Choosing Her Lover

Chapter 37

Chapter 37

“So, I’m not hurting you, and I don’t believe that you are not enjoying this. You like what I do to you. So, my only answer is that you are getting cold feet. I thought you had more nerve than this, Kirstie.

“A woman who bottles out at her first test is no good to me. You asked me to dominate you. And now, when I do, you argue and tell me to stop. You brought me into this, Kirstie, and I find that I have acquired a taste for Domination. And I want you to submit to me and to enjoy doing it. So…. are you going to submit? Or, are you standing by your safe word?” There is contempt and…. disappointment in his voice.

I lie, panting, trembling from my own disquiet, and the vibe working inside me. My body aches for orgasm….

…. I don’t answer.

“Very well then,” he says, “as you insist.” And within me, the vibe stops and his finger moves away from my clit.

“I don’t want you to stop, I just don’t…”

“You don’t what?” He leans over me, his body pressed against mine. “You have never said that you objected to anything I wanted to do. Do you want to submit to me or not? Either you will do what I ask, or you won’t, and right now, I want to fill you, everywhere you are fillable, and play with your clit until you scream.”

“We’re in public.” But despite my protests, my hips shudder and tremble. I want him inside me.

“We are not in public. Look around you. Do you want me to fuck you or not?”

From my prone position, I scan the parking lot. There are walkers, cars, people passing by, but they are all busy, distracted, elsewhere. “Yes, I want you to fuck me.”

“Then ask me.”

“Please, fuck me.”

“You know that’s not how you ask.”

“Please fuck me, Master.”

“And how do want me to fuck you? Shall I reinsert the vibe?”


“Then ask me.”

“Please reinsert the vibe, Master.”


“Please …. please, get inside me.”

“Inside you? You are asking me to fuck you up the ass? And vibe your cunt? And play with your clit?”

“Yes, Master.”

“Then ask me. You stopped it before. If you want me to start again, then ask me properly.”

“Please, Master, play with my clit, vibe my cunt and fuck my ass…. Please….”

“That’s better.” And once more, the vibe pushes inside me, humming its song to my heated core, and the blunt head of his cock presses in then penetrates deep.

I bite my lip, groaning at the sheer intensity of the sensation. My circled clit, my spasming pussy and the intense pressure against my inner walls from the thick shaft pumping me slowly to the rear.

He plays me, making my body dance to his song. Leaning atop me, his body contours to mine.

How does he do this?

I am aching to come, but all the while, he works me with an exquisite precision that never quite allows me to tip over the edge.

I want to fall wailing into the precipice. My whole body is screaming for it. He whispers, “Do you want to come?”


“Yes, what?”

The vibe thrums inside me. His cock is buried in my heat. His fingers slowly torment my clit….

“Oh, let me come, Ryan. Please, let me come.”

“Beg me. Beg me to let you come.”

As my body tilts towards climax, his fingers withdraw and he falls still inside me.

“Go on; beg me to let you come.”

He moves, slightly, so slightly, and my cunt twitches. I’m breathing so hard that the edges of my vision are darkening.

“Please, Ryan…. please…. Master. Let me come.”

And his fingers caress my clit, the vibe powers up to a shriek inside me, and his cock rams inside….

And my world turns white as I climax.

Public place or not, uncontrollably, I scream. His hand claps around my mouth, blocking the sound as I convulse and writhe under him.

Soundlessly howling through the gagging hand, fingernails digging into the metal skin of the car, I surrender myself to pulsing euphoria. Racked by the sheer volcanic vehemence of the climax, I spasm and jerk, powerless to regain control of my own body. My heart yammering, pulse racing, cunt throbbing, I simply ride the wave.

Atop me, with a grunt, Ryan presses into me, his hips bucking, breath catching. One hand still sandwiched between my thighs, the other is knotted into my scalp, he jerks my head up and back as climax takes him also.

And as the storm passes, we lie there, two heartbeats hammering through twinned rib cages. Content is property © NôvelDrama.Org.

I am dripping with sweat. He withdraws, lifting his weight from me. He reaches around, kisses me on the cheek. “You okay?”

I lie inert and limp, my heartbeat still slowing to a more sensible pace.

“Are you okay?” he repeats.

I nod.

