Alpha’s Regret-My Luna Has A Son

Chapter 79

Chapter 79

Alpha’s Regret-My Luna Has A Son chapter 79

Everly POV The next morning I woke to a knee in the kidney , causing me to grunt as Valarian climbed into the bed ; he weasels his way i n between us before ripping Valen’s pillow out from under his head as he stole it .

Valen lurches upright , and I chuckle as Valarian wiggles closer to me , and I close my eyes . ” Ah , good . You’re up . Can I have pancakes , please ? ” Valerian whines at his father , who was awoken by the pillow thief . ” I am thanks to you ! ” Valen says , rubbing his eyes . I open my eyes to see Valen groan and scrub a hand down his face , trying to wake up .

” Please , dad , please dad , ” Valarian repeats , shaking his father’s shoulder . ” What time is it ? ” Valen yawns . ” Breakfast time ! ” ” Isn’t your mother up ? ” Valen yawns , and I quickly close my eyes , pretending to be asleep . I did not want to get out of bed . Valarian rolls beside me , his fingers prying my eyes open , and I try not to smile as I fake sleep but notice his lips covered chocolate . ” Leave her , let her sleep , ” Valen says , hauling his ass out of bed while tapping Valarian’s leg . Valarian stands on the bed before jumping off it and clinging to his father’s back like a spider monkey , causing him to groan . ” Geez , what’s got into you ? ” Valen whines . ” I want pancakes , but we need more chocolate chips .

” There is a packet in the fridge . ” I chuckle , knowing the evidence is on Valarian’s face . Valen turns , hearing me , and I quickly close my eyes again . I snuggled back under the blanket , trying t o dive back into sleep . I was awoken from snuggling beneath the blankets when Valen’s voice whispered in my ear .

” Faker , I know you’re awake ; you just didn’t want to get up , ” he says , jamming his fingers in my ribs , making me jump . ” Make sure you take an umbrella too . I heard on the radio a storm is headed our way , ” Valen tells me and I groan . ” I am not going , ” I tell him , adding some fake coughs for dramatics . He tickles me , gripping the tops of my thighs through the blanket . ” Stop , stop . Okay , I am awake , I will

go to work ! ” I laughed when I heard feet rushing up the hall . Valarian called out for his father . I giggle , and Valen rips the blanket up , climbing under and hiding behind me .

” What are you doing ? ” I ask . ” Hiding from the hypo demon spawn , he ate an entire bag of chocolate chips , and h e made me iron his shirt twice . He is like OCD on steroids . ” Valen growls , trying to lie as flat as possible behind me and failing . Valarian wanders into the room and peered around . ” Have you seen dad ?

” I point to the mound under the blanket beside me . I watch as he walks around the edge of the bed to my side before ripping the blanket back and looking at his father . ” My shoelaces don’t match ? ” Valarian says , looking down at his shoes . Valen peering over the edge of the bed . ” They look fine to me ,

” Valen says , but Valarian looks at him expectantly , and I chuckle . ” Your mother will fix them , ” ” But mum ties them funny , can you fix them ? ” he says , pulling on his father’s arm , and Valen groans but

climbs back out of bed . He bends down , fixing his shoelaces . There better ?

” ” No. that string is long now , ” Valen’s frustration came through the bond after the third attempt to fix his shoes before Valarian was finally happy enough about them . I glance at the alarm clock on the bedside table , knowing he would have to run him to school soon . Valen lays back down and sighs . ” Ah , you gotta run him to school , ” I tell him .

” We still have half an hour ; it’s like a five minute drive at most , and don’t you have work ? ” he asks . ” I’m faking sick , ” ” Well , you better fake it better than your lame fake sleeping ; you know it doesn’t look

good when the boss fakes sick , right , ” he mocks . ” Don’t you have work to do ? ” I ask him . ” Nope , Dad is handling it ,

” ” You know it doesn’t look good when the boss sends daddy in to do his work for him , right ? ” I asked , laughing to myself . ” I said I didn’t have work to do ; I never said I would not work , ” Valen retorts before getting up and walking into the closet . I hear Valen moving around in the closet before he walks out dressed in his suit and throws my uniform on the bed .

” Up , if I am working , so are you , ” ” I nearly died . Cut me some slack , ‘ ” Nearly died , now up . ” I roll my eyes but haul myself out of bed before hopping in the shower .

Halfway through washing my hair , Valen comes in telling me he was running Valarian to school and he would see me tonight . I nod when he opens up the shower screen , the cold draft making me shiver as I try to wash the shampoo from my eyes .

He grips my wrist , yanking me t o him and pecking my lips . ” Dad ! We are going to be late ! ” Valarian calls out . Valen laughs , letting me go while I blink through the soap before stepping back under the shower spray .

” Hold your horses , I am coming , and don’t forget your raincoat , it is supposed t o rain today , ” I hear him yell back as he walks out of the bathroom . I chuckle to myself and finish my shower before hopping out and drying myself .

