May I be frank with you, Lord Remus?” I inquired, taking another sip of the bourbon, my attention focused on the sprawling landscape.

“Please, do not hesitate,” he replied, his tone inviting candour.

I turned to face him, my expression was more serious. “I have come here in search of my mate,” I revealed, a touch of vulnerability seeping into my words.

“I am aware,” he acknowledged, maintaining a steady gaze on me.

“The last time I graced this estate, I caught a scent-a scent that was hauntingly familiar, unlike anything I had ever encountered before. It called to me, coursing through my very being, awakening a profound yearning,” I continued, my voice tinged with a mixture of intensity and longing.

Lord Remus chuckled softly, a knowing twinkle in his eyes. “Ah, I have been in your shoes, Lord Lucian. It is indeed a tumultuous and captivating journey,” he shared, his laughter revealing a hint of his own past experiences.

“I can feel it, the scent resonates within these walls. My mate is here,” I responded with a sense of certainty, my tone conveying the weight of my conviction.

Lord Remus’s smile remained steadfast as he approached me, placing a reassuring hand upon my shoulder.

“Well, let me assure you, there is no one within these premises who is closer or more deserving of being your mate than my own daughter. Together, our packs will become an unstoppable force,” he declared, his eyes shimmering with unwavering determination and ambition.

A curious realisation dawned upon me as I observed Lord Remus’s daughter from a distance. The sight of her did not ignite the expected shivers down my spine as it had with my true mate. Perhaps my initial intuition had been correct-I was not destined for love, at least not in the conventional sense.

My purpose in this union was clear-to maintain the delicate balance between my pack and Lord Remus’s, to ensure the continuation of our bloodlines, and to consummate whatever connection we had. It was a duty to be fulfilled, a means to an end. Nothing more, nothing less.

Lord Remus’s pack, combined with the power and influence of his renowned company, would serve me well. His empire stood as one of the largest and most successful in the western region, while his pack possessed formidable strength in numbers. Together, we would indeed become an unstoppable force.

“There is no need to rush, My Lord,” I remarked, placing my glass down on the surface. The weight of the decision loomed, and I needed time to reconcile my emotions and intentions.

“Of course we do,” Lord Remus retorted firmly, his tone carrying an undercurrent of expectation. “Your time has come to mate, and you are well aware of the consequences that befall an Alpha who does not.”

“I am not one for traditional marriage,” I responded, my voice devoid of any sentiment.

He took a swig of his drink, nodding in understanding. “Nor am I a man inclined towards the institution of marriage,” he admitted, the liquid disappearing down his throat in one smooth motion.

“You and I both know that our duty lies in fulfilling our responsibilities together. Beyond that, we have the freedom to lead our lives as we choose,” he added, his words causing my brows to furrow. Would he truly allow me the freedom to interact with his daughter as I deemed appropriate?

“I must admit, I presumed you would desire a man who would love and cherish your daughter,” I expressed, a hint of confusion lacing my words.

Lord Remus chuckled, a hint of cynicism evident in his laughter. “Life is not a fairytale,” he responded to the mirth in his voice echoing my own sentiments. We shared knowing laughter, acknowledging the reality of our circumstances.

“Well then, I suppose we will get along just fine,” I replied, a touch of amusement tugging at the corners of my lips. We sealed our understanding with a firm handshake as he poured us another round of drinks, symbolising the beginning of a partnership that transcended mere emotions.

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