
Chapter 9


I ran my hand through my hair, exhausted from searching for hours in the blocks to the north. I was sure I had just missed her by a hair’s breadth. So close! Frustration and determination fueled my steps as I paced in another circle. I passed by Horn - who had given up following me to flirt with some girls on the street. His black eye and bruised cheek were clear signs of his recent fight.

“Niall.” Horn’s voice boomed. “Stop. There’s nothing you can do.”

“I can kick the door open to each and every one of these houses.”

“I don’t care how much of a badass your race is, you couldn’t possibly take on all those species. Come over here, Summer here is offering a two for one special.” I frowned and looked back over, giving the girls a quick once over. Female orcs, lean bodies and tight asses. Pink and blue. “A clear head will help you think.”

“Horn.” I snarled. “I was just given to another by the gods, and you’re suggesting that I sleep with a fucking whore?”

“Fuck you pal!” The pink one snapped.

“Who do you think you are?” The blue one advanced on me, only to have Horn gently tug her by the hand.

“Easy there, he meant no disrespect. He’s just not in the right mind. Let me buy you girls a glass of wine in apology.” They glared at me, but I was already turning to continue my search.

“I don’t think we ever got the opportunity to meet.” Said a voice I didn’t recognize, but the presence of an absolute shit fuck gave him away. A heavy weight settled in my chest and I turned to face the man, who sat alone at a table surrounded by bustling lunch crowds. His long hair was tied back in a bun, and he seemed completely at ease as he stared up at me expectedly. A cup of untouched mud water sat on the quant table before him, the warm aromas mixing pleasantly in the air. Anyone else would have a sense of comfort - but what the fuck was this shitbag doing here?

“I was hoping to meet you in the rink.” I replied dryly.

A grin spread across his face, and surprisingly, he didn’t look like a complete jerk. What an alarmingly perfect façade. “I’m sure we’ll have the opportunity soon enough. You should sit and eat with me; I think we have some things to talk about.” He pushed a chair out and glanced back, waiting for me to take a seat. I grabbed onto the backrest and leaned forward towards the table and bared my teeth.

“I have enough things to do already than to sit with cheating scum like you.”

His smile deepened. “I can see how that would be really personal to you.” He pointed to my neck, where the silver curves kissed my ear. “I can’t help but feel…” He drew out the word and stood to his feet, peaking under my collar. “That… I’ve seen something really… really similar.” He reclined in his chair, locking eyes with me while he wet his lips. He idly played with his bottom lip, a dangerous glint in his gaze. “What would be the odds, that while you were fucking my matched, I was fucking yours?”

My eyes narrowed.

“Actually, now I’m really wondering. Her blood, you see, did such an amazing thing. And, I thought it might be of some value, so I helped myself to a vile.” He plucked out a glass vile and held it up between us.

“You’re disgusting.”

“Yea, probably. But do me a favor, take a whiff.” The moment he pulled out the cork, a whirlwind of emotions hit me like a ton of bricks. The scent of blood filled my senses, igniting a primal response within me. I knew that she was mine, and that were now bonded for life by the gods, but at the same time, I couldn’t help but feel a sense of fear and uncertainty. Where was she? What did he do to her? Why the fuck did he have her blood in his pocket? My mind raced with questions about the source of the blood in the jar and a deep, uncontrollable rage threatened to consume me. Yet all I could do was stare at him as an explosion of unmeasurable rage consumed my heart.

His smile faded and soon disappointment took its place. He reached for the cork to seal the bottle, but I grabbed it before he could.

“What is it to you, if she’s not yours?” He demanded, his voice dripping with irritation at my unexpected action. I defiantly tipped the bottle into my mouth, relishing the sensation of the warm liquid sliding down my throat. With a flick of my wrist, I tossed the empty glass down the alley and watched as it shattered against the stone street.

For a moment, there was only silence. Then, a slow smile spread across his face, revealing teeth that gleamed in the sunlit patio. I couldn’t deny the thrill that coursed through me. The blood from the broken bottle settled in my stomach, warming me and strengthening me from within. It was rich, thick, and sultry- like liquid fire coursing through my veins. In that moment, I felt invincible, unstoppable.

“How interesting.” Navid breathed. “I’ve never seen you before. I should have known you weren’t from around here, such a long journey you had. What are you? No, don’t answer that. I’d rather just dissect you. But, well. We’ll see, won’t we?” He leaned forward and I palmed a small blade beneath my sleeve. “You are her matched, aren’t you?”

“You would like that, wouldn’t you?” A low growl escaped my lips. It was unlike anything I had ever heard come from myself before. My voice felt foreign, wrong somehow. He flinched and paled, but quickly recovered by shrugging and taking a step back.

“Well, I have things to do. A fight to get ready for. A girl to fuck, or two.” He laughed and turned away. “One to kill…” He muttered, just loud enough for me to hear. I watched with intent as he confidently strutted away. My gaze shifted to my reflection for a moment, but whatever transformation had occurred was long since gone. I turned back to face Navid and gripped a thin dagger tightly between my fingers before trailing behind him. I knew I was falling into his scheme, but I had to find out what he had done with her. She belonged to me.

As expected, I fell right into his trap. It didn’t take long for me to encounter a massive stone ogre, most likely a result of unnatural breeding between an ogre and an earth elemental. This abomination was not born willingly in the natural world, and its existence would surely lead to the death of any female involved in its creation. The ogre locked eyes with me, and I wondered just how much control it had over the elements.

