Billionaire Nick

Chapter 5: Smile

Chapter 5: Smile


"So you're alive,’' I snapped the moment I barged inside Blake's office.

His eyes were fixed on his laptop screen and the moment he looked up, a look of surprise fell on his face, followed by a roll of his eyes and then a sigh.

"l imagined you lying in a hospital bed, since that's the only reason you wouldn't be answering my texts or calls, right?"

I asked.

"What do you want, Nick?"

he said wryly.


I shook my head.

"In fact, I come bearing gifts."

Walking up to his desk, I held up a giant chocolate bar in front of him.

"You know I'm not a fan of chocolates."

His eyes narrowed for a moment.

"Yeah.Which is why I brought it."

I opened the wrapper and took a large bite, suppressing a laugh when Blake scowled at me.

"So you came here all the way from your office just to eat a chocolate bar?"

"No, of course not."

I shook my head.

"I came here to make sure you still know how to use your phone so you can reply to people: He sighed.

"I've been busy, Nick"

"Doing what, exactly?"

I raised a brow.

"You know I run a company, right?"

"Yeah, so do I.’ I shrugged.

"What's your point?"

"Well, someone's not taking your staff away so..."

He shrugged.

"Intern" I corrected.


An intern that still did some important work around here: "No wonder you sent her to pick up a bunch of files."

I raised a brow.

His jaw clenched as he watched me silently for a few moments and I prepared myself to dodge a punch.

"What do you want with her, Nick?" he finally asked.

I blinked.

"Who? Caroline?"

He didn't answer.

"What could I possibly want with her?" I frowned.

"You tell me.Going to the extent of fighting your best bud just to have her work for you? Seems suspicious: "Okay, Detective Andrews,’ I chuckled.

"First, you're just overthinking, and second, I didn't fight you"

"Oh, you didn't?"

"We just had a disagreement, Blake.What are you so mad about?"

He took a deep breath and turned to his laptop again.

"I'm working, Nick: Come on!

"Look,’ I snapped.

"If you've got a problem with me, say it to my face.Or challenge me to a kickboxing match if you really wanna let some steam off.", He raised a brow.

"Relax, I'll let you hit me,’ I muttered.At this he let out frustrated groan, and to my surprise, a laugh.

"But don't ignore me.You know I hate it when someone does that" I said.

"I know" He nodded.

"Which is why I do it" I narrowed my eyes.

"So are you going to eat this chocolate or am I gonna have to finish it off alone?" I asked.

"Like that's going to be a problem for you.’ He smirked.

"I know, but lately I'm more into sharing my chocolates."

I smiled.

He raised a brow.

I blinked.

"I mean with you"

Breaking the chocolate into half, I gave one side to him and devoured the other.

"I should get going now.Caroline's been waiting,’ I said.

"Caroline's here?"

"Yeah: "Then don't bother.

I'm sure she found some company.’ Whose company? Frowning, I turned to the door.

"No, I think we should get back to the office’ Blake followed me out of his office and I looked around for Caroline but couldn't find her anywhere.

Where the hell is she? I pulled my phone out and dialled her number.

Just then, the elevators at the end of the corridor opened and she stepped out along with a fairly tall blonde.

He looked about her age and they seemed to be comfortable with each other.

"Who's that?" I asked Blake.

"That's Liam Steinfeld"

"The fuck am I supposed to know who Liam Steinfeld is? Could you be more specific?"

"Jeez, what's gotten into you? He's an intern here.

He and Caroline started together: "Are they from the same college?"

"Yeah: I couldn't take my eyes off her.

The way her eyes gleamed when she smiled at him and laughed richly at something stupid he said.

She’d never be like that around me.

She was always so composed and discreet whenever she was with me.

Her gaze fell on me and the smile faded, her facing sobering up as she walked up to me.

I suddenly felt a pang in my chest.


She gave a little smile to Blake.

"Caroline" Blake greeted back and she turned to me.

"Mr.Sinclair’ Out of the corner of my eye, I saw recognition flash across the guy's face.

Has she been talking about me with him? "Mr.Sinclair’ he greeted me with a smile.

I considered flipping him off but then my professionalism took over and I nodded at him.

"Liam,' Blake started.

"Caroline will be skipping a few more classes this week.

Make sure you help her in catching up.’ "Of course, Mr.Andrews.We've been planning a study night at her dorm tomorrow."

Study night.

"That's great, Blake said and I turned to him just in time to find him cutting a glance at me before he quickly looked away.

"And make sure you include Rebekah.She's in dire need of a group study session,’ Blake suggested, and I could almost hear the smirk in his tone but I couldn't care less.

I was relieved.

Rebekah was going to be there.

Dammit! Rebekah better be there! "We're leaving" I snapped, turning to Caroline whose lips were pressed into a thin, sombre line.

Why don't you ever smile at me?"See you,’ I muttered to Blake and walked towards the elevators with Caroline following behind me.

