It has been three days since I had that argument with Ellie. Since then, she has been cooked up in her room. She only comes out for meals when she feels like it. The bitch is too arrogant for an intruder guest that she is. She doesn’t talk to anyone at all, unless when she feels like insulting someone and parading her arrogance. Honestly, I am at the hang of it with her arrogance.

Jerol is conducting his own investigations, but these fools are no ordinary fools. They are a couple of smart-asses! They have covered their trails so well that nothing is coming out of the investigations. Nothing at all, and I am getting so pissed because I want the truth discovered as soon as possible so that this can be over already.

With the Grego idiot playing cool and dedicated by trying to learn about the family business, it is so difficult to find something to pin on him. But, shouldn’t that be another sign? Don’t ask me a sign of what, but ask yourself, why now? Why is he interested to work just now?

I know I am not paranoid. I know I am not paranoid because I am thinking all these through with a clear mind as I bask in the morning sun. I have been trying to connect the dots since that day to no avail, but I know I will. And it has to be soon.

It is no coincidence that that witch always finds excuses to avoid going to the doctor. It is no coincidence either that she almost confessed to me that they have a thing with Grego and they are after something. Nothing is a coincidence, and that I know pretty well.

I just need one chance. Just one chance to find something. Just something and everything will make sense – the DNA! If I can prove the baby is not Jerol’s, then everything will be put to light. And that I can do even if it means dragging that witch to the hospital myself. But, damn! That has to be until she delivers? I can not bear with her that long.

“Ma’am!” I snap my eyes to the voice of Terry as she racks before me.

She hasn’t been able to get anything for those three days from Ellie. She says she is always texting someone. She is such a smart asshole! But her days are numbered!

“Yes, Terris?” I ask, sitting straight.

“I just overheard something from Ellie, ma’am! I went down to get her soup like she ordered and I found her on a strange call with someone.”Strange!? Now that spewed huge moulds of curiosity in me.

“Strange? Who was it?” I implore.

“Sounded like a woman, ma’am!” Terry says.

A woman?! A friend or is there another woman involved in this? What woman?

“Did you get her name?” I ask.

“No ma’am!” She kills my hopes.

Damn it!

“What were they talking about? What did you hear?” I ask apprehensively.

“I only heard that they are meeting at Hilton Hotel, ma’am!”That made me spring to my feet.

“When? What time?” I ask.

“Today, ma’am!”

Today! Someone that was sick in the morning is now planning to go out to meet some God knows who?

Well, we will find out who is this is important female gender.

“Alright. Thank you, Terry, for the info. Go back now before she suspects anything.” I say.

“Okay, ma’am.” She hurries back, while I slam back on the bench.

Who is this woman she is meeting and why are they meeting? Whoever she is, I will find out.

Hours later!

I am shifting my body from one corner of my seat to another, ricocheting my eyes through the distinctive Hilton hotel with the hopes of spotting Ellie and her partner but, who am I kidding?

Hilton Hotel is not a two-story building with clear glass where you can see anyone. It has a series of floors, and you can’t even see people from outside. Deep down I know I am wasting my efforts with all these unnecessary attempts but what should I do?

My so-called spy, Terry, was foolish enough to forget her ID card in the house. This is a no-nonsense five-star hotel. Protocols are of high precepts here and there are no exceptions. She was kicked out before she could set foot at the entrance, and Ellie, being the cunning bitch that she is, denied that they were together.

The bitch had enough guts to text Terry after to wait in the car. And ooh, she also promised to pay her handsomely just to cover up for her. Can you imagine that?

Now here I am, boiling with anger and anxiety and curiosity. I feel like killing this Terry! How could she forget her ID today of all times? Knt!

“Ma’am? How will you know who she is meeting?” Mark, my chauffeur asks, as if I am not banging my head over the same question.

Mark was not supposed to know about this, but she overheard me yelling at Terry for her incompetence and so I had to come out clean. I only said that we are investigating Ellie. Nothing much.

If this bitch sneaked out, it means that whoever she is meeting is important. I need to find that out. I can’t blow this chance.





“You!” I say, shocking Mark.

“Me, ma’am?” He quizzes.

“Yes. She doesn’t know you so she won’t sense anything.” I explain. “You have your ID?” I add enthusiastically.

“Yes, ma’am. I do.” He responds.

“Good. Here is what to do. You can recognize her face, right?” I inquire.

“Yes, ma’am!” He says.

“Good. Go inside.” I fish out some notes from my purse and hand them to him without even counting. “Have a cup of tea or eat anything you want, but make sure you bring me that woman’s photo and whoever she is meeting with. You got that?” I ask.

“Yes, ma’am.” He says.

“Good. Go, and be quick and smart, okay?” I ask, tapping his shoulder.

“Sure ma’am. Excuse me.” He walks out, and I heave a very deep sigh.

At least. If a door closes, a window opens. I now cross my fingers in the hope that he will succeed. He will succeed.

Today I will catch you, bitch! I feel like this woman she is meeting with will be the key to uncovering her secrets. And I can’t wait to rub her defeat on her own face this so soon.

After about twenty minutes of sulking in anxiety, I see Ellie dashing out of the hotel like she just closed a multi-billion deal. Witch! Wait until I know what your business here today was, bitch. Let’s see if you will still walk with your head hoisted so high again.

A minute after her car drives out of the parking, Mark walks out, and if I thought whatever I was feeling before now was anxiety, then I don’t have a term for what I am feeling now. Maybe be dread? I feel fearful all of a sudden and I don’t know why.Owned by NôvelDrama.Org.

All the same, I compose myself when Mark enters the car.

“Were you able to capture anything?” I implore with a tremor in my faint pitch.

“Yes. Here, ma’am!” He responds, handing me his phone.

I swallow hard as I take the phone, and I drag my eyes slowly to the phone.

Ellie is there in the photo together with this Grego, not surprising, but … I freeze at the face of the third person staring at me.

“Gracia Motero!?”

No! No! No!

I hold my breath in denial, confusion, and shock. I am rubbing my eyes to clean the probable deceitful curtains hanging on them. There must be something playing a very bad trick on me for me to see what I am seeing.

I glue my eyes on the phone again, particularly on this particular woman. I even flip to the next photo to confirm if that face is still the same, wishing and hoping it isn’t, but all is hopeless.

It’s her!

My mother, with these two devils!

“Look, ma’am! There comes that other woman!” I hear marks voice, and for a moment I think, maybe the phone is fabricating things?

I drag my face to the entrance of the hotel, and there comes my mother, Gracia Motero. Nothing has changed about her for those five months we have not seen face to face, except that she at least clean up today and she is not drunk. But… Forget everything! Forget even the fact that I feel nothing after seeing her for so long.

Why the heck is she with these people?! My mother?!

My mother, with Ellie and Grego?! What games is life playing with me again? Why is she involved?

“What are you doing again, mother?” I didn’t mean to whimper, but I couldn’t hold the words back either.

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