Arms under me, he scoops me upright, then glancing down, reaches and pulls up my panties, brushes down my dress to some semblance of respectability. “Would you like to share a bath with me?” he asks.

“That sounds wonderful.”


As it turns out, the group for lunch includes Michael and Charlotte too.

When I see Michael enter the restaurant with the jade-eyed redhead on his arm, I hesitate, unsure of her feelings towards me, but she smiles, walking to meet me in friendly fashion. “I think we had a bad start,” she says. “Shall we try forgetting what happened with Ben and start over?”


“That would be nice.”

And then the Haswells arrive. He is as described, tall and dark, although greying, and so overtly Alpha that I have to fight down the impulse to….


Get your head unwrapped, woman. He’s married….

He is not aggressive or pompous with it though. In my experience, men who behave like that are invariably wannabe Alphas. Haswell carries himself like a lord, with an easy authority that cuts the air. He wears wealth and power like a mantle, unconsciously and taking the two entirely for granted. His manner is courteous and natural.

If you can walk with Kings—nor lose the common touch….

James waves me forward. “Richard, this is Kirstie Jamieson, who recently started as concierge in the main building reception. I was telling you about her the other day if you recall…. and this is her….” he pauses, ever so briefly, “…. partner, Ryan Dougherty, who I invited here today to discuss a possible tender in which he may be interested. Kirstie, Ryan, this is Richard Haswell, CEO of the Haswell corporation, and his wife Elizabeth.”

“Nice to meet you Mr Haswell, Mrs Haswell….” I hold out my hand to shake, as does Ryan, but as I set eyes on Elizabeth Haswell, I double-take between her and Charlotte. So does Ryan, staring between one and the other. Everyone else bursts out laughing.

“Don’t worry about it.” chuckles Michael. “Everybody goes through that the first time they see the two of them together.”

“Are the two of you twins, Mrs Haswell?” asks Ryan. “Or sisters?”

“No,” she replies, smiling and holding out her hand, “we’re not. But Charlotte and I believe we are related at some level. It’s something we’re working on; to find the family link…. and it’s Beth.”

“Lovely to meet you, Beth,” says Ryan, shaking her hand.

As we sit to eat, James invites Ryan to take the seat next to him. “I have looked through the information you supplied.” he begins. “You’ve achieved a lot for a relatively young company. I’m impressed by what I’ve seen so far.”

“I’ve put a lot of work in,” replies Ryan.

“I can see that. And you are certificated to ISO 6001? Is that correct?”

“That’s right.”

“Not too many companies have that certification, certainly not at such an early stage. How did you manage it?”

Ryan’s face is wry. “Oh, they made us jump through hoops, I can tell you that; but I knew that if I wanted to tender for the top contracts, I needed to have that level of validation.”

“Quite right,” says James, sliding an envelope across to him. “Here is the specification for a contract in the new retail complex for which I am inviting you to tender. When you have had the opportunity to study it, let me have your costed offer and we can take it from there. If we find that we work well together, there’s a lot more possible, given the size of the City Project.”

Ryan smiles hugely. “Thank you, Mr Alexanders…”


“Thank you, James. I’ll be in touch promptly.

“I’ll look forward to it.”

Ryan, seated next to me, opens the envelope, studying the contents. James turns to me.

“Kirstie, have you considered what we were discussing the other day?”

“I have yes, and I’m happy to go through with it.”

Ryan glances up, cocking an eyebrow, but his attention is mainly on the documents he is reading and he is only paying half-attention.

“Good,” says James, looking pleased, “thank you. I’ll have a feed from the outside security cameras sent to your laptop as well. That way you can keep an eye on the whole of the building surroundings, not just the front.”

“Don’t Security do that anyway?”

“In theory, they do, yes. But I notice that thus far, it has been you that has alerted them to the problems and not the other way around.”

“Who are these enemies you want me to watch for, James?”

He hesitates, chewing on his bottom lip. “I don’t think I want to tell you that, Kirstie.”

“Why not? You trust me enough to do your dirty work, but not enough to tell me why?”

Ryan jerks upright, his attention now solely on me and James.

James’ head is bowed, but he looks at me from under his brows. “Fair point.” he concedes. “In fact, I do have a level of trust in you, bearing in mind that I do not, in fact, know you very well.”