Our footsteps echoed in the hallway and I resisted the urge to turn around and demand what that Liam meant to her but didn't.

It was none of my business...or was it? She was my employee.

I could ask her.

But no, it was her personal life and I was in no position to ask her anything about it.

Suck it up, Sinclair.

And why the hell did I care so much? I stepped inside the elevators and once they closed, I could hear her soft breathing cut through the thick silence.


Her voice was small, almost like she was scared.

"Yes, Caroline?"

"Did I..."

She fidgeted with her fingers.

"Did I do something?"

I frowned at her nervous demeanour. Exclusive content © by Nô(v)el/Dr/ama.Org.

"No, you didn't’ Except you talked to that asshole about me.

And now I'm dying to know what you had to say.

She looked up and I realized that I was staring at her flushed face.

She was so beautiful and was drawing me to herself in that exact moment.

I found myself taking a step in her direction, closing in on her against the elevator wall.

Her eyes closed shut, her soft lashes hovering over her cheekbones and she looked so tempting.

She smelled so heavenly.

And it was driving me crazy.

I just need one kiss.

And then I'll be over her.

Then, as if she heard me, her brown eyes opened and locked with mine.

For a moment, I was knocked breathless.

I liked it when she looked me straight in the eye.

Then, realization dawned on me.

What the hell was I doing? I quickly averted my gaze to the buttons on the elevator wall beside her and pressed a random one.

A loud siren wailed and the button lit up with an ominous red glow.

The emergency button! Then, there was a voice over the loudspeaker.

"Is everything alright in elevator 1?"

I resisted the urge to punch myself.

"Yes.It was a mistake" I spoke into the speaker.


We reached the basement parking lot and the elevators opened.

"Always been curious about that button, I stated as an excuse while stepping out of the elevators, not being able to look at her after that stunt I pulled.

But I did cut a glance at her and saw the ghost of a smile playing on her lips.

When she found my eyes on her, she looked up and tried to sober her expression like before but failed.

A laugh escaped her mouth.

I couldn't help but smile.

"Are you laughing at me, Caroline?"

"Um, no."

She shook her head.

And that composed demeanour was back again.

She should smile more often.

We got into my Bugatti Veyron and I started driving back to my office.

I wondered if she was smiling because of the alarm...or if she knew what I had in mind.

The car ride was silent and once we reached the office, she headed straight for her office and I went to mine.

At 5 p.m., she left, and the moment she was out of my office I turned to the glass window and frowned at the weather.

It could rain any second.

I should drive her back.

I got up and went after her.

The moment I stepped out of the building, a few raindrops poured on my face.

That was my cue to scowl up at the sky.

I hated getting drenched in the rain.

I was looking around for her and there she was.

Standing at the bus stop, facing up at the sky with a smile.

Like a kid excited for the first rains of the season.

A serene look was plastered on her face and I found myself immobile.

I blinked, realizing that my clothes were soaked through already.

When did it start pouring down so heavily? Before I could take a step or call her name, she had gotten into the bus, which was driving away now.

Sighing, I turned around and went inside the building, getting a few glances from the staff and resisting the urge to shout, What? Never seen a man get drenched before? "What the hell happened?"

Dad asked me the moment I went inside my office.

"Dad? What are you doing here?"

He chose to ignore my question as he went into the bathroom and stepped out with a towel, drying my hair like I was still a kid.

"What the hell happened? You hate rain: "Yeah—uh—I was just..."

I shrugged, trailing off.

I was just watching her.

"Nick" Dad's voice was laced with concern, "are you okay?"I nodded.

"Why are you smiling?"

he asked.


I muttered.

If I hadn't looked at him right then, I would've missed the small, skeptical smile on his lips.

His palm went up to my forehead to check my temperature and I frowned.

"I'm fine, Dad."

"Go and change.

You don't wanna catch a cold"

Nodding, I went inside the bathroom and changed into a white shirt and black pants, really glad of the small closet Dad suggested I should have here for emergencies.

When I stepped back out, Dad was still there.

"What did you come here for?"

I asked.

"What are your plans for this weekend?"

"Nothing yet’ "Okay then.

Come home’ "Why? Is someone visiting?"


Your sister and your mom miss you: I crossed my arms over my chest and smirked.

"Just my sister and my mom?"


He shrugged.

"I can see you every day here.’ "Okay" I chuckled.

"I'll be home this weekend."

"And if you wanna bring someone along..."

he trailed off when I raised a brow.


"I don't know"

He shrugged.


I frowned.

"It could be anyone.

Your best friend, Blake...or some intern of his you hired"

My jaw dropped.

"What? How did you...

I trailed off.

"You really thought I wouldn't find out about your previous secretary's accident?"

"But how?"

"Word travels."He winked.

I sighed.

"Come home, Nick.We'll have a nice chat and maybe you can tell me stories about why you suddenly started hiring beginners as your PA"

I groaned

Help me, God!

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