I had things I needed to do today or at least look into , so my first mission was stopping by the council chambers to see if I could petition to be heard in court , and then I needed to check up on Emily at the hospital .

The day flew by quickly . It was overcast , and I thought the rain was coming . What I wasn’t expecting was stepping out of the City council to a storm brewing and coming over fast . We hardly got storms here , but when we did , they were always terrible .

Thick dark clouds rolled across the sky , the thunder rumbled loudly , and streaks o f lightning lit up the heavy clouds above . Walking back to the car , the wind howled , whipping my hair across my face . Reaching my truck , it took nearly all my strength to close the door ; the wind pushing against it .

This storm was going to be a doozy , and I had to get back to the hotel ; I needed to double – check the backup generators just i n case and prepare to lock it down . Trees bent over with the wind as I drove toward work . The drive took longer when rain and hail belted down halfway home , the road barely visible , and the windscreen wipers struggled to clear the windscreen with the downpour .

Pulling into the staff car park , a pool umbrella was flying across the car park . Shit ! ” I mutter to myself while ripping the keys out of the ignition . I force my door shut before chasing after the damn thing , only to slip on the slick ground . (Dear Readers Latest Chapters Macey , I see , comes running out after the umbrella , and I got back to my feet soaking wet , my hair dripping . ” Go secure the pool area ; I will get this ! ” Mačey called over her shoulder .

Her blouse had turned see – through from the rain , her normally curly hair straight and dripping . I chuckled as she cursed the umbrella , chasing it down while I raced to the pool air , tossing the lightweight stuff i n the garden shed behind the fence where we kept the pool supplies .

Rushing back out of the pool area , I lock the fence . You never when someone would be stupid enough to try to go for a swim during a storm , and I didn’t feel like scooping out a cooked werewolf in the morning . Locking the chain and padlock , I raced toward the restaurant . Macey came up behind me . NôvelDrama.Org owns © this.

” Did you catch it ? ” I asked . ” Nope , gave up after it tried to whisk me away like Mary Poppins , ” she says , wringing her out under the awning . I swing the door open and step inside , the warm welcoming .

Macey shivers behind me . ” Geez , it came out of nowhere , , ” she says , shaking her head . One cleaner comes over to us , handing us some towels , and I try to dry myself as best I can . Walking out the back to the kitchen , I looked for Zoe , but she wasn’t anywhere to be found . Turning to the head chef , she was chopping potatoes .

” Amy , have you seen Zoe ? ” I ask her . She looks up from her station , her red hair in a hairnet and her chef hat sagging to one side . ” She said she wasn’t feeling well and went to lay down before the afternoon rush .

” I look at Macey behind me , and she shrugs ; she was in here before I went out there . ” I will go check on her . You alright to check the generators , or do you want me t o on my way back ?

” I ask her . ” I’ll do the generators ; you can check the functions room door is locked , ” she laughs , and I glare at her . That was a 30 meter dash with no shelter . She laughs , sauntering out , and I shake my head , heading for the restaurant’s rear exit . Trying to force myself to brave the storm,

I suck in a breath and run like mad for the functions room , cutting through the gardens and making a beeline for the building at the end of the property .

All the doors were wide and I open , quickly raced around and shut them before flicking the lights off . The wind had carried leaves and debris inside the place , and it would need to be cleaned tomorrow . After checking everything was secure , I raced back to the main building before detouring for my and Zoe’s apartment .

I climbed the stairs two at a time and burst through the door . Well , that’s my cardio for the day , I thought . My shoes squelched and screeched on the floors . I could hear a groaning sound coming from somewhere up the hall , and I quickly kicked my shoes off , searching for Zoe and the strange noise .

Stepping into the hallway , I turned toward her room , but her door was open and the room empty . Sniffing the air , I picked up her scent , but gosh , it was strong . Approaching the bathroom door , I knock softly , hearing a whimper on the other side .

” Zoe ? ” I murmur , listening . She didn’t answer , but she sounded like she was in pain . ” Zoe , I am coming in , ” I tell her , gripping the doorknob . I twist and push the door open to find Zoe laying on the cold tiles , a towel wrapped around her like she just climbed out of the shower . Stepping in , I rush to her side and kneel next to her .

” Zoe ? ” I ask , gripping her arms and rolling her on her back . Her skin was hot t o touch , her face flushed and cheeks rosy red like she had a fever , and her scent was sickly sweet .

Everly , I don’t feel too good . Get Marcus , ” she murmured , her eyes fluttering before she jolted upright and scrambled for the toilet . Zoe threw up before hugging the toilet bowl . “

Ah , I feel like shit ; I think I may have . that stomach bug , ” Zoe whines . I touch her head ; her skin is sweltering hot . ” No , I don’t think you have a bug , Zoe . I think you’re in heat ! ” I tell her . Pulling m y phone from my pocket , I dial Marcus’s number when the lights flickered before the power suddenly goes out . Great , Just great !

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