Barely Breathing

Chapter 19: Breathe.Willow.Breathe

Chapter 19: Breathe.Willow.Breathe

Done with the run, it felt good to be out in the cool air. Violet was ecstatic that we both didn't notice we had been gone for hours, not until the first ray of dawn shown at the endless starry night. Sunset is beautiful but sunrise is magical. It denotes hope, a new day to live and start over again.

I watched the first moment of sunrise before I decided to go back. On my way to my room, I passed the alpha's office and saw a light coming from the slightly open door. Strange. Is he up this early?

Taking a sneak peek at the door, I saw Xyrus reading some papers on his desk. His hair was still wet like he just got out of the shower moments ago. The air has the fresh scent of a water bath and it's relaxing.

He smelled really good. He was wearing a dirty white cotton shirt with sleeves rolled up to his elbows. He was holding a pen, brows knitted together, and appeared to be thinking hard. I can't deny the fact that he is so... so... gorgeous.

"I don't mind you staring but would you like to come in? " His lips twitched in a smile though he's not taking his eyes off the folder in his hand.

I quickly stood up straight and mulled over between actually coming in or running to my room and act as nothing happened.

"Willow." He called.

Deciding the latter fits best, I walked sneakily going to my room's direction when the sound of a door opening wide echoed the hallway followed by footsteps. That made my steps faster.

"Willow, wait up."

Thankfully, I reached my room and about to turn the knob. That's the moment he caught up with me.

"What is this, playing hide and seek?" He laughed heartily and boy wasn't his laugh masculine and deep.

I let go of the knob and took a deep breath before turning to him. Carter's words traitourously replaying in my mind making me feel unease.

"Xyrus..." I looked into his eyes and my words caught up in my throat.

'The way Xyrus looks at you' were Carter's words. And for the first time, I noticed how warm and intense his gaze held mine giving me the feeling of security like nothing could harm me. Something changed between us but I can't figure it out yet.

"Willow..." He spoked. That made me broke out of my trance. Cheeks heated up for getting caught staring at him like that.

"I should uh sleep." I pointed at the door.

His brows knitted together, taking one step forward. "It's 4 a.m. Where did you go, princess?"

I unconsciously took a step behind but my back collided with the door. He inched closer and placed his hand right beside my head. He moved closer, our bodies almost touching. The smell of raindrops and the cool breeze after the rain wafted my senses. I like his scent. It's addictive.

He was looking intensely from my eyes down to every part of my face. It's as if he was etching it on his mind. I felt his other hand gently caressed my cheek.

By this time, my heart was thumping. I was frozen to the spot. His face slowly moving closer and closer and I closed my eyes.

I scrunched my eyebrows when nothing came. And then I heard his voice whispered in my ear. "Breathe Willow...breathe."

I didn't know I was holding it, I took a long breath and did a few more until my breathing became normal again.

Xyrus stood in front of me and hands in his pockets. He was smiling. I suddenly felt embarrassed.

"Ahm, I uh...should go inside...yes...I think." I stuttered. I didn't wait for his reply as I turned the knob and hurriedly came in.

"Take a good rest princess." I heard him called.

The much-needed and much-wanted sleep finally came over me and I felt my eyelids dropped, welcoming sweet sugar dreams.


"Rise and Shine!" A cheery voice sang laced with too much enthusiasm followed by a swishing sound of a blinding light that sure is capable of burning a vampire alive, and the noise of scraping glass window against metal.

The cool air whipped against my face reminding me of the winter season coming. Traces of Autumn now started to disappear to accommodate the next season. I sat half awake, half-amused at my best friend's antsy behavior behind her wide smile standing beside a now open window.

"Geez, I swear if you wake me up once again I'm gonna kill you! 'Twas becoming a habit of yours lately," I said annoyed while rubbing the sleep off my eyes. I bend my neck sideways and did some arm stretching to fully awaken myself when my eyes landed on the clock above my nightstand. It was way past 9 in the morning. Arrrrrrrrrh! So early! Bye-bye sweet sleep, we will meet again soon I promise.

I stretched my arms wide and gladly fell back on bed closing my eyes. "Spill it out, Tash."

"Err what?" She asked innocently. Her arms tucked behind her, a habit of hers which means trouble.

"What did you do this time?" I asked, not buying her lies.

"Err, that obvious huh? Uhm I uhh may or may not stole Gabb's babies?" She gave a nervous smile.

Now that's interesting.

"I didn't know you're jealous now with his babies." I decided to tease her a bit, waiting for her sure response. Material © NôvelDrama.Org.

"Of course, not!" There she goes being all defensive. "He purposely shoved me during the training this morning. I was humiliated. I hate him!" She ranted and mumbled something like ' butt still hurts '.

"You didn't dare." I laughed, unbelieving at her so-called revenge.

Everyone knows how much Gabbiel loves his arnis sticks weapon that Tash and I named them out of fun, 'his babies'. I swear he loves his babies more than his sister.

"And where do I fit in this picture Tash?"

Tash sure could make a scene, I'll give her that. The last time someone made her pissed, let's just say the guy had to walk limping.

"Don't leave my side! Take me with you anywhere you go. Pleassssse. He'll gonna kill me if he finds out I took them!"

I hummed in response.

"Willow, you gotta help me! I'm serious here." Tash pleaded. She sat beside me on the bed, thumb between her teeth. She looked unstable in a funny way, mumbling to herself.

"Shouldn't you have thought of it before getting his babies? Ye know how much he loves 'em."

She glared like I was the one at fault between us. Hands-on her hips, she huffed. "Things happened already missy. Will you help me or not?"

I kept silent for a moment faking thinking hard, prolonging her agony as she impatiently waits for my decision. Her glare wavering and slowly replacing worry. This is fun.

"Just this one-time Tash but you're buying me an ice cream," I said.

"Yay!" She hugged me and hurriedly went to the door. "Wait. I'm getting my treasure box, he might use it as leverage."

Tash's treasure box is a cute wooden box full of her prize possessions like jewelry and makeup. She used to say if the world comes to an end, her treasure box will be the one thing she would save.

"I'll be back." She whispered.

Tash poked her headfirst out the door looking left and right then disappeared.

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