Alpha’s Other Halfs

Chapter 22

~ Rhea’s POV ~

The next day, I woke up with pains all over my pains. I wondered what kind of spell she used on me. Finally, I got myself out of the bed and freshen up. Came downstairs and met my father and mother already seated, I think they were waiting for me but Jaden seems not to be out yet. I managed to walk straight to the dining table and sat with them. Soon after, Jaden made his way to the dining table to join us. The food was served, but after some minutes no one seem to have eaten their food. Jaden on the other hand played with his food. While mum and dad just sat there saying nothing. I managed to eat some of my food but Jaden seems to have lost his appetite because of what happened to Lucy.

“Mother, can I ask a question?” I asked as I broke the silence in the room

“Yes dear, go ahead and ask” Mother replied

“Who is she and what does she mean by she is going to take her revenge on us for what your mother did her mother,” I asked

“Exactly the question I wanted to ask,” Jaden said

~ Karen’s POV ~

Looking at my children, I could see the desperation in their eyes to know who Greeta was. Well, they have the right to know since she’s their aunt. I have no choice but to tell them everything.

“Okay, well if you want to know, I will tell you who she is and why she is after us” I started

“Greeta, is my sister well, cousin actually. Her mother passed away when she was young. After her mother’s death, she was brought to our house to stay with us because she had no one else she could stay with. My mother took her in but at first, she was against it but seeing that Greeta was little and had nowhere to go, she decided to help her. As we grew, my mother trained us as her own. She taught us how to cast a spell and use our powers but…” I said as I stared at my children whose attention was all on me.

“But what mum?” Rhea asked eager to hear what I want to say

“We were banned from using black magic. My mother said that people that use black magic are likely consumed by black magic. My sister and I didn’t practice black magic as we were told not to but…” I said to them

“Spill it out already mum,” Jaden said desperately said to me

“She used the black magic secretly without the knowledge of my mother. When mother caught her, she felt no remorse for what she had done instead she challenged my mother and said so many things to her, blaming my mother for her mother’s death.” I said

“What happened after that?” Rhea asked

“She ran away from the house and ever since then, I’ve not seen her till yesterday,” I said to Rhea

“Did you ever ask your mother what transpired between Her and Greeta’s Mother that made Greeta hate her this much?” Rhea asked

“Yes I did but she did not really tell me much. She only just said it was a misunderstanding between the both of them about black magic. She said that Greeta’s mother practiced black magic which became an issue between both of them. She asked her to stop because she saw the black magic consuming her. But Greeta’s mother was too greedy to stop using black magic, she refused and continued using it. And because of this, My mother cut all ties with her. My mother told her that she had warned her but she refused and for this, she is separating herself from her forever. But when my mother heard about her sister’s death, she grieved for many years, she wished she did not separated from her and had stayed by her side. She had warned her before they cut ties that were why she didn’t want to take Greeta in at first if not that she still loved her sister dearly. But till date, I can’t tell what killed Greeta’s mother and why she blamed my Mother,” I explained

“Who knows what her mother might have told her that she is too eager to take revenge on us for something we know nothing about ” I added

“The question is, how do we get Lucy?” Derrick asked

“For now, we don’t know what she wants with Lucy, “I said

“Obviously, she wants to get back at you using Lucy,” Rhea said

“As a bait to catch you” Jaden added

“We need to act fast. Who knows what she’s plotting” Derrick said as they all stared at each other

“I just hope that Lucy is okay?” I said

~ Rhea’s POV ~

“She is okay. Well at least for now” I said

“How do you know about that?” Jaden asked

“We spoke last night,” I said

Father and Jaden looked at me confused about what I just said. But anyway, I know they will not understand.

“Did you contact her?” Mother askedBelongs to (N)ôvel/Drama.Org.

“No, she did” I replied

“But how, I thought she can’t use a spell on her own?” Mother asked

“Yes, about that, Lucy is being tied to a chair right now and somehow the chair has some magic on it which she used to reach me but it is not enough to get her out of there which is why she needs our help now before Greeta does something we would all regret,” I said

“Okay, can you reach her again and let’s know if there is anything she would know that might help us get to her?” Father asked

“I don’t know but I will try and see if I can reach her”I replied

~ Lucy’s POV ~

Closing my eyes was like a nightmare in here. It’s been a long since I had water not to talk of food. I was very hungry and thirsty that my lips had already dried up. If I keep shut, these people will leave me to die here.

“Who’s there?” I asked but got no response which made me shout

“Who’s there?”

A man dressed as a guard came in and stood in front of me.

“You called,” He said

“Yes, can you get me water, I’m very thirsty,” I said to him

“Yes” He replied as he left the room

“Lucy!!!” I heard a voice call

“Rhea is that you?” I asked

“Yes, it’s me” She replied

“Thank goodness. Any progress on getting me out of here?” I asked

“Not yet but we need your help to get you out of there,” She said

“My, help, how?” I asked

“Is there anything or information you’ve been able to get from Greeta?” She asked as Greeta walked into the room

“Who were you talking to?” Greeta asked

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