“I prefer not to tell you because I don’t want to frighten you.”

My stomach flips. “You don’t want to frighten me? You can’t say something like that and not finish it off, can you? Do you imagine you can tell me anything that’s going to frighten me any more than what you just said?”

James, with a deep intake of breath, stands, pacing around the room. “Sometimes you know, life leaves you that you can’t do right for doing wrong. Alright, Kirstie. Charlotte’s enemies are traffickers….”

“Traffickers? People traffickers you mean? Slavers?”

“Exactly that; slavers. They had her when she was a child, but she escaped….”

I turn, staring at the redhead, and she nods confirmation. Michael’s hand is on hers.

“…. Now they know that she can identify them and they would like to….”

“As a child? But how?”

“Hold on.” interrupts Ryan. He’s sitting upright, eyes hard, the documents forgotten. “What’s going on here? Are you dragging Kirstie into something dangerous? Because if you are, I’m not having it.”

“Ryan…” I start.

He holds his hand up, pointing a warding finger at me. “Don’t even think about it, Kirstie. I’m not having you endangered. Your duties are as a concierge. I’m quite sure that this was not in the job description.”

“No, of course it wasn’t,” says Haswell. “But we are not endangering Kirstie. She’s down there anyway and is showing a definite talent for keeping an eye on things.”

“This comes from a man whose last offices were burned to the ground?” Ryan’s voice is icy. “And what does Kirstie get out of this?” He glares at James.

“My eternal gratitude,” says James, laconically.

Ryan, face furious, looks ready to lash out.

Haswell breaks in, speaking slowly, thoughtfully. “It is worth pointing out that James’ ‘eternal gratitude’ could be worth quite a lot to Kirstie. He’s in a position to do her a lot of favours. And you….” He nods down at the documents, lying ignored by Ryan’s hand.

“I don’t give a fuck about James’ favours,” spits Ryan. “What is this? Some kind of conspiracy? If you think I’m going to be bribed into allowing you to endanger her….”

James holds up a hand, interrupting him. “Ryan, I would say exactly the same were our positions reversed. I give you my word that I am not getting Kirstie involved. I am simply asking that she does exactly what she is already doing as a normal part of her job; watching the comings and goings of the Haswell Offices. The only addition is that I have requested that she reports directly to me.”

Ryan stares at the floor, arms folded. “And what does that involve? This ‘reporting’?”

“She simply hits a button under the counter of her desk, and it sends an alert to me and a number of other people.”

“Which people?”

James glances around. “We’re sitting at this table, plus Richard’s PA, Francis.”

“And that is all you are asking of her?”

“Yes, all. And I might point out that she already has another ‘panic button’ under her desk to call Security if she has any kind of trouble down there.”

Ryan relaxes a little, pauses, thinking…. then, “I will agree to this, but on the condition that you add me to your list of alerts. If Kirstie spots trouble, I want to know about it too. Yes?”

James exchanges glances with Richard. “I don't think that's unreasonable,” says the Billionaire. “Any of us would demand at least the same. On a related point, I want to add another to the list myself. I’d like the alert to go also to Ross.”

“Ross?” I ask. “Your driver?”

Richard’s tone is dry. “Ross is rather more than just my driver. He wears a number of other, less obvious duties buttoned under his jacket. Among other things, he is Elizabeth’s bodyguard. If that alert goes out, I want Ross to be in a position to know that he is to get Elizabeth away from here.”

James nods while I digest the information that Elizabeth needs a bodyguard.

Michael has said nothing so far, but his eyes follow the speakers. He sees me watching him and drops me half a wink.

Ryan sees me looking, and turns to Michael. “And what about you?” he demands, his voice still angry. “You don't have much to say for yourself.”

Michael yawns and stretches. “That doesn't mean I wasn't paying attention.”

“So, where do you fit into all this?”

Michael's voice is mild, but with a hint of controlled anger. “Charlotte is my wife.”

James intervenes. “Alright, calm down. We’re all pulling in the same direction here. I’ll make sure that Kirstie has everything she might need, and that all concerned receive any information that I do. Agreed?” He looks around the table. Everyone nods except Ryan, who pauses, looks at me and then nods also.

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