Book of Fate

Chapter 3 Missing Book

A month passed and Alexa finished one story again, and now she was going to a publishing house to apply for her book. Smiling while she walked out the door, looked at the manuscript she was carrying, and then walked to the taxi.

It took an hour before she arrived after an hour’s trip. She wandered down to the other side of a building and viewed it. “I’m hoping it’s now accepted.”

Alexa’s face shows her desire for her story to succeed this time. She approached the building and went inside, sitting in front of a woman after a few hours of waiting. Alexa’s face shows her genuine desire for her story to succeed this time. She went over, walked inside, and sat down in front of a woman after several hours of waiting.

She handed the story sheet in the folder she was holding. And the woman read it, this time reading the plot, characters, setting, genre, and some chapters of her story. Happiness could not see in the woman’s face, and at that moment Alexa’s hands would clasp because she was nervous about the result. As the woman reads her story only her eyes move.

Alexa picked up the folder after the woman read it and handed it back to her. “I’m sorry, miss, but I can’t accept your story.” Serious statement of the woman.

“But, ma’am, isn’t my writing that good? I can fix it!”

The woman sighed. “Your writing style is outstanding, but your story is too common for me to accept; this time, our company is looking for something unique, with a twist to the story, not typical, even in the romance genre. ; with so many books on the market, their stories are very similar to yours; therefore, if you want your story to be published, you need to make a story unusual, such as add a twist to excite your readers, you can still come back here if you have a new story.”

She did not speak, and she was disappointed to leave that building because she hoped that her new story would be accepted now, but she failed again, and she would return home sad, especially her eyes. But she didn’t go home right away, Alexa went to the mall to comfort herself and not worry about what happened.

Meanwhile, Lucas, the boy who lives in the magical house with Victor, goes to school. It acts like a human but it does not show its powers, like floating in the air. He had to go to school, and he seemed to be looking for something.

“Where is it? I’m late!” he said as he rummaged through the bookshelves but he couldn’t find what he needed.

He looked at his grandfather’s desk, and his eyes traveled back and forth until he found what he was looking for. In a hurry, he grabbed the wrong book because of a hurry to go to school, So he didn’t notice that the book he got was different, not the book he used in school.

Victor came out of his room and went to his desk, planning to write on the magical book again, but when he sat down and looked where he had placed it, he noticed another book.

His eyes narrowed at the sight. “Wait a minute, where’s the magical book, why is there another book on my desk?” Victor checked the table as well as its drawers, but he really couldn’t find it.

“Where did my magical book go? I just put it here, but why isn’t it here and why is there another book on my desk?” he wondered. He looked for it several times but could not find it, so he stopped and sat down again.

“I’ll ask Lucas if he sees it later.”

Meanwhile, Alexa has a good time by watching the kids play on the mall’s playground. She smiled at a child waving at her because it was cute and it looked like it was only two years old.

Alexa was so have fun at the mall that she didn’t realize that it was already night and it looked like it was going to rain so she took a taxi home before it rained.

On the way home, Lucas thinks to go outside the church, even though the church door was closed at that time. Lucas is used to this because it is quiet outside the church at night; he sits in a chair outside the church, but as he begins to take the book out of his bag, but someone calls out to the magical mirror that looks like a compact mirror.

He dropped the book on the chair and not in the bag without him noticing. He opened the compact mirror, and Victor’s face appeared. “Lucas, what time is it? You haven’t come home yet.”

“I’m sorry Grandpa because I’m at church.”

“Go home, I’ll ask you something.”

“All right, Grandpa,” Victor disappeared from the mirror, and only the reflection of Lucas’ face could be seen.

When the rain began to fall, Lucas no longer noticed the book dropped on the chair, and as it got heavier he hurried away, the rain getting heavier as he ran.

He meets Alexa, who is also running, in a small street, time seems to slow down as the two run their skins almost touching. They had already past each other, and Alexa was forced to stop outside the church because of the heavy rain.This belongs to NôvelDrama.Org.

“Wrong timing; why is it still raining. The rain comported me at this moment?” Alexa whispered as she wiped the wet parts of her body with a handkerchief.

The rain still did not stop for a few minutes, she sat on the chair, but as she waited for the rain to cease she noticed a book next to her.

“A book?” she questioned, she grab it and looked.

“It’s nice, even if it’s old.” She opened the book and was surprised to find nothing written inside. “So why is there nothing written?” she wondered.

” Even though the book is old, why are the pages blank? But I can still use it,” she said, thinking if she should pick up the book. It does seem that the owner will not come back because it is late, so she picks it up. ” I’m sorry to whoever owns it; if I will not be taken this, the church utility might just throw it away.” She hugged it and looked up at the sky, glad that the rain had stopped and she could go home.

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