Arranged Mafia Marriage


“Knew it,” she crows. “So, how was it? Did he make you come? Have you guys slept together yet? And how many orgasms has he given you, anyway, you-”

“Stop,” I hold up my hand, “it’s not like that. It really isn’t. Given the circumstances, it was best that I move in with him. You know that.”

“Circumstances?” She frowns. “It can’t be. You’re not pregnant, are you? I mean, you only met him two weeks ago, so I suppose that’s not impossible, but still.”

I groan, “I am not pregnant. Didn’t you hear what I am trying to say? I haven’t slept with him.”

“Aww, why not? You are attracted to him, and considering he asked you to move in with him, he must like you too. Why don’t you make the most of the situation by, at least, getting a few orgasms out of it? Sleep with him; get him out of your system; just don’t marry him.” She stabs her finger in my direction.

“I am not going to marry him,” I laugh.

“I’m warning you, that’s all.” She tosses her hair over her shoulder. “These hot Italian men can be tricky. They use their cocks to manipulate you, then before you know it, you end up married to him, and you don’t want that.”

“Actually,” I bite the inside of my cheek, “I do hope to get married one day soon. I know it hasn’t been an easy experience for you, but I hope I’ll meet the right man soon.”

“So, this Axel chap isn’t the right man?”

“Of course, not.”

“All the more reason to fuck him, and then you can share all of the juicy details with me,” she says in a bright tone.

“I’ll do no such thing.” I scowl.

“So, you do have details, but you won’t share them with me?”

“No, no, there are no details. There’s nothing to share.” My cheeks flush.

“You’re lying. I can tell,” she blows out a breath, “but fine, have it your way. I won’t push.”

“Thanks,” I murmur.

“And there goes my chance to live vicariously.” Her lips turn down. “I was banking on you to take my mind off of my own problems.”

Is your ex still causing you trouble?”

“He’s an asshole,” she says in a matter-of-fact tone. “If he has his way, I’ll never get to see my baby girl again.”

“I am so sorry you have to deal with this, Elsa.”

“Anyway, let’s not talk about my problems. Why don’t we go out tonight? You can bring Axel. That way, I can, at least, get to meet him.”

“Oh, no. He’s not yet up to leaving the house. Besides, I know for a fact that he’s otherwise occupied.” I bite the inside of my cheek. Asshole wanted that…that… Sheena woman to help him with his bath. Right now, she’s probably rubbing soap all over him, paying special attention to his dick, no doubt. She’s probably on her knees sucking him off, even as we speak.

“Well, if he’s busy, then why don’t you come out to dinner with me?

And he’s probably digging his fingers into her hair and yanking her forward so he can thrust his dick down her throat. Then he’ll groan as he empties himself, and she’ll suck down every last drop of his cum, before she sits back on her heels and glances up at him adoringly. Then he’ll lean in and kiss her on the lips. I squeeze my thighs together, even as my chest feels too tight. No doubt, he won’t give me a second thought as he spends the rest of the evening with her. And me? Am I going to spend the evening locked away in my room, bemoaning the fact that I didn’t take him up on his offer? I mean, I could have been the one in his bed, under him as he took my virginity. My nipples tighten.

“Theresa,” Elsa calls, “you there?”

“Yes,” I push away the images in my head, “and I have a better idea.”

“What’s that?”

“Let’s go to a nightclub, you and me.”

She stares at me, then bursts out laughing, “You want to go to a nightclub? You, who really does prefer staying home on a Friday night reading a romance novel, wants to go out and party?”

“And if I do?”

She peers into my features, “Now, I really do want to meet this Axel. He’s managed to push you out of your comfort zone, hasn’t he?”

I scowl, “Are you coming with me to the nightclub, or not?”

Forty-five minutes later, I walk into Venom, the most happening nightclub in Palermo. It’s also owned by the Sovranos, which, I assume, is the only reason Seb-who’s filling in for Adrian-had agreed to drive me here. He’d turned up within fifteen minutes of my calling, which had been just enough time for me to get dressed. He’d driven me in almost complete silence, and except for raised eyebrows when I’d mentioned my destination, he hadn’t reacted. He’d parked at the entrance to the nightclub, and a valet had materialized out of nowhere. Of course, he’s a Sovrano-they run this town. Its stands to reason that a valet would notice his car and come over to park it right away.

He walks around, opens my door, and I step out. I pull down the hem of the dress I am wearing, which comes to mid-thigh. It’s still not as short as the dresses some of the other girls here are wearing, but it’s the shortest dress I own. Thankfully, I’d had the foresight to pack this little black dress, which makes up for its plainness by the way it clings to my curves.