“Thank you for coming all the way after me, really.” Navid remarked from his elevated position. He sat atop a stone railing, as if it were his own fucking throne. “Now, let’s get away from all these pleasantries. We’re going to kill you unless you give me some answers.” His voice grew dark and deadly serious. My own determination matched his as I stared down at the monster before me. The scent on this monster was the strongest yet, she radiated off him like this own fucking perfume, but I had a feeling it was a bag tied to his waist. One soaked with blood.

“Navid, you’re going to have to wait your turn.” I said coldly, staring down at my new opponent. “You.” I spat at the monster. “You have something that is mine.”

Navid reclined in his seat, a smug expression on his face. My response gave him the exact clarification he was looking for. “Skullcrusher, try not to kill him. I think the queen will be very interested to meet him.”

Fuck. Where the hell was Horn? These fuckers needed to learn a lesson about who they were dealing with. It was time for me to step up. “Let me give you a fair warning, there is possibly only one way to kill me. You gotta dip heated iron in white ash. But as metal is such a rare, toxic poison, good luck finding any sharp enough to pierce my heart.” I grinned as I backed away from the creature. It inched closer, taking one enormous step towards me.

“You lie.” It declared.

“Nope, my ancestors found a near immortal way of life. And I was cursed with it when I was a young boy just like all those before me. And that was two thousand years ago.”

“How fascinating.” Navid mumbled. I swiftly avoided a large club adorned with disfigured skulls that clashed together. With a smirk, I flicked my finger upwards and one of the skulls flew up, striking the beast square in the face.

“Wind affiliate!” It howled in anger. I shook my head, but their history lesson was over. It was time. I side-stepped another swing and dematerialized into the shadows. With one swift movement, I disappeared from not only their sight, but also the keen eyes of a dull-eyed vampire who sat upright in shock. From my vantage point above, I studied them with my little snout and lengthy whiskers. I scuttled along a clothesline until I was positioned directly above the ogre. He was alert, scanning his surroundings and relying on his poor hearing. I would have to be precise in my aim; his skin appeared to be incredibly tough.

With a feral snarl, I launched myself off the clothesline like a rabid animal. My body contorted and ripped open, transforming into a monstrous form with razor-sharp claws and teeth. In an instant, I had my enemy in my sights, my obsidian blade ready to strike at his most vulnerable spot. But as I lunged forward, he saw me coming and dodged at the last second. In a frenzy of rage and desperation, I swung my sword with all my might, only to have it snap in half against his unyielding body.

He retaliated by grabbing me with a vice-like grip, throwing me against the wall with brutal force. As I tumbled down the unforgiving cobblestone, I could taste blood in my mouth and feel the bones in my body snapping under the impact. But even as I struggled to get up, to heal faster, he was already on me, slamming me into yet another wall with that fucking club. All around me, I could hear his lackeys cheering him on. I needed only a minute! Navid watched intently, curiosity burning in his eyes.

“Shifty piece of shit.” Skullcrusher bellowed.

“How can he be a wind affiliate and shapeshift?” A skinny half-bred goblin asked the vampire.

“It’s a trick.” The vampire said, although he didn’t sound convinced.

I staggered to my feet, spitting out blood and wiping it away with the back of my hand. With a fierce determination, I summoned all of my mental strength and grabbed Skullcrusher’s club with my mind, sending it soaring upwards with twice the force he had used against me. The impact was brutal as it struck him in the head, causing him to stumble backwards and fall onto his back with a loud thud. Seizing the opportunity, I sank down onto the hard cobblestone ground, feeling its rough surface beneath my palms.

With a deep growl, I focused my power into the earth itself, causing it to rumble and shift beneath us. Suddenly, a massive fissure appeared in the road, swallowing up half of the ogre. I knew this wouldn’t hold him for long - as an earth element himself, he could easily escape. Depending on how much control he had over the element anyway. There was no way for me to pierce his skin without a working blade, unfortunately even with the shards of the one which laid to my left, the spell had been shattered as well. I wouldn’t kill the beast today - I couldn’t.

Navid’s concern grew as he observed me approach the ogre and retrieve the sack from his belt. I feared the worst.Nôvel(D)ra/ma.Org exclusive © material.

I was completely unprepared for what was inside. My blood ran cold as I finally dared to look up. Navid had disappeared, leaving behind the vampire and goblin who were now watching me with curiosity, oblivious to being abandoned.

“Do you want them? You won them. Skullcrusher ain’t getting up for some time,” the goblin observed.

“You cut off her wings?”

“So she wouldn’t escape. She’s a ward of the Unseelie court,” the vampire whispered as he chewed on his nails. “I can still remember her blood. I can’t stop thinking about it.” The vampire’s expression was distant, as if he were lost in thought. I gestured with my chin and the it’s neck twisted unnaturally to the side with a sickening crack. His lifeless body slumped to the ground, and nonchalantly, I pulled a wooden stake from my boot.

“Whoa! What gives?!” The goblin cried as he jumped down, debating on whether to protect the vampire or flee.

My blade plunged into the vampire’s heart, and I mercilessly crushed it beneath my boot. “You despicable, loathsome creature. You cut off her wings!” Enraged, I grabbed the goblin by its scrawny neck, causing it to pale in fear. My face contorted into something dark and menacing and my jaw dislocated effortlessly. “Now, I will eat you.”

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