Awakening the War God

Chapter 127: Ancient Tomb

Chapter 127: Ancient Tomb

Chapter 127: Ancient Tomb

Gabriel's days in the detention center were really happy as a god.

He bragged with his cellmates and played poker with the guards.

He went to the director's office for smoking and drinking tea every day.

From time to time, there were all kinds of beautiful women come to visit him and give him gifts, making other people envious.

To this end, his cellmates gave Gabriel a nickname.

"The king of the detention center."

Gabriel didn't care about it. After all, he deserved that name!

The detention center was very peaceful, but the outside world was filled with surging tides.

The two factions represented by Tyler Brooks and Santos Adams engaged in fierce battles because of Gabriel.

They have quarreled multiple times at meetings of the assembly.

Tyler's stand was clear. Gabriel killed Joseph in front of the supervision team without regard for the law, so he should be prosecuted immediately and sentenced according to the law.

Santos, on the other hand, was against Tyler. He declared that Joseph was guilty of the most heinous crime, and Gabriel had gotten permission from the supervision team to go after the murderer, so he was considered negligent homicide at best.

The argument between the two quickly led to more people choosing to stand in line.

The officialdom of Silverwood was in a mess!

But obviously, Tyler's power in Silverwood was far greater than Santos's.

This provincial councilor boasted a deeply intertwined family power and there were so many strings he could pull.

He was absolutely the big shot in Silverwood.

Thus, under Tyler's power, the assembly was more and more inclined to prosecute Gabriel for murder.

The situation was becoming increasingly unfavorable for Gabriel.

Once he was prosecuted for murder, imprisonment would be inevitable.

But at that moment, a turnaround occurred.

There was progress in the trial of Jack Davis and Elijah Davis.

According to what Gabriel had said, Santos, from the Cultural Relics Survey Bureau, had found out a few corrupt workers who had secretly cooperated with the Davis family.

According to their accounts, in recent years, they have participated in multiple excavation work of Silverwood ancient tombs and secretly transported many of the excavated cultural relics to the Davis family.

They were paid handsomely from this,

Based on this fact, coupled with Gabriel's mind reading method, James and Elijah made a full confession at once.

Indeed, the Davis family bribed multiple worker from the Bureau, who collaborated with each other to resell national cultural relics.

Over the years, numerous cultural relics had been resold abroad.

Jack Davis even explained that Joseph should also know about the Davis family's behaviors, because Joseph knew the secret passage under the Davis family's villa.

Not only that, Jack even revealed that there was a big shot in Silverwood who had been working with the Davis family.

When asked who this big shot was, he was silent.

He only said one family name.


After this news was spread, everyone pointed their finger at Tyler in the struggle between Santos and Tyler. All content is property © NôvelDrama.Org.

Everyone guessed that "Brooks" referred to Tyler.

To this end, Tyler angrily denounced the rumors.

However, he was not as forceful as before in dealing with the matter concerning Gabriel.

So this matter had been so delayed.

On this day, sitting in Sheriff Josh's office as usual, Gabriel was talking eloquently while drinking top quality green tea and smoking a premium cigarette.

Sheriff Josh browsed through news on his phone while saying, "Silverwood is really evil place. Who dares to dig? Every time they dig, they discover a tomb. A large tomb of the late Yuan Dynasty has been excavated at the No. 6 subway station. The news says that the scale is not small, because most of the staff of the Silverwood Cultural Relics Survey Bureau are busy working in that tomb."

"Late Yuan Dynasty?" Gabriel exhaled his smoke and asked, "What kind of people are there at the end of the Yuan Dynasty that can make such a big tomb? Do you know who the owner of the tomb is?"

"It's not mentioned in the news." Sheriff Josh shook his head and said, "But the news said that it's been dug for two days. The inside of the tomb is huge, and it hasn't been completely excavated yet!"

At this moment, Sheriff Josh who was reading news was interrupted by a call.

Glancing at the phone number, Sheriff Josh smiled and said, "It's a call from Mr. Adams. I guess he's definitely looking for you!"

Sheriff Josh then picked up the call.

"Hey, Mr. Adams!"

"Josh, give Gabriel your phone!"

"Okay, Gabriel is right here with me!"

Sheriff Josh smiled and handed the phone to Gabriel. His phone had become a dedicated phone connecting Santos and Gabriel.

Gabriel took the phone, still looking relaxed.

He exhaled smoke before saying, "Mr. Adams, it's Gabriel!"

On the other end of the phone, Santos said with a serious tone, "Gabriel, emergency! An ancient tomb has been dug up on Line 6 of subway. When the staff of the Cultural Relics Survey Bureau were working, a gang of thugs rushed into the tomb and hijacked them!"

"Huh?" Gabriel immediately sat up straight and asked, "What's going on? Who are this gang of thugs?"

He did expected that there were actually thugs rushing into the ancient tomb and hold the staff hostage.

This situation was truly unimaginable!

Santos said, "Their identities have been verified. The nine Asian terrible terrorists constitutes a multinational mercenary army."

"It's said that they rank tenth as a mercenary army on the Roster of Gods. It's called Blood Eagle Mercenary only composed of nine members with excellent battle power."

"Now that a worker from Cultural Relics Survey Bureau has been killed, and the police, Dragon Guards, and the War Department have surrounded the perimeter wall of the tomb chamber!"

"The tomb is small, so the large army cannot enter at all. In addition, these villains are armed with firearms, so there will be great damage to the ancient tomb once they are engaged in battle."

"Now the top three councilors from Birchwood's State Assembly are commanding on the scene. They and thugs had been confronted for quite a while, but councilors are at their wit's end!"

"Blood Eagle Mercenary?" Gabriel's look instantly turned sinister.

The gang of bastards commit murder with impunity in Silverwood. How abominable they are!

The blood in Gabriel body was burning with rage.

With a stern gaze, he said to Santos, "Do you have any idea for me to deal with this group of people? I must slaughter them!"

Santos answered, "I also want to discuss this with you. Now that this matter has spread to Sapphire Peaks. The top ranked Senator Sullivan of the State Assembly was a bit anxious because he could not figure out any solution."

"If you can handle the gang of thugs, I can take it as a bargaining chip to bail you out of jail!"

Gabriel instantly got Santos's meaning.

This matter had become a problem for Senator Sullivan.

If Gabriel could fix this gang, it would be considered a bargaining chip to get Mr. Sullivan's support and then regain freedom.

He immediately said to Santos, "Yes, let's roll. Since these sons of bi*ches dared to be so unscrupulous in Silverwood, I'll make sure they stay here forever!"

Getting out of prison was a collateral reward.

Even if he couldn't get out of prison, he wouldn't sit back and do nothing.

"I see. Get ready and wait for my notifications!"

Santos hung up the phone in a hurry.

Gabriel threw the phone back to Sheriff Josh with a cold smile, "Dude, I'm going out, and I won't be able to drink tea and chat with you later!"

"What the hell?" Sheriff Josh was stunned.

Gabriel stood up and stretched out his muscles, then said, "I'm going out to kill a bunch of animals. After it's over, Mr. Sullivan is going to let me out!"

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