And Then There Were Four

Chapter 137

Chapter 137

Chapter 137: After Dinner Confrontations


288 Wonders

The moment Cassie left the room became extremely silent. Odin stood where Cassie had once been, his fists clenched at his sides as he stared towards the empty archway that led to the dining room. I wasn’t sure what he was going to do, but the powerful aura radiating off him right now was enough to make my wolf cower in fear.

“Odin, please come sit,” Freya said as she stood from her seat.

For a moment, I thought he was going to agree, but as he stood there, he growled with what seemed frustration. “Everyone get out! Dinner is over.”

He didn’t have to tell me or anyone else twice as we all scattered, including the blue-haired beauty who had once been sitting with Cassie.

I wasn’t sure who the girl was, but something about her I found completely intoxicating. The soft strands of electric blue hair framed her face perfectly, highlighting those mesmerizing green eyes, and when she moved, it was almost like she glided across the floor, her long purple dress flowing behind her.

Everything in my body told me to go after her, but the moment I stepped from the dining hall, she had disappeared and I didn’t have the slightest clue as to where she had gone.

“She’s the one, isn’t she?” Lucas’ voice taunted from behindBelongs © to NôvelDrama.Org.

me, causing me to groan. The last thing I wanted to do was entertain him, but no matter how much I tried to avoid this asshole, he always seemed to be around at the worst of times.

Turning to face him, I narrowed my eyes and glared in his direction. “What the hell are you talking about?”

“Are you seriously going to play that card?” He laughed before heading, down the hallways towards the dorms. “Of all the people, I thought you would have been excited.”

“Again, what the hell are you talking about, Vega?”

Lucas stopped in his tracks, glancing over his shoulder at me with nothing but amusement lingering in his eyes. “Aren’t you the one who was always determined to find your soul mate, Lux? Yet, you can’t even see her when your given the chance.”

Soul mate? He thought that girl was my mate?

It was my turn to laugh and as I did, I passed where he stood. “She isn’t my mate.”

For him to even think the girl was my mate was amusing. Yeah, she was gorgeous, but she was no shifter and my mate had to be a shifter. Honestly, was Lucas not aware of our culture at all? I wasn’t sure where he had been educated by pack life at all.

“Whatever you have to tell yourself, Lux. Anyone in that room could see the tension between you and her. Not to mention you couldn’t keep your eyes off her the entire time we were in there, minus when Cassie went off on Odin…”

Reaching my door, I turned to look at him from down the hall

once more. “You know, for someone who can’t even be with his mate because she despises him, you have a lot of shit to say, don’t you?”

Lucas gave a low growl as his canines protruded. “Watch yourself, Lux, the last thing you want to do is piss me off. You have no idea who I really am.”

Not wasting time for me to reply, Lucas entered his room and slammed the door behind him, leaving me staring at the space he had once occupied. Anger wasn’t the only thing I was feeling at that moment, and as much as I wanted to ignore what he said, I couldn’t.

No one really knew who Lucas was, and that was unsettling. If he was going to be mated to my sister, I needed to know. In the end, I had no doubt about his ability to end up taming my sister. After seeing how she looked at him when they were near it was obvious to anyone who took notice that she wanted him.

Just as much as he wanted her.


The nerve of that man. To think, once upon a time, I looked at Odin as an all powerful being. One who could fix all of our problems, and instead, he was a complete fucking asshole. “Cassie, are you okay?”

Trixie’s voice called out to me from my bedroom door, and as I stormed around my room, I turned to her, watching her close the door quietly before walking further in with caution on her face.

“Can you believe what he said in there!” I yelled, shaking my head in anger. “He is a complete dick.”

“Cassie-” Trixie quickly said, looking around as if someone could hear us right now. “You can’t say things like that. He is the man in charge, and trust me, you don’t want to get on his bad side.”

His bad side?

I wasn’t worried about getting on this man’s bad side. What I was worried about was trying to find a way to get back home. There was no way I was staying here under the care of a man who had

basically used my grandmother the way he did.

“Trixie, do you honestly think what he did was okay? I mean, that’s horrible how he tricked my grandmother like that-”

“Cassie, you didn’t even let him finish. For all you know, he did tell her afterwards, but instead of listening, you freaked out on him and caused a scene. There are always multiple sides to a story.”

Raising a brow, I stared at her in shock. How she spoke to me reminded me’ so much of Melissa, and with a heavy sigh, I nodded.

Maybe she was right, maybe I did freak out on her for no reason.

“Whatever-” I muttered before plopping down on my bed staring up at the ceiling. “First night in Asgard, and I created a shit show.”

