Bonded By Destiny

Chapter 49


We had been searching for Jayson for hours, it was as if he had disappeared without a trace. No one including his mate had seen him for close to 12 hours now. Every attempt to telepathically reach out to him proved futile. Even Janette couldn’t feel his emotions and neither could she get through to him.

Poor Janette, she was distraught and hysterical to a point where I had no choice but to put a sleeping spell on her. Any stress would affect the foetus and put it in danger, and I wasn’t about to let it happen. ‘Any luck Tyron? ‘ We were back at my mate’s office after almost covering every corner looking for him. There were heavy showers that started in the midst of our search forcing us to retreat until they were over.

The afternoon sun had long been masked by dark thick clouds, making the sky appear low and gray. The clouds had been forming since dawn and now they were finally leaden with water. The sound of the water drops on the roof top swallowed sounds from the outside.

‘Actually there is, his scent led us to the northern boundary by the boulder. ‘ My mate sighed, seeming lost in thoughts by the window. I could feel his impatience clouding our bond as he watched the rain drops splashing and forming holes on the ground.

‘But now that it has rained, it has been washed off. I am afraid we have nothing to go by now. ‘ It was disheartening, we needed something, anything to pin point his where about.

‘I told you about our conversation before he left… I think he might have went past the borders when he couldn’t find him here. ‘ Ryker confirmed my fears. His friend was not the kind of person to act in anger and yet he had left without even letting his mate know. There was no way Jayson would have put Janette through all this for hours. For one she was heavily expectant and had recently reconciled with her long lost family.

‘Ryker don’t you see that this is weird, he should have been back by now unless…’ I let the statement hung in the air, my wolf and I hoping that our thoughts weren’t true.

‘They actually crossed paths. ‘ Ryker finished the sentence, shaking his head and muttering a series of no.

‘Given the possibility, we can’t wait for the sky to clear up. Tyron, meet me at the northern boulder with five good warriors. ‘ There was no space for discussion and the tracker ran off to do as ordered. His protective alpha mode had kicked in. He was not only doing this for his friend but a member of his pack he had sworn to protect.

‘Ryker you can’t possibly be…’ He interjected, coming closer to me.

‘Listen little witch. ‘ He grasped my shoulders, bending such that his face was on level with mine.

‘I cannot just sit and wait for Jayson to come back. This might or might not be a trap, but either way I am not sending my men out there alone. You have my dad and the rest of the pack’s defence till I come back. ‘ I had a bad feeling about all this, I couldn’t shake it off no matter how much I tried.

‘What happened to keeping me safe Ryker? What if this is a distraction for Addanc to harm me in your absence? ‘ Paranoia, every thing felt out of place. Like a storm was coming to sweep us all, my instincts were all over. I glanced through the window at the sky and wished for it’s normal blue colour. This kind of weather represented danger, acting as a distraction.

‘It is not a distraction if Addanc doesn’t know that Jayson went past the borders. You will have my father with you like I said. ‘ He argued, all drawing tears from my eyes. My wolf was whining, pleading with me to ask him not go. Even she felt this weird feeling about his departure.

‘Can’t you send someone else Ryker? Your warriors are well trained, they can handle themselves. Please stay with me. ‘ I clutched my stomach, pictures of it torn open flashing once again before my eyes. I was being selfish but wasn’t I supposed to want him my by side?

‘Normally, I would have sent my second in command, but he is the one who needs my help right now. Theo on the other hand is not in a position to do this. I really have to Tamara. Every thing will be fine, you can’t allow stress to shoot up after what the doctor said. ‘ He moved his arms and placed his hands on my stomach.

‘This blessing inside of you needs you calm and stress free. If you worry too much then the life inside of you will be affected. Can you stay strong for our child Tamara? ‘

‘Please keep the link open, I need to know what is going on. ‘ I nodded, promising him that I would try to stay calm.

‘I will, I have mind linked my dad, he will be here shortly to accompany you to see my sister. She needs you there to calm her down when she wakes up. Whatever it takes to prevent her stress levels going up, even if you will cast another sleeping spell. I can’t worry about my friend, you and my sister at the same time.’ He caressed the side of my right cheek, then leaned in for a kiss. It was short but promising. He would be back, the way his lips moved against mine said it all.

‘I love you little witch. ‘

‘I love you too Ryker. ‘ Then he was gone, leaving me there to wait for his father. It didn’t take long before the former alpha arrived, soaked up from head to toe.

‘How does he expect us to go back in that rain when you have nothing to cover up yourself with. ‘ He threw his hands in the air, looking around in the office.Content © provided by NôvelDrama.Org.

‘Hello to you too. ‘ I let sarcasm drip inside my statement before continuing.

