Bonds of the Alpha Billionaire (Maya and Alex)

Chapter 95

Chapter 95

Chapter 95

-Maya’s POV-

The news of Alex’s wedding had hit me like a physical blow. I knew they were engaged but still. He was marrying her? Even as I mumbled my agreement to Ivan’s job offer, the words echoed in my head, a relentless drumbeat drowning out everything else. Here I es,

Ivan, oblivious to the turmoil within me, continued the tour, his voice a soothing murmur as he introduced me to various departments. Everywhere we we

‘Alex is getting married to Miranda, the thought repeated on a loop, a cruel reminder of the rejection that still stung. The image of them together, a happy

“Amaya?” Ivan’s voice cut through my fog. “Are you okay? You seem a million miles away.”

Startled, I tore my gaze away from the window and forced a smile. “Yes, I’m fine,” I lied. “Just taking it all in.” My voice sounded hollow even

to my own cars.

He scrutinized me for a long moment, his brow furrowed in concern. Then, a slow smile spread across his face. “Maybe I am badgering you with too muc

I hesitated. A selfish part of me wanted to grab onto this new information, to soak up everything about Ivan’s company, the company I was about to beco

“No,” I blurted out, surprising myself “I’m sorry, Ivan. I really do want to know. Please, continue.”

Relief washed over his face, chasing away the flicker of worry. “Alright,” he cleared his throat, a hint of amusement in his voice. “But be warned, it can ge

He gestured for me to follow him as he continued down the hallway, his voice resuming its informative tone. “So, as I was saying, we’re a construction an bricks–and–mortar kind. We specialize in what’s called ‘sustainable development–basically, using innovative technologies and practices to design and build structures that are environmentally friendly and energy–efficient.”

My curiosity piqued. Sustainable development? It sounded cutting–edge and important. “Environmentally friendly and energy– efficient structures?” I repeated, trying to grasp the concept.

“Exactly,” he smiled, grinning, “We develop things like green building materials, renewable energy integration systems,and even smart home technology

He stopped outside a door with a sleek, silver nameplate that read “Project Development.” “This is where the magic happens,” he announced with a flou

The room buzzed with activity. Architects hunched over blueprints, engineers debated designs on holographic displays, and 3D printers whirred in the co

“This is Omar Khan,” Ivan introduced me to a man with a neatly trimmed beard and a warm smile. “He’s the lead architect on our latest

Chapter 95


“Welcome aboard, Amaya,” Omar greeted me warmly. “We’re always excited to have fresh talent on the team, especially someone with your design skills


A blush crept up my cheeks. Design skills? My experience in interior design wasn’t exactly what came to mind, but a smile found its way onto my lips nonetheless.

As Ivan continued to introduce me to other members of the project development team, their passion for their work was contagious. They talked about en efficient skyscrapers, self–sustaining communities, and even disaster resistant infrastructure with a casualness that sent a thrill through me.

However, despite the fascinating information and the positive energy surrounding me, the echo of Alex’s upcoming wedding still lingered in the back of my mind. It was like a discordant note in a beautiful symphony, a constant reminder of a past I co

Suddenly, Ivan’s voice snapped me back to the present. “And this,” he gestured towards a large table covered with architectural models and blueprints, “ The Green Horizon. It’s highly confidential, so mum’s the word, okay?” From NôvelDrama.Org.

Intrigued, I leaned closer to examine the plans. The models showcased a sprawling complex with innovative green features like rooftop gardens and sola

“It’s our most ambitious project yet,” Ivan explained, his voice filled with pride. “We’re aiming to develop a mixed– use development that integrates cutting–edge sustainability practices to create a thriving, eco–conscious community.”

My breath hitched in my throat. The idea of creating a sustainable community resonated with a deep desire I hadn’t even realized I possessed. But before I could d it was all a bit overwhelming.

Sensing my discomfort, Ivan placed a hand on my shoulder, his touch sending a jolt through me. “Hey, are you alright?” he asked, his voice.

laced with concern.

“I’m fine,” I stammered, forcing a smile that felt weak even to myself.

“Maybe a bit much for the first day, huh?” Ivan chuckled, his hand lingering on my shoulder for a comforting beat before he removed it. “Come on, let’s grab some coffee. There’s a great little cafe across the street with th

The mention of food settled my stomach a little, and the promise of a break from the overwhelming lab environment was tempting. “Coffee sounds good,” I agreed, trying to sound enthusiastic.

“As for the cinnamon buns,” Ivan continued with a playful wink, “they’re legendary. But be warned, they disappear faster than you can say

‘sustainable development.“”

A weak laugh escaped my lips. “A challenge, then?” I countered, forcing a lightness I didn’t quite feel

“A delicious one,” he promised, leading the way out of the bustling Project Development room. The weight of Alex’s news still hung heavy in the air, a sha it was inspiring.

As we walked down the brightly lit hallway, I stole a glance at Ivan. His profile was etched with a quiet determination, a reflection of the passion he poure


Chapter 95

“So, Project Green Horizon,” I ventured, hoping to shift the focus and learn more about the project that had sparked a flicker of excitement within me. “It ambitious.”

“It is,” Ivan agreed, a glint of pride in his eyes. “We’re talking a self– sufficient community, integrated with renewable energy sources, vertical gardens for local food production, the whole package. Imagine a place where pe

His words painted a vivid picture, a vision of a future that felt both hopeful and attainable. “It’s incredible,” I admitted, a genuine smile finally gracing my l

He stopped in front of a sleek glass elevator, the city skyline shimmering through the windows. “We’re still in the early stages,” he explained, pushing the the usual hurdles. But we have a strong team, and the interest is there. People are hungry for change, Amaya. They’re ready for a future that’s kinder to

The elevator doors whooshed open, revealing a panoramic view of the city.

“So, what made you get into sustainable development?” I asked, stepping into the elevator with him.


He hesitated for a moment, a flicker of something crossing his face before he gave a small shrug. “Honestly? It started with a realization. We only have o

The elevator doors opened onto a bustling lobby, and the aroma of freshly brewed coffee filled the air. Ivan led the way out of the building. the weight of t I felt a glimmer of hope, a sense of purpose that transcended

the turmoil within me.

Maybe, just maybe, a new chapter was truly beginning.

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