I walk toward the entrance, Seb right behind me.

“Theresa,” Elsa materializes next to me, “so glad you could make it.”

“Me too,” I grin up into her flushed features. A heavy, wing-shape eyeliner outlines her eyes and her thick blonde hair is pulled up in a messy bun. She’s wearing a purple sequined dress which should look like too much, but really, it suits Elsa’s partly flamboyant, partly messy style. With her thigh-high boots and bracelets that decorate her forearms up to her elbows, she looks like she’s thrown on an eclectic mish-mash of items from her wardrobe, but somehow, it works.

“Come on,” she yanks me forward, only to come to an abrupt stop when Seb walks around to stand in front of us. He folds his arms across his chest and stares down at her.

“Who’s this?” She tips her chin all the way back to meet his gaze.

“Ah, this is Seb, my uh, my bodyguard for the evening.”

“Bodyguard.” She shoots me a sideways glance. “You have a bodyguard?” she asks in a whisper-scream, which is loud enough for Seb to hear above the noise that filters out from the nightclub.

“Yeh, uh, told you the Sovranos insist that I am ferried about for my own safety.”

“OMG, I had no idea it meant you have your own personal bodyguard.”

“Only because I wanted to go out,” I murmur.

“Hmm,” she looks him up and down, “well, we don’t need you this evening. Why don’t you go off and do whatever it is bodyguards do on their time off?”

Seb glares at her; she scowls back at him.

“Jeez, you are grumpy, aren’t you? Maybe you should come along with us and have a few drinks to loosen up.”

He turns to me, “I assume you know her?”

“Oh, yeah, sorry. I forgot to introduce you guys. Seb meet my friend Elsa.”

“Pleased to meet you,” Elsa holds out her hand.

He ignores it, then spins around and prowls toward the entrance of the nightclub. The crowd parts in front of him and we follow in his wake.

“He’s rude.” Elsa glowers at his broad back.

“He’s a Sovrano.”

“There seem to be more of them than the Baldwins,” she retorts.

“What?” I glance at her. “What does that mean?”

“Nothing, just a joke. It’s a film reference joke. One of my classmates from when I went to school-Summer West, was her name-she was so into movies that all her conversations were peppered with references to films. Some of it rubbed off on me.”

“Do you miss England?”

“Not the weather. I miss London though.” Her gaze grows pensive. “It’s a big city. It afforded me more anonymity than Palermo.”

“You moved here to be close to your daughter, didn’t you?”

“It was the only way I could get to see her.” Her lips firm.

“Sorry, didn’t mean to upset you.”

“No, it’s fine.” She shoots me a smile that’s so bright that I wince. “Let’s have some fun, shall we?”

She hooks her arm through mine and we follow Seb into the nightclub.

A wave of noise hits me as we walk down the short flight of steps and into the large room. The scent of sweat, perfumes and alcohol all mesh into a strange bitter-sweet scent that overpowers me. The room has high ceilings and is cavernous enough for the music to echo back and be magnified. On both sides of the room, a bar stretches from end to end, and in between, is the dance floor. Or, at least, I assume it’s a dance floor because I can’t see an inch of it. The entire space is crammed with men and women dancing in what seems to be one big amorphous mass of humanity.

“Umm, I am not sure I want to be here,” I begin, but Elsa grabs my arm and pulls me along with her. “Elsa, please,” I begin to protest but she turns on me.

“Do you want to stay home moping for your Sovrano?”

I deflate a little. “N-no,” I admit.

“This was your idea. Clearly, you want to prove a point to yourself. You’ve come this far; don’t back out now. Let’s loosen up a little and have some fun, okay?”

I let her drag me into the sweltering hot cavern.

Seb seems to have disappeared somewhere, thank god. At least, I don’t have to deal with him and Elsa getting pissy with each other.

The strobe lights dance over us as she elbows her way through the crowd. She keeps a firm grip on me, until we reach the very center of the dance floor. Bodies push in on us from all sides. Sweat beads my brow and trickles down my temple. My dress clings to my back. Elsa grips my arms and sways in tandem to the music, which is so loud that it pounds through my veins. The beat ricochets about my head. Elsa swings her hips, dirty-dancing me as she squats down, then pushes out her hips and straightens. I notice the men behind her eyeing her up and down as she continues to dance, apparently, unaware of their attention.

“Elsa,” I scream to make myself be heard above the music. “Elsa!”

She glances at me, “Come on, babe, you need to loosen up a little.”