‘I am not as vulnerable as you think, I will survive now lets go. ‘ He didn’t move. ‘Tamara, I know Ryker wanted me to take you to my daughter but in his absence you are the leader of the pack. Janette has my wife, but the pack needs you. I will accompany you though if you need to go out ‘ I never expected him to say that, let alone volunteer to help me out.

‘Perfect, we are going to have a little chat with Theo, but first, we will go free Monica. ‘

‘What? ‘

‘You said you’d help, come on. ‘

‘Not when it involves going against your mate’s orders. ‘ He stubbornly stood.

‘Aren’t we defying him by not staying at Janette’s side? Whether you come with me or not, I am going.’

The rain drops pelted on our wolves as we raced across to the underground cells. It was easier to navigate the terrain in wolf form, especially in muddy grounds. Once we arrived, robes were provided to us by guards. There were spare ones almost in every corner of the pack because people phased whenever they wanted.

I retrieved the keys from the guard and we made our way down the stairs to where Monica was. She was leaning on the wall with the back of her head, eyes closed. ‘Hello Monica, we have somewhere to go, but right after I heal you. ‘

‘No Tamara, you can’t…’ He was too late because my hands were already grasping either side of her head getting the spell underway.

‘Kwa dunia, kwa hewa, kwa maji

Kwa hivyo umepona. ‘ The power that ran in my system was enough to heal her instantly and to awaken her wolf.

‘Thank you. ‘ She pulled me into a weak hug. Despite the fact that she was healed, she was still starved and as such would need food to recover fully.

‘You can hug me on the way. ‘ I pulled back, making my way to the door.

‘Where are we going? ‘ She looked at my bare feet, a questioning look crossing her face.

‘To Theo’s place.’ Lio answered, growing impatient.

‘I.. I can’t, he will kill me for betraying him. ‘

‘We don’t have time for this debate you tra..’ I quickly cut him off by interjecting.

‘Trust me that won’t even cross his mind once he sees you, come on. ‘ We left the dungeons, right into the unpleasantly chilly rain. Luckily Theo’s house wasn’t far. We just had to endure a short time of the water drops as they came down on us. They stang, blowing inside our eyes and nose. I kept on wiping my eyes to clear the vision and move faster.

Ryker mind linked me telling me that they had gotten safely to the border and that there was still no sign of the beta.

When we got there, he welcomed us in but Janette remained at the front door, afraid of what he would do. I only stood patiently watching their interaction, knowing fully well it was only a matter of time, for the two to run into each others arms. The moment their eyes locked, first, Theo opened his mouth to speak, but nothing came out. He opened it severally, shaking his head while blinking and unblinking his eyes rapidly. Then with urgent steps, he scooped a teary Janette in his arms and twirled her around.

‘It is you. ‘ He whispered, clutching her tightly to his chest. Just then, the yellow light shined on them and Lio stood mouth agape in disbelief. The woman giggled, not once did her loving gaze waver from her mate.

‘I’m sorry I have to ruin your happy moment, but I need your help. ‘ It was all a part of my plan, to unite the two of them and turn them against their oppressors.

‘Anything Tamara, just ask. ‘

‘I know it is hard for you but your father and Addanc like you said will be making an appearance soo..’ The door flew open letting in a gush of cold air. ‘Pete, dad? ‘ Lio and Theo muttered simultaneously looking at Pete’s company beside him. While Lio looked at the two figures in nothing but utter confusion, Theo’s stare was full of disdain and contempt.

‘Don’t look so confused brother, I have come to take what’s mine. ‘ The man smirked, giving us a once over.

‘So have I. ‘ The wizard cackled, before stepping inside the house. He looked at me from head to toe, before finally settling his evil black orbs on my belly.

‘Over my dead body you vile wizard. ‘ I snarled, taking a step towards them but getting held back by Lio. This was the reason I didn’t want Ryker leaving, the weird feeling inside of me. The dark sky and the rain provided a clear premonition of what was to come and yet I had let him go. I needed to mind link him and trust he would come soon.

‘Well how else will I see your teary face while I kill your pathetic creation if you die? Come on! ‘ He maniacally laughed again, dragging it out.

‘That reminds me, your pathetic alpha mate fell for my trap. He should be far from the pack as we speak, mmmh what a shame. He won’t be able to save his father, cousin, ex lover and his mate. ‘ I played along, praying to the moon goddess and my ancestors for Ryker’s arrival. The threat we had faced for weeks was a few minutes from coming to an end. We could either kill them all and be victorious, or get killed and fail our child and the pack.

‘I will enjoy tearing out that thing inside of you. ‘ He pointed at my belly once again, licking his lower lip in malice.

‘Like hell you will. ‘ Ryker emerged, Tyron and the rest of the five men closely behind. He held the very same chalice on his right hand, when had he retrieved it? I was so glad to see him.

‘Then stop me. ‘ Addanc authoritatively spoke, beckoning Ryker to go closer.

‘Gladly. ‘

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