Laughter escaped Trixie as she made her way towards me and laid upon the bed beside me. “Don’t worry, you’re not the first one to have a crazy first day. But I will admit you’re the first one who has ever gone off on Odin like that. It was entertaining.”

Glancing at Trixie, I stared blankly before we both burst into a fit of laughter. Thinking back to the moment when I went off on Odin; I did remember briefly seeing a look of shock on his face as his lips parted, obviously having not expected me to flip out like I did. I didn’t mean to be disrespectful, but I was angry at time.

“So, they said I was going to be attending some school or something.” I finally groaned after the silence that had fallen between us. It was clear Trixie didn’t plan on leaving anytime soon, and if she wasn’t, I might as well make conversation.

Shooting up from the bed, she turned and looked at me with the brightest smile I had ever seen on anyone. “Oh my god, yes. You’re going to love it, it’s amazing.”

“I don’t know about love it… but I don’t really have a choice. but to go.”

Trixie didn’t seem to notice my sarcasm over the idea of going to this school as she launched into a conversation about what extracurricular classes they offered and how amazing the cafeteria was. Not to mention the green house and gardens where her parents worked from what she explained.

“I’m telling you, Cassie. There are so many different people that go there. Shifters of all kinds and the best part… They are all like you.”

“Like me?” What the hell did she mean they were like me?

Furrowing her raised brows, she giggled, nodding her head. “Yeah, they all have celestial blood in them, too. There’s about a hundred, I think.”

Taking a moment to take this information in, I realized quite quickly what she was insinuating. “You mean to tell me that all of these, kids here are the results of the gods of Asgard getting their fuck on in the human realm?”

Rolling her eyes, she frowned at me. “Well, when you say it like that it makes it sound bad.”

“Because it is.” I scoffed with a chuckle. “At least I’m not the only one here.”

“Well-” she muttered, letting her sentence trail off as if she wasn’t sure she should tell me whatever it was that was on her mind.

I wasn’t a person who liked secrets, at least not secrets kept from me.

“Trixie, what are you not telling me?”

A heavy sigh escaped her as she shrugged her shoulders again and began to fiddle with her hands placed on her lap. “Well, you and your brother are the only ones that came from Odin.”

There was no way that was possible. After hearing the stories of who Odin was, and what he used to do in legends, there was no way I could believe that.

“No way, there is no way he only produced my mother


through his time of fucking women on earth. I can’t believe that.” Standing from the bed, I made my way towards the balcony, admiring the dark shadows dancing upon the realm welcomed by the darkness that consumed us.

It was crazy to think how in the dark, this realm and my own could look so similar. The land completely enveloped and every flaw or imperfection hidden away from the sight of those who could potentially judge it.

“There were others, Cassie.” Trixie said softly, causing me to sigh. “But none of them lived to make it here.”

Turning quickly, I stared at her, unsure if I had heard her correctly. “What?”

“They died, Cassie. Why do you think everyone is excited about you and your brother being here? It’s never happened before.”

Trixie gave me a meek smile before turning and walking towards my bedroom door. I hadn’t ever thought there were people like Pollux and I who existed, and hearing now there were, but we were the only one descended from Odin, was shocking.

“Thanks for coming to hang out with me,” I called out to her, not wanting to seem ungrateful for her company. No matter how much of a cow I had been since I had come here, she had been nothing but kind to me.

Looking over her shoulder, a small hit of a smile played at the corner of her lips. “Don’t worry about it. Just promise me tomorrow you will be properly dressed.”

She really did hate my choice of clothing tonight, but nodding my head, I sighed. “Yeah, okay and I’ll make sure my brother and I are on good behavior tomorrow… or I will try, at least.”

The moment I mentioned Pollux, curiosity seemed to pass her gaze as if she was thinking about something. “Yeah, about him. He is strange, isn’t he?”

Trixie was calling my brother strange?

“Yeah, I guess.” She was the oddest person I had ever met, but perhaps to her we were the oddest people she had ever met. It made me worry about what I was walking into tomorrow at this supposed school.

“Well, I’m off. I need to get some stuff done before class tomorrow. I’ll swing by in the morning and grab you,” she suddenly said cheerfully as she opened the bedroom door. “Remember, dress to impress or I will dress you myself.”

With the close of my bedroom door, I was once again left alone, and turning I cast my eyes once again out over the dark horizon, looking for anything that would tell me I wasn’t alone in this place.

Just because I had come with my brother and Lucas didn’t mean they were on my side, and honestly, the thought of Lucas right now was something I didn’t want to dwell on too long. My body called out to him, wanting him because he was my mate.

At the same time, though, I was terrified to get close to him.

The last thing I wanted was for history to repeat itself.

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