She throws her arms about me and grinds her hips into mine.

“What are you doing?” I laugh, as she pulls back, then twirls me around and back in. Then she turns her back on me, and once more, does a bump and a grind.

“Elsa, I need to get off the dance floor.” I grip her shoulder.

She turns to me, “Aww, and I was just beginning to have fun.”

“Well, I am not.” I scowl.

“Hmm, I know just what you need.”

She grabs my hand, and once more, pushes through the crowd, hauling me with her. We burst out of the throng and cool air instantly envelops me. I yank my hand from her grasp and push the hair off my neck.

“Phew, it’s hot in there.”

“I know the best way to cool off.” Elsa heads for the bar and I follow her. She gets the attention of the bartender, “Two tequilas, please.” Within minutes, he places two shots in front of us.

She picks up her shot glass, while I eye mine with doubt. “Um, I am not sure I should-”

“You absolutely should,” she insists. “Come on.” She picks up my shot glass and thrusts it at me. “Bottoms up!”

She holds up her own glass. I take my glass from her, then clink glasses with her.

“That’s the spirit. On the count of one-two-three-”

I throw back the liquor in the shot glass. The alcohol slides down my throat. It hits my stomach and tendrils of heat radiate out to my extremities.

“Whoa,” I shake my head, “that was-”NôvelDrama.Org content rights.

“Good!” she declares. “It was excellent.” She gestures to the bartender, “Two more, please.”

“Oh, no,” I back away, “I am not drinking more.”

“Oh, yes, you are.” She picks up a glass, and pushes it into my hand, “Come on, you have to keep me company.”

I draw in a breath and am about to protest when she whines, “Come on, Theresa, it’s our first time out together. We need to celebrate.”

“Right,” I resist the urge to roll my eyes, “you don’t need to get drunk to celebrate.”

She stares at me, “Of course, you do.” She raises her glass, “Come on!”

I hesitate and she lifts up my hand, then clink her glass to mine, “Drink up!”

I blow out a sigh. Damn, I really don’t want to get tipsy, but no way, is she letting me out of this unless I oblige her. I clink my glass with hers, then throw back the contents of the shot glass. This one goes straight to my head. A delicious warmth infuses my chest. I can’t stop my lips from curving up.

“Whoa,” I fan myself, “that’s something.”

“Right?” She turns to the bartender but I grasp her shoulder.

“NO more for me. I am going to the bathroom.”

“Hold on, I’ll come with you,” she interjects.

I wave her off. “You get another drink, I’ll just head to the bathroom and back.”


I cut her off, “I’ll be fine. I just need a minute to cool off.” I brush past her and head for the restroom before she can protest. Once there, I join the queue snaking past the restroom doors. It’s a full twenty minutes before I return to the bar, only to find Elsa glowering up at Seb.

I walk up to stand between them as Seb reaches down to brush a strand of hair behind her ear. What the-? I stare between them for a full minute, and yet, neither of them notices me. The tension between them is off-the-charts.

“Hello, everything okay?” I finally ask.

Elsa scowls and takes a step back. Seb lowers his hand to his side at the same time.

“Elsa? Seb? What’s going on here?”

“What’s going on is that your bodyguard seems to think he owns the place, is what.”

“I do, actually.” Seb looks her up and down. He seems to notice her dress for the first time and his features harden. “What the fuck are you wearing?” he asks.

“Excuse me?” Elsa opens and shuts her mouth. “What did you just say?”

“You may as well as be parading naked for all that you have on.”

“What the hell?” Elsa turns to me as if to say, is this guy for real? She rolls her eyes before turning back to him. “Who the hell do you think you are, you asshole?”

“We’re leaving,” he says through gritted teeth.

“You can take her. I am not going anywhere.” Elsa turns away.

“Don’t turn your back on me,” Seb growls.

“I’ll do what I want, when I want,” Elsa huffs.

Seb’s features seem to grow thunderous. He steps forward, but I grip his hand.

“Don’t,” I say in a soft voice, “let me handle this.”

He glowers at her for a second longer, then nods.

“Elsa,” I touch her shoulder, “I think it’s time for us to leave.”

“I am just starting to have fun.” She scowls at me from the corner of her eyes. “Besides, who does he think he is to order me around?”

“The Sovranos can be a bit overwhelming. Why don’t we get out of here and I’ll explain on the way home?”

“Fine.” She tosses her hair, most of which has escaped from the messy bun on top of her head. “There’s one thing I have to do before we leave.” Her eyes gleam.


She darts toward the bar, grabs a tall glass of beer, then turns and dumps it on Seb.

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