Awakening the War God

Chapter 151 Zoe's Inference

Chapter 151 Zoe's Inference

Chapter 151 Zoe's Inference

"Gabriel, ask what you want to know."

Zoe's gentle voice came from the other end of the phone.

Obviously, she had long guessed Gabriel's intention.

Gabriel was a little embarrassed and smiled, "Sorry for disturbing you."

He apologized sincerely.

Not only for disturbing Zoe but also for his own incompetence.

"It doesn't matter. I am in a good state now."

"Then let's talk about today's incidents."

Gabriel told everything about his meeting with Barry today in detail.

Santos had been following Gabriel and waiting anxiously.

After listening to the whole incident, Zoe said, "Gabriel, too many clues would inevitably cause misjudgment and contradictions and finally fail to find the truth."

"In fact, as long as grasping the big causal relationship, we can correct the clues, and in turn explain some unreasonable things."

"Since Mr. Sullivan has secrets, it is very likely that he told lies to keep secrets, and the lies are wrong clues."

"In fact, we can assume a result, and then speculate on the process to correct those wrong clues."

"The source of the Blood Scripture event is the Davis family! Behind the Davis family, there is not only the foreign forces who want to get Blood Scripture but also Tyler."

"As Tyler's godson, Joseph knows the secret passage with hidden cultural relics in the Davis family. It can be inferred that Tyler is a force behind the Davis family."

"Now, we can make such an assumption. The Davis family is a puppet secretly manipulated by Tyler, who directly faces foreign forces."

"Now that the Davis family is destroyed, it is Tyler who can make such a big noise in Silverwood to steal Blood Scripture."

"According to the hypothesis, it is easy to infer that Tyler is the one who led Barry to steal Blood Scripture from Tyler's office."

"After determining it, the unreasonable doubts could be figured out."

After listening to Zoe's words, Gabriel was still puzzled. "Zoe, this is just a hypothesis. There must be unexceptionable details to prove the hypothesis. However, two details couldn't be explained under such an assumption,"

"First, how did Tyler lead Barry to steal Blood Script?"

"I feel it difficult. If it were Tyler, I don't think Barry would do it, because he is not Tyler's puppet."

"Just now, we pointed out that someone guided Barry, who would definitely think of Tyler. If it were Tyler, Barry would definitely not cover him up!"

"However, Barry didn't mention Tyler but explained he had to keep a secret. From this point of view, it doesn't seem to be Tyler!"

Zoe smiled, "Gabriel, you have a misunderstanding. Tyler wouldn't or needn't speak for himself to guide Barry."

"Hmm? Not Tyler himself? " Gabriel wondered for a moment.

Who else could Tyler ask to guide Barry and not make Barry suspicious?

Zoe explained, "There is no need to entangle on this point. Don't obsess with the minor details under the overall situation. If you doubt the general situation with them, your judgment would deviate."

"For example, could it be a woman who sleeps with Barry?"

"In short, there are many possibilities to explain it easily."

"But I'm sure it has something to do with the so-called secrets."

After silence, Gabriel stopped obsessing about this question and asked, "Second, as Barry said, he didn't leave his seat for half an hour when Tyler was in his office, so how did Tyler steal the blood script?"

Zoe said, "Gabriel, this is very simple. Didn't you notice that Barry changed his expression subtly when you asked this question?"

"I think this is a clue to be corrected."

"Barry's changed expression proves that he lied."

"It might be related to Barry's unspeakable secret."

"For example, as you said, Barry was reluctant to open the safe, saying that there was his privacy in it. Maybe, Tyler and Pablo opened it and found something that Barry was ashamed of, so Barry was afraid to confess it."

"In turn, it is proved that Tyler and Pablo actually stole the Blood Scripture!"

Gabriel was silent.

Zoe had a point.

As he was thinking, Zoe added, "By the way, the police officer extracted the fingerprint of a left index finger from the safe, and judged that the person who stole Blood Scripture was probably left- handed."

"But it's not necessarily true. There is another kind of person who would use his left hand."

"What person?" Gabriel asked.

Zoe said, "Those with an injured right hand. They had to use the left hand."

Hearing this, Gabriel suddenly saw the light.

Zoe's words enlightened him.

Pablo, the son of a bitch, molested Ava that day, and his right hand was disabled by Gabriel.

In other words, it was Pablo who stole Blood Scripture from Barry's office.

He turned the password with his left hand because his right hand was injured, and accidentally left half a fingerprint.

"Thank you, Zoe!" Gabriel was so excited.

He was extremely sure that Zoe's inference was correct.

"It's nothing." Zoe chuckled.

Gabriel hung up the phone and felt confident.

He said to Santos, "Mr. Adams, go to Barry's office, and I'll definitely make the bastard tell the truth."

"Who did steal the Blood Scripture?"

Santos asked anxiously.

"You will know for a moment."

Gabriel hurried to the office building again.

"Hey, Mr. Adams, you..."

Dale at the door of the office was puzzled when he saw them coming back.

But before he finished his words, Gabriel pushed him away.

"What the hell are you doing?"

Dale was angry and was going to pull Gabriel.

Gabriel had violently opened the door of Barry's office and rushed in.

"Gabriel?" Barry, who was resting in a chair, looked at him in surprise, "Why are you back again?"

Santos and Maria followed Gabriel and broke in.

Dale angrily said to Barry, "Mr. Sullivan, they broke in!"Content is © by NôvelDrama.Org.

"All right, you go out!"

Barry sent Dale away and frowned, "Do you have anything else to say?"

Gabriel took a sharp glance and said aggressively, "When you talked with Tyler that day, you didn't sit at your desk all the time, as you said before. Instead, you left halfway."

"That gave Tyler a chance so that Tyler let his grandson Pablo secretly open your safe and steal the Blood Scripture."

"I've already known what happened. Do you still want to argue?"

"You..." Barry changed his expression slightly, but he denied it, "That's not the case. Stop talking nonsense without proof."

"No proof?" Gabriel snorted heavily, "I know everything, like who led you to steal the Blood Scripture and why you left when talking to Tyler. Do I have to expose the secret behind them?"

These things involved Barry's unspeakable secrets.

Gabriel decided to trick him.

Sure enough, Barry's expression changed greatly when he heard the words.

He jumped to his feet.

Barry looked flustered, and then his eyes turned cold, "How did you know about this?"

Gabriel sneered in his heart. He had guessed right.

Gabriel didn't answer it, "Don't care about how I know it. The key is to find Blood Scripture."

"Mr. Sullivan, I want to tell you. We are not aiming at you, but trying to get back the Blood Scripture."

"I expect to secretly arrest Pablo, and compare his fingerprint with the half one. Then we'll know everything."

Barry suddenly closed his eyes and then sank back into the chair.

He pressed his temples and said, "Pablo should have taken the Blood Scripture. Tyler, the son of a bitch, set me up everywhere. I hate him!"

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